December 21st, 2014. At 10:17am. The typical cloudy New Jersey morning at a brisk 33ºF. Sunday mornings are always quiet in my town. The streets are empty and everyone seems to just be waking up. With leggings, compression socks + some low socks, Asics, a long sleeve, light cheap zip-up, cozy warm jacket, scarf, Flipbelt, sweater headband, hat, and mitten gloves, phone and Nike+ app turned on, I set out the door.
I just start running, at "Rebecca Pace". Down the streets of my home town. Smelling the wood burning stoves and fireplaces, taking in the empty streets, and scenery I never notice before. Your town looks different when you see it not while in the car, watching it fly by out the window. I have my head turned to the left, looking at a beautiful yellow castle-like house down a long street I had never seen before, when I smell...cows? I turn my head to the right and am greeted by 2 massive cows staring back at me. That made me smile. Some random people have 2 random cows I had never seen before in their yard. I'm jealous.
I keep pushing on, ever so slowly. During this whole run, I never ever walk. I just continue on with my slow pace, never more than 12 minutes per mile. My first mile was 11:38. No shame, I am totally proud of that. I keep exploring the streets and going down side streets to see things I've never seen before. It isn't even that cold, or at least the cold doesn't both me. The girl who HATES the cold and winter started her running journey right at the start of the cold season. That is really weird...maybe I'll have to call winter one of my favorites now? Maybe not...
As the little man in my phone shouts out that I have run 3 miles, I couldn't feel happier. Just .10 more to go and I can officially declare that I have accomplished one of the biggest achievable goals I have ever set for myself. And then it happens. In 37:26 minutes, I completed my first 5K. The furthest I have ever run in my life and the longest I have run in at least 10 years. My heart and soul soar. I'm smiling now, running down the street back to my house. I end up running 3.5 miles since I had to get home somehow and I might as well keep running!
I turn into my driveway and run down it to fully complete 3.5 miles perfectly. All in 42:06 minutes. I feel like a champion. I have just proved to myself that I can do just about anything I want to. With only going on 1 run every Sunday morning for the last 4 weeks, on this 5th week, I have done something I never could mentally grasp. For so long I wanted this. Physically it was "easy" to do, but mentally going for it and stepping out of that gate holding me back took a bit more.
I can finally call myself a "runner" with confidence. I have expanded my love of fitness and the mind-body connection even more now. The strength, beauty, power, confidence, amazement, all the great feelings that come with accomplishing a goal are unbelievable. I don't think I've ever actually accomplished a real goal like this before. It feels so good! How do you find happiness and joy in life? By doing something you think you can't. Stepping out and actually DOING it, full-force, no holding back. Not letting anyone of anything stop you. Only you can make happiness come to your life. You can't sit back and wait for it to come easy. You have to go out and be more than your current self.
So on December 21st, 2014, I ran the Solstice Sprint Virtual 5K in 37:36 minutes. All smiles and pride. My first ever 5K and the longest run I have ever done in my life of 3.5 miles. I could not be prouder and happier with myself. Everyday I work to become more than the self I was the day before. It is the only way to find true peace and happiness. To make life worth it and be "successful". What ever that means to each individual, "success", you can find it by doing something to become more. To become better. Remember that going into the new year as you set goals and intentions. There doesn't have to be a deadline as long as you work each day to be better. To be more than yourself.
So tell me:
+ What will you do TODAY to be more than yourself?
+ Have you accomplished any of your 2014 goals or are you still working toward them?
Stay connected: Facebook: Strength and Sunshine Twitter: @RebeccaGF666 Instagram: rebeccagf666 Pinterest: RebeccaGF666 Bloglovin’: Strength and Sunshine Google+: Rebecca Pytell
Misty Nicole Overstreet-Roberts (The Lady Prefers To Save)
What a great tip! Hello, my name is Misty, from The LadyPrefers2Save at, and I'm one of the new co-hosts for the Merry Monday Linky Party! I wanted to write and thank you for linking up to this weeks Merry Monday party, as well as to let you know that your post will be linked to the Merry Monday Pinterest board, as well my social media accounts. Have an awesome week!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Tip? Well, okay, thanks.
