Maybe I should just skip the part where I say, "I CAN'T BELIEVE IT'S ANOTHER FRIDAY ALREADY!" Really, I think summer Fridays , no, summer weeks are 1000x faster than any other season. They are; it's a fact! There's not point in trying to slow them down or even talking about it anymore. So I'll stop. You know what I think about this craziness!
Anyway, random tid-bit of the week. I'm thinking of going against everything I ever preached, and taking the plunge of buying a Kindle. When I found out you could borrow books through your own library too, that was just...awesome! So I'm thinking of just getting the Kindle Paperweight. But this is going to take me getting over some major buying-anxiety (just like my blog anxiety!) So, if you have a Kindle, PLEASE tell me all about it in the comments. How does the whole buying books work? Can you rent? I don't have money to buy books all the time...I just want to know the whole process! Please let me know!
But does the Kindles (or any eReader) hurt your eyes like a phone or computer? If it's going to give me the technology drain like everything else, then I'll stick with books. That's my only concern right now. I want reading to be my disconnect, not just another "connection". Ah, help!!!
Now I'll be quiet and let YOU get YOUR screen time with some Friday Finisher reading! Happy Friday (at least we have one more Finisher in July! That makes the time feel a little better!) XOXO
Monday: Cherry Chocolate Oat Bake
Tuesday: My Top 15 Kitchen Prep Tools
Wednesday: Recipe ReDux #21 Garden Veggie Burgers
Thursday: Stress-Free Blog Maintenance
Blog Posts and Links I loved this week:
Life, Mind, Body, Spirit:
A mom is one special amazing thing!
+ 12 Things To Stop Blaming Yourself For
Yes, yes, yes!
+ 9 Ways To Quickly Restore Sanity To Your Day
When you feel like you're just going to explode!
+ Can We Just, Like, Get Over The Way Women Talk
Very interesting. I get what she's saying, but some girls (and men) really don't know how to talk.
+ Who Are Your Friends, Really?
Spoiler: They're probably not your followers on Instagram.
This kind of post takes a lot of bravery!
+ 8 Ways To Take Criticism Well
Because we all know that's a tough one!
+ Why I Hate The Saying "Strong Is The New Skinny"
Can we just not have any saying? Bashing skinny people on the flip-side sucks just as much as praise.
Seriously. Some people are born to be smaller, so stop with the assumptions!
+ On Adapting To A New Environment
When you find yourself in a new place, a new situation.
+ What If We All Stopped Lying To Ourselves?
I agree so much. It's really angers me (even though I do it too) when people say "I'm fine".
+ Tips For Starting Triathlon Training
One of those life bucket-list goals I do have!
+ Exercise Is Not A Punishment. I Repeat. Exercise Is Not A Punishment
Yes! Seriously. It should be a positive moment in your day!
An interesting discussion about the fear-mongering around GMOs.
+ Can I Trust Allergy Warnings On Food Labels?
Those "may contain" statements.
+ Is Recipe Testing A Vanishing Art?
It is more essential now, more than ever!
+ Why There's No Such Thing As A "Real" Cook
I guess this makes sense!
+ 29 Savory Peanut Butter Recipes
Clicking this link will get you lost in foodie-wonderland!
+ 5 Reasons You Should Be Proud To Cook In A Small Kitchen
BAM! My life 😉
+ Eight Total Abominations That Don't Deserve To Be Called Food
Just chemicals molded in to the form of food 😛
All about fueling the athlete!
+ 7 Ways To Stop Dieting Forever
Spot on! Diets are fake. The word diet should not be used as an action verb.
+ A Poem For Those Who Doubt Gluten-Free: Hear My Voice (Gluten-Free Not By Choice)
+ Gratitude - A Natural Way To Fight Stress And Anxiety
Something I know I need to work on remembering!
+ Don't Leave Your Macronutrients Behind!
There actually is more to life than eating veggies!
+ There Is NOT A Drug That Will Allow Celiac To Eat Gluten
The damn media just wanting to spark attention and misinform gullible society. Sad stuff.
Blogging, Social Media, Tech & Photography:
+ Instagram Tips: How To Deal With Image Theft
Good to know!
+ 5 Actions To Make You A Better Blogger
I love these! Not the typical boring post you always read about blogging!
+ 51 Tech And Business Resources To Use If You Want To Be An Expert In Your Field
There are some great online content sites here!
+ How To Add A Clickable Button To Your Post
In-depth, but this could be helpful!
There you go! But really, you don't need one.
+ Why I'm Getting Rid Of My Mailing List
I know all you hear about now is "The List". But some bloggers don't need one.
