No joke has been 5 years! It seems so much longer actually. I feel like I have been gluten-free my whole life. I guess 5 years is a long time though. I can't imagine my life any differently now. You all know I am not one of those people who hates their disease or who struggles with coming to terms with their Celiac. I embrace it wholeheartedly and will never look back. I feel bad for those who constantly struggle and hate their Celiac. I am in a few Celiac/gluten-free support groups on Facebook and I constantly see people so down on the fact that they must be gluten-free. I understand those who are newly diagnosed, but some are years down the line, like me, and still hate it. Of course there are struggles, but to me, being gluten-free and safe is second nature and doesn't take much thought (even here in college...for the most part). You can't fully embrace your Celiac or new way of life if you are constantly down about it and negative. You have to see the positive and make the most of it!
The thing that makes being gluten-free worth it in my eyes, like I've said so many times before, is how much I've learned along the way. When I think back, I am so grateful for it all, really I am. Maybe I would have learned about all the world's amazing foods, cooking techniques, and health info, eventually from getting involved with blogging, but I also think becoming gluten-free lead me deeper into the blogging world as I started becoming obsessed with food blogs! Going gluten-free lead to it all!
I question if I would have ever fully embraced cooking new crazy foods like millet, quinoa flakes, plantains, even my love for nut butters. Would I have ever looked for these things in the store? I don't know, but I am glad I had to go gluten-free. People say they would never be able to do it since they would miss pizza, pasta, etc. But really THEY are the ones missing out on the real amazing wide range of foods out there! Has the typical person ever had creamy buckwheat cereal? I think not! Some people don't even know what teff is! So I'm not missing out on anything! You can make ANYTHING gluten-free and make it better! The flavors of gluten-free grains and ingredients are so much better anyway 😉
I learned how to not be afraid of trying new things in the kitchen, cooking up whatever I can imagine, experimenting, and making it fun and healthy along the way. To live a good life, I think you need to learn to cook. You need to embrace food and make it yourself (like humans had been doing for centuries before all this processed food). Not only will you be nourishing your body with healthy whole foods, but you don't have to worry about allergens AND you will feel so fulfilled and happy! Cooking is the greatest thing. Being gluten-free has shown me the beauty in food and the beauty in the craft of cooking.
Here are my top 5 things I've learned from being gluten-free for 5 years.
1. Try it! Just try that quinoa or that purple sweet potato! Branch out and expand your food "vocabulary!"
2. Like I said before, get cooking! Don't be scared to experiment, it's only food!
3. Even after all this time, people still don't understand what Celiac is or why I'm gluten-free. Just try to be patient with them, but know that some will never understand. You also need to be kind to yourself as well. This is a lifestyle change (forever). It can take time, so remember to give yourself some love.
4. You have to be so aware! Read every label, every package, scan every food, request your needs, and demand safety! You deserve to be healthy!
5. Lastly, don't stop expanding your knowledge, reaching out, connecting with the community, advocating and raising awareness, and most importantly DON'T STOP LIVING! Bring gluten-free is only going to enhance your life after being sick for so long! Embrace it and know you are not alone and this is what you need!
No, I will never complain or "hate" that fact that I have Celiac. I never want piety or someone to say, "O, that's horrible, I could never do that!" Because guess what, it is not horrible and yes, you can do it when it is the only option to feel happy and healthy again!
Here is to 5 more (any many more) happy and learning gluten-free years!
So tell me:
+ If you have Celiac (or even some other food allergy), what have you learned?
+ Do you branch out and try new foods when you see them?
Stay connected: Facebook: Strength and Sunshine Twitter: @RebeccaGF666 Instagram: rebeccagf666 Pinterest: RebeccaGF666 Bloglovin’: Strength and Sunshine Google+: Rebecca Pytell
Happy Anniversary!!! I think I'm coming up on my 3 year anniversary... but I'm not celiac so am not always super strict about it. We definitely have a gluten-free kitchen, but sometimes if I'm out, I get tempted. It's really not worth it though. I love your positive attitude about it, hopefully you can help others see it that way. I'm with you - I don't think I would have ever bothered trying buckwheat and I love it so much!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thank you Kimmy!
