I don't even want to talk about what happened on Wednesday...but I will. The short version is my laptop basically blew up and I was on the phone with some sketchy IT support service the WHOLE ENTIRE DAY, no lie. By 6pm I finally had internet and a browser and apparently no more viruses and worms (but I'm not sure...$100 down the drain? They keep harassing me now telling me they didn't fix anything. I'm confused and so done). Thursday I got on my extremely outdated version of Firefox and saved my bookmarks, favorites, and passwords, to an external file, then installed Google Chrome (which I hate), but so far things are going to hopefully work until I get a new laptop. Besides that, on Wednesday I also had my econ midterm (it was horrible) and I went in the Bod Pod! in my functional fitness class we are starting body composition in our next chapter so we went down to the lab to do either the DEXA scan, Bod Pod, or just the simple test that measures body fat. I volunteered to be the "example" for the Bod Pod and have everyone watch. Haha, it was interesting to say the least, but I've had all the other ones done and a free chance for the Bod Pod...I'm totally game!
Well, I am just DONE for the weekend. Why? My Mommy is here! Yay! Hahaha, I am meeting her and my grandparents after my class this morning and then it's bonding time for the rest of the weekend! No time for blogging, peace out and enjoy this weeks reads!
Monday: Let’s Chat About: Milk {The Dairy-Free Way} + Homemade Raw Almond Cashew Milk
Tuesday: An Open Letter To My Mom
Wednesday: A Ghoulish Green Purple Sweet Potato Mug Cake
Blog Posts and Links I loved this week:
Life, Mind, Body, Spirit:
+ 10 Truths That Will Help You Through Any Challenge
Well yes, these are all true 😉
+ 18 Things You Should Do Every Day For The Rest Of Your Life
These are great!
+ Finding The Balance Between Yoga And Strength Training
I've found my balance <3
+ Exercising For Your Health Is NOT A Joke
It's not! Stop with the stupid "funny" comments.
+ Why Are Americans So Fascinated With Extreme Fitness
Interesting read!
Love my squats!
+ We Tracked Down And Tested The 10 Best Pumpkin Goods At Trader Joe's
I want that Roobios Tea!
I am still in plantain withdrawal guys!
+ Amazing Veggie Burgers To Make Tonight
I miss my veggie burgers :'(
+ 20 Starbucks Items You Can't Get In The U.S.
Starbucks Pancakes!?
Optimize that produce storage for no waste!
+ 22 Words That Have A Different Meaning When Your A Coffee Addict
My name is Rebecca, and I am a coffee addict...
+ 35 Paleo, Vegan, And Gluten-Free Desserts And Treats To Try Out This Fall
So many things! So much goodness!
+ Allergen-Friendly Baking Substitutions
My life 😉
+ How To Bake Chicken Breasts: The Simplest, Easiest Method
Dry poaching? Sounds good to me!
+ 15 Steps To Living Well & Whole
Yes, yes to it all!
+ 100 Ways To Let Go Of Stress
There has to be something that can work for you!
+ Getting Real About Diet And Health
Diet isn't everything when it comes to health, even though we emphasize and lay blame to it so much.
Blogging, Social Media, Technology:
+ How To Maximize Your Blog Archives
Man, I need to get on this.
+ How To Run A Blog: What Makes A Good Blog Post
Totally true! Keep all of these in mind!
+ Blogging Basics - Image Is Everything
Sadly, images are the most important. The writing seems to be second most of the time (at least with recipes).
+ FTC Guidelines For Sponsored Blog Content And Social Shares Made Easy
Sometimes I'm just confused on if it counts as "sponsored" or not. What if I'm not paid?
+ 5 Basic Tips For Food Photography
Basic, but the best and most important!
+ 8 Things You Probably Didn't Know About Your Tongue
They totally lie to you in 1st grade about the different areas and taste on your tongue...
+ Why Do So Many People Watch HGTV
Kinda complex! Where are my HGTV watchers at?!
+ Actually, People Still Like To Think
Weird study, but I know I like to think, so....
+ Why I'm Going Public With My Sexual Assault & Eating Disorder
I did not know this about Tara!
+ Dear Students Taking Out 6 Figure Loan Debt; Please Stop.
O man, read this.
+ Finding The Positive In Jennifer Lawrence's Ignorant Eating Disorder Statement
I appreciated his perspective on this...you have to find the positive in something so stupid, otherwise "the stupid" wins. But let the record stand...I HATE her!
Favorite Pins:
(Follow me on Pinterest – RebeccaGF666)
Winter Cabbage & Potato Soup. Lovely and so comforting!
The Fluffiest Gingerbread Pancakes + Chocolate Molasses Syrup. Please let me wake-up to these!
Spaghetti Squash, Chicken & Broccoli Soup with Cinnamon. Now doesn't that title just glow with deliciousness!?
Strawberry Macadamia Nut Milk. Well here we have a lovely plant-based milk 😉
Pumpkin Coconut Butter. There are no words for this...
Vegan Zucchini Chili. How cute and yummy is this?
Caramelized Sweet Potato and Kale Fried Wild Rice. The perfect fall side dish!
A few things I loved about my week or am grateful for:
+ Well as you know, this week was not my best. But the one thing I am so grateful for is seeing my mom!
+ There was a mishap with my package notification emails so I didn't know I had two wonderful goodies waiting for me all week. But I can tell you now that in my possession are 4lbs of MyOatmeal (and some PB Lean), as well as the greatest new flours to ever happen to people with food allergies (I'm keeping you in suspense though until I get to try them!).
+ Tooting my own horn here, but apparently, I'm not to shabby of a writer. I got some great feedback on my first draft submission of my first huge paper for my UW class! Yay! (I still think writing is a weakness of mine...weird.)
So tell me:
+ What is the best (affordable/reliable/durable/user-friendly) laptop for blogging? Preferably not a Mac.
+ Have you ever gotten a Bod Pod assessment? Or other body composition test?
Stay connected: Facebook: Strength and Sunshine Twitter: @RebeccaGF666 Instagram: rebeccagf666 Pinterest: RebeccaGF666 Bloglovin’: Strength and Sunshine
So sorry to hear about you lap top. I want to thank you for coming and linking up at #The Weekend Social.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Linda Blatchford
Hope your laptop issue gets resolved. I hate technology when it’s acting up.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
O yes!
This is a great post! Sorry about your laptop, that's happened to me recently and it sucks!! I use Carbonite. Online back up system and it's awesome :). Hope you had a fun weekend 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Audrey @ Gluten-Free Vegan Love
Thanks for including my pumpkin desserts, Rebecca! Hope you're having a lovely weekend with your family 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thank you friend 🙂 XOXO
Oh no! Your poor laptop :/ Hope it works out ok. I prefer chrome myself. And I love Google Drive - I can save everything on there just in case.
Another great round up!!
Enjoy the visit with your mom =D
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
I HATE Chrome (it's so ugly) Firefox is more visually appealing. But you can gave Google drive on any browser lol 😛
Michelle @ Vitamin Sunshine
As always- a great list, and tabs open all the way across my browser! Thanks for the recommendations.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Haha! Thanks friend! 🙂
Linda @ Veganosity
Hi Rebecca! Thank you for featuring our Zucchini Chili. That little cornbread ghost is getting a lot of attention-haha!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Its so cute!
Paris at My Big Fat Happy Life
Have a great weekend with your mom!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
So sorry to hear about your computer troubles! My laptop crashed majorly last year and it was devastating...luckily I had everything backed up properly and it all got fixed. Which reminds me that I need to do an update on backing up....do you happen to have any recommendations of what YOU use to backup your files and data? Do you use an external device or an online service? As far as recommendations for laptops, I LOVE my Toshiba laptop I have used for blogging and most of my college years as well.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
I don't! That's my problems to! But something external would be best, lol!
I have a Sony Vaio and absolutely love it. I've had it for just about 4 years now. Good luck with your laptop issues
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
I think my brother has that kind!
oh the whole jennifer lawerence thing. I hope she takes back what she said. I still like her acting though!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
I hope so too!
Even though Jennifer Lawrence may have slipped up in her statement regarding a gluten-free diet, I don't think that means people should "hate her'' for it. As Erin mentioned in a previous comment, people make mistakes ALL the time (myself included!), and I doubt that my friends and family members would "hate" me for saying something careless or ignorant-sounding. Plus, since the majority of people don't know Jennifer Lawrence personally, I think we should avoid making harsh judgments based on little slivers of information from newspaper articles and celebrity magazines. If you don't like her acting abilities, that is one thing, but to say that you "hate" her is perhaps going one step too far...Just my opinion, though, and I hope I expressed it in a thoughtful and considerate manner.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
No, I've always hated her and this makes it more concrete. Plus I feel Luke she is trying so hard to make people think she is above all body image issues, etc.
Wow! What excellent links! Thank you for sharing 🙂 Happy Friday!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Erin @ Her Heartland Soul
You hate Jennifer Lawrence? That makes me sad. 🙁
Thanks for all the great links! I always look forward to these on Friday!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Did you read what ignorant statements she makes.....
Erin @ Her Heartland Soul
People say dumb stuff all the time. Myself very much included. I'd hope someone wouldn't hate me for some things I say that they might not agree with.
Heather @ Housewife Glamour
There's always so many great links you share above that by the time I get down to comment, I forget what I want to say! Ha. Love it. I'm sorry to hear about your computer issues. That's the WORST. Hopefully things are running smoothly now! Thanks for linking up and Happy Weekend! xo
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Haha, that's happens to me when I'm reading any post! That's why I such at commenting 😛
Thanks and happy weekend to you too my friend! 🙂
Emma @em-poweredwellness
Ah my laptop is crashing too! So if you decide on a new (non-Mac) laptop, please let me know because I don't know what to get!
I've done the DEXA scan and caliper tests in one of my nutrition class labs, but we didn't have a bod pod. That's cool you got to try it out!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Well if you find something keep me updated too!
I felt so official in the bod pod haha!
clare @ fitting it all in
Great round up this week! Have fun with your mom!!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thanks Clare!
Oh how frustrating! At least the week is ending well and the weekend starting great!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Right! Time for the positive!
Amanda - RunToThefinish
another great round up, I definitely haven't seen most of these articles and now i'm off to read!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Yay! Happy to provide NEW posts to read 🙂