Well guys, I survived and I feel pretty damn grown-up! Saturday morning I woke-up at 4am so I would have enough time to get in my long Saturday yoga practice as well as a nice morning to get situated and prepared for my trip in to the unknown depths of the DC Metro and DC VegFest. Of course as I got on the shuttle to head over to the city, I realized I had left my new Metro card in my desk drawer (fail!). Plus the highway into the city was closed due to a running event (I think), so there was major traffic (more than usual) as everyone had to go through Georgetown to get to the city. Not a good start. I did make it over in time before I was supposed to meet-up with a club from GW who were going, even though I stopped to get another $10 Metro card and a Starbucks dark roast. (Hopped up on caffeine I was! Gotta stay alert!) I got over to the Metro station at 10am and waited until I saw the group. But I didn't. However I did find a group of freshman GW girls who just happened to be heading over to check out the fest themselves! So I introduced myself and stuck with them so i wouldn't be completely alone in the Metro.
Bringing me to my next point...I felt semi-safe even if I had been alone, due to SABRE Security! As a young woman and college student living in a city, they sent me some of their personal security products to review at just the most opportune time. SABRE's mission is to raise awareness on college campuses for personal safety. September and October are known as the "Red Months" for sexual assault, injures, and death on college campuses. 1 in 5 women will be a victim of sexual assault on their college campus as well. That's scary...SABRE sent me a practice Pepper Gel (safer then spray as it won't harm the sprayer's eyes, only the attacker. They also sent a door, window, and personal alarm. I took the personal alarm with me down in the Metro. It is the small black key-chain looking thing. All you have to do in pull out the metal chain and a blaring (and I mean blaring) alarm will go off (until you reinsert the chain). It is so loud and disorienting! If someone were to attack me, they would become so flustered, I would have time to run and get help.
If you want to find out more on SABRE's mission or want to schedule a college safety information talk on your campus, you can do that and contact SABRE here! You can also find SABRE on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and order their products online! Take your safety seriously, whether you're a runner who runs in the early or late hours alone, has to take public transportation at night back home from work, or you're a college student like me. Safety is key and you don't want to compromise yourself by being unaware and careless!
Obviously this picture shows that I made it safely through the Metro and to the VegFest! I got there a little before it opened at 11am and just cut everyone in line and found Scott (my manager) at our Plant Fusion table! We were going to be selling all Plant Fusion Proteins and Phood at huge discounts, and a starter pack for $5 that contained 3 sample packs, a recipe book, and a Plant Fusion shaker bottle. We were also giving out sample of both the Chocolate Caramel and Vanilla Bean Phood flavors, as well as Vanilla Bean Plant Fusion and the Cookies and Cream flavor.
Before everything got crazy and people started pouring in, I went and did my rounds at all the tables. There weren't as many brands there as I thought, but there were a lot of local shop venders and animal advocacy groups. I do wish I had business cards for my blog though. It was awkward telling people I was a blogger (no one seemed to care)!
I did see the No Meat Athlete! I went up Matt to introduce myself and tell him I had been following his blog for years. It was awkward and well...he wasn't very friendly. Thus I walked away pretty quick, haha!
I also met some of the lovely ladies of SoomFoods (I reviewed their Tahini) and Kate Bakes Bars (a lovely woman I met through Instagram!) I also went over to the 22 Days Nutrition table. I knew I recognized Sara, but I wasn't sure! I talked to her, but she obviously didn't know me, haha!
After my quick rounds, I headed back to the Plant Fusion table and got ready for the masses. It was fun actually getting to do a demo of Plant Fusion finally (a product and company I love so much and use everyday)! I handed out samples, explained (a lot of explaining) the products, and just got to talk about protein! Everyone was so intrigued by the fact that I use it to bake and make frosting, haha! The bad thing was, we didn't have a tent over our table to the sun was beating down on my all day (with no sunscreen). Let's just say, my nose, forehead, scalp, and arms look rather red...very red. It was crazy hot and sunny which was a blessing since it had been getting chilly last week! And did you notice we were positioned next to the Whole Foods booth? Well we were and they were sampling their Garlicky Kale Salad. O man...the smell was so good (I think that's why I got Whole Foods for dinner that night + the Garlicky Kale, haha!)
