Another one of the Top 8 food allergens, a shellfish allergy is extremely dangerous and commonly causes an anaphylaxis reaction. Similar to tree nut and peanut allergies, a shellfish allergy can be one of the most severe and life-threatening. When we talk about the term "shellfish", we mean seafood in a shell. More defined as crustaceans and mollusks. These allergies are most common in adults. They show up in early adulthood and 60% in later adulthood, and stay with you for life. The symptoms include all of the common food allergy reactions after eating the allergen, including: trouble breathing, caughing, hives, wheezing, itching, throat tightening, swelling, dropped blood pressure, dizziness, increased pulse, fainting, gastro-intestinal distress, and a complete anaphylaxis episode requiring an Epi-Pen and immediate emergency care.
Most importantly, a shellfish allergy is NOT the same as a fish allergy. Many people assume they are and mean the same thing, but there are 2 separate "Top 8" allergens. "Finned fish", like salmon, tuna, etc. are not in the same family as shellfish and thus being allergic to "fish" is not the same as shellfish. Of course you could be allergic to both, but that is not usually the case. Seeking a definitive answer from a medical professional is crucial concerning this point.
**Also speak with your doctor before ingesting iodine or CT-Scan contrast, as these could be derived from an allergy source.**
There are some circumstances where someone may only be allergic to the crustacean group, not the mollusk group and vise-versa. However, that is very rare and again, requires testing from a medical professional. Cross contamination issues are also very important to be vigilant about. My mother has a severe shellfish allergy, but luckily, no one in my family really consumes shellfish anyway. I don't eat or cook shellfish (on "finned fish"). Alerting restaurants when eating out about your allergen is obviously a must, especially in Asian restaurants or seafood restaurants.
So tell me:
+ Do you or a loved one have a shellfish allergy?
+ Do you regularly consume shellfish? No, it's just another group of animal products I've chosen not to include in my plant-based diet. I did however, used to eat the occasional shrimp, clam, lobster, calamari dish if eating out, etc.
Other “What To Avoid” food allergy posts: Soy, Egg, Dairy, Corn, Tree Nut, Peanut, Wheat, Celiac Disease (Gluten).
Stay connected: Facebook: Strength and Sunshine Twitter: @RebeccaGF666 Instagram: rebeccagf666 Pinterest: RebeccaGF666 Bloglovin’: Strength and Sunshine Google+: Rebecca Pytell
Emily @ Recipes to Nourish
Allergies like that can be so scary.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
All food allergies.
Christine | Mid-Life Croissant
I'm getting more adventurous with shellfish because oysters and mussels are such a BIG DEAL in the foodie mecca that Brooklyn has become. thankful that I'm not allergic. The foodie police might make me move out if I were 😉
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Really? I didn't know they were such a big thing!
I don't have a shellfish allergy, but I don't eat any seafood other than fish. 😮 Great + super informative post! :]
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Same as me Farrah 😉
Wow, I totally didn't know that shellfish is a bigger allergy too! Thanks for sharing this list.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
The most common in older adults!
Audrey @ Unconventional Baker
Totally random, but shellfish is the first food allergy that showed up for me on an allergy test way back in the day, and I NEVER eat shellfish.... Shrimp & mussels specifically. It was so so weird -- I was experiencing so many allergic reactions, but those were the only ones that came back positive and I NEVER ever eat them. I think I had shrimp once by accident -- I ordered something breaded and a breaded shrimp nugget snuck in O.o
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Well that is your body telling you, better stay safe and stay vegan 😉
Allergy testing is weird regardless....I don't know how accurate it is anyway :/
Audrey @ Unconventional Baker
Yes, I agree -- it is completely weird. Unless you have a specific response the test is made for, the rest is kind of off the mark a lot of the time.
But yes, being allergic to shellfish is really not a big deal considering I'd never ever choose to eat anything close to that anyways 🙂
Marilyn Lesniak
I have a shell fish allergy that was diagnosed after I had contrast dye for a cat scan. I was so glad to see you included that as it could so easily be overlooked! It is important to get the word out!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Yes! Definitely something people would not know!
Melissa @ vegan does it
My husband has a severe allergy to shellfish and fish that he found out the hard way about as a kid. It's not such an issue now since we're vegan and read labels carefully anyway. And we always let medical staff know too.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
That's how my mom found out, but she was on adult. It was scary :/
Hi Rebecca,
Great information. I know a few people that have deadly shellfish allergies and this might be very helpful to them.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thanks Marla!
Amanda @ The Fundamental Home
My son has a shellfish allergy. I am glad you made this list. I had no idea soy sauce could contain shellfish 🙁 Thank you so much for sharing!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
I'm glad you found it helpful Amanda!
Kristy @ Southern In Law
Luckily I don't have a shellfish allergy but I know many who do! Like gluten, there are so many foods out there that you'd have no idea contain or may contain shellfish!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
That's why we need to be so knowledgeable about food allergies!!
Shellfish allergies a lot more common than most people realize. Great post today!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
The most common in adults!
Jess @hellotofit
Great information to highlight, Rebecca! I didn't know that it could encompass all of those other food items (the yellow-flag ones).
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Food allergens are always sneaky!
Natalie | Feasting on Fruit
I've never been into shellfish, they kinda weird me out actually. Ever since we had to dissect a crawfish in 7th grade I just can't see them the same way :/ But it is kinda funny that there is a mollusk called a periwinkle. Who comes up with these names?? haha
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Hahahaha 😛 Periwinkle...wasn't that the name of a Blue's Clues character???
Natalie | Feasting on Fruit
Yes yes yes the cat is named Periwinkle! Loved that show 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Only when Steve was on...then it went down hill :'(
Ellen @ My Uncommon Everyday
While I used to turn my nose up at anything fishy (shellfish and finned fish), now I love them both. I'd never have thought of the Worcestershire sauce as a potential problem, though. Thanks for the informative post!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
That's why Worcestershire sauce isn't vegan! Haha!
Linda @ Veganosity
This is really important information. A former neighbor developed a shell fish allergy as an adult and spent days in the hospital as a result. He almost died during his first attack. Food allergies are nothing to take lightly. Thanks for putting this out there, Rebecca.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
I can still remember my mom's first reaction...Chinese food...shrimp....scary stuff!
Beth @ Sublimely Fit
Great post, Rebecca! I have what I'd call a shellfish sensitivity--definite GI distress, and I don't want it to turn into a full-blown allergy, so I avoid eating it. It's why I spend extra money for vegetrian glucosamine when I'm training for marathons. It works well, and I know I'm doing what I can to protect my joints.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Ah that's good! My mom always has her epi-pen with her. We've had to many emergency room visits with this one!
Debbie @ Bible Fun For Kids
Great post to share for those that are allergic to different foods!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thanks for reading!
Megan @ Skinny Fitalicious
Good info to know! I need to read your other posts. I'm going through allergy testing now. I'm scared to see the results. It will be hard giving up certain foods.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
But our health is always number one!!