I will stand strong.
I will hold my head high.
I will face the agony with confidence and poise.
When I get knocked down, I will gather my strength and stand back up even stronger than before.
The trials and strife,
The struggles and conflicts,
That you throw at my heart, my body, and mind,
They will not deter me.
You think I will cave, I will fall and breakdown,
You want to see me fail,
Get lost on a path that will bring me hell.
You laugh when I trip or veer just a little.
You think you have won and the best of me is done.
You just keep pushing,
Thinking the edge is near.
Just one more hit is all I need.
You try to think of the worst, the most brutal situations.
You hand me the overwhelming stress, the anxiety, the tears.
Well guess what?
I have stumbled and cracked,
I have fallen and limped,
I have cried and yelled,
been bruised and battered.
But have I not stood strong?
Have I completely been overcome?
You may have won a battle or two,
But I have not lost the war.
I still have my drive, my confidence, and strength.
I am still standing, more balanced with grace.
Each time you hit me with another trial,
Your not making me weaker,
O no, your making me stronger.
If I got through the last,
I will get through them all.
The funny thing is,
You try and try again.
But really I'm the one laughing,
Knowing you'll never win.
I'm in it for the long run,
So I hope you don't tire too soon.
I am ready for it all.
I won't stop until,
I'll never stop.
I'll still be standing.
When you deal that final blow,
You'll close your eyes hoping that when you open them
I'll be gone, down and out.
What a surprise is in store for you.
When you open your eyes,
To see that I am still standing.
I have overcome it all.
Have a beautiful Monday! You are strong, you are beautiful, and you will overcome 🙂
So tell me:
Thoughts? Feelings?
Stay connected: Facebook: Strength and Sunshine Twitter: @RebeccaGF666 Instagram: rebeccagf666 Pinterest: RebeccaGF666 Bloglovin’: Strength and Sunshine Google+: Rebecca Pytell
Yes!!! I ❤️ this and I definitely needed it today! I'm gonna share on the FB page for my blog!
Strength and Sunshine
O, thank you so much love! XOXO
Toned & Fit
Hey Rebecca!
I nominated you and your blog for a Liebster Award! Check out how to accept it — I hope you do! <3
Strength and Sunshine
Thanks girl, I will 🙂
I love this. You're such a beautiful and strong soul. <3
Strength and Sunshine
Aw, thank you so much sweetheart! 🙂 XOXO
Linda @ Fit Fed and Happy
Did you make this poem yourself? It's something great to keep in mind and I think this came a great time during the day....thanks!
Strength and Sunshine
Yes, I did write this! I just had the urge to simply write this weekend! I'm glad you liked it 🙂
Love this! I'm struggling a little today after weekend away from my routine and this gave me a little extra pep in my step! thanks
Strength and Sunshine
Aw I'm so happy I could give you a little help! That just brightened my day 🙂 XOXO
I think this is my all time favorite Power Monday! Not too long ago I decided to turn things around and stand strong! It's all in the timing 🙂
Strength and Sunshine
Thanks Jill 🙂 You just got to believe in yourself and know you can get through!
Power Monday is right! Holy word, Rebecca. If this post didn't inspire, motivate, encourage, etc... someone, I'm not sure anything will. Thank you so much for sharing, girl!
Strength and Sunshine
Thank you Jessie 🙂 XOXO I felt like getting a little poetic today. I have just felt like I have not "written" much for the blog lately, I needed to post something a little deeper.