Welcome to the new Strength and Sunshine! Let me tell you...this has been a really difficult, frustrating, and upsetting process. Things are still in the works, but then main thing is here and I didn't feel like waiting any longer to let this new blog go live. Right now I am waiting on Host Gator to resolve some transfer problems (16 of my posts are not switching over...weird), so if for some reason you happen to randomly search one of them, that's why it's not showing up. I also need to go back and reset featured images and small things like that. I am also working on my pages and will slowly make navigation a lot better. So over the next few weeks things will still be changing, but this is my new home now! Let me know if you have any suggestions or find any bugs. I want you feedback!
I all this chaos, there are more huge change son the horizon. I have one more week left before I am shipped off to my new life in DC. ONE WEEK! Nothing is packed and I have no idea what I am doing. I feel like I am going crazy right now so bare with me next week. There are just so many things to get done and it's crunch time. I'm scared, no I'm not scared, I'm terrified. I've just got to take every hour left one at a time and stay focused and as calm as possible. I mean, this is my last weekend at home...until winter break! Man, I'll just talk more about this next week, let's just enjoy some great reads while we can!
Monday: Power Monday #57 Reebok ZQUICK + Reebok FitHub Union Square
Tuesday: Banana Butterscotch Pancakes + MyOatmeal Review
Wednesday: Grilled Vegan Margherita Pizza
Thursday: My 7 (Non)Essential Yoga Essentials
Blog Posts and Links I loved this week:
Life, Mind, Body, Spirit:
Your past does not define you or reflect who you are now.
+ 7 Ways To Turn A Bad Day Around
I really need these right about now.
+ Self-Image: Are We Required To Love Our Bodies?
No, you're not. You don't have to love every part of your being. It's okay!
+ If Your Pants Don't Fit, Don't Have A Fit
+ I Am Enough | Dealing With Self Doubt
Never think you're not enough or let someone make you feel like your not.
O, the change is coming for me!
So important to remember this.
+ "Best Exercises For Women" Articles Need To Go
Yes! This is so true!
Great round-up of some awesome sweat sessions!
+ Want To Run Faster, Farther, And Have More Fun? 33 Essential Running Lessons
Everything about running!
+ Prepping For A Long Hike
I always think I like hiking and the wilderness...but I really don't when I am actually out there.
+ Just Show Up
Just keep showing up and be accountable. This is progress in itself.
+ Where Do I Draw The {Vegan} Line?
Great read on how far Char takes her vegan lifestyle.
+ How To Avoid 6 Common Baking Mistakes
For all of you "wannabe" bakers...you can do! Trust me 😉
It is not hard to eat healthy, damn it!
+ 4 Things Nobody Tells Your About Food Allergies
Humerus, but so sadly true!
+ What We Eat To Maximize Recovery And Fight Oxidative Stress
So much good info!
+ 5 Ways To Save Money At The Grocery Store (On HEALTHY Food)
It can be done...sorta.
+ 7 Natural Remedies To Prevent Migraines
Try some of these natural precautions to ward of those headaches.
+ How Perfume Messes With Your Hormones (Even If You Don't Wear It)
This is kinda scary...
+ Every Food & Exercise Tip You Need To Get A Slim, Toned, Sexy Stomach
Guess what? It is just being real and healthy!
Wow...just wow.
+ Disordered Eating, Restrictive Eating, And Ex-Vegans
I agree here. ex-vegans are taking it a bit to far.
Blogging, Social Media, Technology:
+ Your Guide To The Bloglovin' "Like" Button
That funny little heart...
+ How To Take A Break From Blogging
I know I could majorly benefit from one right now...but it is so scary and hard.
+ Be Original
How To be original in your blogging
+ Does Closing Comments Turn Blogging Into Lecturing?
I think I am all for always keeping comments open. but I feel some bloggers might as well never have them open since they NEVER respond (or have a comment notification system...)
+ 7 Tips To Grow Your Blog On A Part-Time Schedule
Well I hope it can be done.
Don't compare your inside to someone else's outside.
+ On My Soapbox: Sponsored Posts
If you don't want to read a sponsored post, don't read it. Simple as that. It Doesn't matter.
+ 7 Tips To Help You Grow Your Instagram
Instagram is becoming one of the most important platforms for bloggers and influencers to have!
+ {Blogging As A Business} The Cons Of Blogging
I'm not even a "full-time" blogger and I still feel these things.
+ The Simple How To Guide To Make Exercise GIFs
The secret! Now all I need is Photoshop...
+ How To Make Money Freelance Writing
First step is to get yourself out there and build a portfolio.
+ The Internet Of Annoying Things
Um, she took the words right out of my mouth...or my thoughts out of my head!
