The hardest part is getting started. It's a cliché, but it is so true. Once you start, that little spark, I like to call momentum, just takes over and makes things a whole lot easier. Once you start, why would you stop? You're already "in-motion", moving toward whatever you've set out for yourself. As you keep going, with that momentum, it builds up and things don't seem so bad or hard. And you know, "an object at rest tends to stay at rest, while an object in motion tends to stay in motion." All you need is that initial GO, that PUSH, and then you can let momentum take over.
I had one of the best yoga practices I've had in a while last Saturday. My body simply felt amazing flowing through my practice. My body was so flexible and strong while my balance was spot on. I was nailing poses and holding them forever, I didn't want it to end. This got me pretty excited for my Sunday run the next morning, thinking I was in a really good physical/mental place. Plus the fact that the weather was supposed to be 50 degrees and sunny helped with the excitement too.
The next morning I set out for my run around 9:45ish. As I'm leaving the back door, some kid is getting wheeled out on a stretcher by paramedics. (I think he broke his leg)...bad omen right there! But I set my Nike+ app to start and began my run down "the hill of death" (coming back up at the end of my run is always so cruel!). The first 2 miles were really rough. Even though it was my first time running in the sun since the last two weeks of snow, ice, and rain, it just didn't feel good. My first mile was super slow, the slowest first mile I've ever run. I didn't think I would make it to the 6.5 miles I had planned.
However, I had already started, I already finished that first hard mile. The second wasn't great either, but after that, things started to feel better in my body. I really could careless about my time. I'm only aware of it because my app shouts it out at every mile. Which is really funny (awkward) when I'm passing some pedestrian on the sidewalk and my phone starts talking (loudly), haha! Anyway, at 2 miles I always know I can keep it up, since I only have to turnaround and run back to get 4 miles and then I just have one "out" mile and "back" to finish with 6. From there it's up to how I feel and if I feel like doing just a bit more.
By the time I was at mile 5, I was hot, sweaty, but not tired, I was feeling good. The little things kept me going. Two beautiful coffee tables thrown on the curb, wood-burning stoves from houses making the world smell like comfort, and little kids riding scooters as their parents ushered them out of my way. I turned around for that "back mile" and knew I had this. My momentum was strong. As my phone shouted out the 6 mile mark, something clicked. The momentum I had built up during this run was at its peak. I felt like I was flying, I didn't even feel my body or legs. I was just moving effortlessly through space. I knew I wanted to run further than just one last mile. So I went for 7. I didn't want this momentum to stop. I'd earned it. I started, it was hard, but I was rewarded with a feel good accomplishment (my longest run), a runner's high, and a damn awesome burst of MOMENTUM to propel me into the coming week.
I'm always really inspired to write after my workouts. This word, momentum, really took over my thoughts. Now, don't get me wrong, it's really hard to start. I struggle with it everyday. Reading that first page, writing that first sentence, running that first mile. It is HARD. But I know that the only way to get things done, to make an accomplishment, to feel GOOD, you just need to start. Once you start, you will start building momentum. That's all you need to keep going and accomplish what you want. The reward is waiting; that pay-off and satisfaction can easily be yours if you just start and let momentum guide you.
It will get easier. I know it can seem daunting, but I promise it will. You just need to find that momentum and soon enough you'll be unstoppable!
So tell me:
+ Do you agree that the hardest part is getting started and finding that momentum?
+ What's a recent task you had a hard time starting or struggled with in the beginning, but ended up with a wonderful accomplishment in the end?
Stay connected: Facebook: Strength and Sunshine Twitter: @RebeccaGF666 Instagram: rebeccagf666 Pinterest: RebeccaGF666 Bloglovin’: Strength and Sunshine Google+: Rebecca Pytell
Really great post, Thanks for sharing on Motivational Monday.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thank you!
Great post. Thanks for linking up to Funtastic Friday. Hope to see you again this week.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Janice Wald
PS I love your pictures!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Totally agree that the hardest part is starting and sticking to it 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Just starting!
Congrats on your longest run!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Nice! Great job running your longest run =D Woot! That's the thing with running, sometimes it starts out just plain awful and ends great (hitting the wall early or something?)... and sometimes the reverse true (fortunately, not as often!). Glad you pushed through and made it through your goal and pushed yourself even further.
