Dear Slow Runners,
Let me start this off by letting you know just how awesome I think you are. We (yes, I'm a slow runner too) are part of an exclusive pact which I'm very proud to be a part of. The thing is, we have major badass status.
People think that slow runners are new runners and that new runners are slow runners, but that isn't always true. You can be a new runner and be super fast. You can be a slow runner and not be a newbie. I fall into that category. I've been running since November now, so I don't think I'm a total newbie anymore. In terms of miles, yea, I'm still newish since I only run once a week. I don't do speed workouts (unless my HIIT sessions on the bike count), I just have that one long run. Maybe I could be fast, but maybe not.
Now, we slow runners, I'm categorizing as running miles from 11 minutes and beyond. The thing about running though, is it's all relative to the runner. I know that when I'm running, I feel like I'm booking it. If I tried to go any faster I would collapse and die (haha!). When my Nike+ app shouts out my mile pace and it's less than 11:30, I get a huge smile on my face, knowing I'm running "fast". My first mile is always my fastest, I have fresh legs, and I just go for it. One time that first mile was more like 12 minutes, but all other times it was somewhere below 11:20. To my surprise, last Sunday, I set a new mile record. Get ready for this...10:52! That's right! I ran the "fastest" mile I've ever run in my life without even trying. I was so proud. The rest of that run was like normal though, with my miles being somewhere over 11 minutes. I'm okay with that, 100%.
Slow Runners, do you ever feel like a "lesser" runner when you're passed my a McSpeedster on the sidewalk, road, or in a race? Well, you shouldn't...ever. You may be tempted to try and up your pace a bit, but soon enough they blow you away. That isn't fair to you. Yes, they're moving their legs a bit faster and will finish sooner, but does that matter? In a race I guess it does (if that's your goal), but if you're just out on a run, like me, who cares? Not me, I'm just embracing the RUN.
I can tell you that ANYONE who runs is a badass. The fact that you are out there doing something that really isn't "fun" exactly. And you're just doing it to either A) workout, B) clear your head, C) train for something. You're putting your body through some intense stuff and with all that, your body is going as fast as it needs to on that day, on that particular run. You may be slower or faster on another run, but right now, no matter how slow you're going, you have elevated badass status. Just think about it. Since you're a slow runner, you're running for a longer amount of time, thus facing the elements, body jultting "pain", and your own annoying thoughts for much longer. I get so sick of myself by the time I'm done. The things I have to come up with to occupy my mind....can be very strange.
I pass a lot of people on my runs in the suburbs of DC. Some people I'm starting to recognize. During my one of my runs, around mile 3, I was running my normal slow pace. A woman and her child on a scooter were coming at me. She pulls her daughter aside and says, "watch out for the runner." That put a huge smile on my face. Even though (to some) it may have looked like I was jogging (dragging my feet forward), she called me a runner! Those beautiful words!
And to all the lovely runners I see out on my runs, fast, slow, young, old, I think you're all fabulous. But especially you my slow runner friends. I see you bookin' it. You may even pause and stop to catch your breath. But you pick back up and keep moving those legs forward, at whatever speed your body allows. To you, I think you're amazing. You inspire me, my slow runner friends. The fact that I allowed fear to prevent me from running for years...YEARS...makes me so angry all the time. I missed out on years of experience (even if I had to run super slow due to my asthma). But whatever your story is, slow runner, you inspire me. I don't care why you're running slow, you're still running and I bet you have your own amazing story of running to tell. (I'd love to hear it!)
I guess what I'm trying to say in this rambling letter to you, slow runners, is that it doesn't matter who "finishes first". In running, this will never matter to me. I just want to know that I CAN run, however slow. I want you to know that you're RUNNING too. You don't need to be running "somewhere" and finishing before the crowd. Take you time, live your run, breath, move those legs, and simply run. That's what it's about. It's the miles you go, the steps you take, not the time it took you to get there.
So I guess I take that back. We are not Slow Runners, no, we are RUNNERS!
With Love,
So tell me:
+ Are you a "Slow Runner"?
Stay connected: Facebook: Strength and Sunshine Twitter: @RebeccaGF666 Instagram: rebeccagf666 Pinterest: RebeccaGF666 Bloglovin’: Strength and Sunshine Google+: Rebecca Pytell
Hey Rebecca!
I run the mile weekly for high school and I am now proud to say I am a slow runner. I run a 13 minute mile and want the goal to be around 11, your letter really touched me. Thanks!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
I'm glad!
