And so it is Friday once again! My favorite day of the week! I would take Fridays any day, even over weekend days. A week of perpetual Fridays would be my heart's desire 😉 But I guess having them once a week is just part of what makes them special, haha! Anyway, I just have my UW class this morning after my favorite lifting session in the gym this morning. Then I plan on getting some work done and probably going to the grocery store. Either Whole Foods, Safeway, or maybe even Trader Joes...choices!
Okay, I really don't know how to open this post so I'll just let you dive right in to the finisher! Have fun reading my friends!
Monday: 5 Year Gluten-Free Anniversary + 5 Things I've Learned
Tuesday: 10-Minute Black Garlic Sweet Pea Pesto Appetizers
Wednesday: Festive Spiced Pecan Quinoa Granola
Blog Posts and Links I loved this week:
Life, Mind, Body, Spirit:
+ That Ass...Is Not A Reflection Of Your Self-Worth
Amen to this!
+ 3 Steps To Ensure You Are On The Right Path
This is really great and something I really need right now!
I love when bloggers share these! They are always so good!
+ On Acceptance: It's Better To Light A Candle Than Curse The Darkness
This girl speaks truth! This is such a good post!
+ The Not-So-Secret Secrets To Succeeding At Anything
Interesting, but very true and I agree.
+ 7 Ways Loving Yourself Can Change Your Life
It sure can! This is beautiful 🙂
+ Encouragement And Why You Should Hand It Out Like Candy
Let's start supporting each other more!
Have you let something that was once good go recently?
+ 100 Tricks To Help You De-Stress
I think I need to take this weekend to do just that. Who's with me?
This is beautiful!
+ The "Selfie" Ruined My Self-Confidence
I think everyone should take a few "selfies" every now and again!
+ What Does It Mean To Live Intentionally?
It takes a little thinking and digging deep.
+ 16 Most Annoying Things To Do At The Gym
Haha, everyone puts the weights in the wrong spots on our one dumbbell rack! It is so annoying!
+ 10 Backhanded Compliments People Give You When You-re Into Fitness
Haha, yes! So annoying!
+ How To Find Your Authentic Voice
I am all about finding you voice!
+ How To See Results From Working Out
Great read! Tons of info! It's mostly common sense, but a great reminder if you're frustrated!
+ How To Tell If A "Healthy" Recipe Is Actually Healthy
Just make it simple. Whole veggies, fruits, grains, lean protein, nuts, beans, and nothing processed!
+ 11 Ways To Make Washing Dishes More Cheery And Less Dreary!
I love dishes and I emptying the dishwasher!
+ The Definitive Ranking Of Salad Greens
Yes! My favorite is #1! aRULEgula for the win!
+ 7 Reasons To Drink More Tea
I still love my tea even though I'm obsessed with coffee!
+ Study: Comfort Food Is A Myth
I could have told you this years ago!
Get it while it's best!
+ Here's Why You Should Never Throw Out Potato Peels
Don't you dare waste them!
+ The Surprising Origins Of 10 Common Food Words & Phrases
Now you know 😉
+ Our Kids' Meals: Are We Being Too Hard On Ourselves?
In this case, I think so!
Amen girl! Amen!
+ The Theory of Cumulative Stress: How To Recover When Stress Builds Up
I love this theory! Makes so much sense!
+ How To Find Your Motivation For Recovery
If you need some help.
+ Listen To Your Body + 8 Ways To Reduce Stress
Yes please!
+ The 5 Ways We Burn Calories Everyday
We don't just burn them working out!
+ How Much Protein Do I Need To Eat?
Leucine. Do you know what it is?
+ Belly Bloat: The Causes And The Cures
Story of my life....tragically 😛
Blogging, Social Media, Technology:
+ 13 Ways To Drive Traffic To Old Blog Posts
Oldies but goodies!
+ A Beginner's Guide To Photoshop
Know the basics!
+ Tutorial: Editing Photos On Your Phone
I need to work on this! Or I just need a better phone...
+ 10 Reasons Why I Love Blogging
Haha, these are the best!
+ Write On: November Blogging Prompts
For when the "bloggers block" hits!
+ How To Write A Sponsored Post That Your Readers & Your Client Will Love
Make it good kids!