Buckwheat is awesome 😉 That fact that it has "wheat" in the name makes me laugh!
Thanks for coming and linking up at The Weekend Social!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Nicole @ Foodie Loves Fitness
I love your positive attitude about having Celiac... the way I see it, it's so much better to embrace a challenge/adversity and look on the bright side, and it seems like that's exactly what you do! I love to try new foods and don't get how so many people eat the same things every single day. I think that sounds SO BORING! I like my diet to have variety and my meals to be pretty 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thank you!
Haha, yes! Variety is not only NOT boring, but also pretty and beautiful 😉 Nothing like fresh beet noodles or a beautiful curry with turmeric!
Michelle @ Vitamin Sunshine
I had a purple sweet potato and quinoa salad out at a restaurant this weekend, and thought of you!
I agree-- people who aren't gluten free never really experience all those great options. When you think about the standard diet, a large percentage of a person's daily diet comes from wheat- not very nutritionally diverse! That's why I promote my gluten free lifestyle to my friends, and my fiance- my fiance has cut most of the wheat out and doesn't miss it at all because he has found he loves millet, loves almond flour baked goods-- and he is getting in a much better variety!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
O gosh, I'm glad 😉 Purple Sweets and Quinoa Love <3
It isn't even about cutting it out for other people, it is about BRANCHING OUT and not following the "norm!" Pick up that weird looks food at the grocery, don't always go to the tried and true things you grew-up with! Variety is the spice of life!
Victoria @ GardenCookTravel
Branching out ... you nailed it, Rebecca. There is so much variety in the plant world, so many things that most Americans have never heard of and will most likely never try. Having Celiac or Gluten Intolerance is not about what we can't have, it's about all of the wonderful foods we get to add to our daily meals.
I've been gluten free for almost 3 years, and my only regret is that I wasn't diagnosed at a young age, like yourself and so many others I've met in the past few years. I've always been an enthusiastic cook and bread-baker, and I've grown a large year-round garden for more than 30 years. There is so much abundance, and so many choices, that we rarely eat the same thing twice over the course of a year 🙂 Being gluten free has definitely expanded our world, and introduced us to so many people, places, and friendships we would have never had without this positive change in our lifestyle.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
You're totally right! It is a positive change and most importantly for the fact that we are healthy again!
GiselleR @ Diary of an ExSloth
LOVE this! I was forced to go dairy-free over the summer and I can't imagine going back. The lack of pain alone is SO worth it. The only time I miss it, is when I can't go to a certain restaurant with friends or family cuz there's nothing on the menu for me <- it's actually happened 🙁
But then, like you said, I've learned some awesome things from going dairy free like making my own 'buttermilk' and cooking with nutritional yeast, so I can't be too mad.
Oh, and Congrats! 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thank you!
Girl, with all my needs and or restrictions I just bring a whole gourmet meal when I go out. ..usually 😉 Haha!
Seriously nutritional yeast is sooooo good! Cheese lovers be damned becasuse nooch is where it's at!
Victoria @ GardenCookTravel
Giselle, I had to give up milk as a 14 year old ... 45 years ago! At the time, I was devastated, because the social life teenagers seemed to revolve around pizza, ice cream, milk shakes, and cheeseburgers!
My doctor quickly put it all in perspective for me, with this rather blunt statement: "Milk is for baby cows ... if you want to be a big cow, drink lots of milk." It still makes me laugh, and I have come to believe that he is right about milk being for baby cows and other infants, including humans. Most of us are better off -- health wise -- without dairy, or consuming it in very small quantities.
My body tolerates small amounts of lactose in the form of butter, cheeses, a smidge of cream here or there, yogurt (which I don't like, so I only use it when cooking), and an occasional ice cream indulgence, *if* I select products from animals that were raised healthfully. Otherwise, I do without, and I truly don't mind. After your body heals, you may find that you too can eat limited amounts of dairy from non-factory-farmed animals fed a proper diet. Either way, you are perfect the way you are, and blessed to have your health back.
