The most talked about food allergens. One of the Top 9, peanut allergies are very common among children, but only about 20% will ever outgrow it. Peanut allergies are no joke and are known to cause severe anaphylaxis, requiring an Epi-Pen to be on hand at all times. Reactions can be so severe that many with the allergy can have it be lethal. Allergic reaction symptoms range from running nose, itching skin, hives, swelling, throat tightening, trouble breathing, digestive problems, dizziness, rapid pulse, a severe drop in blood pressure, etc. The severity of peanut allergies can be so great that even the smallest trace amount can cause a deathly reaction. Even the touch or breath from someone who just had contact with the allergen can trigger reactions in the allergic individual.
Peanut Detector Dogs are even given in severe cases. These dogs are trained to detect the presence or residue of peanuts at the slightest odor. These dogs are lifesaving for many individuals, especially children who aren't able to fully understand the allergen yet. Medical ID bracelets are also very common to have. This is why peanut allergies are such a concern in school settings as well. The severity can be too deadly and the potential risk too high for some individuals, that banning peanuts may be the safest option.
The thing about peanuts that differs from tree nuts, and is its own category in the Top 8, is that peanuts are not nuts. Peanuts are legumes and part of the pea family. A legume is a plant where the seeds are grown in pods (ie. peas). Peanuts are grown underground, however, they start out as a flower but end up becoming so heavy the flower bends and burrows under the ground, which is where the peanut matures to its full form.
Grab this word search activity to help teach your kids which peanut terms to look for on packages!
FDA regulations are pretty tight on the peanut allergen and every product containing peanut as an ingredients must be clearly labeled and declared. However, "may contain", "produced in", or "produced on the same equipment as" statements are only voluntary by manufacturers. That's why, just like with any allergen, careful label reading (and contacting the manufacturer if you're still unsure), is an extreme must!
Peanut Free Planet is a great online food retailer for finding safe products (it's really awesome!) and other support and educational info! You should also stock up on some Barney Butter! Almond butter made in a 100% safe peanut-free facility! (And it just tastes amazing!)
So tell me:
+ Do you or a loved one have a peanut allergy?
+ Is your child in a peanut-free classroom? School? Peanut allergies are on the rise and this accommodation is becoming more and more prevalent.
Other “What To Avoid” food allergy posts: Soy, Egg, Dairy, Corn, Tree Nut, Wheat, Celiac Disease (Gluten).
Stay connected: Facebook: Strength and Sunshine Twitter: @RebeccaGF666 Instagram: rebeccagf666 Pinterest: RebeccaGF666 Bloglovin’: Strength and Sunshine
Mary, Living a Sunshine Life
We have a different food allergy in our household, but I do have a friend with a child who has peanut allergies and my brother in law developed a tree nut allergy in adulthood. Thank you so much for this information! It's great to know even if you don't have someone in your life with these allergies. Thanks for sharing, I know it will make a difference in someone's life.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
We all know someone with some food allergy! All we can do is keep raising awareness!
Deborah Davis
You're right! Peanut allergies are no joke and we need to take them seriously. Knowledge is power!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
All that's Jas
My step-daughter recently found out she’s allergic to peanuts and this is a great guidance. Thank you so much for sharing.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
O I hope it helps!
What a great resource. I have a friend who has a peanut allergy, so I'm pretty paranoid when I make food that he'll be eating. Thanks for this list!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Well I hope this keeps the key terms in easy access!
Thank you for sharing this important information. I have a child with a peanut/tree nut allergy and while it isn't an airborne allergy, it is still very scary to live with. Thankfully, my son's school does a great job by having nut free classrooms and hot lunches. It's not perfect, but we appreciate the efforts.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Well that's good to hear they are trying! Love and wishes to you dear! xoxo
Emily @ Recipes to Nourish
Such important info!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Great information. If only they honestly labeled food - we would all be in better shape.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
They do for peanuts!
Audrey @ Unconventional Baker
I used to be peanut-sensitive, but luckily not anymore. But I had two friends who were sensitive enough that their face would swell up at the smell of pb! And I once worked at a day care where a whole section in the building was literally quarantined for kids with pb allergies. Like I literally had to walk through double doors that were sealed off with plastic and in between I had to wash my hands and arms thoroughly and of course make sure I didn't carry any food in.... It seemed overkill, but it was for kids with mental disabilities and the pb reaction in some of them was very severe so the day care deemed it necessary to take all precautions...
