Memory jars are a simple and easy gift idea you can make with supplies you already have around the house! Learn how to make a DIY memory jar perfect for marking special occasions, holiday gifting, yearly memory keeping, and a creative alternative to traditional journaling!
Memory jars are one of my favorite DIY crafts to gift! They are so easy to make and perfect for any occasion! They're customizable and can be made as simple or elaborate as you want! I got all of my supplies at the dollar store, but you can even go as budget-friendly as using what you can find around the house, or a quick trip to the dollar store. This step-by-step guide will walk you through making your first DIY memory jar!
Pick A Theme
You can make a memory jar for any occasion! Perfect for holidays like Christmas and New Year's, a memento for weddings, anniversaries, or funerals, it even works as a cozy weekend craft for yourself! Here are some ideas to get you started:
- Classic Memory Jar: Start your jar at the beginning of a new year and collect your favorite memories and moments to look back on at the end of the year. This can be done by writing down special moments on Post-its with the date.
- Gratitude Jar: Daily or weekly written notes of things you're grateful for.
- Travel Jar: Memorable trips, places, hikes, or new experiences captured through notes, pictures, postcards, or brochures.
- Family Memories Jar: Saving special moments, notes, and trinkets that remind you of family.
- Relationship Memories Jar: Great for anniversaries or newlyweds to save special moments, firsts, and cherished memories.
- Friendship Jar: Perfect for kids and teens or long-distance friends to save special memories and look back on when they reunite!
- Accomplishments Jar: A memory jar is perfect for writing down all your little and big personal milestones and achievements.
- Self-Love Jar: Save little notes of self-affirmations or proud moments you'd like to remind yourself of.
- Inspirational Quotes Jar: Collect quotes you find in books, magazines, online, etc. and save them for when you need some motivation.
- Life Lessons Jar: It's never too late to write down lessons you’ve learned along the way and want to remind yourself of.
- Dreams and Goals Jar: Make a jar for goals, dreams, ideas, and aspirations you have throughout the year
- Funny Moments Jar: Collect moments or funny conversations you've had for when you need a laugh.
- Acts of Kindness Jar: Record acts of kindness you've given, received, or even just randomly seen while out and about.
- Birthday Memories Jar: Crate a jar to gift with little notes from friends and loved ones to give on a birthday.
- A Note A Day: A great alternative to daily journalling, you can jot down a quick note to place in your jar each day.
Gather Your Supplies
- A large decorative glass jar or vase with a wide enough opening to put things in
- Colorful ribbons, stickers, rope, paint pens, stained glass paint, colorful stones or sand to place in the bottom of the jar
- A blank pad of note paper or colorful sticky notes for writing down memories
- A pen or fine-tip markers for writing
- Small directions sheet or printable explaining your theme (if gifting your jar)
Make Your Memory Jar
- Decide on the theme and purpose of your jar and gather your relevant supplies.
- Decorate your jar. I simply tied a ribbon around the rim and added a notepad and pen to each jar.
- Draft up a quick directions sheet for your recipient on how to use the jar and its purpose (you can even do this if you are making it for yourself).
- Then you're ready to gift or start collecting memories yourself!
More DIY Gift Ideas:
- DIY Nail Polish Mugs
- Cinnamon Ornaments
- Vegan Hot Cocoa Mix
- Sunflower Seed Brittle
- Sesame Seed Candy
- Cranberry Pecan Granola
You can gather all your supplies from around the house or a quick trip to the dollar store (that's what I did!) Simple, quick, easy, and a fantastic idea for so many occasions and everyone in your life!
So tell me:
What's your favorite easy DIY gift to give?
Stay connected: Facebook: Strength and Sunshine Twitter: @RebeccaGF666 Instagram: @rebeccagf666 Pinterest: RebeccaGF666 TikTok: @strengthandsunshine
Emily @ Simple Life Of A Fire Wife
What a sweet idea 🙂 Thanks for sharing at Share Your Stuff Tuesdays!
Thanks Emily 🙂 XOXO
Best Idea Ever! Really! No Kidding!
I'm always too lazy for DIYs but this seems doable!
Thanks for sharing.
Happy New Year!
You definitely should go for it! It is fun and a great way to save those memories 🙂
Heather @ The Soulful Spoon
Such a cute idea! LOVE IT! Haven't heard of this, so thanks for sharing:)
If people actually remember to do it, I think I would be so fun to look back and read all the notes. Basically an easier way of journaling!