+ 3 Fail-Proof Secrets To Increase Your Instagram Followers (And Get Noticed By Brands)
I actually like my "gallery" now.
+ Your Blog Is Drowning You And You Don't Realize It (And How To Fix It)
I needed to read this one!
+ Predicting The Future: Blogging in 2016 (And Beyond)
Engagement and sharing is definitely more important than pageviews and comments!
+ Boost Your Blog Traffic Without Writing New Content Constantly
I love this! It lays your options out perfectly.
+ 100+ Of The Best DIY Gifts Ever
I will be referring to this around Christmas time 😉
+ Time-Saving Tricks To Trim Down Your Morning Routine
You don't have to feel frazzled in the morning! (My mom needs to read this!)
+ What's Your State's Favorite Curse Word?
These maps reveal it! Hahaha! O, NJ!
+ How The Top 1% Actually Makes Progress (aka The Seinfeld Solution)
Jerry knows what's up!
+ How To Start A Nutrition Business (My Career Journey And 5 Top Tips Of Advice)
Totally interesting and helpful if you're thinking about it!
Favorite Pins:
(Follow me on Pinterest – RebeccaGF666)
Brown Rice with Greens, Sweet Cherries, and Slivered Almonds. What a beautiful summer rice salad!
Asparagus Tarte. So beautiful! You'll need to put on Google Translate for this one, but stellar recipe!
Curried Tomato Rice. I think I could eat this rice for days!
Hazelnut Coffee Fudgesicles. These are the best fudgesicles I've seen!
Crispy Roasted Radishes with Onions. These would make the perfect burger topping!
Single-Serving Chocolate Muffin with Fudge Sauce. Clawing to get into my screen!
Maple Syrup Vinegar Soda. This just sounds way too interesting not to try!
A few things I loved about my week or am grateful for:
+ A random moment of childhood flashbacks. I went outside to get the mail and then wandered into my back yard, over to the 10-year-old swing set. I decided to sit on a swing and SWING! Hahaha! It only lasted a few minutes. I'm a bit too big and I was scared the rusted old bars would give out and I would die. But it was a flood of memories!
+ The summer weather is looking smashing for the next few days!!! Perfectly sunny and 80s. That's bliss and happiness!
+ My baby basil plant is still alive, but not "thriving". I'm hoping it will live till Monday now. Finger's crossed!
So tell me:
+ Kindle? Yes? No? Help?
+ When do the schools by you start? I heard someone say their's starts like August 12th!? That's crazy!!! Before high school, we would start in September, in high school we started at the end of August (same with college). I guess I don't mind starting early (not August 12th early), but I like getting out early!
Stay connected: Facebook: Strength and Sunshine Twitter: @RebeccaGF666 Instagram: rebeccagf666 Pinterest: RebeccaGF666 Bloglovin’: Strength and Sunshine
MissLaughsLot (@LDYPrefers2Save)
This looks like an awesome list of links.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thanks for reading!
Kristy @ Southern In Law
I have a kindle, but still prefer real books. We get sent a lot of ebooks to read and give feedback on so that's why I have the kindle - but I'm the kind of bookworm that then has to go out and buy a paper copy of any book I read and love, haha
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Nothing like REAL books, but I think it might get me back in to reading A LOT more!
Linda @ Veganosity
Great posts, Rebecca. I particularly liked the, "My blog is drowing" one. Great advice that I needed to read. 🙂
School starts the last week of August in my community. My son's college starts August 16, or just around that date. I can't believe we're closing in on August! Boo!!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Same here 😉
Wow, that's so early!!
It's crazy and I'm just going to keep refusing to believe it!
Kristen @ The Endless Meal
Loving all these links! I needed a bit of an afternoon break from work and this was the perfect thing for that. Thank you for putting together such great reading lists each week!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thanks for stopping by Kristen!
Harriet Emily
Loving all of these links this week Rebecca, so many things for me to read tomorrow! All of those food pins are making me sooo hungry! That single serving muffin - WOAH! Need one right now!! Totally wish I could grab it out of my screen lol!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Haha, but you have your awesome chocolate cupcakes to eat too 😉 XOXO
Brittany W
I love my Kindle! I actually have a Kindle and a Kobo and I use them both equally. I like the Paperwhite and the Kobo because they aren't backlit so they never give me headaches or migraines. Plus I love borrowing eBooks from our local library.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Okay, I think that settles it! I'm going to by the Kindle!
Kayla @ Blondes Have More Run
Hi there! I am a first time visitor to your blog, and I love it! You have so much awesome content just in this one post! Will be returning for sure 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Well I hope you like my own content too 😉 Thanks!