Hey girl-- I am also a 'Slow Runner' I range anywhere from a 10:00-12:00mm I have run 3full marathons, over 20 half marathons, and several duathlons (run/bike/run)... I am training for my4th full marathon. People see me running and say " this your first race." -OR- "What time do you want to finish in./Just wanna finish/oh" I don't care that I'm slow. I am proud for pushing my body to do what feels impossible- some days just waking up early to get a mile in Is a win, and other days it's crossing a finish line.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
When I get discouraged about my pace I remind myself about what I persevered through to get here. I used to be over 100 lbs heavier and about 2 years ago developed patellar tendonitis so painful I could hardly walk. Now I'm training for my second half marathon and feel stronger than ever! Being a runner is not about pace for me, it's about celebrating life.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Wonderful! Yes! That's it exactly!
wow. was getting sick of being the guy at the back of our local parkrun, but now I don't care where I come, cheers for the inspiration.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
You got that right! Just keep on "running"!
Thank you for this letter, Rebecca!
"I can tell you that ANYONE who runs is a badass."
Yea, we are! I don't find you a particularly slow runner.
My favourite running moments have been when random strangers cheer as I run by on the sidewalk haha and I was once highfived by a fellow (stranger) runner.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Haha, I am SLOW!
And...I'm jealous! I want a high-five 😉
I would totally high-five you girl!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Haha! 😉
A 10, 11, 12 minute mile is my goal - I do not consider you all slow runners. Now me, I just started running, I'm on day 25 of my running streak, running 1 to 2 miles a day. My pace, just got it up to 15! Yes, I AM A SLOOOOWWWW RUNNER. I've had people chuckle and ask if I even get my heart rate up. I've been in tears. But I'm out there for me, and I am a runner!!
Hillary Darnsteadt
With you all the way Bonnie! I just enjoy the run at my 14-15 pace ????????
And it's a hard heart rate up workout. I think slow and steady is good for me.
Joy @ Joy Love Food
Great post! I'm a runner, it's one of my favorite things to do. Some days I'll go at a faster (for me) pace, sometimes I'll go slower, it depends on how I'm feeling and I listen to my body, the important thing is -- no matter what my pace, I always feel better after a run. Thanks for sharing at What'd You Do This Weekend? 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
That after-run feel is always worth it! 😉
I'm a proud slow runner! Honestly, one of my pet peeves in exercise are people who show off or look down on others - my thing is as long as your out there doing it!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Yes! If you're not an elite or college athlete, running for you is all that really matters!
I'm also a slow runner! Loved reading this! Visiting from the Saturday blog hop!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Just keep on running!
Great post, Rebecca! I'm *definitely* a slow runner, but I'm okay with it. My husband is always at least a mile ahead of me on the treadmill at the gym- I need to stop pay attention to his deets and focus on mine! My goal right now is actually a 12 minute mile 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
You're still running and WANTING to run and grow, so that's awesome! XOXO
Sandra Laflamme
It's just awesome that you are out and running. It doesn't matter how fast or slow a runner goes. People run for every kind of reason whether fast or slow.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Yes! There are so many reasons!
S.L. Payne
Love this- so encouraging! I love to run, but haven't been able to for the past 5 months since I've been healing from a really bad car accident. I had been working up to possibly doing a half marathon before and I have been so discouraged about when I am finally able to start up again since I wasn't fast in the first place. You are so right that running is running and what counts is actually getting out there and doing it and this totally helps me keep my head in the right place as I try to work back up again 🙂 I think the same thing applies to distance too: I wish I would be able to just go on one of my 7 mile runs again, but if it is just a mile or so, it is still running even if it is shorter. I'll just be happy I'm healed enough to go- thanks so much for sharing!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
You go girl! Heal up and take it slow! Just get your feet moving in the most human/primal way we know! Running is a beautiful thing no matter what that looks like for you at this time! XOXOXOXOXO
S.L. Payne
Thanks, Rebecca! Started doing yoga again and trying to go on walks last week so I'm learning to celebrate any bit of progress. Glad to still have all of my kids and be alive. We definitely need to celebrate the joy in everything rather than being so results driven 🙂 Thanks again for the inspiration!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Yes! You got that right! All my love, dear friend 🙂
Jen @ Pretty Little Grub
I loved this! I'm a slow runner and sometimes it makes me feel like less of a true runner. But I try and tell myself that's ridiculous because I'm running and therefore I"m a runner, doesn't matter the speed.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Yes! That is what matters, you are running! You don't have to go a certain pace to be a runner! Ever!
