Is it really Friday? I'm not sure if this week was fast or slow. I do know it was just the weekend! Exaggerating? Maybe, but that's what it feels like! The house is now pretty chaotic as it's now "summer" and when some people still haven't unpacked all their things from school, the house is a maze (more so than usual!) I have hopes that we can get everything "organized"...soon...Until then, I'll just keep taking deep breaths!
Did I show y'all a picture of my brother's graduation last week? No, I realized I didn't (no time to add it to last week's finisher!) I'll post one at the bottom of this finisher, if you're so interested 😉 Before you get there though, I know you may just get lost in this week's links and pins (everyone's favorite part!) Have a fabulous Friday and weekend! Enjoy the warming weather (it's starting to stay!)
Monday: Spiralized Sweet Potato Crust Veggie Pizza
Tuesday: The Signs & Symptoms of Celiac Disease
Wednesday: Coconut Matcha Ice Cream
Recently Updated Post: Chocolate Peanut Buckwheat Cereal
Blog Posts and Links I loved this week:
Life, Mind, Body, Spirit:
Some ideas I think we can all get behind!
Glass half full, half empty?
+ When Did Optimism Become Uncool?
This is totally true, isn't it?
+ 12 Quotes About Life That Will Make You Rethink Your Priorities
O, gosh, so good!
+ Reading With Intention Can Change Your Life
There's reading to escape, but you should also do some with intention!
+ 7 Happiness Hacks For When You Can't Afford A Therapist
Great suggestions!
+ My Life Is The Culmination Of Many Decisions Based Upon Fear
Is fear driving (or not driving) your decisions?
+ The Complex Psychology Of Why People Like Things
And sometimes we just can't explain it!
+ What I'm Learning After Two Months Without My Dad
Every journey is different and every one is only our own and no one elses.
+ 10 Grilling Myths That Must Go Away
Because it's my favorite...grilling season <3
+ Calcium Rich Vegan Food Combinations
Plant calcium is...the best!
+ This Startup Is Brewing "Real" Vegan Gelatin
O my goodness...what do you think?
+ Why Honey Isn't Vegan (With A Few Caveats)
I'm in the came that it's not.
+ Foods Your Bitch Add Better Not Bring To A Memorial Day Cookout
Health, Celiac Disease, & Food Allergies:
+ Even Doctors Say You Should Stop Buying Gluten-Free Food For No Reason
Like so many of you are :/
+ Should There Be Widespread Screenings For Celiac Disease?
I don't understand why they say the biopsy is so invasive...
+ No, Being Stressed Isn't The Same As Having Anxiety
It is not.
+ New Research On Acid Reflux Damage
+ Stop Asking Me About Diarrhea At The Dinner Table
Why do people ask? They know the response isn't pretty.
Blogging, Social Media, Tech & Photography:
+ "We Threw Too Much Money At Them"
A company executive's view on paying "influencers".
+ 6 Ways To Spark New Ideas For Content
In a little slump?
+ How To Improve Facebook Engagement: Insights From 1 Billion Posts
There's got to be some insight there!
+ Thinking Of Quitting Blogging? What Dooce Did Next
She knows the truth!
Such a waste! (Anyway, you can learn all the same "info" for free.
+ How To Be More Intentional With Technology
This post isn't helping you, is it? Haha! Tabs!
+ Instagram Is Life Porn - And We Have To Get It Under Control
Is your usage under control?
+ Have We Lost Ourselves In Social Media?
YES! (She also nailed it with that bit about Mother's Day).
Career & Business:
+ 7 Things To Say When A Conversation Turns Negative
To continue effective communication.
+ The Six Qualities Of Good Feedback
We need feedback, but GOOD feedback!
For those uninformed critics and trolls!
+ This Is How To Be Persuasive: 7 New Secrets From hostage Negotiation
Time to get what you want 😉
+ Failure Is An Essential Element Of Success
Sure it is! That's why I never like to call it "failure".
+ How To Not Feel Like Your Losing When Others Are Winning
Don't worry. You ARE valuable!
Where that Southern accent came from!
Maybe I need to more to Nebraska :O
+ 13 Undeniable Reasons Everyone Should Have A Dog In Their Life
I do want one....
Favorite Pins:
(Follow me on Pinterest – RebeccaGF666)
Single-Serving Sea Salt Chocolate Chip Cookie. I think it's cookie time!
Caribbean Jerk Chickpea Salad Sandwich. This is so spectacular!
Blackened Salmon with Mango Salsa. 'Tis a glorious dinner!
Pineapple Tuna Quinoa Skillet. More tropical fish ideas!