Gretchen | Gretchruns
I got a Kindle earlier this year, and my only regret is not getting one sooner. I absolutely love it and read 10xs more than I used to! It's super handy and amazing. On mine (kindle fire HD) I can adjust the brightness and change the contrast so it doesn't strain my eyes at all. I also have Amazon Prime, so I can rent one book for free, and get one book for free from their Kindle First list. There's always tons of deals as well, so you can find lots of books for less than $3! I highly recommend getting one.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Can you only rent with with Prime? Does that last forever? One book at a time?
kenzie negron
that hazelnut coffee ice cream pop looks delicious! xx, kenz
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
I know, right?!
Leah M @ love me, feed me
I don't have a kindle because I just can't seem to get over that it's not a real book lol. But I know it'd be verrrry helpful to have while traveling so I don't have to lug around a bunch of books.
My brother has one and he loves it, he wasn't sure about getting one either but he said it's not like looking at a computer/phone screen at all.
Wonderful links as usual! Typing this comment is taking forever because I have 4362 tabs open 😉
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine I don't think you'll get the same satisfaction as actually opening and closing a REAL book.
Hahahaha, 😉 Well happy reading dear friend!
Sonali- The Foodie Physician
Another great "Friday Finisher!" I really enjoyed "Is Recipe Testing A Vanishing Art?" and that asparagus tarte looks incredible!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thanks Sonali!
Natalie | Feasting on Fruit
OMG I totally saw those figgy pinwheels on guess where...FOODGAWKER yesterday!!! Yup and the vegan sausages too! I'm learning your secret way of finding awesome recipes all the time 😉 I didn't however see the single serve cinnamon roll or chocolate muffin so I'm still in awe of your recipe hunting skills because those both look SO GOOD! And fyi I like that you're email list sends daily emails now 🙂 P.S. Keep an eye on IG later today 😉
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Haha 😉 That's actually NOT where I found them (recipe reduxer!)
Cause these are blog friends and I KNOW to expect greatness from them 😉
Haha! Thanks!! I decided that was better 😛
Since Bloglovin hates your RSS feed, I get your posts by email now too....although they sometimes end up in the spam folder 😛
I want a ginormous kitchen someday, but I'd be content really just to have one, haha. :]!
Love the links you shared, as usual! I will probably be doing lots of catch-up reading the weekend after this one!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Hahahaha, I feel yea 😉 I have a fantasy kitchen I dream about all set up in my head 😉
XOXO Yes! Good luck Farrah!
Thanks for these great links! I can't wait to check out the Chocolate Cherry Oat Bake.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Haha, well that one's my own 😛
Michele @ paleorunningmomma
OMG to the cashew flour pinwheels and crispy roasted radishes! Yum! As for the kindle, I have an old version of it and really like it because the screen isn't bright and it doesn't hurt my eyes. I haven't borrowed books though so I don't know how that works, but good to know because I'll totally do that now! I definitely recommend it because I use it just as a reader so I don't get distracted like I do with a phone or iPad, it's just books. Worth the investment I think if you love to read.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Those cookies...I'm seriously dying for! She rocks!
Okay....I think I'm going to order it by the end of today! It seems like it would be so much easier than having to go to the library every time I need a book!
I love my Kindle! I have a classic Kindle that is not backlit (you need to turn on a light to read at night). It is not hard on my eyes at all.
You can get free and very cheap Kindle books -- I have a blog post about daily newsletters that list Kindle freebies and deals:
Also, your local library should have Kindle books that you can check out. I have a blog post about this too!
Hope this is helpful! I am such a big Kindle fan.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Yea, I want the paperweight one for the backlight and yea, like I mentioned, my library does have that set up (but minimal and big titles have waitlists!). Freebie ones seem obscure though. Idk...lots to think about! Thank you!
Ellen @ My Uncommon Everyday
Love these posts so much - you find so much good stuff! And thanks so much for linking to my post. Have a great weekend!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
You too Ellen! XOXO
Lara @ MommyKazam
Yes, summer Fridays come and go ridiculously fast! Thank you for the awesome reading list, I love checking out blogs, pins and everything else that I probably wouldn't have found otherwise 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thanks for stopping by Lara!
Sara @ Cake Over Steak
Thanks so much for sharing my fudgesicles! Happy Friday 😉
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
They look amazing!
Happy Friday!!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
You too.
Going to check out all these fabulous links you list! As for a Kindle, I have no experience with a real eReader as I use Kindle for PC. Besides, I'm blind so no trouble with lighting. However, I just so love eBooks. It's probably again because they download instantly whereas I need to wait for a paper book to be delivered then scan it etc.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Do you have to buy most books or can you rent most books too?