One year and 1 day old now! I am still in awe that I have made it this far! What a blessing it has been to keep Strength and Sunshine up and running every day! Did you enter the birthday giveaway yet? You should! I got some good stuff packed to ship to one of you lovelies! Now we bounce into year two! Remember how I said June is a great month, but also a very busy month. Well on Sunday I will be in DC for orientation for a few days. So if I can get through and survive three days of no sleep, running around the city, information overload, who-knows-what-food resources I will have, then I can say there will be a year two for SAS. I pray I can get my posts up and promoted on Monday and Tuesday (I am not ready for a blogging break. I must post!)...I should have asked for guest posts, but it's a bit to late for that now! Fingers crossed I survive all this Colonial Inauguration craziness. My anxiety is through the roof right now! But after that, the summer will be much more relaxed and I can start marking the things I want to get done in my own time. Relaxed except for when I get my wisdom teeth out at the end of July (god help me!).
Guess what's back this week! My 21st FTSF! FTSF(Finish The Sentence Friday) is that you are given a sentence each week and you finish it however you want, long or short. This week’s sentence was, "The one thing I'll never compromise on is..."
The one thing I'll never compromise on is the safety of my food. Having food allergies is one big world of walking on eggshells. If you don't have control over where you food came from, how it was prepared, where it was prepared, how it was served, you are putting yourself at risk. So if I don't feel 100% safe on the food I am about to eat, I won't risk it. Yes, this means I always have to plan ahead and come prepared, but my health is worth more than convenience ten-fold. And it's pretty obvious that you should never compromise your health to make someone happy because you feel awkward turning down food. Be gracious, but walk away. You don;t want to hurt your body and get yourself sick. It is not worth it!
Monday: Power Monday #50 Getting Lost
Tuesday: A Little Random Q & A
Wednesday: Chocolate Banana Cashew Granola
Thursday: Happy Birthday Strength and Sunshine
Blog Posts and Links I loved this week:
Life, Mind, Body, Spirit:
+ The Sum Of Small Efforts, Repeated...
The small things do count and they add up to the best things!
+ Why We Need To Write Things Down
I am all about the lists and writing things down. They keep me sane!
+ 13 Small Choices That Can Change Your Life In Great Ways
Everything in this post!
+ I Used To Want To be Skinny
And now she just wants to be happy...and is!
+ Rethinking How We Compliment One Another
Stop complimenting on the size of a person!
Finally someone has the gusto to say this!
Celebrate you and be proud of who you are!
+ Your Own Worst Enemy: Letting Go Of Negative Body Image
A little reminder to be kinder 🙂
+ If Your Have Trouble Reaching Your Goals, This Post Is For You
How to get past the wall and keep yourself accountable.
+ 5 Tips On Dealing With Confrontation
From a blogging stand point to your everyday life.
Taking hold of the right perspective again.
+ 10 Ways To Simplify Your Life - And Enjoy It!
I love everything about this! Now to just implement it!
+ How To Improve Your Body Image With Yoga
Yoga has brought me so much self-awareness and confidence!
+ 10 Tips for Avoiding Road Rage From the Queen of Grumpiness Behind the Wheel
Haha, yes! I think me and my mom need these tips!
+ Got Shin Splits? Have You Tried These Foot Stretches?
No matter what I do, I always get them from walking around, like in DC. Which is going to happen next week....Compression socks seem to help a bit though!
Boy how I love my KB Swings!
+ How Lifting And Crossfit Helped Me In My Recovery
The power of strength, muscle, progress, and POWER!
It's a powerful thing!
+ 29 Tips To Get Rid Of Dairy (Without Turning To Soy!)
Don't need dairy and you don't need soy! Just look at me 😉
+ Too Much Of A Good Thing? Kids' Cereal Is Overloaded With Vitamins
See. We should just eat as minimally processed as possible and this wouldn't even be an issue.
+ My Favorite Ways To Eat Almonds
Almonds rocks! I eat a ton, may that be as milk, almond butter, or simply just whole!
+ Is It Rude To Eat Differently From My Family And Friends?
No. Our society had just become to "people-pleasing" and there is no reason to sabotage your beliefs or health. Stick up for yourself!
+ 10 Flicks That Changed The Way That I Eat
Food Inc. was phenomenal!
+ Out From The Cold: Getting The Best Out Of Fresh And Frozen Foods
How to keep you food good and safe in the freezer.
+ Food Guilt
Food is food. It is not emotion, it is not guilt.
+ Why I'll Never Eat Another Quest Bar
Those things are disgusting. Haha, #sorryimnotsorry!
+ 10 Easy & Satisfying Desk Breakfasts To Start Your Day
Some days cereal will satisfy me, others it's pancakes, or hot cereal, it is always changing!
+ Sorry To Be The Bearer Of Bad News... But Lemme Share The Real Deal On Agave Nector
Amen to that! It's still crap processed sugar, y'all!
+ 6 Tips For Traveling With Dietary Restrictions
I definitely travel this way! Always got to plan for food emergencies!
An outline to healthfully and effectively increase calories and fix you metabolism.