Misty Nicole Overstreet-Roberts (The Lady Prefers To Save)
Well, there's a lot there. I didn't mean to offend you. As a fellow Jersey Girl, a shore girl to be exact, I commend you!
Pam @ Hodge Podge Moments
Awesome accomplishment! I can't run due to breathing problems but I've always thought it looks very calming!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Well that was me too!
Victoria Sneden
Way to go superstar! I have a love/hate relationship with running but I'm SO HAPPY that you nailed your first 5K. That's AMAZING. Nothing is stopping you now!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thank you Victoria 🙂 Since this, I've felt unstoppable!
Congrats on accomplishing your run! Good job! Thanks for linking up with Motivational Monday!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Congratulations on reaching your running goal.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thank you!
Sharon Rowe
Hi I am popping over from How To Get Organized At Home and I just wanted to thank you for sharing. What a lovely article, I have wanted to get back to running for a long time but just haven't got there yet! Thanks again for sharing:)
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thanks and go for it Sharon! Nothing is stopping you!
julia porter
I absolutely love this piece! So beautiful!!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thanks Julia!
I felt the same way after I ran my first 5k. It was a huge accomplishment physically and mentally, and I still use the lessons that I learned from subjecting myself to the torture of running!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Hahaha, it isn't torture! At least right now with my "Rebecca Pace" and nice to expectations! It's just me and my thoughts and I am loving it!
AWESOME!!!! Congrats on this amazing goal, Rebecca! So happy for you =) And proud! It took me longer to run my first 5km - you are great & with so little training. And COLD weather ;p
Glad you are enjoying running!!!!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thank you so much my friend 🙂
I can't wait to go again this week! It feels so strange, but good too!
Congratulations on your first 5k! I remember when i completed mine. It was so exhilarating. Keep up the amazing work! Cant wait to hear how your runs progess.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thank you so much friend! 🙂
Such a beautifully written post! :] You may actually have me convinced to start running again next year. 😡 Congrats to you again on your run! So proud of you! <3
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thank you so so much Farrah 🙂 You should start running and doing yoga 😉
Linda @ Veganosity
And this is why I run! Your description was amazing Rebecca! I'm so proud of you. Keep running, it's the best therapy there is. 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thank you Linda!
Haha, I'll always be a die-hard yogi believer 😉
Linda @ Veganosity
True! Yoga and running are the best therapy. 🙂
Nikki Vergakes
Running is definitely my preferred sport, being an NCAA cross country runner. It's time away from the phone and the computer and the stress, just you and the road.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
It's a nice change to the fitness routine, but my heart will always belong to my other two loves of yoga and lifting...for now 😉
Nina @ whats for eats
Nice post Rebecca! 2014 has put me two-thirds closer to my goal of becoming a dietitian.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thanks! Woohoo! That's awesome Nina! XOXO
Samantha Bender
Congrats, and thanks for sharing! Keep up the good work!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thank you Samantha 🙂
Virginia @thatbaldchick
Woot! Congratulations on your run. My goal for 2014 was to run three 5K's and a 15K. I ended up doing four 5K's, a 10K, and just did my 15K last weekend. My goal for 2015 is to run at least one half marathon and I just registered for it. It's March 21st and I start training this week. Eek!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thank you and way to go love! If you can rock all those races, you can blow this half marathon out of the park! XOXO
Congrats Rebecca!!! So exciting- I am so very happy for you <3
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thank you Annmaire! XOXOXO
I AM SO PROUD OF YOU!!!!! Thank you so much for signing up and running with me! It's an honor that you chose my virtual race to be your first!! And FYI, I still run at that pace sometimes so I think it's pretty good! Congrats on completing the race and doing a little bit more too!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thank you SO much Kristen! It was so fun to having something and someone to be held accountable to running that distance!
Now that I have an idea of what pace times feel like, I have NO idea how people run like 7 minutes miles (or less) INSANE!
Sonali- The Foodie Physician
Such a beautiful post Rebecca! Happy holidays and I wish you all the best in 2015!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thank you Sonali!
Happy Holidays to you and your family as well! XOXO
Michele @ paleorunningmomma
It's an incredible feeling to tackle something that has always intimidated you, I know the feeling! It's funny how while running the cold can feel really good. I always feel like running teaches big life lessons. That's the main reason I keep doing it. Congrats!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thank you!
