Happy Friday friends! Another week that flew by, well at least for me. I am so happy that I have no where to go this weekend. But I do have tons of homework and studying to do. But I will be able to do it while relaxing at home! This week was pretty okay, not bad at all. I had some great workouts that actually left me sore (but strong!) like the new release of Group Power on Monday and the workouts I chose for my at home weight training on Wednesday and again today! I have been loving choosing a lower body and an upper body workout and keeping with the two for both my at home strength days. This way it is easier to know what I am doing and I can work more of progress. The cardio front has just been the same HIIT on the stationary bike, but that is okay with me. On the food front things are rockin' and I keep finding new things and dishes to love. Except my major Parsnip fries fail on Wednesday. O man, they were terrible. No amount of smoked paprika and ketchup could fix the problem. They were chewy and tasted so bad. I couldn't get the taste our of my mouth the whole night! Never again, but at least I finally tried, right?
On Thursday I came home a a surmise package on my doorstep. Van's sent me some of their newer products and a totally new product I have never seen (The PBJ Bars). There was no letter in the box, but the outside said because I was a fan they wanted to send some products! Well thank you Van's, what a nice little surprise! (My mom likes their foods so I will giving her most of this stuff!)
Monday: Power Monday #15 20 Minute Tabata
Tuesday: When a Newbie Walks into a Group Fitness Class...
Wednesday: Sprouted Lentil and Butternut Squash Pizza
Thursday: Feature: Bombshell Beauty Studio
Blog Posts I loved this week:
+ How to get Traffic to Your Website from Instagram
This was a really helpful post!
+ Using Twitter: Post Promotion and Etiquette
Awesome Twitter tips!
+ 5 Ways to Deal with Fat Days
Amanda is so wonderful, honest, and real with her readers.
+ Cheap, Easy, and Good Beauty Hacks and Frugal Tuesdays: Coconut Oil
So these two posts totally caught my eye after my weekend full of beauty. Calee has some awesome natural beauty hacks and Janae totally solidified my decision to try coconut oil as a moisturizer!
+ 20 ways to Mix Up your Strength Training Routine
Great tips on shaking things up and keeping your routine fresh!
This is a major issue and I am so glad Jen had the courage to address it!
+ Improve All of Your Tomorrows
You don't have to allow your day take control of your happiness.
+ Tips for Women to Survive a Zombie Apocalypse
In the spirit of The Walking Dead, Halloween, and all things horror!
+ Backbend Sequence for Anyone Who Sits all Day
Backbends are my favorite when doing yoga!
+ He Thinks/She Thinks-Eating Unhealthy to Prove you're Healthy
I definitely agree that once you have food issues, even once you have recovered, they are forever and foremost in the minds of others around you and know of your past. It sucks that you can't have a salad without getting questioning looks or comments about not eating enough.
Great discussion Kaila started on her blog, check it out!
A perfect reminder to be thankful even for the difficult stuff!
+ How to Optimize Google+ for your Blog
I am still really skeptical about Google+. It doesn't seem like many people actually use it as a prime social media base. But I do want to give it a try since Facebook is a crappy way to promote your blog!
Favorite Pins:
(Follow me on Pinterest – RebeccaGF666)
Grilled Moroccan Chicken. Perfect for a weeknight dinner!
Spiced Afghan Pumpkin (Kaddo Borani). A delicious way to use all that pumpkin!
Butternut Squash and Spinach Quinoa. Deliciousness in a bowl!
Indian Plantain Stir Fry. An awesome new way to try Plantains <3
A few things I loved about my week or am grateful for:
+ Georgetown Application is officially complete. Everything is handed in or sent. Totally done!
+ 131 days (and going strong) of being (eyebrow and eyelash) trich free!
+ Being able to feature such a wonderful girl and her new business on my blog and the continued growth my blog has everyday, the people, networking, opportunities, readers, and love!
+ I am grateful for everyday I wake-up and know that be strong and conquer anything!
So tell me:
Have you ever ordered from MixMyOwn? What is your favorite blend?
Would you be able to survive a Zombie Apocalypse? If there really was one, I think I wold just dig a hole and hide in a corner. Scary stuff in movies and TV never actually scares me but if it were to happen in real life...well I think I'd die of fear.
Any new or great workouts this week?
What do you have planned for the weekend?
Elise Caira
Man I love some of the links you posted ! Thanks for sharing!
-Elise @ 9toFit.com
I am so glad you you found them enjoyable! 🙂
Thanks much for the feature! You have a lovely blog here!
Thanks, just spreading the blog love 🙂
Thank you so much for linking up! There's tons of great info on this post. Love it. Have a great weekend! 🙂
Thanks Heather! Love the new link-up!
Amanda @ .running with spoons.
Thanks for the shout out, girl! And I couldn't agree more with you about the skinnies and oversized sweaters being perfect for fall. This is definitely my favourite time of the year to shop.
Oversize sweaters are the best! 🙂
Thanks for sharing my post.
I've never tried MixMyOwn but I've heard about it a lot recently and love the concept!
It looks so fun to pick everything out, it is just so expensive!
thank you so much for the linkups! I'm glad that the cheap beauty tips were helpful. I could have used those tips when I was your age for sure (PS If I could time travel back I would moisturize, moisturize, moisturize, and stay out of the sun. 😉 And I was told they wouldn't do no cereal grains in the Mix my Own. What are you using as your flour? Just curious!
They will just be leaving out any oats!
Kaila @healthyhelperblog!
Thank you so much for featuring my post!!!
Loved it Kaila!