O boy...I have finals next week! I'm kind of indifferently scared (if that makes sense). I was able to get my Functional Fitness exam moved to Tuesday, instead of the following Monday (thank you professor!). So now my schedule looks like this: Tuesday - Functional Fitness, Wednesday - Microeconomics, Thursday - World History. Should be oddles of fun. No more UW though 🙁 We have out last class today to wrap up our quick presentations we each had to put together on a single aspect of our research this semester. I did my yesterday (total stress ball! Happy that's over!). If you have any weird and random unique study tips, let me hear 'em! I need all the help and motivation I can get!
So I think with everyone taking it easy on social media last week meant major usage this week! Be prepared for a LOADED Finisher this week! Sorry 😉 I just read good stuff that I know you or someone else will love and get use of, so I have to share. Take your time, grab a cup of tea, and take the weekend to scan through these 😉 XOXO
Monday: Not Your Typical Thanksgiving: Full Of Firsts, Fun, And Love
Tuesday: Let's Chat About: Eggs {And How To Replace Them}
Wednesday: Vegan Chickpea Scramble
Blog Posts and Links I loved this week:
Life, Mind, Body, Spirit:
+ How To Live Life Like A Pug
OMG! Haha, yes!
+ How Being Unliked On Facebook Reminded Me To Like Myself
This was the best post I read all week!
+ Affirmations Don't Work For Me. Here Are 20 Reminders That Do
Affirmations don't do it for me either!
+ A Letter To Any Woman Who Thinks She Needs A Different Body To Be Loved
Beautiful writing. Never think you need to be something you're not!
+ 5 Ways To More Past Fears
Don't let them stop you!
+ Are You Improving On The Silence?
It's good to be silent sometimes.
+ 31 Nice Things To Do For Yourself This December
Love these ideas!
+ Love You And Your Heart
Very important!
+ How To Never Fail At Anything, Ever.
You know I don't believe in failure!
You are not alone!
This was not what I was expecting! I'm so glad I read it because I can relate 100%
Do these things and you WILL be happy!
+ The 10 Most Important Lessons I Learned Before My 30th Birthday
These are so great! (Happy Birthday Sweetheart!)
+ Transform Your Mindset
Your mind is one very powerful thing.
+ Muscle Definition Is About More Than Just Fitness
"Abs are made in the kitchen" as the saying goes 😉
I think so.
+ Yoga Doesn't Care: A Disclaimer That Should Be Posted In Every Studio
This is simple pure gold!
+ My Top 3 Exercises To Build The Glutes - And Why Squatting Isn't One Of Them
Get a better butt!
+ 6 Brain-Boosting Foods That Should Be In Every Kitchen
Love them all!
+ 48 Healthier Holiday Cookies
I see some really yummy goodies in here 😉
+ 6 Alternative Flours For Gluten-Free Baking
Just a few great explanations and how to use these awesome flours!
+ Kitchen Gifts For Every Home Cook
I thought this was a great gift guide!
+ 50 Vegan Christmas Cookie Recipes
More amazing cookies for the season!
+ 5 Reasons Why I Run My Slow Cooker All Night (Not All Day)
Ah, very good! I agree!
+ The Ultimate Healthy Snack Recipes Roundup
For all your snacking needs!
You know the drill!
+ 12 Pantry Items That Will Last Nearly Forever
Woohoo, dried beans, rice, and vinegar!
+ All About Apple Cider Vinegar
Get the DL on ACV!
+ 30 Healthy Holiday Gift Ideas
More great options to give!
+ 11 Under-The-Radar Cooking Gadgets That Make Great Gifts
These are fun! I want a spice/coffee grinder!
+ How To Eat The Gold Standard Of 7-9 Servings Of Fruits And Veggies
Haha, I love this! The "S" suggestions are great!
+ 10 Things To Know About The New Calorie Counts In Restaurants
This is so great! Progress!
+ The 411 On Protein Powder
Good info I wish more people knew! (Stay away from those isolates! Ew!)
+ Why Food And Exercise Shouldn't Touch
Good mindset!
+ Protein In A Plant-Based Diet
Yes! You can get enough protein!