Evolve with Mary
Love this one! I'm a proud slow runner myself, I've tried to pickup the pace but it doesn't seem natural and it's defiantly not as enjoyable as my slow running is. I ran a 12 minute mile while on vacation and was so proud of myself. It's good to know I'm not alone.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
As long as you feel good and it DOES feel natural to you, that's what matters when it comes to being a "runner"! Keep on running my friend! XOXO
I just want to let you know that this psot inspired me to take my first run of the season- 12min 20sec per mile! 🙂 thanks so much!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
YES!!!! Rock on girl! You just made my night 🙂 XOXOXO Run on!
You too!!
Kathy Sturr
I just started running and I run slow but I always remind myself of this saying which I LOVE: "No matter how slow you go, you are still lapping everybody on the couch." I recently came home to winter and although I got out there one day, I am in limbo waiting for snow and ice to melt - it just isn't fun running through that s***! I miss it - I really like to run. I don't run more than a mile or mile and half, but I am committed to four or five times a week. I love this post - thank you.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
You ROCK! Yes! Haha! I actually always think about that quote. About how you're faster then the person just sitting on the coach! Any running is great and it is a beautiful ability to have! Not everyone can run!
I took a month off because of the terrible weather (every runday!), but now I'm back at it!
Emily @ Zen & Spice
I am definitely a slow runner-- my miles average around 11-13 minutes. I've tried training for 5k's before, and I actually did a few 10 minute miles once, which I was super proud of. But 95% of the time, I'm running just to run, like you said. I'm not trying to finish a race or beat my last time. It's great aerobic exercise no matter how fast your miles are. So now I've relaxed and let myself just run at whatever pace feels comfortable to me. Great post!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Yes! Pace really is the last thing on my mind! I'm just focusing on keeping my legs going and not being cold!
You go girl!!!!
There is NOTHING wrong with being a slow runner. Some of my favorite students are slower and dedicated runners. It's great. It also shows that you are in tune with your body and breath--something many runners are not. You keep up the pace, keep running, keep smiling, and keep being proud! Congrats girlie! 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thank you so much Lora! XOXOXOXO
Jennie @ Little Girl Designs
Love this post! I always felt like the 'slow' runners had it the hardest in races since they were on their feet the longest. That takes stamina and determination in my opinion! Honestly, if you're out there running, you're awesome. Doesn't matter if you're slow or fast. 🙂 Have a great day (and a great run!)
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Yes! We have to endure a lot more mentally!
Kristy @ Southern In Law
I'm not a slow runner, rather a no-runner 😛 But that's only because I always found I'd injure myself when running, however, now that I have orthotics I'm looking forward to seeing if they make running do-able once my feet are correctly aligned.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
I hope you can enjoy a run again some time soon!
I don't necessarily categorize myself because for me it all depends on the day and the mood lol. But I couldn't agree more with what you said in this post! Running is running no matter what your mile pace is. If you are currently in track and competing obviously that is a different story but that's not the case for most all of us. The fact that you are getting out there and exercising and running is what matters. You do it because you enjoy it or because it's good for you. Not to be the best or be the fastest. Everyone should proud of simply putting in the effort to do it!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Right! It doesn't matter how long it takes you to run a mile as long as you actually go and do it!
This is me!!! This time last year I was knocking out miles under 10:00 regularly, but I've slowed down quite a bit, especially now that I'm running longer distances. Speeding up is my goal this year, but I'm always going to be a slower runner and that's okay with me. It gives me more time to enjoy every run!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Exactly! More time to just go the distance! I am much more a distance runner anyway (obviously!)
What a great post! I totally agree that anyone who gets out there and runs is a total badass 🙂 I'm now a slow runner, and this is something I still struggle with a bit. I used to be one of those faster runners - I finished my first half marathon in just under 2 hours, and while training for my second one I was comfortably running sub-8 minute miles and had a goal of shaving at least 10 minutes off my time. But then I started dealing with IT band issues which after almost two years still haven't gone away, so I now run an 11-minute mile to keep it at bay. But I'm grateful for the fact that I'm still able to run!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
That;s the way to look at it! You can still RUN! And maybe that was your body telling you it needed to be a bit slower. No matter what you are still a runner, and a damn good one!
Patty @ Reach Your Peak
Yes I have felt kinda defeated by faster runners! Just yesterday I was running a track workout on the treadmill, trying to hold on for 4 min. at 7.6 speed, meanwhile this girl hops on and ran 6 miles at 7.6 speed the whole time! But you're right, everyone is a runner and we shouldn't compare ourselves. Nice job on the mile time! Nothing better than a personal best.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Girl, you are a fabulous runner! (We must go on a run together when I get back home!)
And that's crazy! Bit maybe that was even slow for her! Haha! Because yea, we never know! 😉
And thank you!
