What would you do if you were told at the age of 36, right after starting a family and creating the life you always dreamed about, your doctor told you that you had cancer? You had 15 months to live because of this rare diagnosis of mesothelioma, a form of cancer caused by asbestos that effects the lining of the lungs and abdomen. You had done nothing wrong that you could think of until you realized the work coat from your father you used to wear all the time would be covered in asbestos. He worked in construction and brought home the toxin everyday when you were younger. Now you are paying the consequences. You fear you are going to die. You are not supposed to life longer that 15 months. 15 months to do everything you thought you had the rest of your life to do.
That is what happened to Heather Von St. James. She was 36 and a new mom when she was diagnosed. She feared she wouldn't be able to see her daughter Lily grow-up, the financial costs would ruin her family, the treatments wouldn't work. Her doctor recommended risky surgery to remove one of her lungs. She was so scared, but she wanted to do anything to live and keep her daughter from not having to grow-up without a mom. So 8 years ago she underwent the surgery to remove her left lung. Before her surgery her sister tried to lighten the situation by nicknaming her surgery "Lung Leavin' Day". That name stuck and now, a cancer survivor of 8 years, Heather celebrates that day every year.
Lung Leavin' Day is celebrated on February 2nd and Heather keeps this tradition to encourage others to face their fears. She gets together all of her family and friends and that night they have a large bonfire. They each write their fears down on a paper plate and then smash them into the fire, watching them burn to ashes. Lung Leavin' Day started with just Heather's family, but with every year has grown larger in her community with 75 people participating last year. She also made it into a fundraiser for mesothelioma awareness and raised over $4,500 last year alone.
Heather feared so much when she heard her diagnosis, but she was determined to not let that fear control her life. She took a stand and wants each and every one of us, no matter who you are or where you are in life, to smash your fears and take control of your life! You can join in virtually here, and share Heather's story on your blog or social media to help raise awareness! We can all come together and smash our fears and raise awareness through the power of social media! You can also directly donate to Heather's fundraising page here!
I want to share a fear that I will be smashing on Lung Leavin' Day. My fear is that I am not living my life to the fullest right now. I am not enjoying each and every day. I am not being grateful for the life I have every morning when I wake-up. My mind is set on just getting through the day as quickly as possible, getting through school, getting blog work and reading done, eating my meals, exercising, and keeping my schedule set to the clock. Each minute, each second must be accounted for even if I don't feel like doing what I should be doing at that time, I make myself do it. But then I lay down to sleep every night and I think to myself, "What am I doing?". I am not happy with my days, I am not happy with this feeling of anxiety hanging over me every waking hour. I fear that I am going to regret these years in my future. I am going to look back and hate the fact that I didn't truly enjoy my young "supposed to be care-free" teenage and young adult years. This was supposed to be the time to find yourself, to experience everything you can, and have fun. But I am not doing that and I fear that it will leave me with regret and depression later on in my life.
So for this Power Monday, I want you to write down you fear(s) and get it ready to smash on February 2nd, this Sunday. It can be anything in the world. Small, big, anything goes because all fears need to be smashed. We shouldn't live in fear, we need to stay strong and confident. We need to take control of our fears and not let them control us. We are better that those fears, we can do anything, conquer anything, and live life how it is supposed to be lived. Heather did it and continues to strive everyday. She turned her fears in to bravery, courage, and support for others. Take you fear and turn it into something better, something that will make you strong, love, brave, and courageous!
I will be taking my fear and smashing it. I will try everyday to make my life count. To not get anxious and rush through everything. To savor each moment I have alive on this earth. I don't want to waste a minute doing something I hate, worrying about the next thing, or just being unhappy. I am sick of running myself to the ground, I am sick of my anxiety, depression, and hate. I want to love, be happy, and appreciate life everyday. I want to live. I want to love. I want to feel my emotions and spirit and let them direct me in the right direction. I need to listen to my body and do what it needs, nourish it, care for it, and not let fear get in the way.
So tell me:
What fear will you be smashing?
***Connect with Heather through these social media sites:***
Deborah Smikle-Davis
Hi Rebecca,
Thank you for sharing Heather's moving story and the powerful movement she has initiated with Lung Leavin' Day! It is so important for us to acknowledge and release our fears. Fear holds us back in so many ways! And thank you so much for sharing these valuable insights with us
at the Healthy, Happy, Green & Natural Blog Hop!
I sincerely appreciate it!
Thanks Deb!
Kristy @ Southern In Law
I use to be super fearful and have crippling anxiety - but then I realised it was all pointless. I actually had a couple of bible verses which totally changed my perspective about 4 years ago and I've been a different person ever since:
- Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10
- “Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life? And why are you anxious about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these. Matthew 6:25-34
I am, however, still totally skeeved out by needles and IVs and as I'm just about to have an iron transfusion, I'm going to need to get over that fear quick fast!
Those are both beautiful passages, Kristy! Thank you for sharing them and your fears. I am so glad you were able to find a way to break it down!
As for needles....don't be scared! Remember the procedure and quick pain are only temporary battles and you are so much stronger than them. Plus you will be doing this all for your health and it will only make you feel better, remember! Temporary for a long and healthy future! 🙂 XOXO
Fantastic post!! I heard of Heather's story too and it broke my heart and encouraged me at the same time. I'm glad you posted this, and if you want some support, my goal and fears are the exact same as yours. Lots of love!!!
When Heather contacted me I knew I had to share her story her one of my Power Monday posts! The message was so powerful to me.
That is nice to know someone else has the same fear as me but also hurts to know that we both are letting this fear effect our lives. I know we are both strong and brave enough to break bit down!
Great post! That's an incredible story and I'm blown away by how brave she was! My biggest fear is honestly something that I can't really crush, and I don't really talk about too often. But I guess I'll just come out and say it here: I'm afraid of cardiovascular disease. Everyone on my dad's side has it and I know it's coming for me too since it's hereditary. I was tested right after my dad's massive heart attack 5 years ago and I already had high cholesterol! I weighed about 30 pounds more back then and was not active at all, so that may have gone down but I'm too scared to ask for another blood test in case I'm still not back to a normal range. I feel like I'm trying to be super active and a bit healthier with my eating in order to out-run this disease. It's scary knowing that I'll probably be on medication for high cholesterol in a few years and I'll be monitored at doctor visits for the rest of my life, but at least I'm able to be active and healthy now so I need to stop worrying about the future so much! Whew, that was tough to share!
Kristen, thank you so much for being brave and sharing that with us! That is a perfect fear to smash. Don't let it rule your life! Now that you know about all you can do is what you've been doing: eat healthy, stay active, keep your weight healthy, and go visit your doctor regularly! You are beautiful and courageous! I know you can be bigger than your fear 🙂 XOXO
I absolutely love this, honestly. I'm with you on the day by day routine. I'm not doing what makes me happy. I was recently in an accident myself, so I have been more grateful than ever. Things have been changed around and I am learning to accept them. She is a true inspiration! I am definitely joining this. The fears I will be smashing? Eating without worrying about numbers. Keep my happiness a priority. Go for what makes me happy each and every day. Make time for me.
Have a marvelous week! <3
Thank you for introducing this!
Thanks Natalie 🙂 Those are some great fears to smash! Each one is one I would do for myself 🙂