+ I'm Skinny And I Still Eat Salad
Don't judge someone by what they eat.
The coffee thing is interesting!
Blogging, Social Media, Tech & Photography:
+ 5 Steps To Better Writing
We all want to be better writers!
+ 270+ Places To Make Money Blogging
Rack in the dough my blogging friends, hahahaha! 😉
+ December Blogging Prompts
It's hard to run out of ideas during all this seasonal fun, but if you do...
+ Q&A Vlog: GOMI And Criticism
So this was my favorite video of the week 😉
+ I Don't Know What To Blog About
I just know I want to keep this blog. I'll post what I want, when I want. It's mine! (I paid for it, haha!)
+ 10 Ways To Market Your New Blog Or Website
Get some exposure!
+ How I Make Money Blogging With Ads
The whole monetizing thing still confuses me in every way possible!
+ 5 Do's And Don'ts For New Bloggers
Great stuff to remember!
O boy....stressin'!
+ I'm Glad You Think I Can Work For Free
College students SHOULD be paid for working internships.
+ Undeniable Proof That "The Walking Dead" And "Toy Story" Have The Exact Same Plot
Crap! This is insane!
+ 34 Truly Devastating Images That May Finally Push You Over The Edge
26, 27, and 29! O god!
+ Dear Parents: You Aren't That Special
Yea, you really aren't.
I want pretty bookshelves!
+ How To Get 90% Of Your Work Done Before Lunch
Woohoo! Morning productivity!
Holy crap....I want one!
+ "No One Cares About Your 4.0" And 10 Other Harsh College Realities
All these are very very true!
Favorite Pins:
(Follow me on Pinterest – RebeccaGF666)
Spicy Stuffed Butternut Squash. What a great all-in-one dinner!
Mini Gingerbread Loaves. These can easily be made GF too! I'm totally making ALL the gingerbread this year!
Pomegranate Sesame Chicken with Ginger Rice Pilaf. Can you just imagine the tastes here? Swoon!
One Pot Creamy Tomato Soup. I've never made homemade tomato soup. This one looks delectable!
Energizing Gingerbread Smoothie. Bring in the healthy holiday cheer!
Quinoa Gingerbread Cookies. O my! These are fabulous!
Potatoes N' Peas In A Curry. Warm, filling, comfort!
Cinnamon Apple Oatmeal. It's just so beautiful to look at, let alone eat!
Cinnamon Granola Chocolate Bars. What!?
Chickpea Miso Gravy Bowl with Sweet and Tangy Portobello Mushrooms. Again...what!? 😀
A few things I loved about my week or am grateful for:
+ Next week is my last week before I get to go home to good old NJ and see my family and my HOUSE and celebrate Christmas!
+ My soup recipe was posted on POPSUGAR!
+ Nice supportive people. They're good. Surround yourself with them...and only them!
So tell me:
+ Seriously, give me your weirdest study tips. They might just help me too!
+ Nobody answered on Facebook, so I'll ask here. What's a holiday recipe you wish was gluten-free and allergy-friendly? I'll make the best one!
+ Cake with a fork or a spoon? Spoon please!
Stay connected: Facebook: Strength and Sunshine Twitter: @RebeccaGF666 Instagram: rebeccagf666 Pinterest: RebeccaGF666 Bloglovin’: Strength and Sunshine
Rebecca @ MyEagerFeet
Thanks for sharing the tomato soup recipe! I've wanted to try making some from scratch, but every other recipe I've found uses pre-made soup as the base (which defeats the whole purpose.) My finals tip is to write things out and do any practice problems you can. It might feel silly doing the same problem five times, but if that's what you need to get the concept down, it's totally worth it.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Really!? Wow that is really dumb, haha! I've never seen that!
Thanks! I know I need to do that for econ...I just REALLY don't want to!
char eats greens
So many links I want to click on and read (so I bookmarked it ;)). My weird study tip: I go highlighter crazy. I don't know why, but colour coding my cue cards used to really help me out. I would visualize where on the card items would be!! haha. Happy studying!!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Ah, a visual learner 😉 I wish I was more of one! When it comes to the test, my mind always blanks like I've never seen any of it! (I do like highlighting though! It's an art!)
