Today is the day....that I get 4 teeth ripped out of my mouth! As you read this I am either starving (since I had to stop eating at midnight) and getting ready to leave, it's 8:45am and I am in the procedure in a drug induced sleep, or I am in pain and trying to relax at home. I'm still pretty positive though that I'll be fine, but I'll let you know tomorrow 😉 I've got strength and I'm good with pain. Plus I've been though some bizarre and painful procedures before and I can always handle it. (I'll have to tell you all about my in-grown toenail procedure sometime. It basically looked like I was getting a Chinese torture treatment done to my toes. Good times!)
Anyway, lets switch over to sleep! (Hoping I can sleep tonight!). Sleep is one of those things you need to be routine about. Otherwise it just doesn't work, right? You all know I am a very earlier riser (4:30am-5:30am depending on the day), so that also means I go to bed rather early too, especially for an 18-year-old. It is usually by 9:45pm at the latest. I just can't keep myself awake any longer than that and I have been trying! (Got to prepare for late nights in college!). But once I get a routine down like I have now, I don't ever find myself having trouble falling asleep. I don't wake-up tired either so I guess everything is working 🙂 Here's what my routine looks like:
Pretty simple but perfect (for me that is!). I usually start all this around 7pm and it's just the right amount of time to get myself settled and ready to sleep. A shower to wash off the days dirt and sweat (people who take showers in the morning bother me so much!), pre-bed snack time, read some of my book. Currently I just started reading Under Your Skin by: Sabine Durrant. A nice crime mystery thriller (the best type of book!). I am not one of those girly "beach read" type of readers, nor will you ever find me with some crappy "paranormal fantasy tween" book in my hands. I like my books full of murder, crime, government corruption, lawyers and trials. 😉 Thrilling and suspenseful!
Once I start to get antsy from reading for a while, I will make my evening cup of tea! I have been drinking a nice mug (my GW mug) of hot peppermint tea with a bit of stevia every single night. Pure peppermint tea is supposed to relive stress and help soothe the tummy. It totally does both and I think it helps me sleep. Plus it tastes so damn good and is an herbal tea so I don't have to worry about caffeine!
And then I go back upstairs to my room and read some more. The only thing that makes me sad (all the time) is I drink my tea/coffee/really any beverage in about 10 seconds flat. Even if it is boiling hot. So my mug of peppermint on lasts until I get upstairs again. Then I just read, haha! After that I go back downstairs to brush my teeth, come back upstairs and check my email and social media on my phone. Yes, where are the anti-technology before bed police? Arrest me! I know it's "bad" but it is fine for me. I wouldn't be able to sleep if I DIDN'T check everything. That would be so stressful! After I do that (sorry I'm not sorry), I finally plug in my phone charger and lights out. I fall asleep really quickly from there, unless I start having freaks out about school (which has been happening more and more). Otherwise, I have a pretty perfect routine down.
I do always wake-up at least once in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. I drink way to much before bed, but I just have to have all the liquids 😛 When I do get up, I check my phone again. Yes bad. But it's always blinking with a 10,00 notifications so I just have to. But then I put it away and go back to sleep in the blink of an eye! Until I wake up a few short hours later to start my day 😉
So tell me:
+ What does your night time routine look like?
+ Do you go to bed and wake-up around the same times everyday? I do! It's really is best to keep your internal clock on schedule!
+ Do you "sneak" on social media at night when your should be "un-plugged?" I won't judge 😉
*I am linking up with Amanda’s Thinking Out Loud today!*
Stay connected: Facebook: Strength and Sunshine Twitter: @RebeccaGF666 Instagram: rebeccagf666 Pinterest: RebeccaGF666 Bloglovin’: Strength and Sunshine Google+: Rebecca Pytell
Sanskriti Agarwal
It just feels great when you see others' routine but when you make one for yourself and you don't seem to follow it, is what that is weird. I loved to see your routine. When i don't want to sleep at night i decide to listen to some slow songs because that really helps.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Always having a relaxing way to calm the mind is great!
How nice that you have this down to a routine. I have not mastered that yet, and there are some nights where I can’t shut my brain off, so I’m sure a routine would help. Thanks for sharing with Pin Your Friday Favorite-very interesting!
Strength and Sunshine
Yes! A routine will totally help with getting to sleep 🙂
Linda @ Fit Fed and Happy
Tea Time! Wooowie! Usually tea time ties in with reading for me, that is, IF I read!
Strength and Sunshine
Tea and any type of reading is always good 😉
Patty @ Reach Your Peak
omg I love mystery and thrillers! Definitely reading this next. I'm posting some book reviews about what I recently read tomorrow. I usually don't like beach reads but the 3rd book of fifty shades of grey is on my list of what I read while away...don't judge 🙂 lol But yea I totally agree about the paranormal stuff too! Not a fan. You'll have to give me some good mystery book suggestions!
Strength and Sunshine
Hahaha 50 shades! No way 😛
I'll have to check out your post!
And do you have goodreads? Friend me and you can find all the awesome stuff I've read 😉
Probably Rachel
If I can't sleep in the middle of the night, I totally get online and browse Twitter of Facebook. Horrible, I know!
Strength and Sunshine
Haha I know! I start looking at food on Instagram and then get all caught up realizing it's like 2am and I should get back to sleep, haha!
Erin (@herheartland)
I love tea before bed! Good luck getting your wisdom teeth out! I had mine done a few years ago and was so glad I did!
Strength and Sunshine
Tea is a must! It is just so calming...and yummy 😉
Thank you Erin! It's all for the best! Better to do it while I'm young and can heal in a snap!
Good luck with your surgery! I had my widsom teeth removed when I was 18, not fun but you will soon be enjoying all your favorite foods again! My nighttime routine always differs because my children are crazy and sometimes don't go to bed but generally I try to unwind an hour or so before sleep then check social media once more before hitting the hay! Also, I nominated you for a Very Inspiring Blogger Award but no worries about responding- I know you must be in pain!
Strength and Sunshine
Thanks you! XOXO
Haha, moms always have to work around the kids 😉
I just got back home and so far so good, but I am starving and can't eat just yet, haha!
And thank you for nominating me 🙂
Emily @ Zen & Spice
Usually after work, I'll come home and exercise, then I'll fix dinner for me and my boyfriend. Then we'll do the dishes, and either watch TV or I'll work on my blog for a while. Around 9:45 I'll make our lunches for the next day, take a shower/brush my teeth, then check my social media in bed and if I'm not tired yet, I'll read for a while. It usually only takes about 5 minutes of reading before I can't keep my eyes open, so it takes me forever to finish a book lol!
Strength and Sunshine
Haha, reading makes me so tired too! When I read during the day I always end up falling asleep and taking a nap!
But for some reason I can read longer at night without totally falling asleep mid-page!
Jill Conyers (@jillconyers)
My evening/bedtime is almost always dinner, get ready for the next day if it's a work day, family time, get ready for bed, read and bed. I go to bed no later than 9 and I wake up at 4:00.
Strength and Sunshine
That is exactly me! Early risers are the best 😉 The day just seems so much longer too!
The Fit Fork (@TheFitFork)
Oh no, I hope your mouth situation is better soon. I wake up and the exact same minute nearly everyday -- regardless of how much sleep I actually got during the night. So weird.
Strength and Sunshine
Thank you 😉
Same here! I always wake-up so early no matter what!
Brie @ Lean, Clean, & Brie
Best of luck with your surgery today! I just had my wisdom teeth out last December so I know how you feel! Just have to get through the next few days and then you will be right back at it 🙂
Strength and Sunshine
Thanks Brie! That's what I'm hoping 🙂
Regarding your teeth removal, take the medication EXACTLY as prescribed and you'll feel no pain. When I had it done, my doctor told me to follow the directions exactly because if the pain is allowed to set in then the medication will not alleviate that. I was given semi-strong pain medication, antibiotics, and something else, I think. Everything had a take every 2, 3, or 4 hours and so I continuously set the alarm clock to take each pill at the correct time for the duration that I was to take it. I ate baby food and pudding for a couple of days but by the third day I was fine to each some regular food.
Good luck!!!
Strength and Sunshine
I won't be taking any of the hard core narcotics and what not. Just advil like my brother did!
my sleep routine is this: nurse and change william around 8 and get him to go down, blog until 9ish, pump, brush my teeth, wash my face, face plant into bed 🙂
Strength and Sunshine
A busy momma, you deserve to faceplant! 😉
I see a few similarities here! Showers at night are the best AND I HAVE TO CHECK MY EMAIL BEFORE BED (plus social media of course) !!! It is an addiction really, I feel like I am missing something if I do not, don't you?! Reaching for the phone in the middle of the night during the bathroom breaks-- guilty! 😉
Right now the night routine (that begins at 10:30) after coming home from LSAT Class is a big glass of water and a snack, check emails and social media, head up for a good shower to clear my head and plan for the next day, brush teeth and put on pjs, write down anything I "Must Do" the next day, set the alarm for around 7 (usual time I wake up), and then lights out.
I'll be thinking of you today, best of luck!!
Strength and Sunshine
Yes! I might just get that ground breaking update or life changing email!
Making a list is so good! I create one every week that I keep on my desk!
Thank you 🙂 XOXO
I have a winddown routine too.
Im like a toddler that way---and it works for me 😉
Strength and Sunshine
We all need one! Have to get yourself settled somehow to get some quality sleep and rest!