Happy Friday to all you who actually have a work week. The summer doesn't really need all the fanfare of Friday for me, but it still feels go to say it 😉 (That will be changing soon enough!) I really need to sit down with my mom this weekend and figure out exactly what I need to get for college and what we already have. I have a huge list I got from Her Campus which has everything you could possibly need, so that will help with remembering something I might forget just off the top of my head.
In other news, I am going to get checked at the oral surgeon tomorrow to make sure my wisdom teeth as healing up well. I can tell they are since the swelling has gone down and I look normal again. There are still twinges of soreness, but nothing bad and I can use a straw again so, really I am good 😉
I'm sure there is other stuff I can tell you to wrap up the week, but I can't remember anything I else I wanted to tell you...I should write this stuff down! Eh, it's okay though, enough rambling since this Friday Finisher is jam-packed! Try not to get overwhelmed with all the great posts this week 😉
Monday: Power Monday #56 Feeling Overwhelmed
Tuesday: Chocolate Peanut Buckwheat Cereal
Wednesday: Raw Balsamic Tahini Beet Noodles
Thursday: Nuzest And A Purple Ninja Smoothie Bowl
Blog Posts and Links I loved this week:
Life, Mind, Body, Spirit:
+ 25 Ways To Feel Less Lonely
You don't have to feel alone!
This was a perfect read after my post on Monday!
+ The Importance Of Glorious Failure
More failure talk! I love it 😉
+ 18 Struggles Of Having An Outgoing Personality But Actually Being Shy And Introverted
The struggle is real and so true!
+ Turning Excuses Into Opportunities
See hurdles and struggles as opportunities, not excuses!
A beautiful post on mothers and their growing children.
+ Are You Letting Someone Else Or A Number Take You Away From Your Truth?
Don't let someone or something define your truth!
+ Stop Making Sh*t Up!
This was a good post to read this week!
+ The Greatest Fitness Tips. Ever.
I like these! Great things to think about!
+ Best Yoga Poses For Headaches
My mom should read this one!
Focus on the moment. From one of my favorite instructors!
Intuitive...not just for eating!
+ Is Your Workout Causing You To Gain Weight?
Learn something about cortisol levels and the body.
+ Walking: The Simplest Way To Be Fit
Seriously, walking is really great and I love going on walks with my mom this summer!
+ Why I Kicked An Athlete Out Of My Box
I completely respect this coach. She did the right thing with such an important message!
+ The Top 10 Benefits Of Kettlebells
O how I love my kettlebell swings!
+ The 9 Most Calorie-Filled Chain Restaurant Meals Of 2014!
One word...Disgusting!
Fill your shopping bags up with these goodies!
+ The 5 Most Confusing Health Food Labels
Know what the labels really mean before you buy.
+ Your 5 Worst Gluten-Free Mistakes
Yup! I debunked these!
+ Why I Don't Use Words Like Cheat, Reward, Of Treat!
Amen to this! I hate that language associated with food!
+ 21 Vegan Freezer-Friendly Meal/Snack Recipes + My Tips For Freezeing
Freezing is my life! I am able to save so much since one or two people can't eat EVERYTHING I make at once!
+ 4 Ways To Use Hummus (And Dip Isn't One Of Them)
Yea, actually I only use hummus these ways and NOT as a dip! Haha!
+ What I Learned After Taking A Homeless Mother Grocery Shopping
Sad, true, and eye-opening.
+ How Long Can You Keep Opened Condiments?
Well this is very helpful!
+ Why We Eat Resistant Starches For Gut Health
Ah plantains! Didn't know about the cooling or potatoes and rice though.
+ 15 Diseases Doctors Often Get Wrong
Yup! That seems about right!
Food isn't necessarily the cure-all like people try to make it. It does a lot, but isn't everything.
+ 10 Things To Know About The FDA's Gluten-Free Labeling Rule
It is now in effect...but really does nothing at all.
+ What Heart Rate Tells You About Your Workout: Is Your Heart Going To Explode?
Heart rate and BPM explained!
+ A Weight Lifted: Balancing A Healthy Lifestyle
Beautiful post! Must read!
Blogging, Social Media, Technology:
+ How To Make Money Blogging In Europe
These are great resources not only for international bloggers!
+ Food Photography For Bloggers
More great tips on improving photography!
+ Sponsored Posts - Now Accepting
All about sponsored posts and getting that deal.
I need to make me some!
+ How To Increase Your Facebook Page Likes
Hey, want to be my fan on Facebook? 😉
+ Is LinkedIn Useful For Bloggers?
Yes! I just made one this week! Connect with me!
+ Why Did These $68 Shorts From Stitch Fix Show Up With A $24.97 Price Tag From Nordstrom Rack?
Hahahahaha! This is great!
It's all about an open-mind (and mouth)!
+ 25 Unbelievable Places In American
Notice how 90% are in the West? I need to get myself there!
+ Celiac 101: Picking The Right School
Chynna started a series about being a Celiac college student on her blog! How perfect!
+ The Most Important Video About Israel Ever Made
So, I stay away from politics on the blog (even though it is what I'll be studying), but this really explains the conflict so well, I just had to share!
+ 8 Ways We've Eliminated Plastic
I (and the family) am a plastic fiend...and I don't like it :/
Favorite Pins:
(Follow me on Pinterest – RebeccaGF666)
Pomegranate Chicken Stuffed Sweet Potatoes + Whipped Tahini. Well here is another use for that tahini! Amazing!
Amaranth Flatbread with Fig, Sweet Corn, and Shallot Cream Sauce. Fancy vegan "pizza" can easily be made gluten-free too!
Baked Gluten-Free Vegan Chia Bagels. I am making these!
Peanut Butter Chocolate Chunk Baked Buckwheat Porridge. This girl is like my twin!
Quinoa Chia Seed Bread. No flour in sight
Spinach Oatmeal Pancakes. Seriously, so simple! Love veggies in my cakes 😉
A few things I loved about my week or am grateful for:
+ The new and improved and much more "professional" Strength and Sunshine will be up and live sometime nest week! Get pumped!
+ Listen up kids! My schedule is finally fixed! Yes! 30% of my stress was just lifted 😀 I can breathe! No more conflict and I will still be able to get in all my required classes 🙂 I emailed my adviser and she found an open World History class and I was able to run and sign up for and then drop my other conflicting class. Bonus...I only have one 50 minutes class on Friday 😉
+ Hey! There is still a giveaway going on until Monday! Sign-up for Nuzest for your chance to win your own free tub! But everyone wins a free sample no matter what it you sign up here!
+ I'm planning on cooking a family dinner for my mom, brother, and I on Sunday night! It will be a fun way to spend some last-minute time together while eating amazing food (that I get to cook all day! Yay!)
So tell me:
+ Tell me one good that happened this week!
+ What are you weekend plans? Any fun family gathering or parties to attend?
Stay connected: Facebook: Strength and Sunshine Twitter: @RebeccaGF666 Instagram: rebeccagf666 Pinterest: RebeccaGF666 Bloglovin’: Strength and Sunshine
Next Level Wellness
Wow, those foods really look delicious. Good luck on the college thing. Studying can really become stressful but if you are determined and motivated, you can achieve anything. Keep it up!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thanks...even though your commenting on an old old post 😛
Jacquelyn Son (@StyleWorthwhile)
So glad I found your blog!! Can't wait to spend more time reading through your posts. Your recipes look amazing! I'm also a huge healthy foodie!! 🙂
xo J
Strength and Sunshine
Thanks Jacquelyn! I'm so happy you found me then! Can't wait to check out your blog too! XOXO 🙂
Dudeeee. I'm commenting after spending exactly 34 minutes on this post. I've read nearly EVER article you linked to, and I'm totally drooling over all that food. This post was the best one! I've always been sort of obsessed with your insta, but your blog is giving it a run for its money!
Strength and Sunshine
Hahaha my insta is nothing compared to my blog 😛 I'll take blogging anyday over my terrible instagram! Haha! XOXO
Jill Conyers (@jillconyers)
So many great links! I wish I had time to read them all. The brownie overnight oats recipe is calling my name 🙂
Strength and Sunshine
Haha, thanks Jill! The oats look fabulous 😉
thanks for including me!! 🙂
Strength and Sunshine
Of course Patty! XOXO
Natalie @ Feasting on Fruit
I was so excited about Edible Perspective's diy photography boards post, I have to try it! You can never have enough photo props 🙂
Strength and Sunshine
Haha yes! I go so minimal, but this looks so easy and so pretty to do! Surfaces are one thing I will change up!
Erin (@herheartland)
Awesome links as always! Thanks for sharing! I'm off to read!
Strength and Sunshine
Thanks Erin! XOXO
Awww, I'm so happy to hear that things are working out for you and your schedule! One good thing that happened to me...hmmm, you know, there wasn't one BIG thing, but a lot of smaller things. My chiropractor appointment on Wednesday made my back feel really good, I made a lot of progress on the report I'm writing for my internship, I went on a lovely walk with my mom this morning, I watched Notting Hill for the first time last night (and loved it!), and I'm going to a wedding tomorrow. Lots of good stuff!
Have a lovely weekend, sweetie 🙂 Can't wait to see the new site!
Strength and Sunshine
Thanks Kris! And that great to hear your back is feeling a bit better! All good things 🙂
Brittany (@batrentham)
so many great links girl!!
Strength and Sunshine
Thanks Brittany!
There are so many great topics and ideas included in this post! Thanks for putting them together each week and for linking up. Have a great weekend! xo
Strength and Sunshine
Thanks Heather 🙂 I'm glad everyone likes there posts and I love sharing them 🙂
Janine Huldie
Glad you are feeling better and I never had my wisdom teeth out myself here, but was always afraid if I did what the healing time would be on it. And also want to say thank you for linking back to my Sponsored Post from my J9 Designs's site. Truly appreciate it 🙂
Strength and Sunshine
Thanks Janine! Wow, that's really rare that you didn't need to have yours taken out!
All I know is I was very lucky and had such an easy time compared to most everyone!
Debra @ Worth Cooking
Awwwww.... thanks for the feature.
Strength and Sunshine
Welcome Debra!
Thanks for the shout-out! 🙂
Strength and Sunshine
Of course 😉
you are always great at sharing the best links!! love all your posts this week too. thx friend
Strength and Sunshine
Thank you Lindsay! XOXO