GiselleR @ Diary of an ExSloth
Not sure how you managed it, but you totally inspired me to run with this post <3
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
YES! Do it and I want to hear about!
Beth @ Running with the Sunrise
Love the crap outta this post. I'm a slow runner, too, and I used to feel much more bad and self conscious about it than I do now. Also, slow runners kick some serious mental butt! It is much harder mentally to run a marathon at a 5 hour pace and be running for 5 hours than to be running for 3! Thanks for this great post, Rebecca. 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
I know! That's why we have just a bit more badassness over a "faster" runner! We do it for longer and endure much more!
Yay for slow runners! <3 I love sprinting, but am not so much a fan of long-distance running, although I'd love to run a sub-7-minute mile someday!
On most days, I'm really just a super-fast powerwalker. :]
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
I seriously do wonder what it feels like to run a sub-7 mile! Like...that's crazy to me!
Haha, yea! Powerwalking is my normal walking! I am such a fast walker! Slow runner, fast walker!
I love this! Thank you! I'm a slow runner, and often times...wait for it...a walker! (talk about stigma!!) 🙂 The elite runners are in a league of their own, but we slow runners also have our tribe! Embrace the slow!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
We are STILL out there! It's fine to take walking breaks too! You are a runner if you want to be and only you can say otherwise! XOXO
Sam @ PancakeWarriors
This made me smile! I'm not much faster but I've been slowly improving. My first year running all I wanted to do was get to the mile mark, I didn't care about time. When I started training for my half marathon I got my time down to about 9:45ish and now I can do HIIT miles at like 8 minutes. But I feel like I"m dying the entire time, not running. And for me running is where I clear my head not race a clock!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Yea! Since I only run once a week, I can't handle speed. I'll just savor the (painful) miles! I don't care how long it takes! I'd rather be out there for longer in the fresh air!
Whether you are "fast"or "slow", I agree - you are a runner! I loved running - it was my "therapy" until I pulled my back out.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
O no 🙁 Was it a running injury?
Fast or slow...runners are my favorite people!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
A runner is a special breed 😉
I'm a slow "runner". =) Really, I don't run much at all. I like to take walks with my daughter, sometimes fast walks. My only race was a 5k last year where my family just walked, and we made it in under an hour! Lol.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Hey, you're still moving your legs and that is a blessing and beautiful thing!
Michele @ paleorunningmomma
Ahh speed is so relative! I have been a slow and fast runner and everywhere in between in my 10 years of running. In those 10 years though, running mostly feels the same no matter what my current speed is! I didn't think about speed at all until 3 years ago actually when I started racing. If you're out there running, it's more about the effort you're putting out rather than the numbers. There are ways to train to increase speed and train endurance, but none of that is "mandatory" to be a runner 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Exactly! There are no mandatories! Just get out there! Anyone can do it! And everyone who does is a.....badass 😉
Katie @Mom to Mom Nutrition
I'm not trying to win the race, I just want to get out there and feel the pavement on my feet!! So yes, I am a slow runner. But I'm working on my speed 😉 Loved this post!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
I'm NOT working on my speed, I'm just loving the pavement under my feet still! 😉
Jenn Stanley
Great post! It's important to keep in mind that EVERY body is different and power to anyone who is out there doing something amazing for their body and mind! Keep up the great work!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Exactly! With all forms of fitness, really! But running is something so jarring and intense, you should go the pace you NEED!
Elizabeth @ Enjoy Every Bite
This makes me feel good!! I'm such a slow runner. My first mile is ALWAYS my slowest because it takes my body a while to get going haha. Haven't run in a while so this is motivating me!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Just get out there and hit the pavement! Let you're legs take you no matter how slow or fast you end up going! XOXO
Leah M @ love me, feed me
I love this post! I am definitely a slow runner, but I try my best to not let it get to me when I'm running.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Don't let it phase you! You're running! That's what matters! You are going the distance! XOXO
Angela Tolsma
love this post! It's great to be reminded that you don't need to be a speed demon to run!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Yes! That is exactly it!
abby -
Yes! I have always been a slow runner, even when I was in shape. I HATE gym class in high school because undoubtedly my gym class consisted of ten athletes and me and my four non-athletic friends. It was aweful.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thankfully I got out of running all through my school years due to my asthma! So those unfair graded TIMED runs were a no-go for me!
Lisa @ RunWiki
I can so relate! Even though I have a different number than you, I still feel slow when I compare to the people around me. I said two key words, "number," and "compare." Number is all relative and comparison is the thief of joy. It's not about the numbers, but the effort you put in-- in running no matter what your speed, it's hard!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Right! Running is what you make it! As long as you do it, you're awesome and you're a RUNNER!
