Happy Pi Day! I don't have a witty pie recipe for you, but I guess you can always make this baby if you so desire 😉 I hate math though, so this holiday holds nothing special for me, haha! I remember the holidays that I don't care about but miss the good ones! Anyway, I have a really busy weekend ahead. I have a ton of work to get done (some deadlines I forgot about) and I am a little stressed about getting it all done. But I just need to remember to breathe and take it one step at a time. But I know how the weekends can be for me. I am totally lazy and procrastinate so bad! I just have no motivation on the weekends after a long week. But I can't let that get in the way this weekend! I have to stay on my game! I know it will be worth it though in the end, I just have to get there first. And then do it all over again the next week 😉 See this is why my life is so boring and why I am not a blogger who posts about their daily life. Nothing happens and every week looks exactly the same, just some weeks I have more work and responsibility than others. If I went places and tried cool new things I would tell you, but alas, right now that is a sad no. I just blame it on school though. Just wait till next year when I start college. I am sure then I will have tons of adventures to share with you all! Until then you will have to deal with my mini rambles, recipes, workouts, yoga love, and random healthy living posts!
And here is my 10th link-up to FTSF (Finish The Sentence Friday)! FTSF is that you are given a sentence each week and you finish it however you want, long or short. This week’s sentence was, “My favorite decade was..."
Monday: Power Monday #36 Why Our Bodies Need Fats
Tuesday: Ola! Granola Review + Giveaway
Wednesday: Apple Poppy Seed Pancakes
Thursday: Upper Body Blowout Surprise + More Poppy Seeds
Blog Posts I loved this week:
+ 82 Push-Ups You Need To Know About
One of my favorite exercises! I can never get enough of new variations to try 😉
Your blog is part of you! Be proud of it and love it!
+ How To Naturally Dye Easter Eggs
I always had fun dyeing eggs as a kid! We would always dye so many, but no one would ever eat them all. My brother and I would each make a special egg for everyone in my family. We would use wax crayons, the fizzy dyes (I loved the vinegar smell from the vinegar you use to dissolve the dyes!), stickers, the works!
+ Moving Past What Doesn't Matter
Don't get wrapped up and stressed about things you can not control.
Don't let past experiences hold you back. Grasp that dream and run with it. Follow the path right for you and don't give up.
+ Unapologetic Blogging - I'm Not Sorry For My Content
Again, you are writing for you, first! Those who come back to read are just icing on the cake. If someone doesn't like you content, then why are they reading? You don't have to change your writing voice to fit others likes or wants.
+ Why Do We Need Iron In Our Bodies?
A discussion about an often times over-looked body essential form the iron woman Kristy! (This strong girl just sat through a painful iron transfusion for over 6 hours the other week!)
+ 6 Nutrition Guidelines To Follow Whether You Want To Lose Weight Or Not
Just the fundamentals of being a healthy eater!
+ Lower-Load High Rep Resistance Training Is Highly Effective
I think it is just about training how you want. I like doing high reps at a challenging weight. I don't like doing 5 reps at a max our weight. It just isn't for me, but it might be for someone else. (i.e. Group Power/Body Pump are awesome classes!)
+ I Want That Wednesday...But Look At All I Have
This girl is awesome! A great reminder on being grateful for what you have...written on her birthday too! Happy Birthday Amy! XOXO
So many bloggers are all about meal prep. I don;t meal prep, just gather enough groceries each weekend for essential go-to dishes. I prep during the week as I go and that is fine by me. A laid back approach!
From a Crossfitter, Claire, and her struggles to get in enough fuel to get stronger.
+ Stop The Blog Disclaimers
Again, another great post on true blogging and blogging for yourself first!
Any of these types of "diets" that keep popping up are fads. They are, you can not deny that. Why can't we just eat real whole foods fresh form the Earth?