I love your perspective! I have been gluten free for sometime now (not bc of Celiac, just sensitivities) and I agree that it has forced me to experiment in the kitchen which has now become a passion of mine. I embrace it because I feel healthier and that's all that matters!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Sometimes it takes our bodies to get sick to realize what we really have to do to make it better and thus learn so much more!
Kelli @HungryHobby
I refer people all the time who need gluten free tips to your blog! I love your upbeat take and all the tips you gave out are awesome!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thank you so so much Kelli! Hearing that is giving me the biggest smile! 🙂 XOXO
Brie @ Lean, Clean, & Brie
Going dairy free for me has also led me to be more creative in the kitchen and with my food. There are so many foods I never would tried if it wasn't for me going dairy free, so I am definitely happy with that choice of mine. I could only imagine all the yummy foods I would be missing out on if I hadn't gone dairy free! Congratulations on five years of going gluten-free!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Yes! The great that comes out of these things is so much better than if we didn't have to make those changes!
Thank you Brie 🙂
Happy Anniversary. You are awesome!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Haha, thank you!
Nicole @ Waterloo, with Love
Your blog is so incredibly inspiring! 🙂 Love your 5 things -- totally made my day! 🙂 Wishing you all the best girl!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Aw, thank you souch Nicole! You just made my day 😉
Emily @SinfulNutrition
I'm all about trying new foods! I mean, how can you know you don't like (or find out you love!) a new food unless you try it?!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Right! I went was to long not knowing about so many amazing food and tastes!
genevieve @ gratitude & greens
Woohoo! Happy anniversary! Love the 5 things you've learned. I always make it a rule to try something new if presented with the opportunity (unless it isn't vegetarian). As always, I love your positivity. Keep up the great work!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thanks friend! Yea of course! If it has gluten (obviously)...or soy,dairy,eggs, or meat, then no I won't and can't try it, but EVERYTHING else is fair game!
Lauren @ The Bikini Experiment
It is so important to try new foods and even re-visit the ones you think you did not like. I really like to brand out with all of my veggies. Even with nut butters I like to have some of the more "exotic" ones sometimes. 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
I'm all about exotic!
I used to HATE mushrooms as a kid, but 2 years ago I tried them again and a new love was formed 😉
Jennifer @nourishedsimply
Happy Anniversary. Changing your diet can be very scary.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thanks Jennifer!
Emily @My Healthyish Life
You know I love this. It's been 6 and a half years for me but it feels like it's been my entire life. Everything is second nature now and I wouldn't trade any "struggles" for how great I feel now. What celiac support groups are you in?!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Woohoo! Veterans 😉 I just realized I've been GF ALL my teen years 13+! If I could make it through those rough years with this disease, anyone can!
I am in one just called gluten-free (so there are non-celiacs there too which makes it interesting), and on called Celiac Support Group. O and another one for girls and women called Pretty Little Celiacs, but that one seems okay so far!
Wow, this is totally inspiring girl! I know so many who feel limited by their disease and let it run them, but it looks like you totally spanked this thing! What a great example of learning to live with something instead of letting it rule you. Congrats on your 5 year anniversary. Hears to many more happy years ahead of you!! 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thank you Kat! That's what I hope! I hope I can show people that food can be so much fun and living gluten-free can be the best thing!
Audrey @ Gluten-Free Vegan Love
I hear ya, Rebecca. Personally, making the switch to GF was not a big deal for me. It's like if I can't eat it, I can't eat it. No point in dwelling on it. It's not even tempting -- it would be like being upset at not being able to eat a rock... And besides, there are so many other wonderful foods out there to explore -- why be down about it when life gives you so many options? I love the creativity a gluten-free way of life sparked in me. If before I was content with picking up a pack of "whatchamacallit" {not to mention filled with who knows what} and be content, now I go into a shop, see something that looks good, and straight away my mind is filled with all the exciting possibilities of re-creating that very thing with my favorite ingredients. Baking has never been more fun! 😉 And eating wholesome foods has never been easier.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
I could not have said it better myself! Yes to everything you just said!