+ Choose Food, Not Drugs, For Weight Loss
It is the only real "fix"!
+ Eat More Gluten: The Diet Fad Must Die
This article was a bit controversy with Celiacs, as it did not speak to the life-long medical need of being gluten-free for medical reasons. But I agree with stopping the fad.
+ The Difference Between Registered Dietitian And Nutritionist
In case you were confused like me!
+ Are We Putting Too Much Emphasis On Our Weight?
Interesting, interesting, interesting...
Blogging & Social Media:
+ I Will Never Be The Kind Of Blogger Who
What kind of blogger will you never be? 😉
+ Maintaining A Low Bounce Rate
I just checked mine out for the first time using the Alexa Ratings...It was scary.
+ 35 Blogging Tips To Woo Readers And Win Business
This is an awesome resource!
+ Are People Talking Behind Your Back?
Find out where you blog, name, pictures, etc. are being used on the internet.
Favorite Pins:
(Follow me on Pinterest – RebeccaGF666)
Michael Lauren Lilac Gage Maxi Dress. How gorgeous is this!
What Size Photo? Which Platform? Great for optimizing your photos on all social media!
Crunchy Toasted Coconut Cashew Nut Butter. O.My.God. Drooling!
Mashed Chickpea Spread. Not just your average "hummus" 😉
Banana and Peanut Butter Pancakes. Um, yes?!
Crunchy Quinoa and Oat Granola. More granola lovin'!
Not Your Grandma's Spicy Lime Chicken. Yes, I do enjoy chicken. Biggest vegan contradiction...I have actually been craving it a lot more recently too...
Cherry Almond Energy Bars. I promise I will make my own bars soon!
A few things I loved about my week or am grateful for:
+ I hit 500 Likes on Facebook on Wednesday! Woohoo! Love you guys XOXO
+ I finally got my butt in gear and started my Media Kit! It is a slow grueling annoying process (and I should probably have waited until my new design), but alas, it is almost done and I am excited! And relived! If you're wondering, I used this awesome post as a guide!
+ I found a new way to enjoy my nightly/post-workout protein milk! Instead of just mixing my Plant Fusion into my Almond milk and basically eating the protein off the top, I have been using my Ninja single serve cup to blend 1 Cup Unsweetened Almond Milk + 1 Scoop Plant Fusion + 3 or 4 Ice Cubes + ½ Cup Water together for a frosty delicious beverage!
+ I'm stressed about it, but I am also incredibly happy to be going down to DC yet again! I love that place so damn much! 🙂
+ And congratulations to my Aunt and Uncle for the birth of their new son (my cousin!) yesterday, Carmine Angelo!
So tell me:
+ How do you calm yourself down before a stressful work/school travel-not-vacation?
+ Did you have your wisdom teeth taken out? My brother had 4 impacted and when he got his out he was fine! Little to no pain. So I am hoping I will be the same way!
+ Going to be in DC Sunday-Tuesday? Want to meet up!?
Have a happy summer weekend friends! Celebrate life! And I hope you hear from me on Monday...if I survive my first night in a dorm...
Stay connected: Facebook: Strength and Sunshine Twitter: @RebeccaGF666 Instagram: rebeccagf666 Pinterest: RebeccaGF666 Bloglovin’: Strength and Sunshine
Tatum | EATS from the oil patch blog
oh my goodness. I want to try SO many of the recipes you shared babe. xoxox
Strength and Sunshine
Haha well I consider that a job accomplished on my part then 😉
Thanks for sharing! 🙂
Strength and Sunshine
Great roundup! Thanks for all the info!
Strength and Sunshine
Thanks for checking it out!
Happy birthday to your blog! I need to update my media kit so your link will be VERY helpful! Thanks!
Strength and Sunshine
Thank you sweetheart!
O the media kit! I think it is always a work in progress for all bloggers!
Ruchira Khanna
I like how you compile all the essential data...and loved the dress 🙂
Strength and Sunshine
Haha, "data"? Well thank you!
Kristy @ Southern In Law
Oh I loveeeeeeeeee that dress - and that colour isn't something I'd usually go for!
As for calming yourself down before stressful travel, I'm doing that right now haha. I just remind myself that whatever will be, will be and not stress over the details. The more you analyse something, the more stressed you become!
I was lucky enough to have all of my wisdom teeth come through naturally - my dentist said that's practically unheard of these days and was shocked to see them all in there perfectly aligned.... but I guess that means I have a big mouth? Hopefully not in the tattle tail/gossipy sense haha.
Strength and Sunshine
To it is $88! Way to expensive 😛
I know, there is nothing I can do except let it happen and see how things go! Everyone who has already been has come back with only great thing to say, so that's a good sign!
Hahaha! Well you supper lucky then girl! Mine aren't poking through at all yet, they aren't impacted, but I will need to get them out....ugh...
Anna-Marie @Beauty and the Beets
Oh my Goodness- you take amazing pictures! All that food looks so good. I so need to get my be-hind in gear and get my media kit started- thank you for that link- I am going to have my rough draft made by NEXT FRIDAY!! Have a great weekend!