I also really like the idea of posting about workouts and such, it would keep my motivation going and remind me of excellent workouts =)
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
I love sharing my running moments! It's such an emotion-driven thing, good or bad, it just reminds you or your potential!
Amanda @ queenofthelandoftwigsnberries
Momentum is so incredibly important. I feel like I can accomplish so much more once I get onto a roll...if only my boys would give me a few minutes to accomplish some things when they were awake!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Haha! Yes, once we find that time to jump right in, it feels so good to keep on going!
Kate Rigby (@mrsdiggerhound)
Back again. Another great post. Yes getting started is definitely the hardest things and once you get in the right zone of head space, things just pick up. I say that to my patients (I'm a nurse). Once your in the right frame of mind you can achieve so much. I like that word, momentum.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Yes! It is all about mindset too and knowing that it will get easier!
Christine from SoDomesticallyChallenged
Great reminder! This applies to so many things in life.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
It so does! That's what I was getting at!
Masala Girl
this post was so inspiring! <3 i am so glad i found your blog!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
O, thank you so much! XOXO
I completely agree that the hardest part is getting started and finding that momentum. I think once you get over that it is way easier.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
This is sooooo true! I hate forcing myself out the door but I'm always happy once I'm out there. I once read an article that said that even if you're tired/don't want to run at all, give it 10 minutes and you can totally stop if you want to after that. Of course, no one wants to stop after 10 minutes so it turns into a full workout!
PS - my phone also announces every mile and when I'm near people I always feel so silly!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Haha, they say that about everything, not just running 😉 I wanted to run though, that's why I am surprised the first mile was a little rough!
Hahaha! And it feels like my phone purposely has to announce it right as a pass someone! Whether it is an actual mile point or my finger acciedentally does a double tap on the screen! Haha!
Angela @ Happy Fit Mama
The saying "Never judge a run by the first mile or maybe two" is equivalent for anything. Just get started and IT will happen.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Haha yes! That's perfect! Just get started!
Getting myself started on something is usually my hardest battle (...especially with studying ._.), because once I do suck it up and go, I'm glad that I do it. :]
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
I feel yea! Homework and terrible! Starting that one will never get easier, hahahaha! But it does feel good when you get it done!
Elsie @ Sharing Healthiness
I definitely agree that getting started is often the hardest and also the SCARIEST. There are all sorts of "What ifs....". I guess we need to trust ourselves and our bodies a little bit more and hang in there.. 😉
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Perfectly said! Yes! It can totally be scary to start something! But that's what makes us grow and makes our own journeys so rich and interesting!
Joy @ Joy Love Food
Oh, how I love the runner's high. If I'm having a hard time motivating myself to get out for a run, it's what I think of to get me going, I know once I'm out there and find momentum, it'll be worth it. Great post. I need to get one of those Nike apps 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
That's why I look forward to my runs so much!
The Nike+ Running app rocks! (And it's free 😉 )
Lauren @ The Bikini Experiment
I think the hardest part of anything is getting started. Some days I have to push myself to workout or study (I'm getting my CPT right now). Once I've invested 10 minutes I am good to go! Thanks for the inspiration.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Welcome Lauren! Haha, studying and work is the hardest to get going with!
Alisa @ Go Dairy Free
Yes! And sometimes that "starting" phase can be long! If it's too long, I reevaluate why I haven't found my momentum. After 40+ years, I'm so happy to see my husband find his momentum. He's had an autoimmune condition getting in his way of regular fitness - always making it fatigue him rather than building. But he's found some natural life solutions that help and joined classes to hold himself accountable. Now when he doesn't feel like he was able to do his best in a workout, he goes back the same day to take another class! He's finally found his momentum.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
That is so awesome to hear! It is about finding what will get us going and keep us going! Once we find that momentum we begin to feel unstoppable! XOXO
Linda @ Veganosity
The first mile or two is always difficult for me too. It takes that much distance to get my breathing and stride in a rhythm. Congrats on getting to 7 miles so quickly, that's awesome!
Agreed, a body in motion stays in motion. It's so important to keep our bodies fluids flowing, once they become stagnant that's when we become susceptible to disease. Even a little bit of exercise a day is better than none. Great post!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Totally agree! I guess that's why so many people have a hard time starting up a fitness routine if they have been sedentary for so long! But really, once you get going, it feels so great!