It was a long tiring day, but fun! I can't wait to do another expo with Plant Fusion! I left on my own and successfully navigated the Metro completely by myself this time. When I stepped off and finally made it home to Foggy Bottom, I almost collapsed I was so tired! I went to Starbucks, got an Iced Venti Green Tea, read a chapter for my UW class (basically falling asleep right there in the store), then headed to Whole Foods to majorly refuel my starving tummy (food never tasted so good!). It was definitely well deserved and I felt so proud of myself for making a rough day end up being successful. I feel really grown-up and even more independent now. I'm not even scared to take the Metro again. I think I'll take a trip to the Capitol soon 😉 Being outgoing, talking, navigating, demoing, living!, and I came out with more confidence (and some sunburn). Until next time DC VegFest, until next time!
So tell me:
+ What safety precautions do you take when your out alone or when you were in college?
+ Tell me a moment in your life when you felt really "grown-up" and independent?
***SABRE provided me with sample of they security products for review and speak about personal safety. All though and opinions are honestly my one***
Stay connected: Facebook: Strength and Sunshine Twitter: @RebeccaGF666 Instagram: rebeccagf666 Pinterest: RebeccaGF666 Bloglovin’: Strength and Sunshine Google+: Rebecca Pytell
What a great way to get to chit chat with other healthy foodies! I love festivals like this that bring like-minded peeps together! 🙂 Sounds like you had a nice day!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Ha, sadly most of the people there knew nothing about being a healthy plant-based foodie! It was funny actually, but they just came for the free samples 😛
Hey Rebecca,
So sad to hear that about Matt. Hopefully he was just having a bad day.
I love the new-ish blog design you've got going on.
When I go out alone I carry pepper spray and vigilance. I pay attention to my surroundings very closely. I also leave lots of room between my car and the car in front of me at stop lights in case someone approaches my car and I need to make a quick getaway.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thanks! (I guess your a returning reader?)
Yes! Always lock the car doors when driving and never have your purse in plain sight on the seat next to you! Keep it hidden!
I am SO SO SO happy you decided to go 🙂 Good for you! AND you had safety precautions in place, very smart! Safety measures when I was in college, eh, I don't think I took many besides the "don't go anywhere alone" one!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Well that's an important one! Especially at night....never ever be alone at night!
I spied a Way Better Snacks booth and had to share that I've recently fallen in love with their pumpkin cranberry tortilla chips!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Well that sounds...simply amazing 😉
GiGi Eats
Ew! Matt sounds like a pretentious jerk! HA HA AH! Ain't nobody got time for that! BYE FELICIA! 😉
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Yea! I was surprised....and sad...
Well, his lose there! 😛
Ali the Skinny GF Chef
Shame on that blogger for not greeting a fan nicely. If I ever have a fan walk up to me I would give them a big old hug!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Haha, right! That's the best part of being a blogger...meeting other bloggers and readers! Everyone should embrace that and be excited to meet in real life!
Wow, busy girl! I have never tried Plant Fusion before. I will check into it. I recently did a cleanse with RawJuvenate and am interested in healthy products...Trying to make a permanent lifestyle change. Great post!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Gotta get your hands on PlantFusion!
It's a plant-based full profile protein powder made from peas, quinoa, amaranth, and artichoke!
It's gluten-free, egg-free, dairy-free, soy-free, corn-free, vegan, non-gmo, hypoallergenic, and super easy on the stomach! Haha! I use it everyday 😉
Christina @ Juggling Real Food and Real Life
Hi Rebecca! Looks like things are getting better for you at last. Well.........if you had some sunscreen all would be well. I love hearing your DC stories. I spent a summer at Georgetown as a Congressional Scholar. It was one of the best experiences in my life. And you get even more of that experience. I like that panic button. I need to check that out. Personal security has always been a big deal for me.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
It a city full of possibilities there is so much to do if you go out and look for it! And being safe in the city...that's got to be number one 😉
Gaye @CalmHealthySexy
Wow Rebecca, what a great day! I don't think I did anything that grown up my entire freshman year! Thanks for the info on the security products - I'm going to take a look and also forward it to my college student son, who was talking recently about getting some pepper spray for his girlfriend.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Haha, thanks Gaye 🙂
He is a smart boy! What a caring Boyfriend!
Those products are great. I carry a panic button on my key chain. It's never a bad thing to be prepared. VegFest looks like fun. There were a lot of vendors out with new products. I wish I lived closer so that could of attended.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Right! Always be prepared!
They had some great speakers come too, but I never actually looked at the scheduale and was to busy with my table to listen in on any!