+ 10 Reasons Why Your Non-Fitness Friends Think You're A Weirdo
Haha, yes! I do love spending $50 on Compression Socks 😉
Favorite Pins:
(Follow me on Pinterest – RebeccaGF666)
Tarragon Salted Dark Chocolate Chunk Cookies. A simply beautiful elegant recipe 🙂
Treadmill Pyramid Cardio Routine. I did the pyramid (squat/burpee) portion and was dieing! It was so great!
Buckwheat Berry Superfoods Porridge. Mmm, the taste of buckwheat in the morning 🙂
Vegan Blueberry Upside Down Cake. This is so perfect! A single-serve vegan and gluten-free dessert 🙂
DIY Chai Spice Mix. I really want to like the chai flavor, but the one time I tried to make a chai spiced quinoa flake bowl...it tasted horrible. I think it was because I did not get the ratios right and put way to much Cardamom in! I need to try again!
A few things I loved about my week or am grateful for:
+ My 2 new college acceptances! I am still waiting to hear from like 8 or 9 more schools...Hopefully by April I will know!
+ My brother is coming home for spring break today for the next two weeks. Even though I complain about him coming home all the time and getting in my way, haha, I do like having him here! Maybe... 😉
+ That exciting post I was teasing you with a few weeks ago? Well I think it might be coming up next week, so get pumped!
+ I should get a prize for this. I emailed my NJ congressman and got him to agree to come in to my AP government class to talk with us! My teacher had mentioned how he had tried to get the congressman to come in before, but never got a response. So I said hey, what the hell, let me take a stab at it. Bam! Done! I guess I have gotten pretty persuasive and good with email communication due to the blog 😉
So Tell Me:
Is your life as boring as mine? Really, mine is the same thing every week! Wake-up, go to school, come home, read blogs, workout, eat dinner, take a shower, go to bed...and REPEAT!
What was your favorite subject in school?
Random, but have you ever had an Asian Pear? Also known as an apple pear? I did! For the first time on Tuesday. It was weird. Like a not too ripe pear. Crisp and subtly sweet. Not to bad either 😉
Stay connected: Facebook: Strength and Sunshine Twitter: @RebeccaGF666 Instagram: rebeccagf666 Pinterest: RebeccaGF666 Bloglovin’: Strength and Sunshine
Amy @ Long Drive Journey
I know I am late, but thank you so much for the birthday wishes! My life is normally boring, but the birthday weekend made it crazy! I'm so glad that I didn't miss this post though!
Strength and Sunshine
Well, I am glad you had a crazy fun weekend! (That is totally a perfect excuse for staying away from the blog world, haha!) Hugs! XOXO
Great post babe! CONGRATS on the college acceptances...WOOOOOHOOOO, off to check out some of those links.
Strength and Sunshine
Thank you Karen 🙂 Happy reading!
Great roundup of links and recipes. 😀
My favorite decade would have to be the roaring 20s. <3
Strength and Sunshine
I was thinking of picking that one! Definitely another awesome and interesting time to look back on.
Arman @ thebigmansworld
Thanks so much for the shout out- my fermented friend!
Strength and Sunshine
No problem Arman! I'm always happy to include you 😉
Great FF this week! Congrats on the college acceptances 🙂
Strength and Sunshine
Thanks Jill 🙂 <3
Alison @ Daily Moves and Grooves
Awesome links! And yes, I LOVE Asian pear!
Strength and Sunshine
Hahaha most people have no idea what it even is! Thanks for stopping by today Alison 🙂
Congratulations on your college acceptances and...such a wonderful blog. You are so far ahead of where I was in my late teens. I can't wait to see your success in the future. 🙂
Strength and Sunshine
Thank you so much! You are so sweet 🙂 XOXO
Kaila @healthyhelperblog!
