Ah, okay. This is going to be another monster of a Friday Finisher! So many posts, so little time. But it is all worth it right? Weekends in the blog world are pretty slow since most of us don;t post. So here you have the Finisher is you get bored and need to scan some posts and articles (great for procrastinating!) Speaking of...I have tons of work to get done this weekend. Not so much school related, but tons of blog stuff, ugh! But I love it, right? I also need to give Strength and Sunshine some love. It needs some cleaning and organizing. Do you guys even read the blog roll under the favorites tab? Do people even do those anymore. I know I always loved looking at them to find other blogs, but mine is so out dated and has way to many blogs on it, haha! Even my favorite brands and products page is majorly out of date. There are to many brands that I have used and enjoyed to put on there. But if you guys find it helpful for reliable healthy, allergy-friendly brands, I will update it and keep it up, just let me know!
And man! I have gotten so much mail over the last two weeks. Everyday there is a new package or product at my doorstep. I love it so much, but I am running out of room for all this stuff! What do all you bloggers do with everything!? My dad is able to get rid of all the boxes at work which is good (I have seen bloggers who have stacks of boxes in their homes haha! That would stress me out!). But I have so little cabinet space and shelves that this is just getting crazy. But really, I am NOT complaining 😉
Anyway, this week has been dragging and I am so ready for the weekend, so ready! This week was full of tons of emotions from really bad to really good and I am just drained now. I feel like I have been go-go-go all week. Today is going to be crazy as well. Fridays are never relaxing and are probably my busiest day of the week. Now throw in a doctor's appointment and I am stressed to the max.
Well I am tired and I know you don;t want to hear me ramble anymore so lets start the Finisher! Make sure you check out the bottom of the post to see if you won the Wink giveaway!
And here is my 9th link-up to FTSF (Finish The Sentence Friday)! FTSF is that you are given a sentence each week and you finish it however you want, long or short. This week’s sentence was, “What I really want to scream out loud is..."
Monday: Power Monday #35 Why Don't We Focus On Eating Foods Without A Label
Tuesday: Wink Frozen Dessert Review + Giveaway
Wednesday: Grilled BBQ Portobello Burgers And "Baked" Beans
Thursday: Hazelnut Mocha Oat Bake
Blog Posts I loved this week:
+ How You Can Have Confidence To Increase Your Strength
Have some confidence, you might just be stronger than you think!
+ New Study Shows Yoga Has Healing Powers
Bringing down inflammation in cancer patients? Yoga is so wonderful 🙂
+ 50% More: Living Mindfully Every Day
I love Caitlin's beautiful opening story and how she is trying to be more mindful everyday. So important!
+ So You Wanna Start Eating Healthier?
A great post and tips for anyone new to the healthy eating journey!
+ Blogging 101: The Good, The Bad...The Ugly?
How much do you share on your blog? Only good? Or do you like to get real sometimes?
+ From Exercise Addict To Fitness Lover
When it becomes an addictive chore, your body might be trying to tell you something.
+ Beginner-Friendly Steps To Achieve A Pull Up
I suck at pull-ups! I need to start working on them. (Mary from Minutes Per Mile is the lovely writer/model in this post!)
+ Foods That Makes Out Body Happy: How To Eat With The Seasons
Foods change with the seasons and so do our bodies. Eating more seasonally might just make you body its happy and healthiest.
+ Why The "Rough Days" Are Important
Love this post! This is so true for every aspect in life, but also with fitness. You can't have the good without the bad!
+ My Favorite Healthy Living Books
A collection of some great reads! I want to read "The Buddha Walks into a Bar"!
+ Lorde - Royals (Gluten-Free Version)
Hahahaha! O gluten-free parodies 🙂
We need to take the pressure off ourselves sometimes and just do what out bodies and minds say is right.
10 great things to do and focus on when giving you body some time to recover!
+ The 5 Things That Really Healed My Digestion
Things that you might not necessary think to do, but completely make sense!
+ Why I Love Yoga
Every. Single. Point! Yoga love <3
+ 7 Ridiculous Things People Say To You When You're Gluten-Free
I think "Does fruit have gluten?" should be added to this list. People are really dumb sometimes...You can tell someone is ignorant about celiac and gluten intolerences by the way they say it as well. They but a weird emphasis on the word gluten. Haha, I can get really fired up about this, but I'll stop 😉
+ What I Never Through I'd Eat...
I just recently broke down my own "I thought I would never eat" food barriers too! Coconut butter, coconut oil, avocado <3 I was missing out!
+ Can You Love Your Body And Want To Change It?