+ 10 Things Your Blog Might Be Missing
Okay...I just found this lovely's blog...I really couldn't have shared any post she wrote, but this one is most recent 😉
+ Recipe Development And Food Blogging Tips From Gluten Free Expert Shauna Ahern
The woman is a goddess. She was the first blogger I EVER read, years and years ago!
It's okay to ditch the makeup. I go makeup free at least a few days a week.
+ "Drop-By Guest Clean" In 10 Minutes
A deceivingly clean house is only a few minutes away 😉
+ How To Quit Your Job And Travel The World
If you don't know Kate, you should check out her blog...and her NEW BOOK!
+ In Defense Of A Paper To-Do List (And How To Do It Right)
You guys know I'm all about the lists!
Yes to all of this!
Favorite Pins:
(Follow me on Pinterest – RebeccaGF666)
Butternut Squash Vegan Macaroni and Cheese. This is a perfect pasta recipe.
Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cookies. Their paleo and vegan!
Roasted Salmon with Blueberry BBQ Sauce. Sweet, savory, salmony, perfect 😉
Grab-N-Go Sweet Potato, Cranberry & Quinoa Power Bowl. All those Thanksgiving flavors!
No Churn Pumpkin Peanut Butter Ice Cream. Just look at the fabulous ingredients in this!
Pistachio Salmon with Cranberries and Celriac Mash. I can't even tell you how badly I want this!
Baked Falafel with Roasted Red Pepper Tahini Sauce. I am all about the tahini right now!
A few things I loved about my week or am grateful for:
+ A great Monday morning! I wore my new sweater headband my mom got for me and am in love! It keeps me so warm and stays in place perfectly! Plus I got my first ever (EVER) Starbucks red cup! I felt like a champ 😉
+ I'm working on a pretty interesting final essay for my UW class. The topic is "real vs. imagined villains". So I got the grand idea to do mine on the fast food industry and societies own responsibility to the obesity epidemic! I am actually really excited about writing this 10 page paper 😉
+ DC cold is NOTHING like NJ cold! At least for now that is! Really, it is November, and I can still go out in shorts some days! Please let these bearable temperatures last a bit longer weather gods! Please!
So tell me:
+ How are the temps in your neck of the woods? Bearable? Or have you gotten the unfortunate cold and crazy wind...even snow?
+ Which do you want more on a cold morning? Hot Chocolate or Coffee?
+ Tell me anything else you'd like! Any great posts you want to share? Leave a link!
Stay connected: Facebook: Strength and Sunshine Twitter: @RebeccaGF666 Instagram: rebeccagf666 Pinterest: RebeccaGF666 Bloglovin’: Strength and Sunshine
Tammy @ TOTS Family
I'll have to read that photoshop post and the food all looks yummy! Thanks for linking up to the Bloggers Brags Pinterest Party! I’ve pinned you post to the Bloggers Brags Pinterest Board.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Haha, yes!
It's soooo lovely here in SF. Like 70s every day and sunny (except yesterday was kind of foggy). I don't miss the East Coast weather AT ALL.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
It's super sunny here today! But I think it's chilly...very chilly out right now 😉 Still this DC weather is beating NJ weather BY FAR!
Thanks so much for including my falafel recipe! Everything else looks amazing- I can't wait to check it out, especially that salmon! It looks divine. Love your headband too- you look super cute 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Hahaha, thank you!
Your recipe looks fab! I love it!
Whoa - so many great things in here! I don't have enough time to read through everything right now so I'm bookmarking for later, but I couldn't resist diving right into the link about finding your voice. Great share! Found you through Heather's #ffavorites and I look forward to reading more of your blog!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thank you so much Colleen! I love doing the Finisher to share all the great stuff out there! Have to celebrate everyone's work and talk about all the hot topics 😉
Thank you so much for sharing my pin! That outfit is one of my favorites!!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
It is so beautiful!
caralyn @ glutenfreehappytummy
what a great post! those pumpkin cookies look pretty dang good. and i'm definitely a morning green juice gal -- not coffee or hot chocolate haha
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
O man, no way! Coffee and tea for me 😉
GiselleR @ Diary of an ExSloth
Yay you for being able to write about health topics i=for school.
I'm doing a photoshop course and my assignment tonight is to do a protest poster about anything politically/socially/environmentally etc. controversial and I chose to do mine on the whole 'thigh-gap-bikini-bridge' debacle. I just love when I can direct my passion for healthy/fitness/food towards my schoolwork since I'm not doing anything even remotely related (I'm a statistics major).