When I think about eating a "wheat" pizza, I literally get nauseous! I remember so vividly how sick I was! No thanks! I'll have my sprouted brown rice crusts instead 😉
I do not have Celiac but for the most part I do eat a gluten free diet. Just love how easy my body is able to digest gluten free options. My biggest struggle with baking gluten free foods has been learning how to bake with coconut flour... I feel that I now have a good grasp on it though... It's been a fun process... Congrats on 5 years of being GF! xoxo
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thanks Yaitza!
Coconut flour is so weird! Especially when I don't eat eggs either! It just takes a lot of experimenting with each individual dish to get the liquid and binding right!
Marjory @ Dinner-Mom
Love your 5 things...apply to anyone with food challenges. My daughter has food allergies and she tries so many new things...she is the healthiest person in our house!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Haha, yes! That's in my family too! Allergies teach you so much about what your body needs and how to stay healthy with food!
I loved this post! I love your enthusiasm for life and learning! I am trying to be better about experimenting with new foods--it is so easy for me to fall into my routines of cooking with whole grain pasta and rice, but I love quinoa and should definitely branch out more on the other tasty grains out there! I think eating is supposed to be a fun, enjoyable, and nutritious experience, and you've reminded me of that!
And now I want to try some creamy buckwheat cereal! 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Yes! And thank you! Love food and love expirencing new tastes and textures! Once you have allergies you really come to appreciate that!
Buckwheat cereal is THE bomb 😉
You can definitely adapt if you can't or don't want to have gluten, that's for sure.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Nothing is as hard as it seems!
Elsie @ Sharing Healthiness
5 years is so so great!!! Making a decision and sticking to it is a matter of strong minds! I definitely try to experiment with new foods. When I like something I will stick to it until death but that often has me rejecting the food for days or weeks. By switching it up I taper down this obsession. Ha!
Buckwheat cereal is so so great! 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Always switching up with new things is the best way to stay happy!
WOW! Congratulations on five very strong years to have done so well!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thank you Kate! XOXO
Happy GF-iversary!!! I'm not strictly gluten-free or anything, but I often buy gluten free products or shop in the GF section because I love trying new things like quinoa-this or buckwheat-that. I love the challenge of baking GF stuff too!
There is so much variety on your blog, I didn't even realize you were GF when I first started exploring your recipes. There is no lack of abundance here!! 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thank you! (Love the word "GF-iversary"!)
Yes! That's what I want to show! So much abundance and possibility!
Nikki Vergakes
So proud of you! I had a quinoa burger on Saturday night at Tavern In The Square (Salem MA), and it was deeeelicious! I want to try all the crazy foods out there. Normal is boring.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thank you Nikki! Yea! Try everything! Don't let something new scare you! It usually tastes amazing!
Renee @ Bendiful Blog
Congratulations on your anniversary! 5 years is no joke!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thanks friend 🙂
It's awesome that you have such a positive attitude! I really feel that that's the best way to approach a situation. :] Congrats on your success!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thank you Farrah 🙂 XOXO
Melissa @ Freeing Imperfections
Wow this is really encouraging to me as I start my detox! I have never tried gluten-free for longer than a week or so for a different detox. I have no issues with gluten really other than if I eat too much, I can get sluggish/bloated easier. That's so awesome that you have done this for 5 years!
It is a good point that most other people won't understand why you do it or what it's all for. I have a few friends with Celiac or sensitivity to gluten. It totally makes sense to those of us informed about what gluten does to their body, but a random bystanding just doesn't get why you "don't eat pizza." Definitely a tricky subject!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
The only people who need to be gluten-free are those with a medical condition to it. You probably just feel sluggish and bloated from to many carbs and sugar, not gluten!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Haha, no! It's just the truth!