Thanks Char!!!
Deborah @ Confessions of a Mother Runner
wow! That was so much info in one post. I am going to have to come back to some of those articles. Great info! I wish I had taken some functional fitness classes in college. Have a great weekend 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thanks Deborah!
Haha, it is such an easy class for me 😉
Linda @ Veganosity
How in the world do you do it? I'm going to go ahead and assume that you don't sleep. The links are fabulous, as always. Thank you. Congratulations on being featured on POPSUGAR! Very exciting. Happy studying this weekend, now go and ace those exams. 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
I read over 200 blogs a day 😉 And look for articles...just part of my job! Hahahaha 😉
And thank you so much! I really hope I do well. Today I'm just preparing myself...the mass studying starts tomorrow! Ah!
Linda @ Veganosity
That's incredible! I'm impressed that you can sustain that along with school. You are a wonder woman!
Samantha Bender
OMG I love that you do this. This is so interesting, and I feel like there's a lot that I might have overlooked or wouldn't have otherwise found. Also, thank you for featuring my post. That was extremely kind of you, and so flattering! (:
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
That's what blogging is about! Sharing everyone's hard work and beautiful words!
You are so very welcome! XOXO
i love the overload! and great recipes for sure. good luck with finals!! xxoo
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Haha, overload indeed!
Thank you Lindsay! XOXO
Amanda @ Diary of a Semi-Health Nut
Ah so so many links!! But thanks for including mine about making money blogging! It's still mind boggling to me too, but I have learned a lot along the way!
Good luck on finals, lady!! <3
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
I know I can come to you then with more questions! 😉
Thank you! XOXO
Danica @ It's Progression
The links to food/recipes in this post is incredible! I pinned a few of the cookie recipes for when my sister and I do our day of Christmas baking 🙂
Thanks for including my post, too! Hope you have a good weekend!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
I can't wait to start all my Christmas cooking and baking creations! I am so full of inspiration right now!
And you too! XOXO
Dr. Renee
OMG!!! You have me salivating.... I think I am making that butternut squash dish next week! And those cinnamon ornaments look like they would taste AMAZING!!! I know I am not suppose to eat them but a girl can DREAM!!! #ILOVECINNAMON
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Well since they are edible 😉 Just cinnamon and apple sauce.....I say a Christmas morning treat while you open presents!
Melanie @ Nutritious Eats
I am kind of mad at you right now for posting SO many fabulous links that I obviously have to find the time to read. 😉 Man, those recipes. Ok. going back in......
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Hahaha! I had to stop myself too! I could have added so many more! It's a rough life 😉
genevieve @ gratitude & greens
I love your life, mind, body, spirit shares so much! Seriously, I could spend all afternoon reading them. And you beat me to the egg post! I have one in the works, and I will be sure to refer my readers to your post when I publish it. Also, weirdest study tips... I like to read aloud. I also like to write down the name of an article and the author on one side and sum up the article on the other side of a note card and I just go through and memorize. It did wonders for my exams! Good luck!!! Have a happy Friday and a great weekend! I'm off to mail your tea today so I hope you get it soon 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
People have just such good insight in their posts! That category could just be huge! I share so many because I hope they can effect someone!
(Hehe, thanks! Not everyone got the point of that post, I'm glad you did!)
Studying aloud is REALLY helpful! Especially for history! Econ is the one I'm pretty...worried and lost about!
(Thank you!!!!! I'll only be here for another week so hopefully it comes by then :O I don't want it to get lost!)
Elizabeth @ Enjoy Every Bite
Thanks so much for including my 30 Healthy Holiday Gift Ideas!! Good luck on finals! I'm sure you'll do great 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Your welcome! XOXO
And thank you, haha! 🙂
Katie @ running4cupcakes
Good luck on FINALS!!!! Happy Friday and thanks for linking up. 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thank you Katie!
Thanks for including my post in the list. Can't wait to dig in and read some more great articles.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Welcome! I hope you find some good ones!
