I was pretty productive this weekend thank you very much! (virtual high-five!). Lots of school work done, blogging done, picture taking done, new recipes, done, etc. I started my Saturday by knocking out that documentary I had to watch for AP Gov which also included two worksheets for notes. Two hours of my life wastes...yes...but it felt good to get it out of the way before it was even officially assigned to the class this week. Of course I had to fuel my morning with something delicious and since my Vitacost order finally arrived I was stoked to try my new Coconut Butter! I was a coconut butter virgin until that morning...but that is no longer. All I can say is I can not believe what I have been missing my whole life!
I mixed in a big spoonful in my creamy buckwheat hot cereal (along with cocoa powder). It was so creamy! Like, I have never tasted something so good. Coconutty Creaminess = Heaven.
I got tons of stuff from my Vitacost haul, but these three am was most excited about! Obviously the coconut butter which is 100% organic and raw and stone ground from Dastony! Look at that cute little elephant 😉 Also that Ceylon Black Cherry Tea is to die for! And then this baby on the right. I have not opened it yet because I have way to many nut butter in progress right now, but that won't last long and I will probably dig into this thing in a few days. Coconut and chocolate! Just like my breakfast but in almond butter form! Amazing is all I have to say! I love food, don't you! Some other honorable mentions I got were coconut oil (so excited to make pancakes with this!), a salt-free Cajan Spice which is the bomb! And Coffee Extract which will be making its way in to many a breakfast recipes in the near future 😉
And now I have a special ranting post about nutrition labels! Yay! I just let myself write so it may get a bit rambly, but I think you will be able to get the gist of my feelings on this hot topic! Enjoy! I can't wait to read your options and reactions in the comments! (hint, hint, that means I want to hear from you before you leave!)
Nutrition Facts Labels will be getting an overhaul. We should all be excited, right? The labels will now how more prominent calorie and sugar counts. Serving sizes will reflect the actual serving an American eats, not that ¼ cup of dried pasta. No consumer math will have to go in to calculate what the calories really are in that soda that is 2.5 servings. Added sugars will have to be labeled and more "important" vitamins will be added to the bottom like Vitamin D. This is all supposed to help the consumer and make things less confusing. But the last time the government tried to step in and revamp a food guideline resource (i.e. My Plate), it was a complete disaster. Not to mention these new requirements most likely won't be seen for a good 1-2 years and the food companies slowly and reluctantly implement them. And do most Americans even look at the nutrition label?
I think the more important topic that is still not addressed with this, is that fact that Americans are still in the dark about what exactly is in their food. GMOs and still yet to be labeled, artificial colorings and flavorings are not banned, chemicals and processed grains and sugars, hydrogenated fats, and banned ingredients (elsewhere in the world) will still be allowed to penetrate out food and deceive unknowing consumers. The average American on the street if asked if they think a 100 calorie pack of Hostess Chocolate Mini Cakes is a healthy snack, they will probably reply yes. When in reality they are saying yes only because they are thinking of the 100 calorie aspect. Not the ingredients list which contains so many words I can't even pronounce. It even has sugar as the first ingredient and then other forms of added sugar all throughout. Here, take a look:
Sugar, Water, Polydextrose, Enriched Bleached Wheat Flour [Flour, Reduced Iron, "B" Vitamins (Niacin, Thiamine Mononitrate (B1), Riboflavin (B2), Folic Acid)], Egg Whites, Partially Hydrogenated Vegetable And/Or Animal Shortening (Soybean, Cottonseed And/Or Canola Oil, Beef Fat), Whole Eggs, High Fructose Corn Syrup, Cocoa, Glycerin, Maltitol Syrup, Cornstarch, Corn Syrup, Contains 2% Or Less Of: Soy Protein Isolate, Soybean Oil, Corn Flour, Mono And Diglycerides, Polysorbate 60, Cottonseed Fiber, Cocoa Processed With Alkali, Salt, Chocolate Liquor, Calcium Carbonate, Calcium Sulfate, Agar, Locust Bean Gum, Dextrose, Sodium Phosphate, Sodium Lauryl Sulfate, Modified Corn Starch, Glucose, Sodium Stearoyl Lactylate, Sweet Dairy Whey, Maltodextrin, Acesulfame Potassium, Neotame, Leavenings (Baking Soda, Sodium Acid Pyrophosphate), Xanthan Gum, Guar Gum, Cellulose Gum, Soy Flour, Natural And Artificial Flavors (Contain Caramel Color), Potassium Sorbate And Sorbic Acid (To Retain Freshness), Soy Lecithin. Contains Wheat, Egg, Soybeans And Milk.
Yea, um, that is not healthy. But if we fixate on calorie counts and "portions" and make them the most important and prominent things on nutrition labels...where does that really leave us? Americans will still be reaching for all that processed GMO laden food and not focusing on real whole natural foods that don't even need a label.
Read this awesome post by Lisa from 100 Days of Real Food, on why she doesn't read the nutrition label (with one exception).
We need to be educating people about health and eating real foods that are not so processed they contain 50 ingredients and empty calories. We need to focus on nutrition and not calories. Vegetables, Fruits, Whole Grains, Lean Protein, Nuts, Legumes/Beans, Healthy Fats. That is what Americans need. Not a bottle of processed chemical sludge soda with a new nutrition label. Sorry, but government reform needs to be in making real food from the Earth more accessible for everyone. The government needs legislation to put GMO on labels, to stop giving subsides to big agribusiness and to give incentives to organic and natural local farmers and food companies to keep up the good work, while helping to lower these prices so everyone can have access.
We also need to educate the public on nutrition so that if they decide to have that nutritionally deficient soda, they will know just what they are putting into their bodies. Children should be feed nutritious lunches in school, not mass-processed, canned slop that comes from a can full of BPA. Children should learn the joys of cooking nutrient dense meals in school and at home. We need to raise out young generations to be better and more educated then we have been so far.
The most important thing to take away though is that we should be focusing on foods that do not need labels. Real whole foods with a single ingredient. But for things that do require a label (not all processed foods are bad) consumers should be able to understand the ingredients in them and know what they will be putting into their bodies and where it came from.
Yes, watching calorie intake and portion size is important, but so is eating real food with calories and nutrients that benefit our bodies and don't harm them. America's food system is screwed up and run by big business with no one looking out for the consumers health. All of this is evidenced by out declining health, unhealthy weights, increase in food allergies, slowly lowering mortality rate. We have enough resources and education to be the healthiest nation in the world, so why aren't we? We will only make progress if people start caring and educating and making real food affordable and accessible to all. The government needs to start caring about its people and stop feeding them lies (literally)!
There are some organizations and people who do care though and believe we can make a change! Follow and support them! Become and advocate for healthy change! That can be donating, voting with you money in the store, buying local, not buying from the big businesses that rule the food market, write to your legislators, educate whom ever you can, and just being healthy and making the right choices!
Independent Natural Food Retailers Association
And for more info on the new proposed labeling standards:
10 Awesome Changes and 5 Misses
What's Changing on Nutrition Facts Labels
So tell me:
What do you think of the new proposed Nutrition Labels?
Who should take responsibility for America's health and food? The government or is it just up to the consumer?
Let me hear you thoughts, comments, criticisms, options. I want to know what you think!
Stay connected: Facebook: Strength and Sunshine Twitter: @RebeccaGF666 Instagram: rebeccagf666 Pinterest: RebeccaGF666 Bloglovin’: Strength and Sunshine Google+: Rebecca Pytell
Hi Rebecca, I love your post so much that I featured it on Real Food Friday blog hop this week. thanks for sharing and hope to continue to see your great post. Have wonderful healthy day!
Strength and Sunshine
Thank you so much Marla!
I loved this post. Honestly I use to be one of those people who thought just because it was an "100 calorie" snack it was better for me. i had no idea what I was doing I was being fooled by labels every time I entered the grocery store. Now thankfully I am so much more knowledgeable. Just last week I had kill time at one of the stores my boyfriend stocks (he works for pepsi) and I figured I would kill time by purchasing items that didn't have to be refrigerated (we were going to the gym afterwards and not straight home). Anyways as I finished up my shopping I realized all i had in my cart were a few seasonings, rice, A case of water, and a bunch of non food items. I hadn't realized how much my shopping/eating habits had changed until right then. In the past I would have been able to fill my shopping cart with junk from all the aisles.
There are so many people out there that are fooled just because the label says Protein, or low calorie. They think Oh Protein is good for you but when you really look there is not even a substantial amount of protein in it, that goes for those stupid 100 cal snacks that use to fool me as well. haha.
Strength and Sunshine
I am so happy you were able to learn and change your habits! That is awesome, way to go! Marketing is just so sad, but that is how it will always be and has always been. It just seems like it is getting worse and worse though!
Rachel G
Really, people will say that 100 calorie pack of Hostess Chocolate Mini Cakes is a healthy snack? that's kind of crazy. I mean, sometimes I eat cookies or something but I don't fool myself that it's healthy. I definitely try to stick with a fresh produce diet--and yeah, it doesn't really matter the way the nutrition labels are formatted, it's healthier to skip foods with nutrition labels anyway.
Strength and Sunshine
Yup, it is crazy how some people just don't know.
Great post! Shared on pinterest, google. & twitter. I totally agree with you that we should be focusing on the ingredients not reconstructing the labels - which I can't really see that its make a lot of difference. You are certainly correct about the GMO's artificial dyes and all the other chemical ingredients that have a lot to do with the epidemic of cancer, ADHD, autism, Alzheimers, and many other diseases as far as I am concerned. We should be labeling TOXIC if eaten! I have ask myself why our government allows this but then I know the answer is profit for the big corporations. We need to focus on educating the public on these health dangers so people stop buying them and it is one person at a time. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on Real Food Fridays Blog Hop! Good job an good luck on your school work.
Strength and Sunshine
Thank you so much for writing out your options! I totally agree and feel just as passionate!
Why am I allowed to feed my children food that isn’t allowed in Europe? This makes me crazy . (Hello from Real Food Fridays.)
Strength and Sunshine
I know! It is pretty disgusting.
Kristin KH
Amen! Let's ditch the foods with the nutrition labels! (for the most part....)
Strength and Sunshine
Yea, not necessarily ditch labels but focus our intake on less processed foods.
Heather @To Sow a Seed
Thanks for posting this. I actually had no idea “they” were thinking of revamping labels. I’m not sure the value of doing so (you either read them or you don’t) but hey, I guess it might help someone, somewhere … maybe?
And I am right there with you on eating foods that don’t need labels. Clearly, that’s the way it’s supposed to be!
Strength and Sunshine
Exactly! If you eat a bag of greasy chips everyday and a can or two of soda is a normal occurance, changing the label is not going to stop you.
Jan @ Sprouts n Squats
In Australia they are still trying to change legislation to make nutrition labels easier to read by holistically giving them an overall traffic light rating. So that ppl will know that just cause something is low fat doesnt mean it is good because it is still high sugar. The food companies here are trying to stop the change though.
I think it is definitely a shared responsibility to learn about what you are eating and the government to help try and teach ppl too.
Strength and Sunshine
I think the US has talked about the color coding type of system as well. But that would never fly with the companies EVER! That's why they tried the unhelpful front of the package label highlights....which I think were a huge fail and just gave companies a way to highlight the fact that it might have low sodium to hide the fact that it was crazy high in sugar or something else.
I to think it a shared responsibility as well. Everyone needs to work together on this....but when does that ever happen, haha!
I believe we should educate America about eating whole, nutritious food, because most of the population does focus on the calorie aspect of food. I don't think we should entirely give it all up, because it's nice to have a treat, but more emphasis should be focused on whole foods. I don't like the layout of the proposed nutrition label.
Strength and Sunshine
I don't like the lay-out either. I don't like how CALORIES is the biggest boldest thing. It won't accomplish anything, it is not like now people will know that that can of soda has calories and before it didn't. If people didn't care then, they won't care now. But awareness on ingredients is what needs to be empathized because most people DO NOT know that.
Plus, it could lead to a bunch of triggers or worries. /:
Megan @ Meg Go Run
I definitely look at food labels. I know the best food for you often don't have a label, but knowing how to read a food label definitely helps one make the healthier choice. I do hate how products have claims on them that may be misleading. Like "no added sugars"... someone may think, "Oh there's less sugar in this product" or "There's no sugar at all". Things like that. Or how on a sugary cereal it will say, "Great source of vitamin D!" yet it's loaded with unhealthy crap. That is one thing that irks me.
Strength and Sunshine
Haha, yes! The cereal lines are really screwed up. If you add up all the sources of sugar on the ingredient lists, sugar should be #1 on the list because it actually contains that as the biggest ingredient, but because it is split up the label does not reflect that. Or, another one that bothers me is Multi-grain. Yea right! Processed refined bleached wheat flour mixed with gmo corn flour and rice flour....that is not healthy :/
A few things: Hi! I am a new reader! Second, I love the title and concept of this post. I think that we are so concerned with labels because we so crave the concreteness they provide--the security of knowing we haven't "overexpended" our "budget" for the day. We like things that are cut and dry--easy choices that take out the guesswork. I am as guilty of it as the next person--less for the reason of laziness and more on account of wanting so badly to do right by my body that I desire as much knowledge as possible. Knowledge is power, and power can be dangerous. But isn't life about pursuing a balance of happiness and health? And are not both happiness and health reached most purely when we go outside of ourselves, give up some of our carefully cultivated control and instead trust?
Whoooa that got deep.
It must be a Monday!
I look forward to delving into your blog a bit deeper!
Strength and Sunshine
I think it is the fact that people DON"T have the knowledge and rely on the people they believe they can trust like the government and "nutrition" experts and the labels food companys put on their products promoting them as healthy. They think that if these aspects in society say it is good then it must be. They don't relive they are being blinded and deceived by advertising and lucrative greed (and cheap prices).
Thanks so much for reading! I am always happy to learn I have a new reader 🙂 XOXO
So so true. People like easy, they buy into it, companies proliferate it, people never grow.
Melissa @ Nourish By Melissa
loooooove this! I always talk about "100 calorie packs" when trying to make people understand my whole viewpoint on calories/nutrition labels vs. healthy....A lot of people seem to think that "low calorie" is interchangeable with "healthy" which couldn't bother me more! I mean, it's not our faults since it's been bred into everyone thanks to the diet industry! Anyway, I'll stop ranting but I completely agree with you when it comes to the importance of understanding the ingredients you're eating rather than just the calorie content! Great post 🙂
Strength and Sunshine
Yes! Low-calorie, low-fat, processed food does not equal healthy...at all! It contains un-natural chemicals, sugars, and scary ingredients that will wreak havoc on your health.
Love reading this! I'm a big believer of know what's in your food and an avid label reader. Even my kids read labels 🙂
I could comment almost endlessly. Don't worry. I won't. Ultimately it's up the consumer but somehow there need to be regulations (hello gov!) to prevent companies from misrepresenting or misleading the consumer. Based on what little I know of the new labels I'm a fan. After the My Plate debacle my final opinion is still out.
Can you tell I feel strongly about this 🙂
Strength and Sunshine
I totally agree that it is ultimately up to the consumer! I am so glad to hear your kids are caring about what is in their food! So many young people do not and it is scary (especially my age group!)