Strength and Sunshine
I'm so glad I a fellow blogger pointed me to that tutorial! Microsoft Word? Couldn't get any easier!
Girl I loveeee your friday posts!!!
Strength and Sunshine
Haha, thank you love! I love putting them together and sharing with you all!
Crunchy Toasted Coconut Cashew Nut Butter looks awesome!
Strength and Sunshine
I know! It's genius!
Casey @ Casey the College Celiac
Congrats on the one year! And good luck with your trip to DC! Orientation is always totally crazy and stressful, but it's also a butt-load of fun if you just accept the fact that you're going to be ordered around like cattle, on your feet for way too long and searching for safe food. 😉 You'll do fine though! And it definitely makes unforgettable memories and friendships!
To relax, I always like to do a workout. That used to be running, but because of a strained IT band, now it is yoga, biking or doing a Nike Fitness Workout.
And good luck on the wisdom teeth! I had mine out in May and it was a nightmare. Initially, it wasn't bad. Four impacted teeth out, a little pain but nothing awful. But then one got infected, I was put on an antibiotic to treat it, and then I had an allergic reaction to that antibiotic. Right now, I'm on prednisone because the allergic reaction came back (grrr!). I'm a special case, though, and as long as you are really careful to not get your teeth infected, you'll be fine! I actually wrote a few blog posts on my tips for surviving wisdom teeth surgery while gluten free, so feel free to check it out!
Strength and Sunshine
The thing with this orientation is we are pretty much on our own to go the the sessions we want! Which I think is more stressful!
Yoga is the best stress reliever 😉
And yes, I've read about your wisdom teeth situation. That is terrible...probably the worse case scenario! I'm not planning on having that happen haha!
Kristi Campbell - findingninee
Congratulations on your blogiversary! And thanks so much for linking up with us. I don't compromise on the safety of my food, either and didn't even think of that!
Strength and Sunshine
Thank you Kristi!
Right! It is somewhat of a natural instinct, but one I must be very vigilant about!
Kara Lydon, RD
That cashew butter! Wow. I've been meaning to make my own nut butter one of these days and that picture has got me drooling (and inspired!). 🙂 Thanks for sharing!
Strength and Sunshine
Haha yes! I can make nut butter, but my blender is still such a pain to use that I haven't in a while....but I might just need to get over that!
Ashley @ My Food N Fitness Diaries
Lots of great links here! Thank you for sharing my link too!! Have a great weekend! xoxo
Strength and Sunshine
Thanks Ashley, and you welcome! Have a lovely weekend as well! 🙂
Deanna Segrave-Daly (@tspbasil)
Thanks for sharing that post on the media kit which has been on my to do list like forever...
Strength and Sunshine
It was really helpful! I'm still not done, but it showed me that it isn't as hard as I thought!
Hey! Thanks for including my pancakes in your post 🙂 Nice to see great recipes being spread around!
Strength and Sunshine
Your welcome Kacey! They look absolutely fabulous!!!
Good luck in DC! It'll be great! Just remember to try to take as much of it in as you's your first time visiting your college:)) I know they are going to be throwing a lot at you but it's going to be exciting to step there as a high school grad! I'm sorry your anxiety is high love:( Definietly understandable. You'll be awesome! And thanks so very much for the shout out to my blog post this week! xox
Strength and Sunshine
Haha no, it's my third time visiting! But this time it is going to be the real deal! I won't have my mom with me to guide me, haha!
And you are so welcome XOXO
Kayla Hoffman
Thanks for the link up! You have so many good reads in here; I could get lost for hours! Congrats on 500 likes!
Strength and Sunshine
Thanks Kayla! Haha have fun reading! You won't be bored 😉
gosh, so many good ones! we know a lot of talented bloggers! you included!
Strength and Sunshine
If your a blogger it just automatically makes you awesome 😉
Haha, and thank you love XOXO
Tina Muir
Love so many of these links Rebecaa, and I have added more to my browser now to go read haha. I had my wisdom teeth out last summer, wasn't fun, but glad it is over with....well actually I still have 1 left in, but I am hoping that one stays in its place 😛 Have a wonderful time in DC!
Strength and Sunshine
Thanks Tina!
It won't be fun...and I will have to get creative on the eating front! I say smoothies, soup, and mashed potatoes galore!
You can never have too many granola recipes 🙂
Strength and Sunshine
No you can not!
Janine Huldie
First off, Happy Blogiversary and what a great 1st year you had. Here is to an even better 2nd year now. Also, wishing you tons of luck this week and sounds like exciting times coming you way. And lastly thank you for sharing with us this week and joining us once again 🙂
Strength and Sunshine
Thank you Janine!
And thank you for the luck, haha! I'll need it 😉
Amber @ Fit Foodie Runs
Great round up and CONGRATS on your one-year anniversary!
Strength and Sunshine
Thank you Amber! XOXO
Tara Newman
Hey Rebecca! Thanks for including my post in your awesome round up. I found some great posts here. Happy bloggiversary.
Strength and Sunshine
Your welcome Tara and thank you as well! XOXO