O boy, I don't know where to begin with this crazy week. Monday was like the downpour of the century. I really need rain boots. By the time I walked back from my class in the public health building (on the outskirts of the GW campus area), it was like I had walked through a lake. My poor sneakers were flooded and my toes were frozen and burning. Fun time 😉
Tuesday was the day I had dreaded for weeks. Registering day for the spring semester. 7am the portal opens (I was on the last day with most of the freshman since we have the least amount of credits) and you have to rush and type in the number of the course and hope you get a seat. Well......I got all my classes! (Almost...but I'm not going to think about it again until January). All I can say is I am so glad that is over. As of now, I'll be taking a comparative politics class, creative writing, stress management (haha!), and evolutionary lab biology. Should be interesting. At least I won't have any economics!
Wednesday was freezing (as well all are mostly experiencing), and Thursday I had my last econ quiz. It has just been a long week, and I am actually ready for the weekend. Still not sure what I am doing about Thanksgiving break yet...I think I may be going home. That's all just still in the works! Ah!
Make sure you stop back here tomorrow! It's Recipe ReDux day and I have a killer recipe to share with you! You do NOT want to miss 😉 Now sit back and enjoy this weeks greats reads! I suggest grabbing a hot mug of tea, coffee, or beverage of choice!
Monday: Power Monday #64 The Power Of Writing
Tuesday: The Best Winter Teas
Wednesday: Chocolate Pumpkin Pancakes
Blog Posts and Links I loved this week:
Life, Mind, Body, Spirit:
This was such a lovely post!
Read this! It's good!
It does not good!
+ Everything I Thought About Recovery Is a Lie
This! Wow!
What are you really working towards?
+ 10 Ways To Feel More Ease In Your Life
O, I need it!
Who's your support bra? 😉
+ 8 Ways Yoga Makes You Better At Life
This is so great! Everyone needs yoga!
+ Why Stretching May Not make You More Flexible
Interesting, but I can agree.
+ Advice For New Runners
I'm taking it! I promised Brie I would go for a run (treadmill) before next Tuesday!
+ How To Perfect Your Squat And Deadlift
Two of the most essential exercises!
+ The Cost Of Getting Lean: Is It Really Worth The Trade-Off?
+ The Oldest Restaurant In Every State (And DC!)
I loved reading this! Have you been to any?
+ Goldfish Are Apparently Soup Crackers, Because, You Know, They Can Swim
Mind blown!
+ Sorry, I'm NOT Sorry For Being A Picky Eater
Do you feel the need to apologize for your personal eating choices?
+ 60 Healthy Gluten-Free Thanksgiving Recipes
This was a great round-up!
+ 5 In-Season Fruits & Vegetables For Athletes (With Recipes!)
Very good things here 😉
+ 5 Ways To Kick The After Meal Sugar Cravings
Do you get these cravings?
+ How To Talk About Food Without Sounding Like A Snob
Because food is one of those topics.
+ 9 Brilliant Vegan Thanksgiving Stuffing Ideas
We all know the stuffing is the best part!
+ Whole Grains And Half-Witted Notions
Why eating grains is NOT bad!
+ Why You Should Never Feel Guilty About Food
Damn right! Like my post last year.
+ 20 Nutrition Facts That Should Be Common Sense (But Aren't)
I wish people had more common sense.
+ Don't Let Negative Thoughts Get You Down
And how to challenge them!
+ What If People Treated Physical Illness Like Mental Illness?
This...is sad, but so true.
+ Brazilian Dietary Guidelines
These people....they are smart! American, let's get with it!
+ 8 Tips For Feeling More Awake In The Morning
I needs tips for feeling more awake at night!
Blogging, Social Media, Technology:
+ What It Takes To Be A Writer
This inspired my post on Monday!
+ IHeart Blogging Series: Photography Tips
This is a good one!
Learn kids! Learn!
+ Six Awesome Online Resources For Blog Visuals
Very helpful when you need those photos!
+ How To Create A Blog Design You Love
Just so you know, I don't love my design...go figure!
+ How To Write Well About Controversial Topics
Yay , controversy!
+ How To Brainstorm & Create Brilliant Ideas
O how I love creativity!
+ 9 Blogging Problems And How To Fix Them
Please...PLEASE, fix #1! PLEASE!
+ 30 Signs Your Mother Is The Best Person In Your Life
My mama sent me this over the weekend! Love it!
+ The Top 50 Video Games Of All Time
I'd say this is a pretty accurate line-up!
+ 21 Ridiculously Hot Products That Every Ridiculously Cold Person Will Want
Yes...yes please!
+ Winter Nesting Survival Guide
How do you survive the cold?
Now these...these are some damn fancy gifts!
+ The Morning Routines Of Four Regular Women
For all the REGULAR moms 😉
Favorite Pins:
(Follow me on Pinterest – RebeccaGF666)
No-Bake Honey Maple Cashew Bars. Um, is this the perfect bar or what!?
Coconut Brown Rice Porridge + Apple Sage Granola. Holy yummo! (Yes I just said that!)
Seckel Pears Poached in Roobios Tea with Candied Fennel. It is just to beautiful for words!
Asian Greens with Pan Seared Salmon. I'm still blown away by the quality of my dining hall's salmon
Healthy Pumpkin Pie Parfait with Coconut Whip. Hello breakfast...dessert...snack!
Apple Oat Scones. That is one damn perfect vegan and gluten-free scone! I've never had a scone!
Chard Stuffed Acorn Squash with Za'atar and Tahini. Just fueling my tahini obsession!
A few things I loved about my week or am grateful for:
+ One of my roommates did the sweetest act of kindness for me. She has no idea how much it meant to me 🙂
+ This came. Cause you know...Christmas just wants to come early 😉
+ I am so grateful for my UW class. I can't believe 12/5 will be our last class! (We don't have finals in it). I am so sad, but so glad I randomly took that one!
So tell me:
+ How was your week? Was it just as exhausting as mine?
+ Tell me what dish you are most excited about for Thanksgiving? Are you making anything new? You should make this...and this!
+ Anyone know of cheap, but quality rain boots? I found ones I like but...don't have the money :/
Stay connected: Facebook: Strength and Sunshine Twitter: @RebeccaGF666 Instagram: rebeccagf666 Pinterest: RebeccaGF666 Bloglovin’: Strength and Sunshine
Wow you keep busy girl! I love that you are taking Stress Management & Creative Writing - how cool is that? I sure hope you get to go home for Thanksgiving =)
Thanks for sharing all of the awesome things that you enjoyed this week!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Haha, the stress management is just an easy Health & Wellness class like the Functional Fitness one I'm taking now! Still 3 credits though, so it's legit 😉 Haha!
I'll be staying..... My dad is coming down though so I won't be totally alone!
Thank you so much for including my post! Let's hope more and more people stop becoming no-reply bloggers haha
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
My biggest pet peeve!
You poor thing, you definitely need rain boots! That acorn squash recipe looks amazing!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Yes! And there is forecasted rain on Monday...o boy 🙁
Kaylin @ Enticing Healthy Eating
Oh, I HIGHLY recommend buying rain boots for college. I made the same mistake of going off to college without them. Ended up buying a pretty cheap pair from Target (with cute cherries on them!) about halfway through my freshman semester. They're also good for snow in a pinch! Trust me. And the choosing of classes fiasco will get easier each semester and each year you go. By senior year, you'll pretty much be guaranteed the classes you want, so just know it gets better!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
It's not like I don't want them, haha!
(Haha, Nah, that stress doesn't let up.u brother still dealt with it this year and he's a junior! It really depends on how your college is set up too!)
Lauren @ The Bikini Experiment
I am not sure what your budget for boots is but I have really nice rain boots from LL Bean! They were a fraction of the price of Hunters. Thanks for all the great links!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Well of they're a fraction of crazy expensive Hunters, I'll have to look into that!
Rebecca @ MyEagerFeet
Signing up for classes is one thing about college I don't miss! That muffin recipe looks delicious, I might have to make a batch over the holidays.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
The worst!!!!
Do it! They look so good!
Tiffany @ The Chi-Athlete
I'm not kidding: This might be the best post of my life. I have to bookmark it so I can come back to it later; SO MUCH INFO! <3
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Haha! It's good to hear all this work wasn't for nothing than 😉
sue/the view from great island
Oh my god I love so many of these, I'm about to go on a pinning spree!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Yay! Pin away!
Linda @ Veganosity
Wow, thanks for sharing so many informative and inspiring posts Rebecca! It's going to take me all weekend to read them, but I'm determined to do it! Congratulations on getting all of the classes you wanted. I know how stressful that process is. To answer your first question, I can't wait to eat my vegan porcini gravy and my walnut almond loaf. I hope you get home for the holiday!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
The perfect weekend morning reading!
Thanks! And I have always wanted to make a lentil/nut loaf! It's on my recipe to do list!
Katie @ running4cupcakes
Boo for rain. I just added a pair of PINK rainboots to my Christmas list - because pink makes everything better. 🙂 Thanks for linking up. Happy Friday!!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
A little bright happiness for those dreary days 😉
Andrea - The Baking Dietitian
So many awesome links and recipes! Love this! Thanks for sharing!!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thanks Andrea 🙂
Madison | Wetherills Say I Do
Thanks so much for sharing! What a great set of posts!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thank you for stopping by!
I am so hating the rain and the freezing going on right now, I got soaked on wednesday it was not fun but og well sh*t happens. I will have to come back for the links so many
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Haha, I feel yea!
Do come back! There are some awesome reads here!
