Hey You, behind the screen! Yes, YOU!
Come a little closer, I have something to tell you. Don't be scared, but first, let me ask you something.
What do you want? What do you really want to do and achieve in life?
Now, if you're like the majority of us, you're probably also going though the reasons in you head as to why you can't actually do this thing you really want. But why? What's with all the doubts? All the negativity, the excuses, and endless fruitless wishing?
Really, I want you to say it out loud now. Give real voice to the reasons and excuses you have been telling yourself in your head. Don't feel silly, it's okay. I'll wait right here while you do so. I'll do it too! Ready, 1...2...3...
You did it? Okay, now say it a few more times. Sounds pretty silly right? Giving voice to that kind of negativity and excuses. It sounds foolish. Those excuses make us look so unconfident and well, rather dumb. Not to be harsh, but it's the truth.
Sometimes we need that reminder, that reality check and kick-in-the-pants. Now just take a deep breath. I'm going to tell you why we all could use this reality check and why these excuses and self-doubt need to stop.
For some reason we find it so easy to doubt ourselves and give excuses as to why we can't actually do something of achieve what we so dearly want. Negativity is so much easier to dish out than positivity, but it is so much "harder" on our minds and bodies over time. Once we start with the negativity, it just places us further and further out into a vast and endless ocean of doubt. We'll keep trying to stay afloat, bu there's nothing there to hold onto, to give ourselves some relief from the tempest we've created. Eventually we'll become so weak and exhausted that we'll end up drowning. The endless ocean of doubt we got ourselves so deep into will come out the victor and swallow you up along with those dreams you were making excuses about.
Unless that is, we're able to channel our positive and self-lifting mindset. Then we may be able to gather enough strength to swim over to that buoy in the distance. Our lifesaver. The positive rock that allows us to achieve what we want. It's there, it's not a mirage. We just have to push a bit more to defeat the negativity and allow our positivity, confidence, and bravery to win and drive us forward.
Once we have that forward motion in place, we will see just how strong we are. We can save ourselves. We can rest and breathe instead of letting our self-doubt drown us. Then we'll be able to gather all our strength, make a plan, and swim to shore. We'll be able to achieve what we want because we stopped doubting ourselves. We stopped being afraid of our own positivity and confidence.
Nothing was stopping us in the first place but ourselves and our own thoughts. We let our negative thinking muddle our ability to see that we have the strength to achieve the seemingly impossible. Was it hard work? Yes. Did it take a lot of strength? Hell yea! But were we able to do it? Sure we were!
When we finally reach the shore and achieve that goal, we see how silly all that negative thinking was. It was a waste of time and just made us more energy depleted than was necessary. We squandered precious moments of life we will never be able to get back. We could have achieved what we wanted so much sooner and been able to enjoy it so much longer. We just had to fully believe in ourselves and our ability to do great things. We had to have confidence, bravery, will, and positivity.
We could have done it all along. YOU can do it right now. Stop with the excuses and negative thinking. No more self-doubt.
What do you want? What do you so dearly want to achieve?
Now say THAT out loud. Then let yourself give voice to the inner confident achiever you truly are. Don't let the negativity win and drown you. You have so much more within you. So much potential. Just believe that you CAN. Stop making excuses and GO for it. You have the STRENGTH and the WILL.
I know you can do it, but you need to KNOW that you can do it as well.
So tell me:
+ Are you close to drowning in self-doubt?
+ What will you achieve with your positivity?
Stay connected: Facebook: Strength and Sunshine Twitter: @RebeccaGF666 Instagram: rebeccagf666 Pinterest: RebeccaGF666 Bloglovin’: Strength and Sunshine Google+: Rebecca Pytell
Overall, I'm a pretty positive person. I have my doubts and negative thoughts, but every day gets better and better and I definitely recognize that. Reading posts like this gives me a good reminder too!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
That's great Kimmy! I try to stay overall positive, but it takes a lot of work!
Michael Gregory II
Great post. normally when I face a raid of negativity trying to rain on my parade, I reword the phrase in my mind. negative thoughts never do us any good and we could easily be discouraged to do anything if we let them control us. So I learned controlling my thoughts to point the positive direction is what words best for me.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
That's great!
Quirky Homemaker
I have more issues trying to figure out what I want to achieve than not having the positivity about it! This was a great post and I agree that all of the negativity wears on you. Stopping by from the Saturday Soiree. Have a great weekend!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
If we can find that positivity though, it will help us find what we truly want too!
Pam @ Hodge Podge Moments
My problem isn't self doubt. Mine is typically a lack of time and motivation. I tend to overstretch myself. Thanks for reminding me that I can do it though - even if it's a lot to undertake!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
When you overstretch yourself, you ARE doubting yourself!
Sharon Rowe
Thanks for sharing on How To Get Organized At Home, very thought provoking article thanks again for sharing:)
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thanks for sharing some inspirational words we all could use them from time to time!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Totally! Thanks Robin!
Sheila Kimball
Thanks for your positive reminders, Rebecca. YOU are a little ray of sunshine on a cloudy Hudson Valley morning 🙂 God bless you, sweet girl!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thank you SO much my dear friend 🙂 I'm glad I could brighten your day!
I always like to think: "Doubt your doubts first!" They can easily sneak in and get in the way of happiness. I have to work on this one! Thanks.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
You should doubt your doubts! Most of the time they are never true!
I'm not reading this until Tuesday, but I needed that. Thank you.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
It's useful any day 😉 XOXO
Great post! I try to certainly get rid of the negativity, but also balance the "I can do it" positivity with reality and responsibilities.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thanks Heather! Yes, we just have to know what our full capabilities are!
I definitely struggle with this, but as I get older (I know, I'm only 27 but it's true) I feel myself getting better about it. For example, I never used to run because I cared too much about other people thinking I was a gross sweaty mess. I still feel that way, but the difference is that I'm actually running. And I forced myself to go to that yoga workshop and I didn't die. So overall, I'm working on it. I do doubt that I could run a marathon this year even though I really want to, and I can't tell if it's because I have only gotten through one successful half marathon training so far out of 4 half marathons, or if I'm just really scared. I decided to really limit the races I run this year and really focus on training properly, and if I do well I'll run one next year! But I will probably pass out when I click the register button though!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
You are so strong! You moved to Alaska alone from your family! You'be already showed yourself you can do great things and succeed! And you're a running rockstar! If anyone can train and run a marathon one day, I know it's you! XOXO
Haha thanks! Marathons scare me bc the training is such a commitment and it lasts so long. I can't skip any runs on one of those plans! I really do think I'll run one next year though!
Yes, I struggle with self doubt... yet am all abotu encouraging OTHERS. I guess I need a double of me to cheer ME on... because I love cheering others on. 😉
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
You have to cheer on and have confidence in yourself before anyone else! Can't help others if you're drowning 😉
Patty @ Reach Your Peak
I can so relate to this recently! I have my own business and recently I've been doubting myself...for some reason I'm just not confident in myself and am always feeling like I'm not good enough..and I'm surprised when clients tell me they love my work and are grateful to have me...I'm like wait really?? I have a lot of goals for my business but always find myself thinking "no one will pay for that/buy my services." Really need to work on this mentality in 2015!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Patty, you are so worth it! You've already established so much by having your own business! You KNOW you can do it and keep up the confidence! You have the strength and it already shows!
Lauren @ ihadabiglunch
Changing your perspective on possibilities can literally change your life! In the past year or so I've realized how endless my possibilities are and it's equally as scary as it is exciting. But nope, there's no place for negativity in my life. It doesn't do me any good, or anyone else around me for that matter!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
You are so right! I have recently accomplished goals and now realize just how much strength and power I do have when I just believe in myself 100%!
This is a reminder I KNOW i'm going to need until the day I close my eyes. As I get older, I really do try to train my mind to allow for positivity to shine through. I know 2015 is going to be even better than 2014 😉
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
I think we can all always use this reminder! 2015 is going to be my time to shine too!
Melanie @ Nutritious Eats
Love this! I am going into 2015 super positive. I am going to rock it this year. 😉
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Woohoo! Me too! Let's make 2015 GREAT!
Kerri Olkjer
You're so wise for your age. 🙂 I used to be SOOO negative. Most people that know me now are shocked to hear that. Positivity is a choice!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Haha, thank you Kerri 😉
It is a choice! It can be hard to make, but we HAVE to if we want to succeed!
Jamie King
I love the positivity, such a great reminder to embrace the day!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thank you Jamie!
Sonali- The Foodie Physician
Wonderfully written post Rebecca! Thanks for such an important reminder.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thank you!
Bailey K.