I agree with you Rebecca!
I can't believe you've been gf for 5 years! Congrats! Honestly, I barely think about my gluten allergy anymore.. it just is like second nature. I know I feel so much better now, so it's hard to hate my disease.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thanks Caroline! Yes! Those are my feelings exactly!
Jennifer Pritchard
Way to go, Girl! My Mom was diagnosed with Celiac in the last few years and it has definitely been a challenging adjustment for her. I'll tell her to check out your blog and experience!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Aw, thanks Jennifer! Have her send me an email if she ever needs any advice!
Michele @ paleorunningmomma
So funny on this timing, because I'm writing a post today on what I've learned after a year of eating paleo! My experience has really all been positive, I don't ever look back and wish I could eat this or that because I feel so much better this way and a lot of my worries about getting sick unpredictably are just gone. 5 years is a long time!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
It is so great when we can find and thrive on a diet that helps keep us healthy and happy! Way to go on one year of Paleo! XOXO
Hi everyone..I just joined..looking for info and support I guess. i have been GF for maybe 6 years now after suffering for 55 years no not knowing why. The diet has never been a problem for much out there to eat right? Her.s my problem...
Years of celiac have taken there toll on my system...and over the years have developed quite a few autoimmune disorders...though I think the jury is still out on which came first..or if they developed together. In any case..wondering if anyone else is my age (63) and experiencing a variety of aches pain general malaise, thyroid, anemia, B12 problems...and allergies to a an increasing number of food and environmental items.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
That's tough, but Celiac is an autoimmune disorder that is closely related to many other disorders and usually comes with another and can even compound other conditions.
Jennifer F
Wow, 5 years is a long time -- glad it is working for you! I don't have any food allergies, but I do love experimenting with many of the alternative ingredients
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thanks! Yea, no matter what your diet situation is, trying new foods is a must!
Linda @ Veganosity
Congratulations on your amazingly positive attitude! This is wonderful advice.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thanks Linda!
Congratulations on reaching such a milestone! And, I really love your positive attitude - you really found the joy rather than all the negatives you could dig up. What a great post to start the week reading. Best wishes as you move on forward beyond these first five years!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thank you so much Karen! XOXO
girl, i can relate to all these! keep the positive and finding new way to enjoy life and nourishment. agreed!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Totally! When I think gluten-free, I always think of the positive!
20+ years here and I've never looked back.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Hell yea!
jill conyers
I love trying new foods and recipes! I've been gf less than 1 year and I've already learned so much.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
It is a life changing journey for sure!
Absolutely LOVE this post and your positive attitude! It's a lifestyle change, so why NOT embrace it! I actually removed myself from the online support groups I was in because too many people were negative about their Celiac and complained, and misery loves company and I didn't want to be in a pity party!
I love your five tips, especially "understand that some people will never understand" and to "show yourself some love" <3 My biggest thing I've learned is "to be your own advocate" because sometimes yourself will be the ONLY person in your corner!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Yea, those groups are crazy! I think a lot of the people in them aren't even gluten-free, haha!
Yes! Bring your own advocate is so important! You have to stick up for yourself in so many situations and not be afraid to let others know how to keep you safe and hat you need!
I feel too, as you do, Amber, that many people in these groups or pages, whine a lot! Things could be much worse, and at least celiac is a disease that is controlled with food, not with many different medications with side effects and trouble adjusting dosages etc. . Sometimes I really wan to say, 'get over it' but I don't because I know everyone's symptoms and reactions are different. I am fortunate to be very mild so I just try hard not to be the snarky one but wish people well.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Once you get the hang of the lifestyle and start trying new things and protecting yourself from cross contamination, it really isn't that bad!
Congratulations on your success! Your lessons apply to so many areas of life. We can choose to hide or we can choose to embrace change and thrive. Clearly, you have chosen the latter. Kudos!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thanks Kelly! You are totally right! We have to take what life gives us and run with it!