Off to check out these amazing links 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
That is a great one! Woh...statistics!? (Can you help me with math!)
Being able to write and do work with those topics makes things so much easier and fun! I am hoping to apply for the Public Health major my junior year! It seems like it could be the perfect fit for me!
Michelle @ Vitamin Sunshine
Rebecca, I love it when Starbucks brings out the holiday cups! This year, I saw just yesterday they have iced coffee cups with snowflakes! I am going to have to go buy an iced coffee today just to get one. This is is Malaysia- where we need the iced option, even for Christmas!
Thanks for including my pistachio salmon-- it's a treat you must make for yourself!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
WE HAVE THOSE TOO! Next time I go I'll have to get either iced coffee or iced green tea then 😉
Girl...I WILL make that salmon once I get home for winter break! XOXO
Elizabeth @ Enjoy Every Bite
I love your Friday Finishers and look forward to them every week 🙂 TGIF - have a great weekend!!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thank you so much Elizabeth! Happy Weekend!!!
So many awesome recipes to check out, I'm excited! This is basically all I do all day hahahaha.... look for new food to make.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Hahaha! There is nothing wrong with that 😉
Heather @ FITaspire
such a fun roundup, now I have even more to read! 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
And that's why I post this on Friday so you have the WHOLE weekend 😉
Emily @ Sweets and Beets
I neeeed that blackberry salmon.. and that ice cream... and the mac and cheese, haha. And isn't it funny -- my idea of an awesome Friday is lifting + Trader Joe's too ; ) Could be worse!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
That salmon....really I am dieing! So good!
Haha, the two greatest past-times 😉
lovely links! Will need to check some of these out
That navy outfit is gorgeous! Also, you have a great smile
also awesome topic for your final essay! Hope it comes out awesome ♥
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Many thanks Tianna!
Anna-Marie @BeautyandtheBeets
I love the round up! Your Mom has great taste- I love that headband!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Haha! For most things she does 😉
I loved the potato skins idea!
I'm not a coffee or hot chocolate drinker. I kinda don't want to start the coffee habit (although I do like it), and hot chocolate is only good if half the mug is actually filled with marshmallows 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
The skin of potatoes is kinda the best part...haha!
I really haven't had hot cocoa in....years?!
Brie @ Lean, Clean, & Brie
Brrr it is so cold here in Michigan! It is supposed to be in the low 30s this weekend :(. I'll be keeping warm indoors this weekend, besides my runs! I love your headband!! I'll always take coffee in the morning and a cup of hot cocoa in the evening.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
I am sending you warm hugs! I Am not ready for temps like that! (Nor will I ever be!)
Thank you! Coffee in the morning for me and tea all through out the day 😉
Elsie @ Sharing Healthiness
OMG those salmon recipes! I am stocking on salmon for the week! Ha! Great always! Here it is kinda warm, kinda cold but I like it because I want to start wearing my warm sweaters and booties without feeling like a giant eskimo...;) Have a great weekend!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Salmon for life girl!
I just keep over-dressing most days, but I'm fine with that! If it could stay like this, I would be good 😉
Clare @ fitting it all in
Really great round up this week!!! Thanks for including me:)
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Of course Clare!
Wow - you've really been busy this week collecting links! 🙂
Love your headband.
No hot chocolate or coffee - give me a steamy mug of tea!
Enjoy a beautiful weekend!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Haha, thank you Karen!
Tea works too 😉 I'm always up for some hot tea!
Brittany @ Delights and Delectables
great links girl!!! Off to check them all out!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thanks friend! Happy reading 🙂
Tina Muir
So many good links Rebecca, I don't even know where to start....think I am gonna make another hot drink and take another look slowly so I can pick my favorites! Have a wonderful weekend 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Haha, that sounds like the perfect plan 😉
Michele @ paleorunningmomma
Definitely going to check out many of these articles because there are so many interesting ones! On a cold morning it always has to be coffee, but hot chocolate sounds great for afternoon. It's not terribly cold here yet, but getting there.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Hot chocolate has always given me a stomach ache all my life! Then again, I haven't had it since I went gluten-free, soy-free, etc. Haha! So that could have been the problem!