Amazing reminder for me today. You are wise beyond your years, Rebecca! I'm sure you've heard that before. 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Haha, thank you so much sweetheart! XOXOXOXOXO
you must have been reading my mind and telling it to think YES instead of no. Power of a postivitiy, it's HUGE! well said
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
SO much power! Thanks Lindsay 🙂 XOXO
AJ @ NutriFitMama
This is a great reminder and very inspiring. I have times when I am full of self doubt and just get overwhelmed with everything in general. Sometimes I enjoy getting out there on my long runs and just zoning out, or thinking about the positive things going on in life at that moment- that helps A LOT.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
I am the same way! Sometimes I really get stuck in that ocean, but then I can find those moments where I feel free, positive, and realize I CAN do something!
Joy @ Joy Love Food
What an inspiring post! There is such much power in positivity and it is great to be reminded of that 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
There is! Thank you!
Lacey @ Runs and Roses
This is such a beautiful post 🙂 Self doubt is something I've been trying to work on for a while now, especially since graduating college and having the pressures of real life all around you, once you are able to let that go though, living life becomes so much better! 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
It so does! But of course when we are in so much transition, things seem so much harder because we just can't tell the future! But if you believe in your strength and channel positivty everyday, you can do it!
Elizabeth @ Enjoy Every Bite
Thanks for the wonderful reminder! I have a lot of things on my "I want to do" and I know I'm the only one who's keeping me from accomplishing them!!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Right! It is all up to US to make things happen!
Michele @ paleorunningmomma
There were many years of my life spent drowning in self doubt! It was not a happy place to be, but it allowed me to build confidence from the inside out, ground up, and that in and of itself has been a big achievement for me! Perfect timing to get people feeling positive on a Monday! Confidence needs to be practiced as much as it needs to be found, for it to work 🙂 Thanks for sharing your thoughts!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
It is a practice and we do learn from the times we were stuck and then succeeded! It is just such an important message to remember and to strive for even when it's hard!
It's so tough to ditch the negativity that floats around in our minds all the time, but you MUST. I now wake up telling myself I can achieve the things I want to get done. Whether it's to grow in yoga or career wise, I'm hoping positivity will help get me there 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
It is so hard sometimes! But when we can get those positive thoughts going and channel a strong confident mindset, we see that we CAN achieve!
Very inspiring post at perfect timing!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thanks Emily!
Natalie @ Feasting on Fruit
This 'believe it to achieve it' message seems to be coming at me from all directions right now! It's a great thing to remember and a great way to live, the timing is just so coincidental with school starting and so many life decisions racing through my mind Or maybe it's not a coincidence at all! 😉
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
With the new year I think we are all in need of every positive reminder so we can go out there and achieve what we want!
Emily @My Healthyish Life
Great post! We could all use a reminder to think positive. We have the power to turn a bad situation around just with our minds.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Our minds and will are such powerful things!
I LOVE THIS! This is such a ray of sunshine in an online world of negativity. I have big dreams and plans for myself this year and if I ever start to feel discouraged I'm coming right back over here to read this again! Thank you!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
O thank YOU Jen! Always know that you are stronger than you may believe!
jess meddows
Rebecca, I think this is what I needed to read right now. We've been on vacation for almost 4 wks, and for 2 wks before that I was really sick. So... 6 weeks of no exercise, with lots of bad food and alcohol and I'm feeling a bit glum about my weight and how I look, and honestly, being a bit pessimistic about getting back into it!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
O girl, you should never feel that way! You don't have to let those crappy thoughts win! You have the strength to have confidence in yourself. Even if you were sidetracked, there is no reason you have to let yourself drown!
jess meddows
You're such a sweetheart! <3
Rachel @ Athletic Avocado
Great post! I think everyone struggles with doubt and negativity sometime in their life!!!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Totally! But then if we pause and remember a time when we accomplished something, we see that we can do anything and we have the power!
Megan @ Skinny Fitalicious
Great post and great reminder!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thank you Megan!
I'm with you on that reality check and that swift and much-needed kick in the pants! The end of my IM rotation was a good reminder on that! 😀 Thank you for this!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Glad you liked it Farrah! Sometimes we really do just need that reminder that we CAN accomplish what we want!
NO SELF-DOUBT (if I doubt me then everyone will!!) but always need the positivity reminder 😉
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Yes! If we doubt ourselves, then why would anyone else do any differently!