Don't worry, I don't have anything April Fool's-y to prank you with. This is a Friday Finisher and I won't be playing any games! The better news is now that we have arrived to April 1st, that means the worst 3 months of the year are over and behind us! The warm weather, summer, and good vibes WILL be coming...soon! Less than 2 more months of the semester too! That's crazy! So let's all chin-up, buckle down, and power through to the BEST season and months of the year! So welcome to April (even though those "April Showers" are hitting it hard here already!) and settle in to browse this week's Friday Finisher! Happy weekend!
Monday: Shaved Purple Asparagus & Asian Vegetable Soba Noodles
Tuesday: Freedom Feature: Chelsea Gray "Today With Mamma Gray"
Wednesday: Slow Cooker Sesame Orange Broccoli Chicken
Blog Posts and Links I loved this week:
Life, Mind, Body, Spirit:
+ How To Get Yourself Out Of A Bad Mood
Good stuff! Not you're typical "go outside" post.
+ 12 Powerful habits I Have Stolen From Ultra Successful People
Habit stacking!
+ How A Creative Project Can Heal Your Body, Your Mind And The World
And mine is COOKING!
+ How The Digital Era Impacts The Mourning Process
Wow, this scared me :/
+ Almost Everyone Who Is Unhappy With Life Is Unhappy For The Same Reasons
Sound like you?
+ Trust Me, You Don't Want Her Life
Nope, no I don't! #fake
+ Five F*cks I've Stopped Giving
Gotta love Carla!
"Maybe" the hardest part to eliminate in all aspects!
+ Powerful Psychological Forces That Make Good People Do Bad Things
There are a lot of reasons!
+ 9 Ways For Women To Improve Their Deadlift
I have a love/hate relationship with deadlifts!
Hmmm, who lives in CO?
+ Cocoa Keeps Us Young At Heart
Go eat some chocolate!
O.M.G. Now let's hope they can swap the wheat to make them GF 😛
+ Sauerkraut Could Be The Secret To Curing Social Anxiety
Eat your 'kraut, kids!
+ Organic Vegetables Are A Waste Of Money
+ Peanut Butter Is Getting A Makeover, And It's Revolutionizing A $1.9 Billion Dollar Business
Guys, I think nut butter is here to stay 😉 Bahaha!
+ How Cooking Can Drastically Transform Your Health & Happiness
Spot on! You know how passionate I am about this!
Health, Celiac Disease, & Food Allergies:
+ Food Shaming And Comparison: The Thief Of Joy
I usually don't like including posts like this, but it was very well said!
+ Gluten-Free Oats & Profits Over People
Livelong GF Harvest! (Best REAL gluten-free oats!)
+ Top 10 Design Flaws In The Human Body
So you're NOT a perfect machine 😉
+ The Evolution Of Anxiety: Why We Worry And What To Do About It
O, uncertainty!
Blogging, Social Media, Tech & Photography:
+ How One Blogger More Than Doubled Her Comments, Traffic, And Shares
What are your INTERNAL needs?
+ Secure Your WordPress Site Before It's Too Late
Security, people!
+ A Proven Blogging Strategy That Works In Any Niche
I haven't full gone through this, but seems like an interesting read!
+ 30 Days Of Photography Prompts For April
Well these are more fun than writing!
+ The Quick & Dirty Guide To Content Repurposing
I will be saving this bad boy!
+ Instagram And The Cult Of The Attention Web: How The Free Internet Is Eating Itself
This will make you think.
Career & Business:
+ People Want Power Because They Want Autonomy
It may not be about control!
+ 14 Resume Tips And Tricks From An Expert
Good, good stuff here!
Hehe, a little chuckle for Friday!
+ How To Whiten Your Clothes Naturally
Well that's niffy! Did you see the Old Navy stain-resistant white pants??
+ 50 Documentaries You Need To See
Have you seen any of these?
+ The 10 Most Boring Small Towns In America
I think my hometown should be up there 😛
Favorite Pins:
(Follow me on Pinterest – RebeccaGF666)
Crunchy Chili Sauce. The possibilities of this!
Quick Hoisin Chicken Stir-Fry. So beautiful too!
Olive Oil, Cardamom, and Blood Orange Polenta Cake. My favorite citrus!
Raw Chocolate Caramel Bars. You know you want one!
35-Calorie Mini Vegan Quiches. Too cute! And soy-free <3
Oven-Baked Crispy Truffled Fries. I need to get one of those cutters!
Asian Inspired Shredded Chicken Salad. The Asian food love never ends!
A few things I loved about my week or am grateful for:
+ Update from last week's lab mishap: We have confirmed that E.coli was not present in our sample! I'll live!
+ I crossed a super fun dish of my recipe bucket list this week! So excited to share soon!
So tell me:
+ Best April Fool's prank you've gotten someone with? My favorite was the time I taped the kitchen skin sprayer down so when my mom turned the water on (right after she woke-up), she got soaked my water 😛
+ Cruel April Fool's prank you've had done to you?
Stay connected:Facebook: Strength and Sunshine Twitter: @RebeccaGF666 Instagram: rebeccagf666 Pinterest: RebeccaGF666 Bloglovin’: Strength and Sunshine
12 Powerful Habits I Have Stolen From Ultra-Successful People was so interesting. I love the concept of habit stacking. It makes so much sense!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Right? It's a great method!
Oh gracious Toddler Facebook cracked me up, and I was certain I might find my hometown on the top 10 boring list. Great post!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Haha! Enjoy the laughs!
Kristy @ Southern In Law
If Toddlers Had Facebook - way too cute! Haha
I can't wait to hear what your recipe success is!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Such a fun idea!
Chrissa - Physical Kitchness
Those raw caramel bars and hoisin story fry look OUT OF THIS WORLD!!!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Mmmhmm! Dinner and dessert!
Olena @ candiesandcrunches
Ahahaha! Toddlers and Facebook! Too funny!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Such a cute site!
Natalie | Feasting on Fruit
Yay you're not going to die from attack of the bacteria!!! Wow just imagine the terrible pranks you could pull in a science lab 😮 Now on a very very serious note: crinkle cut potatoes!!! That is the coolest, I don't know why the shape matters but it does! And that cookie dough cereal, that's genius. Happy weekend, I hope it's springy and sweet!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Bahaha! That could get dangerous 😉
The crinkles are so classic and get so crispy!!! Shape does matter!
Liora (Allthingsloveli)
So many good links here.
That cookie dough cereal is calling my name!
That thrillist article on organic vegetables is leaving me feeling not too good though. What are your thoughts on that?
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
That would make such a fabulous breakfast!
I don't buy organic. Some things I do, but it's not "because it's organic". I buy so much produce that I don't have the money FOR only organic.
Leah M @ love me, feed me
Omg that crunchy chilli sauce! Gimme gimme!! 😛 I can't think of any very fun/cruel april fools day pranks happening in my life. I remember as a kid always wanting to do the craziest stuff but never actually did. Probably for good reason (aka not having my brother kill me). But I've totally taped down the water sprayer handle and actually got 2 people with it and then one of my friends accidentally did it again and got sprayed for a second time hahaha.
Have a great weekend Rebecca!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
I know!!! That sauce...fiery amazingness!
I love the sink one! It really is the ultimate classic! And taping the toilet paper roll!
One time when my brother and I were really young and my mom still set out clothes out for school, she picked super old (SMALL) clothes and we couldn't get them on! ha!
rachel @ Athletic Avocado
I don't think i've ever really been pranked for April Fools day, AKA no fun for me lol. Have a great weekend 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
What!? O man....if I lived closer, I would totally think of something to get you with 😉