Michele @ paleorunningmomma
Once again so impressed with how many great articles and recipes you collect! Just read the parenting one, and I mostly agree, however, I have unfortunately been the parent with an annoying seat kicking child. Not often, but I am not a good flyer myself (motion sickness) and there have been times I've simply given up! I completely see the whole entitled/make your own rules attitude and it's a huge pet peeve of mine though.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Haha 😉
We should all just be considerate to others and acknowledge we are not the only ones in pulic places!
Thanks so much for including my post!! What a great list. Those mini gingerbreads need to be made ASAP! Have a great weekend!!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Aren't they cute! I'd totally eat one for breakfast!
Thank you for sharing dear!!! Have a beautiful day! Thanks for the much needed Friday inspiration!! 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
You're so very welcome! That post made me think of my childhood stuffed animals/memories so much!!!
Have a beautiful day too! XOXO
I want to see a gluten free 3 story gingerbread mansion with an elevator and drawbridge (operable of course) decked out in twinkly lights. Don't forget the gingerbread family to go with it! 🙂 And could you have it posted by Monday please?
Hehe just kidding 😉 For reals, how about a gingerbread mug cake? Or chocolate peppermint?
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Dude! I am going all out on the gingerbread creations....once I get home. That's where the molasses and other spices I need are! :O
Fork OR spoon! Doesn't matter as long as there's cake involved!!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Hahahaha 😉 I get that!
Sonali- The Foodie Physician
Rebecca, this is a pretty amazing list! So many links that I need to check out over the weekend. As for the pins, the Spicy Stuffed Butternut Squash really grabbed my attention- looks incredible!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Haha, thanks!
It so does! Any stuffed squash and I'm a fan!
I found some great gifts ideas from the links you shared. Thanks!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Woohoo! Glad I could point you in the right direction 😉
Jen @ Bagels to Broccoli
Thanks so much for including my post, Rebecca! Have a good weekend :).
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
You're so welcome! Have an awesome weekend too! XOXO
Lauren @ The Bikini Experiment
Great links to read! Thanks for sharing. I love the cinnamon ornaments. I may to make those! Have a wonderful weekend.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
I know I am! They look so fun AND easy!
You too Lauren! XOXO
Emily @My Healthyish Life
YAY SOO close to break! I still have 12 days so I'm jealous you're done next week 🙂 Awesome links, as always. Great study break reading.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
We started SO early....and had no fall break, so don't be jealous! Haha, I should have put a big warning: "If you're about to start studying for finals...DO NOT read...it may lead to great procrastination!" Haha 😉 XOXO
jess meddows
Fantastic link round up, as always Rebecca! I've got a whole stick of food and fitness ones saved to read tonight. And good luck for your finals next week, you'll smash them! 😀
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Happy reading and thank you 😉 I can only hope!
thank you so much for posting! These recipes look so yummy!!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
There was just too many! I could have shared SO many more!
These roundups are amazing, Rebecca. Going to check out some links now. Good luck with finals!!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thank you Kelly! XOXO
Yay for a whole lot of awesome reading material over the weekend! 😀 Paid internships...haha, to me, that is the stuff of dreams. ._. That definitely would've helped me out on being able to borrow less for my med school tuition! I worked 3 part-time jobs while I was in college on top of 2 very-unpaid internships (I loved them though). Twas a fun time. :O
Best of luck to you on your finals next week, and I hope you have an awesome weekend! <3
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
O boy! I'll have to worry about internships soon, but right now I'm just lucky I can make money through my job with Plant Fusion which doesn't require actually physically going anywhere to work!
Thank you Farrah! XOXO
Good luck studying!! I know the feeling of relief when they are over and then you'll be able to take a break for Christmas!! When I was in university, I used to walk around my room and relay the course material as if I was the teacher presenting it - I found the motion and the saying it aloud really helped. For math/chemistry type of courses, I would still act like I was presenting but would write out the steps to solving the problem, like a teacher at the blackboard. And, a good night's sleep where I'd sometimes dream the whole course material since it was so on my mind!
That's my only weird study tip! You'll do fine!!!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
That's actually always helped me! "Re-teaching" it to myself, by going though it out loud! If I have someone else to explain it to as well, it makes it that much better. It also solidifies my confidence!