Linda @ Veganosity
This is a great post Rebecca. I totally agree that we need to listen to our bodies and keep a pace that's good for us for that day. Sometimes I run an 8 minute mile and other days it's a 10, I just go with what my legs tell me they feel like doing.
Fartleks have certainly helped my speed. I try and do them once a week. It's a great calorie burner if you care about that. I don't, unless I gorged myself the day before. 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Yea! Sometimes on days I think I'll be able to go faster, I end up with slower times!
Haha! Speed just doesn't appeal to me!
I'm a slow runner and for a long time let my speed (or lack of speed) disqualify me from doing some things I wanted to do. I always said I'd run a marathon someday when I got faster. But that's silly. So this year I signed up for my first Marathon. I've realized out on my long slow runs that it doesn't matter how fast I'm going...I'm running and I'm loving it. So when I get to that starting line I'm just going to remind myself that I'm a runner and I've worked just as hard for that day as everyone else. My goal is to finish around 5:30 and when I do finish I'll get the same medal as those who finish in 2:30. And, boom, I'll be a marathoner.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Omg! I can't wait to hear how it goes! You've gotta let me know! You are going to do great.....right now I can't picture running a marathon! But really, the time in that does not matter AT ALL! Anyone who can run that many miles is a complete inspiration to me! XOXO
Liv @ Healthy Liv
I think that ANYONE who runs is tough and amazing, no matter what their speed is 🙂 It's all so relative, anyway- even if I felt great about running, say a 5:40 mile, there's another girl out there my age running a 4:40 mile. So, I think it's important to just focus on improving each of our own times and running for enjoyment!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Exactly why we are badass 😛
Haha! Is a 4:40 even possible!?
Heather @ FITaspire
Oh this made me smile!!! I was slow for years and I was absolutely a runner. Honestly, starting out slower (my first marathon was a 6:45) made it so much sweeter as I worked to get faster! Not everyone cares to get faster and that's okay - it's all relative! 😉
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
That's badass 😉 It is all sooo relative as long as you go out there and move!
YES! I am in your group! I am slow. But I am determined. I have never actually timed my miles. Maybe I will. I just go and when I am done, I am done. I figure, at least I am doing it! Great post!!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Yea! Just get out there, that's all that matters!
Laura O
I really enjoyed reading this! While I may run fast compared to the average population, I find myself always comparing my pace to faster runners and I feel slow. I have to constantly remind myself that just because I run slower than a pro or college athlete, I am still a runner and my accomplishments should be mine alone, not compared to others' accomplishments. Thank you.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Right! And if you think you're "fast", you are, but no matter what, you are still a RUNNER! There is no definition on how fast that must be!
A runner is a runner is a runner. And I love all runners! Ironically today on my blog I had a troll post that she thought I was a serious runner until she saw my race times and that made her realize that I was a slow runner / walker. I of course didn't approve her comment, I deleted it. People have no right to judge anyone's race times and training times. If you get out there and run and do your best, that is what is important!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Way to delete that TROLL! They obviously are one of the NON-runners. You are amazing no matter what!
Natalie @ Feasting on Fruit
Slow and steady wins the race! 😉
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
And you enjoy it more.
Erica @ Erica finds
i am glad that you got to it at the end... You are a runner. Fast is relative. I have friends who can run a marathon at my fastest mile pace (or faster) and I am a "fast" runner. You run? You are a runner. We're glad to have you! PS. Try doing some 1/4 mile pick ups in your runs. I guarantee you your natural pace will improve - if you want to!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Yea! We are all runners....if we get out there and GO!
I may work on my pace a bit...eventually!
Kathryn @ Dancing to Running
I love this post for so many reasons. We as runners define what is slow vs. fast, and like you said we define what is slow vs. fast based on our own abilities.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Totally! 12 minute miles can be fast to you or 7 minutes miles!
You would over take me easily even on my best running days
Good on you and well done on your fastest mile ever.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thanks Amy! XOXO
Emily @My Healthyish Life
"ANYONE who runs is a badass" <-- HELL YA. That is so important to remember no matter your speed or mileage.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Haha, totally! It's just such a crazy "sport" to do! 😉
Colorado Gal
Ha definitely a s low runner! I realized long ago that I would never be a fast runner--nor did I care to try-- which is why I started running longer rather that faster. I'll take a long, slow ultra any day over a quick, fast 5k; the 5k hurts way more! 😉
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Yea! I like distance so much more than killing myself for speed! It's easier on my body!
I am such a slow runner!! This is good!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine