It has been 7 weeks since I started running. Meaning I've only run 7 times. I say "only" because running just once a week is rather odd, but its been working pretty well for me. Over these last 7 weeks, I've gone from just a short .95 mile run to most recently a 6.25 miles on Sunday. Yes. I ran a 10K plus an extra .05 mile. Why? How? What?!
Because I simply could. I channeled my inner strength and courage to make another one of my goals a reality. (Obviously I started 2015 off with a bang!) I knew I wanted to do this with it being my last run in NJ for a while. After my 4 mile run the week before, I ended up feeling like I could have gone more. I WANTED to go more. I knew a 10K was totally possible, that's why I made it one of my "wishes" for 2015.
Every time I complete another run, my Nike+ app tells me of the "records" I smash. This time I ran my fastest mile in 11:07, my fastest 5K in 35:19, and my first 10K in 1:11:15. Since I ended with 6.25 miles, my overall time was 1:11:42 for my longest run my life. This time last year, when I said I wanted to start running, I never would have thought I could ever run this distance...ever. The only person I can blame for that negativity was myself. I never even got myself to try.
Maybe it was because I never wanted to call myself a "runner" anyway. It seemed like EVERYONE ran and would write, post, tweet, instagram their achievements every 5 seconds. I would scoff at it. I think I was jealous because everyone else was doing something I so badly wanted to try, but just didn't think I had the courage, drive, or ability. Everyone talked about that post run high, that glorious feeling after pushing through and incredible and therapeutic run. I wanted that.
When I finally got my butt in gear and went on that first run, I knew there really was something special about running. Every run since then has shown me even more about what it means to feel that "runner's high". While I'm pushing on through the miles, I feel good, unstoppable. It's amazing what the human body can do. Running is such a strange thing and some many feelings and emotions go through your head and body in such a short time. One minute and I'm not even at a mile yet. The next, I'm rounding out my 6th. Then I know it's time to finish my run, hop back home, take a nice hot shower, stretch and foam roll, eat food, and drink a pot of coffee while I'm at it 😉
As I slow my feet down and end my run, it's like trying to stop a train racing down the tracks. It feels so weird to start walking again, almost like when you take your ice skates off after skating for a while. Your body has to adjust to a different form of movement. Once my body gets back to reality, that "runner's high" really sets in. This glorious amazing feeling, with measurable achievements and floods of joy. I understand those running endorphines and the reason people always share post-run selfies with their splits and times all over the internet. You just want to shout to the world how awesome you feel and how proud you are. You want to share you success because it feels good to feel good and you want everyone in that moment to feel it with you.
A "runner's high" is a feeling you can only get when running. It is so different from the post-yoga feeling or the feeling after a new PR in the gym. It's this instant pride, instant joy and gratification. My body and my ability becomes my own inspiration. Because of this special feeling, I always know my week will end on a high note. I always look forward to my Sunday run and even get excited about it during the week. It's still all so incredible to me. I can actually call myself a runner and experience the wonder that is the "runner's high".
So tell me:
+ What do you love about the "runner's high"?
+ Bragging time! What's your latest running achievement?
Stay connected: Facebook: Strength and Sunshine Twitter: @RebeccaGF666 Instagram: rebeccagf666 Pinterest: RebeccaGF666 Bloglovin’: Strength and Sunshine Google+: Rebecca Pytell
I started running months ago, yet every time I hop on the scale, I was let down by the results. What gives? While running does burn mega calories I did not see the weight-loss results I am after. I though that running ain't effective but when I stopped I got bigger even more. So, I resume my running routine because it completes my day, I feel so motivated and activated however, I am more particular with the foods that I eat. I guess, this is the culprit behind my epic fail weight loss goal.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Weightloss is all about diet. But I can't help you there, nor can this blog.
Carrie @ Curly Crafty Mom
I love running, I have been running since 2008 and I've ran in six half marathons and planning to do a full this year!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
That is so awesome Carrie! One day I want to be able to say that too....and that day is coming probably sooner than I think 😉
Sharon Rowe
Thanks for sharing on Monday Madness, a very inspirational post:)
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Wow! I always thought to build up that type of endurance and fitness you'd have to run multiple times a week. The fact you've managed that with one run a week is really inspiring. I'll definitely be getting back into my running shoes this week!
Laura |
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Well, it depends big time on where your fitness level is! Don't jump into something you can't do just yet!
Linda Blatchford
I've never been a runner, but experience other highs from special prayers, music, and watching a customer's face when she receives her custom order.
It's a great feeling.
From create w/joy
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Finding what gives us our natural highs is the greatest thing!
Keisha | The Girl Next Door is Black
You discovered that elusive runner's high, congratulations! I gave running a shot many times and gave up on trying to feel the high. Now I just run every once in a while when I need to feel super cardio. It's not for me though. More power to you! You literally took off running. 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Haha, thanks Keisha! I hate cardio so that's not the reason I do it. I just love the power it gives me. During the run, it doesn't always feel good, but no matter what, afterwards, the feeling is SO worth every step!
Janelle @ Wholly Healthy
I never thought that I could love running until I tried it. It's crazy how rewarding it is. And now I try to convince everyone around me to start running 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
It is so surprisingly rewarding! Haha that's me too 😉 Running AND yoga though!
Running is so addictive - but in a good way! Love that you have started running. It is so great =) And your times are awesome!
Running for me is almost like meditating (maybe like yoga for you?). My mind empties and I just. feel. free. I love it.
The past 2 races I've run, I haven't been so proud of the times... but I ran a half marathon in the summer and *shattered* my PR and I'm still on a high from that ;p
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
I'm starting to feel that yoga-free-feel in my runs too! It is different but just as glorious! I haven't been so excited like this in a long time!
Andie Conn
Running is such a great way to combat depression and anxiety. Great blog post!
Visiting from / referred by Little Miss Celebration
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Sure it is! All exercise can be very good!
I absolutely love this article! I've run on and off for three years and am getting back into after a brief absence. I find that I need breaks to remind my body just how wonderful it is! I can't wait to get that runner's high back! My goal for this year: a half marathon in a PR time.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Good luck girl! Every run and every big accomplishment is always something to feel good about!
That's great Rebecca! Make smart goals and start slowly. Good luck and keep it up.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thank you Sami!
Sandra Laflamme
Happy to hear you've discovered the runner's high. I just love the endorphin kick. The feeling of being totally free out on a run is the best> Happy running in 2015!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
It totally is! Thanks Sandra! Happy running to you too!
Divorced Kat
4 days after posting my best time in a half marathon -- I took 4 minutes off my time from the same course a year earlier! -- I tripped and broke my kneecap. As I continue to recover, I can't believe how much I miss running. I have actually dreamed about it. Can't wait to get that high again! I hope to run a half marathon in June.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Sending you good healing recovery vibes my friend! It must be REALLY tough! But you'll come back better and stronger!
Katie @ Gettin' My Healthy On
Go you! That's crazy how fast you've built up your mileage. There's nothing quite like that runner's high. I'm often not the biggest fan of running while actually doing it, but that after feeling makes it all worth the effort.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thanks 😉
The afterwards is what we all LIVE for right? It gets us though the tough miles!
Katie | Healthy Seasonal Recipes
I went for a run over the holidays for the first time in many months, I have to say I am not really that happy with the way it made me feel after. My hammies got so sore, and I have been having aches and pains since. You are so smart to gradually build up to the 10K mark. Good for you!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
O no! How far did you go! Take it easy my friend!
I've been running for 13 years now, but I don't often experience running high. And when I do it's usually after my run. When I get home!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Well yea, the high is greatest after the run? Isn't it?
Clementine Buttercup
I love that my runner's high is reflected in my whole appearance. Afterwards I feel like I'm in the best mood ever, I've sorted most things out in my head so have fewer worries and my skin is glowing plus it lasts for hours!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Yes! So true! If you want to find me in a perfect mood, just talk to me after my run.....and a shower 😉
Kristy @ Southern In Law
I'm not a runner, but I loveeeeeeeeeeeeee the endorphin rush after exercising. I wish I could run though - but my shoulder disability has always meant the right side of my body has been thrown out so as soon as I run I end up with knee injuries!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
There wre sooo many other ways to get an exercise high! They each bring something different, but regardless, they are all amazing!
Every time you post about running I get so happy! It's so true, the runner's high is the best. There are many days where I don't get it, but when I do it's the best feeling ever! It feels so good to hit new goals and PRs. I feel like since we're helping each other out here I have to warn you that there may be some bad runs in your future (I'm sure from reading blogs you know this already) but it will make your next awesome run feel so much better. I can tell you're going to stick with it and keep rocking it! I will have to let you know how yoga is going since right now I feel like an unflexible blob 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Hahaha, I like being able to post about running 😉
I'm sure I'll have bad runs, but at least I cut my chances by keeping it to one day! Yea, I am totally sticking with this though! Thick or thin 🙂
I want to hear all about your yogaing! If you're still doing it, you're still rockin' it too!
Rebecca @ MyEagerFeet
I remember when I did my first "real" run (about 2+ miles) without stopping, my breath was taken away by the endorphin rush. I had to hold myself back to running three days a week because I got addicted to that feeling! I'm still cross-training through my injury right now, but it's really hard, because nothing gives me that same feeling as running.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
And I'm just "depriving" myself to just one day, haha! I think you just gotta push a bit and then anyone will find that little flame to love running.
Ali A @ The Melbeanian
Always such a significant moment when your mind clicks and you now consider yourself 'a runner'. I totally get it! You will find that you learn a lot about yourself on your running journey. Enjoy 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thanks Ali! I'm just excited I get the same excitment and enjoyment from running as I do yoga! Haha!
Aww, that's awesome! Congrats again on your longest run yet! :D! You're doing awesome, and I'm glad you're enjoying it and having fun along the way! <3
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thank you Farrah! XOXO
(Why hello, other half of my comment!)
My favorite part of a run is usually in the first 1-5 minutes (I am all for short-distance sprints, hahaha ._.). I ran a half marathon ages ago, but I'm not sure if I've ever experienced runners' high! 😡 I was catching up with a friend yesterday and we both realized neither of us have gone running since we both moved away from our mutual hometown. She used to be my running buddy, so mayhaps that's where my lack of motivation for running flew away to! :O
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Hello! Haha!
I'd love to see how it feels running with a friend! I mean I am a totally workout loner, but a run with someone might be fun!
GiselleR @ Diary of an ExSloth
Woah! I've never seen runner's high described so vividly but this definitely makes me want to experience it again. I used to love running in the summer but fall/winter + running do not make happy couples for me. Love that you got to accomplish this goal though! 😀
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thanks Giselle! I have nothing to compare these cold runs to, but I life that brisk feel on my face!
Linda@ TheFitty
Truly astounding. I find you truly astounding for completing 10k in only a matter of weeks since your first run seems like you were born with the running genes! I myself had to build that kind of stamina--I didn't happen for years.
What do you think about while running? Now that you understand the runners high, do you always look forward to your runs?
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thanks Linda! Since I'm coming from such a conditions state in the first place, I think that's why I'm doing pretty well with it!
Usually I think about this post was written in my head!....and I've been singing Christmas music in my head, hahahahaha!
Now, yes, I look forward to that feeling every week!
Laura O
The runners' high is so great because it sneaks up on you when you least expect it and BANG you feel like you can go on forever! I don't have a recent big achievement, but this past November I ran 24K (15 miles) for my 24th birthday and I definitely was riding the runners' high then!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Woohoo! What a GREAT way to feel good on your birthday! It is such a special feeling!
Lauren @ The Bikini Experiment
Congrats on a 10K, but also for jumping into something that intimidated you. That really pushes our boundries and is just as big as an accomplishment. I run a few times a week, but they are all short distance. I don't even wear a watch to track them!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thank you Lauren! It has felt so good to know I was able to prove myself wrong after such a long time!
Any little run is a perfect run! I plan on just keeping my short for the most part right now! No big plans...yet 😉
Welcome to the runners club. 🙂 Congrats on your 10K!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thank you so much Rachel! I'm glad to be here 😉
Kerri Olkjer
You are doing so amazingly well! I miss that runner's high, LOL. Back to it this year.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thank you 😉 You can so do it! If I could, you could!
I'm jealous! I've been working toward that runner's high for quite a few years and I've never gotten it. I could lift weights all day- run - NO!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Hey, like I said, we can get our highs from so many different things! I'm lucky I could find it in ALL my activities!
Michele @ paleorunningmomma
The first discovery of that runner's high is awesome! It's an addicting feeling, and in 10 years of running I've seen the good and the bad that comes with that. There really is nothing like leaving my house at 6am feeling like garbage and coming back at 7am feeling invincible though, it's a special thing. Glad to hear you are loving it!!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
It's very cool that in such a short period of time, you can end up feeling so great and accomplished!
Lacey @ Runs and Roses
I have yet to find a form of exercise that leaves you with the high that running does. When I was marathon training people would look at me like I was absolutely insane when I would say I'd run upwards of 15 miles that day. I especially love the feeling you get during races and the amazing rush at the finish line! 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
I can not wait to do a race! I really do bet that post-race high is like no other! Total euphoria!
Tatum Murray
I totally agree! The Runner's High is a totally amazing and unique feeling and often anticipating that feeling is the only thing that gets me started on my run in the first place, haha! Congrats on all your running achievements!!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
I get excited about that feeling all week! Thankfully I still have my yoga highs to keep me grounded while I wait for that one run!
Thank you Tatum 🙂
The runner's high is such an incredible and amazing feeling! I've been running for two years now and have truly fallen in love with the run. While there are those days where you dread running, the running euphoria you experience is worth every mile and breath! I'm excited to follow your journey! Keep up the amazing work!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thank you Olivia! I think I can keep my running special and cherish each run because I only go once a week! It just makes it even more amazing!
Melanie @ Nutritious Eats
Yay for you! Runners high= so real. For me it's just about getting past the first couple dreaded miles and then it's exhilarating. Running more is definitely one of my goals this year.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
It is so weird how each mile feels different! I find the hardest to be miles 2-3! But I can't say much since this is the longest run I've ever done, haha!
Miranda @ Miranda Writes Blog
I've never been a runner (tried but it wasn't for me), but I hear about the elusive 'runner's high' all the time. It must be a great feeling. Congrats on all of your success with running! =)
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
You can still find that high from any activity you do! Just each one is different!
Thank you so much Miranda! XOXO
I don't really have any running achievements lately... kind of nursing a little hint of an injury, which is weird for me. I guess actually getting a few 40 mile weeks lately is great for me!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
I think anytime you go out and run is an achievement 😉
Quite the accomplishments! I am not much of a runner but envy those who love it so much!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thanks Emily 😉 No matter what though, I will always call myself a yogi before a runner!
Natalie @ Feasting on Fruit
You jumped from 5K to 10K so fast I'd say you definitely had a inner runner inside you the whole time you just had to channel her 🙂 I'm sure yoga and running compliment each other quite well. I'm not sure I've ever experienced the true runner's high considering I've only gone for a run maybe 5 times in my life and usually only about 2-3 miles.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Haha, I just had to reach those two goals! You can still find that Runner'd High! I felt it the first time I ran...which wasn't even a mile, haha!
Linda @ Veganosity
Welcome to the club grasshopper. 😉
Congratulations on your times, you're a natural! Let's run a virtual 1/2 marathon in the spring. Once the temperature is above 20° here in Chicago.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thank you 😉 Haha, sounds like a plan! I'm a little scared for the temps in the next few weeks!
Joanne Viola
It is a wonderful feeling to just take care of oneself, no matter how we choose to do it. Knowing that we are staying motivated & sticking to a goal brings the feeling of accomplishment. May you have success all year!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
I just love the feeling, inspiration, and joy all these activities bring to me. Now I have running to add to all that! Thank you Joanne 🙂
Athletic Avocado
Awesome job pushing yourself so far! I like to run too, just when I am well rested from gymnastics, AKA when i am not sore lol! But I do love running by the ocean and bay which gives me a sense of euphoria!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Haha, I just love running around my neighborhood and on the streets I have lived on my whole life, but never really experienced! I am finding things I never even knew were there!
Whoop whoop! Congrats on your longest run- that is so awesome!!! I have to admit, I didn't get running until I started either but you're right, there is something just so different about it that offers the kind of high other type of exercise don't!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thank you Annmarie! It's crazy, but I was definitely missing out on something special!
Emily @My Healthyish Life
It's a feeling like NO other! Yoga and weight lifting do give me post-workout "highs" but they're different. Congrats again 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
It's hard to put into words, but there is something so special there!
Thank you Emily XOXO
I can totally relate!! I never ran and simply didn't get it. Then I gave it a real chance and it's the highlight of my week. I began running by myself and now I run with my friend. We chat along the way and I never thought it was possible. Enjoy!!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
It's crazy when we sike ourselves out and don't try something....and for nothing! When we really do go for it, we always discover something new and great!
Susie @ SuzLyfe
Damn girl! Great run! But do be careful--you don't want to build up to quickly! Yoga gives you incredible stabilizing muscles, but it is still different than running, as I know you know. But regardless, super happy for you! I definitely get something different out of running than from anything else. It is calming like yoga, but I can have a difficult yoga practice and walk away ok, knowing that I gave it everything. A bad run can actually upset me. And a good run? You are on top of the world!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
I just wanted to give it one last good hoorah! I felt good so I went for it!
It's so great to be able to get something so different out of each type of activity! Whatever you body and mind needs, there is something out there to help you get just that!