+ Problems Only People With Long Hair Understand
Hahaha, yes! My life!
+ "Gluten-Proofing" Your Dorm Room
I think I should great my roommates like "Hi! Don't touch my food and keep your crumbs away from...everything!" Haha 😉
+ College Packing List: The Immaterial But Important
I needed to read this!
Favorite Pins:
(Follow me on Pinterest – RebeccaGF666)
Vegan Olive Oil Zucchini Bread Pancakes. Omg...decadent deliciousness!
Baked Plantain S'mores. The plantain love is going strong!
Chocolate Chia Ice Cream. It is so beautiful! And no canned coconut milk!
Blueberry Detox Smoothie. Really...this is just too pretty to drink!
Roasted Banana Coconut Granola. ROASTED BANANA! I think I've found another granola master 😉
Asian Apple Glazed Salmon with Kale Quinoa. Such a perfect dinner!
Polenta Scramble. A perfect soy-free, vegan, gluten-free, and bean-free scramble 😉
Heirloom Tomato and Hummus on a Cauliflower Crust Pizza. Woohoo! Vegan cauli-crust!
A few things I loved about my week or am grateful for:
+ So honored to hear that I am inspiring someone! This really made my day!
+ The blog is finally (semi) done. This thing has been 40% of my stress all summer. No good. And it still isn't complete, but at least it is getting there!
So tell me:
+ Tell me you top 5 MUST bring items to college as a freshman. (Nothing obvious...I've got those!)
+ Feedback on the new look? Do you like it?
+ What will you be doing this weekend? Any crazy planning, prepping, etc.?
**P.S. Re-follow my NEW blog on Bloglovin' since the domain has changed! Don't want to miss any updates 😉 **
Stay connected: Facebook: Strength and Sunshine Twitter: @RebeccaGF666 Instagram: rebeccagf666 Pinterest: RebeccaGF666 Bloglovin’: Strength and Sunshine
Your new site design looks beautiful! All the time and effort you have put into it has really paid off.
I don't think you can ever be fully prepared when you leave home. I double checked and triple checked everything I thought I would need, but found out later I needed a whole bunch of other things I never even thought of. It's a terrifying and beautiful process. You really start to find out who you really are and what you are capable of once you are out on your own. Im really excited for you!
DC is an awesome place to attend college. I used to work downtown in DC and rode the metro in all the time. It's a little intimidating at first but once you get the hang of the color coded metro stops its a breeze! Enjoy, explore and have a great time!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thank you Melissa! XOXO
Yes, I'm sure after the first week I'll be needing and not needing so many things! But it is a terrifying and beautiful process like you said! Haha the metro.....I plan on using it! Just hopefully with a bunch if friends and pepper spray incase 😉
Regina @ Leelalicious
Thanks so much for featuring my granola!! I love granola. Make a new batch almost every Sunday.
Will have to check out some of yours 😀
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Ah! You sounds like me! I always make my granola on Sundays, haha! Homemade is the best!
Brittany Lesser
LOVEEE the new site, love!! Congrats! And thanks for the link love as always! <3
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thank you Brittany! XOXO 🙂
Alicia@ eco friendly homemaking
Your blog looks great! I am new here and have been checking out some of your posts and love all of the great recipes you share. Look forward to reading more!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thanks Alicia! I'm so happy your reading and enjoy my posts! XOXO 🙂
Sarah (Shh...Fit Happens)
Love the new site!! Seems like everyone who does this has a challenging time! I'm too scurred...or maybe lazy, haha! So I missed when you said you were going to college in DC, that's awesome! DC is so fun! What school??
Top 5 things to bring, hmmm.... peanut butter was a common late night snack in my dorm room, we also hung Christmas lights (while I still have little lights in my living room, college is one place ppl won'y call you trashy for it 🙂 - unless times have changed!), earplugs, flip flops for showering (you probably already knew that), AND cash for a the metro! Or buy a metro card - you are going to want to explore! Or I am sure they have an app now - I lived there like 7 years ago.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
It was even more complicated because it was a switch to self hosting plus a design!
I'm going to the amazing George Washington University! Right in the heart of DC 😉
I'm bring my whole nut butter stash 😉 And I'll be getting my metro card when I get down there! I hate it, but its a must 😛 just scary!
Sarah (Shh...Fit Happens)
Awesome and congrats!! It is scary, and all the other freshman are in the same boat! You will adapt quicker than you probably realize. Have fun and look forward to reading along 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thanks Sarah 🙂 It will be a journey and adventure for sure!
Kaylin @ Enticing Healthy Eating
Happy Friday to you! I can relate to the Problems only People with Long Hair can Relate to also! And those Plaintain S'mores?....Look awesome. Good luck with college next week!! You'll do great. It's not as scary as it seems. Best years of your life. And do not forget these 3 essential things for college when moving in: shower shoes, a powersaver cord, and LOTS of paper towels. You'll need those more than you know. Good luck!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Haha thanks!
I already live on paper towels! Earth Killer right here <----- 😉
Congrats on your new blog! It looks great! :] I completely feel you on the annoying little things. (I just switched mine last week and am still putting "finishing" (...it's a neverending process) touches every here and there.
I'm on a minimalist living sort of kick right now because I'm really, really tired of moving. :[ I would advise bringing tupperware though! If you live in dorms and can sneak out food from the dining commons (heh...) or if you have potlucks with friends and there are leftovers...or if you just need a container to carry extra somethings, they have infinite uses! 😛 I also had a hot water boiler, which came in really handy when you wanted a hot beverage but either (a) didn't have a kitchen or (b) didn't want to have to take the time to actually boil water.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Yes and thank you! I feel like I'm doing something wrong or missing something big! So stressful!
I have a hall kitchen and the food stuff I have planned already because of my allergies and restrictions!
Don't worry, it'll get better with time! The biggest part was transferring it all over and now that you've taken the biggest step, just think of the rest as extra perks! 😛
Ok, good good! Best of luck to you on the move and on starting school! 😀 The years go by fast, so definitely make the most of it! :]
It's beautiful!!! Now I hope you get some rest before you head back! ❤️
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thank you Lindsay! XOXO
I don't think I'll be sleeping this whole week! I'm to nervous!
Thanks so much for including me in your post! I'm to happy that I'm not the only one thinking those things! I was actually a little worried that some people might take offense. I actually hope it helps someone!
I mention these things sporadically in posts, but it never seems to get the point across! Hopefully writing that whole post will!
(The only people who will maybe have a problem is the ones who ARE committing those internet/blogging sins and are in denial! Haha!)
I loved it! XOXO
I would recommend not bringing a printer (computer lab has one if you need it). I was a coffee drinker so a mini coffee maker was important for me since I couldn't make it to the dining hall without coffee! And I agree about Cards Against Humanity. You'll have more down time than you think so games will be good. Good luck with packing and the transition! It's a crazy time but it will be well worth it.
I'm totally bringing my own printer. My brother has always had one and its a lot less of a hassle then going to the library!
Brie @ Lean, Clean, & Brie
Looooove the new design!! I am right there with you with the whole college thing. I leave in a week too and I am overwhelmed heading back home from vacation to all of the packing I have put off this whole summer!!
Thank you Brie!!!
Its insane! I really font know where to start....I want to just pack and ship my whole house 😛
Kris @ Plants & Pages
So exciting! It's a scary time, but don't worry, everything will work out 🙂 Hmmm, 5 things you must bring...
1. Cards Against Humanity (a FANTASTIC way to make friends during the first week!)
2. Microwaveable Tupperware
3. Table fan (my room was on the third floor of an old dorm with no AC. Even when I left the windows open, it got so, so stuffy and hot. I literally left my fan on ALL YEAR just so I could breathe when in my room!)
4. Goggles and swimsuit. Even if you're not a swimmer now, you never know when a friend might ask you if you want to go to the school's pool! And they're expensive things to buy, so its better to bring your own, just in case.
5. ZIP LOC BAGS. oh my goodness, I can't stress enough how important these are!
Hope that's helpful 🙂 Good luck with packing! xoxo
Haha, I've got all that covered, except cards against humanity!
I've played once, haha, but don't personally own it!
Christina @ Juggling Real Food and Real Life
Rebecca, the blog looks great. I can't believe all you have accompished with it. You are amazing. This post is so informative. I could spend all day here..........and maybe some of the weekend too. Good luck with your move. I can't wait to hear all about it.
Thank you love! XOXO
I'm glad to see the blog growing along with me!
Just keep this page opened and grab a read when you get some down time 😉
Baby June
Thanks for featuring one of my recipes 🙂
You got it love 🙂
Meg @ Meg Go Run
Congrats on becoming self hosted! Your new site really does look awesome. 🙂 I love your Friday posts, I can usually find a couple good articles to read!
Thanks Meg! XOXO
That's my mission with these posts! Share something that will interest everyone!
Okay, those pancakes looks AWESOME!! I have some zucchini in my fridge! I might just have to make those for the kids tonight for dinner! YUM!
Pancakes for dinner! They will love you 😉
Tina Muir
Yay! How exciting! I love it Rebecca, looks great, and so many awesome links, as always! Thanks for breaking them up too 🙂
Thank you Tina! I was so worried (and up) all night this post wouldn't publish right!