Just because a healthy person wants to eat clean or work on sculpting their shoulders and legs, doesn't mean they don't love their body.
+ Dear World: Here Is Why I Eat Gluten-Free
Memorize this list to shout out to anyone who ever thinks your "being gluten-free" is a fad!
+ Scientists Predict Avocado Shortage Coming Down The Road
Okay. Right when I started eating avocados...What the hell!?
+ Made To Eat: Gluten-Free, Dairy-Free "Fast Food" Options And Ideas
It is really all about planning. My mom always complains about not having anything to eat or that she didn't buy anything for her-self at the store. I tell her she should start reading some food blogs and do a little meal planning. Prep work on the weekends could help too!
+ The FUN Part About Recovery
It isn't all peaches and sunshine, but there is light at the end of the tunnel 🙂
+ Why Chickpeas Are A Healthy Eater's Best Friend ( +10 Ways To Use Them)
Chickpea love! One of the most versatile beans <3
+ 7 Foods That Deserve Health Warning Labels
Can you say so true!
+ Learn To Love YOUR Body!
Meg's posts always put a smile on my face 🙂
+ 61 Lessons From 2000 Blog Posts
Great invaluable lessons! I hope I will be blogging for that long, but I have already learned so many lessons!
You all know how I feel about salt. I do not cook with it at all, ever, but that does not compromise taste! However, I have gotten away from being so deathly afraid from salt. I still don't use it in my cooking, but I have been eating sauerkraut, different sources, etc. that have salt. You need salt in certain amounts, but you definitely don't need a lot of it!
+ Learn The Risks Of OTC Medication (They Can Be Deadly)
Keep it safe kids! I don't have to worry though, I never and will never take Tylenol or Advil. If I have a headache, I tell myself to suck it up. However I am a bit worried about getting my wisdom teeth out this summer. I refuse to take any strong meds they prescribe, plus my stomach would hate me. But I always refuse to take anything OTC...
+ The Chicken Video: How To Make Easy Delicious Chicken
Pulled chicken the easy way! With no slow cooker 🙂
+ 7 Foods That Will Work Wonders On Your Digestion
Notice a theme? Healthy fats FTW!
Favorite Pins:
(Follow me on Pinterest – RebeccaGF666)
Chai Spiced Banana Smoothie. So creamy, so good!
Summer Maxi. Please Summer....get here so I can wear this!
5-Ingredient Quinoa Pizza Crust. Lauren always has the yummiest looking recipes 🙂
Glutes & Gams Workout. Well this looks like a fun time 😉 Quick and Sweaty!
Cool Colorful Maxi Dress Outfit. Love the whole thing!
Pineapple and Cashew "Rice". Tropical wonders!
Adorable Red Swim Suit. This is so perfect! I love it <3
A few things I loved about my week or am grateful for:
+ I looked at the weather...and I think it is going to warm-up! Like I am talking upper 30s and 40s! It's a March miracle!
+ You beautiful wonderful amazing people! Do you want to know some of the people who made my week extra awesome? How about Yaitaza from A Healthier, Fitter Me. She posted the sweetest post on Facebook and instagram about me <3 It made my week! And a Rosi from Perfectly F.I.T.T posted a photo on instagram of my Mexican Spaghetti Squash bowls she made for Meatless Monday! I was so happy <3 I still can't believe people actually read this little blog of mine 🙂
+ You know what I loved this week? COCONUT BUTTER! I am obsessed! It is so good! I have been using it on sweet potatoes and in my hot cereals. It kind of freaks me out though because it acts like real butter. It melts so quickly and isn't sweet. it have this buttery taste, but is so much better than dairy hahaha! I have to keep making sure I really am eating coconut!
So Tell Me:
What do you want to see on the blog?
Do you love coconut butter?!
What is the best product or gift or review item you received as a blogger?
What was your favorite post or article from the finisher this week?
Have a fabulous weekend! <3 (Remember to switch the clocks on Sunday!)
Stay connected: Facebook: Strength and Sunshine Twitter: @RebeccaGF666 Instagram: rebeccagf666 Pinterest: RebeccaGF666 Bloglovin’: Strength and Sunshine
Anna @ Your Healthy Place
Thanks for sharing my post with your readers Rebecca! I love those maxis - both of them - am off now to see where I can get my hands on them haha 🙂
Strength and Sunshine
Your so welcome Anna! They are awesome right?1 😉
April G
I haven’t even heard of coconut butter. I’ll have to check that out. You’ve managed to get so much in this one post. Where do you find the time? I think this is my first time here. I’ll have to come back.