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Wow, that's scary, but I believe it. It does need to be taken seriously, sometimes, to the extreme.
Karen Grosz
I never realized how many things have peanuts or peanut products in them until I developed a peanut sensitivity. I don't have the severe allergies, but I definitely don't feel good when I eat them. I took me a while but figured out how to eat and enjoy many other foods that tasted even better.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Exactly! There is always an effective way to manage once you know!
Elaine Hodges
Great information.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Steph @ The Grateful Grazer
Such a great resource! Will be saving this for my Mom's for school snacks! 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Linda @ Veganosity
Peanut allergies can be deadly and people need to take it seriously. Great post, Rebecca!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Lisa @ RunWiki
My son has been in class since 3rd grade with a girl who is highly allergic. I am friends with the Mom who became the PTA president this year so she always advocating for her daughter. Though this process I have become very well educated and am highly sensitive to her and her families needs . It is a life threatening disease and should be taken so seriously, but sadly it isn't. Parents give her a hard time for being so strict-- it's heart breaking for her. I have deep empathy for those who struggle with this. I will pass this article on to her. Thank you Rebecca!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
It can be so hard. And it should be taken so seriously...since it is so serious! (Obviously, no one would make up something so terrible!). I understand both sides, but there is no valid reason someone without the allergy has that would be more pressing for them to accommodate over the allergy.
Kristy as Giftie Etcetera
There is a new peanut butter flavored oreo cookie to be aware of!
My kids can have peanuts, but their school is peanut-free. Because of that, I made my kid's birthday party peanut-free. Two moms came hug me, and one kid was giddy that he could have cake and all the snacks. It was completely worth it!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Actually, I'm pretty sure their are PB Oreos, hahahahaha!
But that's great! Sometimes it's about more than just avoiding an allergen.
Emily @ My Healthyish Life
When I tell people about celiac they sometimes think if I ate gluten I would get a reaction like a peanut allergy. Although getting glutened sucks, I'm very thankful it's not immediately life-threatening like a peanut allergy!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
That's why I wrote this post Emily 😉
Megan @ Skinny Fitlaicious
Great list Rebecca! I didn't realize some of these should be avoided. Always learning from you!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thank you! I love putting these posts together!
Ilona @ Ilona's Passion
This is very essential for someone who has peanut allergies. Great post!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Courtney Bentley
I have a peanut allergy only when the nut is not organic, weird right? Anyways I live in Thailand and almost everything is made with peanut sauce, peanut flour, oil something peanut and I was always having a hard time when we went out to eat, thank goodness I was able to recognize it and stay away from Thai food! Thanks for sharing this list, there were some on there that I didn't know to even think about! xo C
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Ah, well I bet that was a huge learning experience!
YES! A topic so personal to me, but LOVE all of this information! Thanks Rebecca 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Do you have a peanut allergy!?
Natalie | Feasting on Fruit
I once baby-sat for a kid who had a severe peanut allergy and is mom filled us in on the Epi-Pen and everything before hand, but I gotta say it made me kinda nervous :/ They can be so serious and happen so fast, I can't imagine how scary it must be as a mom to send your little allergic kid to school on their own. I'm glad so many schools are going peanut free, plus it gives sunflower seeds a chance to shine in the spotlight 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Yea 🙁 At least things like the bracelets and what not can alert you. But with a little kid, they may not eben understand the severity of their own allergy!
(Yay seeds! We need to increase the populations seed intake!)
Harriet Emily
Wow, this is so helpful Rebecca! I had no idea that there could be peanut in so many foods. Thank you for sharing!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thanks dear!
Jaelan @ Making Mrs. M
I am so thankful that I don't have/don't have family with a peanut allergy. You have to avoid SO much and they lurk in unexpected places!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Just like every food allergy.
Ellen @ My Uncommon Everyday
This is helpful! A lot of the time when I bake for the purpose of sharing (as opposed to for myself 😉 ) at school, I intentionally avoid peanut-containing products because I know of a few peanut allergies in the house.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
At least peanut is pretty easy to substitute nowadays too!