Sonali- The Foodie Physician
Great post, it really hit home! My husband and I have been having the hardest time getting back to the gym and building that momentum. But we are definitely going back tonight (we have a babysitter coming specifically for that reason) and hopefully we'll get back into a routine.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
I'm sure it will feel so good! I know you'll keep it up!
Autumn (@Beautifully Gray)
Getting started is definitely the hardest part. When I workout before classes in the mornings, it is soo hard to get out of bed! But once I'm up and in the gym, I feel fine. Later that day, I am always thanking myself for getting up early and going.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Getting in a morning workout is a great way to just have momentum throughout the whole day too! It's so rewarding!
You're absolutely right, the hardest part of anything is just getting started. When it comes to exercise, it's so hard when you've got a good routine or found on you like and then you get sidelined by an injury and lose that momentum. In my day job, I do A LOT of writing and because it's so hard to start writing a piece, I often skip the "intro" part and just start in the middle, once that momentum is built up, I go back and figure out how it should start.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Yes! That's why it is so important to keeps yourself going with SOMETHING, no matter what it is.
Ah, in school they always taught us to start in the middle if we had a hard time in the beginning! Just got to get to the "good" part!
Jen @ Pretty Little Grub
I totally agree! Often times if I"m not feeling a workout I tell myself I'll just go for one mile then I can come home. Of course once you're started you don't stop.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Right! You just have to find your grove and the "feel good" motion!
Michele @ paleorunningmomma
I can relate for sure. I am like this with anything and everything, fitness or not! It's tough to get going, and then once you're going you just don't want to stop! Somewhat related, my son does this with the bath. He fights getting in so hard and then you cannot get him out afterwards. It's transitions that are tough, once we are going you can't stop us!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Yes! Same here! It is that wakwatd transition period that holds us back so often, we just need to remember it never lasts long!
Natalie @ Feasting on Fruit
For so many things the hardest part is the beginning: a new semester, a new blog post, a yoga workout (when you're all tight and cold), recipe development, a paper for school...the list goes on and on! The word that comes to mind for me is inertia!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Yup! EVERYTHING! Haha, while I was writing this all I was thinking about was freshman year physics class! Inertia, momentum, kinetic and potential energy, Newton's laws of motion...AH!
AJ @ NutriFitMama
YES! This hardest part if definitely getting out the for or getting started. And let me just say- I am miserable my first couple of miles running. Every.single.time. But after that I start to enjoy it, so I know it's worth it. Getting started is the hardest part though!!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
It is so worth it! The rewards and feel good feelings of accomplishing ANYTHING just come with a little kick and momentum to begin!
jess meddows
I definitely have my days where half of the hard work is the struggle to get to my work out to begin with. Always happens when I get out of my routine, or when I'm trying to find a new pilates or yoga studio.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
We just have to keep ourselves in motion! In any aspect of life, just get started and keep going and soon it won't be so hard!
I"m not a runner (walker), but getting started is always the hardest part for me. I was riveted by this post. You're an excellent writer as well.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Aw, thank you so much Alli! XOXO
Emily @My Healthyish Life
The first two miles of a run are the hardest for me, but once I get through those I get into the groove. You can probably change your Nike app to not speak to you (if you don't like it) 😛
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
No, haha! I love it! The little man voice is my friend 😉 (I just saw I could change it to a woman too! Haha!) I just feel like it freaks people out when I pass them, hahaha!
Pamela Hernandez
The first 20 minutes of my runs are always the hardest! But yes, once I get moving things just start to fall into place.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
It really is just about building up that momentum!
Jennifer F
Exactly! A rolling stone gathers more moss!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
And once it starts, it's hard to stop!
Elizabeth @ Enjoy Every Bite
I agree completely with what you're saying! Building momentum for me helps increase my motivation, confidence, and love of what I'm doing. This week's been hard because my son's been sick so we haven't been able to go to the gym so I'll have to build my momentum back up - but I'm excited to get back 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
If you start out already with a positive mindset about getting back to it, then starting up is even easier! XOXO
Getting started is definitely the hardest...and the first few miles usually suck too but once you get into a groove, you're golden! 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Right! It's all about knowing that you can make it past that initail hump!