Strength and Sunshine
The Friday Finisher is a week long process 😉 You have got to try coconut butter! I know I waiting way to long in trying it!
I hope you do keep coming back, I love having new readers 🙂 XOXO
Amanda - RunToTheFinish
I started saying no to a lot of things because I didn't need all those boxes and didn't know what to do with the stuff. I do still have a closet full of things that i now use as prizes though!
Strength and Sunshine
Haha good idea! I would never say no to something I know I could use though even if I don't need it at the moment. Especially when it comes to food.... because most of it is expensive!
I always look forward to your Friday Finishers. I just love uncovering new blogs and great posts!
Strength and Sunshine
I'm so happy to hear that 🙂 I love sharing and spreading the blog love <3
Heather @ The Soulful Spoon
Great Finisher Rebecca:) Listen girl, you gotta give yourself a break on the blog pressure. Girl, it is SO important to put your heart and soul into it, but don't forget- YOU'RE A PERSON, NOT A ROBOT!:) Give yourself some love girl and just enjoy BEING. You are doing great, but the pressure can take away the pleasure. Don't let that happen!
I totally feel ya on the blog goody box deal. My family gets a little mad because I've "taken over" the fridge, cabinets, and my "designated shelves" are overflowing. I do bail the boxes after a month or so though. It gets ridiculously insane in a good way. On a funny note, they no longer notify me of UPS or Fed Ex anymore:) So fun! I was saving the boxes for my future move to NY this year, but it got so out of hand we had to get rid of them.
Oh, and WELCOME TO THE COCONUT BUTTER INSANITY!!:) I can't LIVE without it. I make my own in the blender if I run out, but NOTHING beats Artisana- NOTHING<3 Vitacost runs a BOGO deal every now and then, so check your eye out:)
LOVE YA!:)<3
Strength and Sunshine
Haha, my "designated" shelves are completely packed...and expanding, haha. I need my own kitchen 😉 I am eating coconut butter as we speak. I seriously am in love. (Dastony is the brand I have and it is so so so good!) I just wish coconut butter was less expensive!
Pretty Little Grub
Great post! I have so much reading to catch up on this weekend now!
Strength and Sunshine
That's what weekends are for right!? Haha 🙂
Yaitza Bueno
Everything looks delish! Thanks for sharing with all of us!
Strength and Sunshine
My favorite post of the week 😉
Yaitza Bueno
Everything looks amazing! Thanks for sharing with all of us!
Mary @ minutes per mile
What an amazing roundup of awesome internet inspiration! Thanks so much for sharing!
Strength and Sunshine
Thank you too Mary!
Thanks for mentioning me here Rebecca! What a great post! I’m heading over to check out that maxi dress and bikini right now!
Strength and Sunshine
Thanks Lauren! Happy searching!
Live from La Quinta
Thanks for sharing my post and spreading the word about the potential dangers of over the counter medications.
Strength and Sunshine
I feel really passionately about drugs and needs in general so more info sharing the better!
Thanks for the link love! That banana smoothie looks amazing
Strength and Sunshine
Totally welcome 🙂 XOXO
Holy smokes thanks for the love!! I’m so going to have to spend half a day checking out these other links!!
Strength and Sunshine
It will be worth it 😉
Amanda SemiHealthNut (@SemiHealthNut)
Holy buckets lots of links!! Chai spiced banana smoothie sounds awesome!! Thanks for including me in the mix! 🙂
Also that gal in the red swimsuit...looks like a barbie doll when you just glance! Weirded me out haha!
Strength and Sunshine
I'm am craving that smoothie! And the bathing suit looks so beautiful on her!
Janine Huldie
I think we are all just trying and sure you are just doing your best. And think that is what counts and matter the most. Thanks again for linking up and wishing you a wonderful and relaxing weekend now!! 🙂
Strength and Sunshine
Thank you Janine! So true that we all are 🙂 Everyday!
lizzy - muddle-headed mamma
Sounds like you are super busy and that you’re doing a fantastic job at staying healthy and as balanced as possible. Love your gorgeous photos of healthy food on instagram too. Have a great weekend!
Strength and Sunshine
Aw thanks so much Lizzy <3 I still need to work on my Instagram photo quality though, haha!
Holy wow! So many great links in one post!
Strength and Sunshine
I get a little over zealous haha 😉
Amy @ The Little Honey Bee
Thanks for sharing!! I also love the looks of Deryn's cauliflower rice recipe
Strength and Sunshine
It looks so yummy, but I still have never had cauliflower rice....so need to try this!