I’m sharing #Robitussin in my life as part of a Robitussin sponsored series for Socialstars™
No one likes being sick, but that doesn't have to bring your day to a halt. Here's how to survive a sick day (like a boss!) You'll be feeling better and making the most of your day in the nick of time! No illness can get in your way and stop you in your tracks with these tips!
Raise your hand if you hate being sick! Those lingering colds and viruses that just need time to heal on their own. All we can do is slow down and take that necessary sick day(s). But let's face it, taking a sick day is no "day off" from work or school. We're usually miserable and it takes all our strength just to get up and out of bed. Most of the time we're just trying to survive our sick days, let alone get anything done or enjoy the time off. Lucky for you, I have some tips and tricks on surviving those sicks days (like a boss!)
1 - Load up on your favorite hot teas. Guys, liquids are so important when you're sick. Whether you have a cough, sore throat, congestion, or any ailment, you have to keep your body hydrated so it can fight off those nasty germs! The coziest way to get in those liquids (especially in the winter) is with your favorite hot teas! I love any minty tea, anything vanilla flavored, or my ultimate cozy favorite, Sleepytime Vanilla <3
2 - Catch up on your favorite entertainment. Word on the street is that a lot of people love "bingeing" Netflix and the like. I'm not really into movies or TV shows, but a sick day is a perfect opportunity to do just that without the guilt! Another thing you could do is catch up on your leisure reading! If you're always being a productive busy bee when you're not sick, you probably let pleasure reading fall to the way-side. Take this opportunity to devour a good book! You can rest and soothe your mind at the same time without getting bored!
3 - Take a soothing soak in the tub. Why not treat your "sick day" like a "spa day" instead? If you have the house to yourself while everyone else is at work or school, why not take full advantage of healing and relaxation? Fill the tub with some warm water, Epson salt, some essential oils, light some candles, and allow your body to soak and relax. Ease body from the outside in, slather on some lavender lotion when you're done, and then slip back into the coziest pajamas you have!
4 - Nourish the body with nutrients. This is a food blog; you know I'm going to recommend you nourish your body with some super, healthy, healing food! Your body is working on overdrive while it's trying to fight and heal itself. Give it the fuel it needs in a delicious and wholesome way. Try this Tummy Healing Soup for One, some super easy vegan mac and cheese that has secret powers, an immune-boosting smoothie bowl, or maybe some Healing Tahini Hot Chocolate!
5 - Get your cough under control. Coughing is the worst; it makes me cringe. If I'm near someone coughing I have to leave the room. If I, myself, have a cough...I just can't handle it. When I was hit with "the plague" back in October, it came with one of the worst (the worst?) coughs and upper respiratory distress I'd ever had. I usually don't get sick, probably once a year. Of course this thing hit while I was on my own, away at school. With these major hits to the system, it's never just a cough. You're not even able to lay down and sleep because you start coughing and get that tickle in your throat. Cruel torture! Luckily, Robitussin® 12 Hour Cough Relief was able to get me through those rough night (and days!). Used as directed, it delivers fast and powerful cough relief as well as soothes the throat. A life saver so you can get back to yourself and survive your sick days like a boss once again!
6 - Forgive, forget, rest. Maybe the hardest thing, but most important thing is to forget about your responsibilities and actually rest! Here's my tip to make it happen. Write down all the tasks you know you've missed or will be missing because your sick (your head is already clogged up enough!), put that list aside, forgive yourself for "being sick" (sometimes we just cant help it!), and finally, REST! Close those eyes and let your body rest while focusing on kicking that bug! The more rest, the quicker you'll be back to being boss and doing your thing!
So tell me:
+ How do you survive a sick day(s)?
Stay connected: Facebook: Strength and Sunshine Twitter: @RebeccaGF666 Instagram: rebeccagf666 Pinterest: RebeccaGF666 Bloglovin’: Strength and Sunshine Google+: Rebecca Pytell
Kimm at Reinvented
Treating your sick day as a spa day...I can get behind that one!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Haha, well it should be!
Deborah Davis
Hi Rebecca,
I have spent many sick days doing many of the things you mentioned in your post. My favorite sick day tea is warming ginger root tea. It's amazing for cold and flu relief!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Tea is best!
I 100% agree all of this really helps! Especially watching your favourite entertainment (even when youre not ill :P)
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Haha, sure!
HI Rebecca,
Great tips for those miserable days when you feel really bad. I especially #3 soaking in the tub with some essential oil can be so healing & #4 nourishing the body which is so important.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Yes! All great things to do!
Aleena Brown
I have been trying to tell the man of the house this all week! He's suffering with a virus (courtesy of the kids!) and tonsillitis and he thinks I'm crazy keep trying to give him veggies! Great tips, thank you!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Heal up!!
Jamie @ Medium Sized Family
I still feel guilty watching TV all day even when I'm sick. I'm such a mom! haha Love this advice! (Sleepytime Vanilla is my favorite, too.)
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
It is the best! I drink it every night, regardless of sickness!
Thank you for sharing! We all hate to fight those common colds and beyond. But they're inevitable- I will try your tips next time I am not feeling so well.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
They are inevitable! We can only do our best to make it as painless as possible!
I currently have the flu and it is kicking my butt. I don't do well when i am sick because i dont know how to just rest. I love teas though, they help my throat and they're good for me. Hopefully tomorrow i can tackle this sick day like a boss!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Drink up and get some rest, dear!
Angela Howard
Agree! I'll add the netty pot for congestion.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Those freak me out!
Lee MacArthur
If I ever actually take a sick day, I usually sleep and inhale lots of tea flavored with honey and lemon when I'm awake. That usually does it for me.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Tea (and loads of water) is my go-to!
Getting sick and being sick is the WORST! I'll take all the tips you have. 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
It is! Thanks!
I HATE sick days. I am one of the above mentioned busy bees. I rarely, I mean very rarely, take a sick day. I just can't put work down and rest. (I know, not a great habit) These would even be great for evenings that you are feeling under the weather!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
I hope you give yourself a break some time then!
No.2 is definitely my favourite 😛 If I have a really bad cold, I'll spend the whole day on the sofa watching friends haha! With lots of warm drinks of course 😉
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Always! Just vegging out is needed!
Alix Maza
My gosh I cringe when someone near me coughs and hacks. They always sound like their coughing up a lung!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Literally, I have to walk (run) away!