I remember the days of waking up at the crack of dawn (at least for college kids) to get the classes I need. So stressful....glad it worked out for you
The Doctor Diva
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Now I've just got to go through it...6 more times! Haha!
Sarah @ Sweet Miles
Sweet Potato Casserole is my JAM at Thanksgiving! Can. Not. Wait. Also, this is a mondo helpful list of links!! Love it!!! Thanks for the roundup!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
No Thanksgiving is complete with out sweet potatoes!
Haha, you are so welcome 😉 XOXO
Ashley Pitt @ A Lady Goes West
Hi Rebecca, This is quite the line-up of good content. And it rained terribly in San Francisco this week, which is rare, but very inconvenient for a walker like me. Hope you have a great weekend! 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Very inconvenient for any city goer!
Have a great weekend too! Stay dry 😉
Elizabeth @ Enjoy Every Bite
I always love browsing through your Friday Finishers! I'm excited to see your ReDux recipe tomorrow!! 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Haha, thank you 😉
Yay! It is such a good one! (I really am excited to share!)
thanks for the awesome links! Happy Friday, by the way ♥ Stay warm and buy rain boots ASAP girl lol not worth getting sick ♥
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
I need to find some!
genevieve @ gratitude & greens
The 20 Nutrition Facts one is so on point!! The posts on thin privilege, talking about snobbery, and why you should never feel guilty about food were also great reads. Like Jess above, I would like to blame living in Canada for being apologetic about the way my lifestyle choices and the way I eat, haha. Trying to get better at it, though! Looking forward to your Recipe Redux post tomorrow 😉
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Even here in the US though..people say sorry and apologize for things WAY to often. I however, and NOT one of those people, haha! No shame!
That pumpkin pie parfait is just too much...I'm in pumpkin shock! Btw, I think I missed the post where you explained what UW stands for...so what is this amazing Friday class?
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Hahaha! One of the best types of shock to be in 😉
UW = University Writing. A required class for every GWU student. Each class though has a theme. And I originally wasn't planning on even taking it my Fall semester, but had to because my registering got messed up. I ended up with one on cultural villainy. Let's just say, it has been an amazing class! My professor is outstanding!
Brie @ Lean, Clean, & Brie
I'll be looking for a run update by Tuesday ;)!! Thanks for including my post!
Looks like you have a good semester for the spring, I took a comparative politics class last year and I really enjoyed it! Maybe that's the political science nerd I am, but it was really interesting! Me, on the other hand, I have economics...
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
You go it!
I'm still not sure about my major, so I'm sticking with the political science and public health majors in mine!
Bless you in econ....so horrible!
Carly @ Musings of a Wanderer
I do not miss the college days of signing up for classes! 5 months post grad life and still loving it! 😉
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Seriously, could they make any MORE stressful!
I look forward to this post each week. Thanks for sharing
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thank you for reading Allie!
Emily @My Healthyish Life
Signing up for classes freshman/sophomore year was so stressful. I always got my third choice for things, so I'm impressed that you got what you wanted! I hope you can go home for Thanksgiving or at least have fun plans 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
One perk of living on this far away campus was I got first dibs on registering for the few classes here before anyone else (my creative writing!)
Yea...I hope so too!
Michele @ paleorunningmomma
I have the rain boot dilemma too! I can't spend money on them so I wind up with a gross cheap pair and only wear them when I absolutely need to. Thanks for including my article! I've read some of these already and can't wait to check out many more. Glad you got most of the classes you wanted! I was totally reminded of that feeling when you mentioned it 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
God, I just hate shoes! So expensive and just never fit! That's why I just....don't have any!
The wonderful times of college 😛
i want to try your dinning hall's salmon! can we make it a date? hehe. Hope you get some down time this weekend friend
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Haha dining hall date for sure 😉 The salmon is the only thing they get right! Their salad greens....now that's another story! Talk about sad limp...sadness, haha!
(P.s. send me some sizzlefish and I'll send you some dining hall salmon) 😉
Katie | Healthy Seasonal Recipes
Rebecca, I seriously have to stop reading these. 😉 They are way too good! I end up spending way too much time reading all of your awesome links, and then I find myself two hours into the day! Woops! I cannot wait to read some of these. I have 7 on my list! oh boy!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Haha! Please keep reading! Thank you so much for loving these posts! They take some hard work but its worth it 😉
jess meddows
Great post, Rebecca.
I'm over apologetic for eating vegan food. I blame living in Canada for too long, the apologizing for everything rubbed off on me! 😉 And I've got that squats & deadlifts linked saved. I have a bad feeling I'm getting sloppy with my squats now that I don't have a personal trainer anymore...
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thanks Jess!
Never ever apologize for your food choices! (If their logical and not harmful!)
I loveeee squats...but deadlifts...ugh!
jill conyers
Great links! If only I had time to read them all. Have a wonderful weekend Rebecca 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Keep coming back all weekend 😉