Happy Friday! This Friday definitely feels like Friday, unlike the one over break, haha! Well I had a weird school week. Tuesday we had a delayed opening due to the freezing temps and Wednesday was a half-day. So not complaining, but it was really cold and sucked to go out at 7am in my freezing jeep with no heat! But I digress. This week I am excited to link-up for the first time to FTSF (Finish The Sentence Friday)! Which I found out about through a blogger friend Dana. FTSF is that you are given a sentence each week and you finish it however you want, long or short. This week's sentence was, "If I had a Million Dollars, I..."
So if I had a million dollars I would pay my for my college education and graduate school and then travel the world! College is a given and it is a huge burden on my family, plus I want to get the best education possible. As for travel, there are so many places I want to go and see before I die! This girl has only ever been on the East Coast, but I want to see the world. Every continent, every wonder of the world! The world is so beautiful and there are so many cultures and experiences that the majority of us will never know if we don't travel. I don;t want that to be me (I guess this goes along with the education as well). I want to know the world, the people, the different lives we all live.
Okay, now on to the Finisher!
Monday: Power Monday #27 January Sweaty Supersets
Tuesday: A Continuous Journey
Wednesday: Red Winter Kale Salad
Thursday: Vanilla Purple Sweet Potato Pancakes
Blog Posts I loved this week:
+ Beginner Techniques in Rowing
Hey! Want to try a new cardio "machine" for the new year? Try rowing 😉
+ I'm too Opinionated to Read Opinion Articles
Presley always say she is a bad writer, but I beg to differ 🙂 I always love reading her "opinions" and posts, especially this one!
+ Allowing My Body to Take Care of Me
Gena's newest edition to her Green Recovery Stories is from one of my favorite ladies 🙂
Trying to look perfect in our lives through social media, etc, is not just a disguise to others, but deception to ourselves.
+ 6 Down-to-Earth Ways to Make the Most of the Year
Simple, realistic, and so important!
A checklist to help you with social media and your blog.
+ 12 Ways to be Purely You
Love this list! Plus they sum it up perfectly at the end with, "DO WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY! Keep trying new things and tweak as you learn and grow."
When we are true, our stories can help us connect and support. Christine's response goes along with Carla's post on truth!
O my, isn't this the greatest idea? I am so doing this for 2014!
Where do you stand? Do you go out of your way to buy BPA-Free?
What's real food? Find out here. It is simple and easy!
+ An Open Letter to Parents from a Non-Parent
This was so interesting! I think we all just need to be aware of how we talk to one another.
Favorite Pins:
(Follow me on Pinterest – RebeccaGF666)
Vegetable Nori Rolls with Crunchy Lentils and Turmeric. So delicious! Veggies, Nori, Lentils, and Turmeric?!
Healthy Mocha Granola. Perfect breakfast 😉 Coffee, chocolate, and almonds all together in a crunchy granola!
Kale Bagels. Yes! More ideas for my bagel experiment 😉
DIY Yarn Wrapped Bottles. So pretty and chic!
Citrus & Fennel Roasted Salmon with Herbed Quinoa. Not a big fan of fennel but this dish might just be a winner!
New Year Circuit Workout. This looks right up my ally for sure 😉
Purple Pie Smoothie. You know where that purple comes from? PSPs!!!
A few things I loved about my week or am grateful for:
+ Shelter and warm clothes. Even though I wanted to die all week form the cold, I have to stop and truly be thankful that I have the resources I have. I could not imagine the pain and hardships those who are homeless or do not have coats and hats and heat are going through. So for this, I am truly thankful.
+ For the love and support I got on my Continuous Journey post! I love you all so much and you made me feel so much better about posting it! I was so scared to have it go up Tuesday morning. I kept going back on to WordPress and came close to unscheduleing it so many times, but I stuck to my guns and went for it and I am grateful and thankful that I did 🙂
+ Got my first "paycheck!" I feel like such an adult now 😉
+ Since Monday I have been Trich free again! So I guess the count can start back up! I have a really long way to go again as I have no eyelashes or brows this time so it will take a few months to get back to where I was a few weeks ago, but I can do it!
So Tell me:
Weekend plans? Homework, studying, testing a new recipe, and grocery shopping. O, and yoga...always yoga 😉
Finish the sentence...If I had one million dollars I would....
Alyssa (@alyssarimmer)
Thanks for including my salmon recipe in your post today!
Your welcome Alyssa! It looks so clean and fresh 🙂
You always have the best links 🙂
If I had a million dollars? I would make a career change and begin living my dream!
Thanks Jill 😉 That sounds perfect! But isn't it sad that we really do need that kind of money to truly live our dreams to the fullest?
YAY for paying off student loans and YAY for Dana! I got to meet her IRL!! 😀
Not just loans but actually getting through since I'm still just a senior in high school, haha!
Dana is so sweet, that is awesome! 🙂
Erin | The Emerging Foodie
Thanks so much for including my granola!! I'm flattered!
Of course! Haha, granola rocks 😉
Thanks so much for sharing my post! I'm glad that it made sense and seems to have connected with people. If I had a million dollars? I would travel! I have such a bad case of wanderlust right now!
Yes, I loved your post! (P.S. and I hope you do eventually share with us you experience with teaching you first yoga classes!)
Travel is just so rewarding....and adventurous!
Melissa @ Freeing Imperfections
Thanks for sharing my post! I love link sharing posts! 🙂
Those kale bagels look really interesting! I just bought a bunch of kale that I need something to do with... hmm.
If I had a million dollars, I would buy a lot of running shoes and sign up for Disney races. lol!
They do, don't they!? Getting greens in every way and any way! Haha, I have not bought any new shoes in over a year! Thank God I won a giveaway for new Reeboks 😉
Melissa @ Freeing Imperfections
So jealous! Reebok is my favorite brand!
They are comfortable and their prices are fairly reasonable!
If I had a million dollars, I would buy a house... and pay off my student debts.
Haha yes! It sucks that education is like this. It is not fair and we need to be rewarded for our hard work not hampered by it.
Jessica @ OrganicallYou
That smoothie looks delicious!!! If I had a million dollars I would travel the world as well 🙂
Travel is one of the best things you can do when you have money 🙂
Thank you for the mention on my blog post on Choosing Raw!! You are too sweet!!
This is a fantastic list of finds and links. I'm so glad to hear you're doing well!
Have a awesome day Rebecca!!
Aw, no problem Heather 🙂 I loved your story 🙂 And Thank You too!
Grace @ FoodFitnessFreshAir
Thanks for the shout-out Rebecca. Great roundup!
Thanks Grace 🙂 XOXO
Janine Huldie
So glad you joined us for the first time this week and I know what you mean about paying for college and was actually on my list, too. I have student loan debt now from going to college and would love nothing more to be able to pay off and never have to worry about that again here also.
I'll definitely be linking up weekly, love the idea! 🙂 College costs are so high and I'm just struggling with the application fees!
I know what a weird week for weather...and now it's going to be a bit warmer. I live in the east coast too, but I love winters. I hate sweating and the heat, so I'll take the cold and snow anyday...I know I'm weird.
O my gosh no! The winter is the bane of my existence!