THANK YOU SO MUCH for featuring my post!!! Love your weekly link up! Can't wait to go read some of these awesome articles! 🙂
Strength and Sunshine
I am so glad someone finally posted the "other" view of the Whole 30! That takes some courage 😉 Thank you for stopping by too! XOXO
Thanks so much for the post share and for linking up! Hope you have a great weekend! 🙂
Strength and Sunshine
Welcome! You too Heather 🙂 XOXO
Congratulations on your two college acceptances!! Which colleges are they, if you don't mind me asking? If you'd rather keep it hidden to protect your privacy, I completely understand 🙂 I always thought the 1950's were when women got caught up in the "cult of domesticity," reverted back to more "domestic" work, and lost some of the independence they had during World War 2, when they took over the typical "male jobs" since their husbands and sons were fighting in the war. However, perhaps my memory is just fuzzy, since it's been four years since I took AP U.S. History my junior year of high school! I'l definitely have to check out some of these links--I always love reading "Friday link posts," since they always lead me to interesting articles/posts or delicious recipes. That's awesome how you managed to get a congressman into your AP Government class to give a talk, and I am sure it will be an educational experience. I took AP Goverment my senior year of high school (well, I did it online since I was homeschooled), and though I got an A in the class, I only got a 3 on the exam. Politics/government is probably my least favorite topic in school 😉 I did try an Asian Pear once, but I wasn't crazy about the flavor--I'd rather eat either a pear OR an apple. My schedule does tend to be fairly consistent from week-to-week: college classes, ballet classes, yoga, studying, and cooking. However, I never find it "boring," per say, since there are always small-yet-interesting events that occur throughout the week. I hope you have a wonderful day!
Strength and Sunshine
That was part of the time period as well which is find so interesting! The new suburban life!
Marina @ Lazy for Diet
Oh, my life reminds the same routine as 😉 I think, except for those days when I get out somewhere with friends or vacation, my life is a cycle: university - house
Strength and Sunshine
I don't even do things on weekends haha!
Ooooo, congratulations on your acceptances, that's so exciting! But now comes the hard part--having to decide 🙂
Don't worry, my life is pretty boring, too--AND I'm in college! Wake up, go to crew practice, shower, eat breakfast, go to class, get back to my dorm, do homework, go to lab, do homework, go to club meetings, do homework, crash. Yay for crazy college life!! xoxo
Strength and Sunshine
Thank you Kris! I plan on making lots of changes next year so I a going to MAKE it exciting no matter what!
Yaitza Bueno
Glad you enjoyed the workout love! That blueberry cake looks delish! As always, thanks for sharing.. Have a lovely weekend ;o)
Strength and Sunshine
You too Yaitza 🙂 XOXO
janae @ bring joy
Rebecca, thank you so much for including my porridge in your roundup! You astound me, girl!! ox
Strength and Sunshine
Haha, thank you Janae 🙂 XOXO
Heather @ Better With Veggies
Love your links – I always think that’s a great way to discover new and interesting things I wouldn’t have found on my own. And thanks for including my post as one of them.
I think often my day-to-day can get boring, but I try to do something each week that I really love. That’s why we snowboard so much in the winter.
Strength and Sunshine
I love link sharing posts!
I have never been snow boarding or skiing for that matter... but I hate the cold so I wouldn't be able to handle it, haha!
Sally Rae
Great links! I always love your Friday posts 🙂
Strength and Sunshine
Thanks Sally 🙂 XOXO
Janine Huldie
The 50/60s were definitely a great time to choose and my parents were in their early and late teens throughout the 60s, so I must say sometimes I can't help, but get nostalgic, especially with the music of that era, because I grew up listening to so much of it, because of them. Thanks for sharing and hope you get your work done this weekend, but also enjoy some of it, too 🙂
Strength and Sunshine
Thanks Janine 🙂 The music through that whole period and the 70s (my fav) was definitely something special. So much better than what is popular now a days!
Kristy @ Southern In-Law
Thanks for including me beautiful! I am now going to check out all these links!
Don't worry, my life is pretty boring too - it's generally the same old same old week in and week out 😛
At school my favourite subjects were English (fitting for a now copywriter), photography and food technology/cooking!
Strength and Sunshine
I wish I could have taken cooking in school, but those classes at my school are geared toward things like...this is how to boil water, haha! Plus I think I would die form gluten inhalation and all of the meat they cook...gross!