I think to two more "impactful" forms of movement for people are yoga and running! Now I've found both! They are so individual and minimalist. All you need is yourself and then your mind and emotions AND body grow and release!
Shashi @ RunninSrilankan
This is such a beautifully written post - as a lover of running myself, I am so glad to hear of your accomplishment! Congrats Lady! I
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thank you Shashi! XOXO
It was such a big accomplishment for me! I can't stop telling everyone, hahaha!
genevieve @ gratitude & greens
Congratulations! What an accomplishment! I really loved reading about the two random cows- they made me laugh, haha. For 2014, I did monthly resolutions (a la Happiness Project by Gretchen Rubin), although this project of mine was very on and off. So, somewhat successful, but not really. I'm going to be better at sticking to my resolutions and goals in 2015!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thank you so much friend 🙂
Haha, they made me laugh too!
Monthly goals could be good, if their short-term, but that would stress me out! I need more "no dead-line" intentions 😉
Cynthia @ You Signed Up For WHAT?!
Congrats - that is awesome that it felt great and you kept going. You described one thing I love about running perfectly - I get to SEE the area and notice things I wouldn't notice from the window of a car!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thank you!
It is a pretty awesome feeling! Living in that area my whole life, but SEEING it for real for the first time was pretty amazing!
Lindsay @ The Lean Green Bean
awesome!! i love this
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thank you Lindsay! XOXO
Pamela Hernandez
Congrats to you!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thank you Pamela! XOXO
Lisa @ RunWiki
I felt emotional reading through this. I know the feeling of accomplishing something that you thought was never possible. I was right there with you.. congratulations! What an amazing feeling... to feel so proud of yourself, truly the ultimate gift! Hugs and high fives!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thank you so much Lisa! XOXOXOXO
I really thought another year would go by with out accomplishing this goal. I've had it for so so so long! I was just to scared or not motivated enough to even try it! But then I did and it was easy to do! I felt fine and happy!
I can't wait to get so much better and to keep going!
What an amazing accomplishment both physically and mentally!! It's always fun to surprise yourself with how much stamina and determination you truly have with goals like this. And I have a feeling it won't be your last 5K...
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thanks Natalie 🙂 XOXO
It is! I never would have thought my lungs could make it through! But I was 100% fine and smiles!
I have a feeling it won't be either 😉
Laura O
Congratulations! A virtual 5K sounds like a lot of fun because you get to pick when & where you run.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thank you! Right! There was no pressure, just me on my own time, but with accountability to check-in later! It was perfect!
Courtney@The TriGirl Chronicles
Such a beautiful post. Congrats on your first 5k and welcome to the wonderful world of running =)
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thank you Courtney 😉 I can't wait to see where it brings me!
Brie @ Lean, Clean, & Brie
This post made me so, so happy to read! Congratulations! I started my running journey in the winter of my freshman year of college just like you and I really think it helped me grasp the cold and snow a lot better! I was always shocked to see how cold it was once I got back inside from a run, but when you are out there running you don't even feel it!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thank you so much Brie!
I think it has helped too! It's weird! Last year if I went out in the cold like this I would, it really doesn't bother me much! When I'm running, it just feels invigorating, haha!
Congrats to a fellow Solstice Sprint 5K'er!! That's a huge accomplishment and I can literally feel the happiness coming from your post! 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thank you Melanie! And woohoo! Virtual races are going to be my new thing 😉 Haha! XOXOXO
Emily @My Healthyish Life
This is such a special post! It's nice that you have this first 5k documented. Congrats again 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thank you Emily! Haha now how about I start training for a marathon 😉 Hahaha, no, not just yet!
Congratulations, Rebecca! This post made me so happy. I am thrilled that you are loving this experience. But, remember. you have always been a, you're a better runner. 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thank you so much Kelly! Haha, maybe I have been! I'm excited to explore this world a little more!
jill conyers
Congrats! Isn't realizing you're more than you thought the best feeling! Your post made me smile [literally].
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thank you Jill! And yes, yes it is 😉 XOXO