Vegan Chai Plum Cake. I can't wait to get my hands on some plums (and make this GF)!
Rhubarb Oat Bars with Streusel Crumb Topping. And rhubarb <3 My spring favorite!
Double Chocolate Almond Cookies. Let's end this with some chocolate cookies!
A few things I loved about my week or am grateful for:
+ Finished a fantastic book! 100% recommend!
So tell me:
+ Fast week? Slow week? How was it for you?
+ What are you doing this weekend? I really have no idea :/ I'll just go with the flow!
+ Random question of the week! Do you have a recommendation for an affordable but reliable (and lots of space) external hard drive?
Stay connected: Facebook: Strength and Sunshine Twitter: @RebeccaGF666 Instagram: rebeccagf666 Pinterest: RebeccaGF666 Bloglovin’: Strength and Sunshine
You've got some great links here and that Caribbean Jerk Sandwish - Mmmmmm!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Right!? 😀
Sigh, I want a dog too. *-* I spent this weekend taking care of the farm and also partially dog-sitting, and ahhhh! I need a house with a yard and to not be moving every couple weeks/months/years! ;_;
P.S. I need that "Snickers" Ice Cream Bowl in my life...
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
That's always been one of our problems...the yard situation. We have a HUGE yard...but not the right fences...and the road would cause a very unsafe problem :/
Ginger Wroot
Love this yum-looking roundup! That plum cake? Definitely pinning that one! Btw, I just got a couple of Seagate external hard drives...I'm not tech savy, so maybe that's why I've found them a little cumbersome to use....
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Haha, okay, noted!
I need to remember to put down my water glass! 😉 What a powerful message, thanks for sharing that! And OMG, "We Have Lost Ourselves In Social Media" - just, wow. I found myself nodding in agreement throughout the entire thing! So good...I'm pinning so many of these links! Ha! And all of the recipes...drool. That single serving cookie is calling my name! Good portion control 😉 Another wonderful Friday post of yours!
Oh! And I LOOOOOVE that family photo! <3
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
It was powerful!
We's insane and I really don't like it. It makes my heart literally ache.
xoxoxoxo Thank you Mandy!
Casey the College Celiac
Great family photo - congrats to your brother! No big plans for me except seeing Captain America with the folks. And food prepping since I start my 9am-6pm internship on monday! :O
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Haha, thank you and have fun!
O where are you interning?
Casey the College Celiac
I'm interning at Entity Magazine to help create content for their website (it will be launching in July). Should be an adventure! 🙂
Bianca - ElephantasticVegan
Wonderful reads again! I feel like one's approach to optimism is also strongly culturally influenced. In Austria, we are prone to rant 😀 And hearing other people rant all the time, also makes oneself being more pessimistic. It's a catch22.
This week was a super fast week for me. Since I've send out the first draft of my master thesis 3 weeks ago, time has flying by. Too much free time 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Hahaha, you should move to NJ 😛
But that's some well deserved free time 😉
Kristy @ Southern In Law
Your family photo is gorgeous!
You always find the best links, I swear! I love these posts!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
So many I want to read I don't even know where to start. Gorgeous family picture by the way and wow to the snickers ice cream - insane!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Haha, well I think you found your Friday night reading 😉
Thank you so much Michele! xoxo
I know!!! That just looks insane!!
Jasmine Eclipse
So many useful and interesting links here, thank you so much! This week went by very, very fast for me, which was an amazing thing! I got some great news, and spent a lot of time with loved ones, which is so important to me. I am relaxing this weekend, I don't even plan on leaving the house. It should be glorious. To answer your hard drive question: I bought the Lacie external hard drive and it's amazing. It's kind of pricey, but has tons of space and I'm pretty sure you can drive over it and it won't break haha. Have a wonderful weekend!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Sounds pretty stellar to me!! Love and relaxation is what we all crave!
Haha, okay! Thank you! I will check it out anyway! xoxo
Wow that cookie looks delish! And that salmon dish!--I am making that this week! Thank you so much for sharing. This was a fast week, but I'm off today. I'm headed out of town for my cousins wedding! Enjoy your weekend and thank you for sharing!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Cookies and salmon make the world go round!
Have a beautiful weekend yourself and congrats to your cousins wedding! (I LOVE weddings!)
EA-The Spicy RD
So many great links! I can't wait to make your Chocolate Buckwheat Porridge-yum! And, that Carribean Jerk Chickpea Sandwich is totally calling my name. Congrats to your brother!!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thanks EA!
Tashena Shaw
<3 Thank you for sharing. <3
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine