Hello Friday! Fridays actually aren't my favorite day of the week. They are really busy and stressful, so by the time the night rolls around, I am beat. School is also killing me. You would think that with all my AP tests officially over and done with (yay!) things would cool down. They have to some degree is certain classes...but not all. Take for instance my AP Latin class. Starting on the 22nd we have to begin reciting the first 11 lines of the Aeneid in meter in Latin in front of the class by ourselves...Now I knew this was coming so I started trying to memorize it last week and I barely have the first line down. I can't memorize stuff like that...and saying it in meter! Forget it. This is totally ridiculous busy work. I quit. The days are starting to go slow now. I really just need June 13th to get here...now! Please! Senior year is getting worse and worse by the day. Why is that? Shouldn't I feel happy?
On a positive note, the 2014 Gluten-Free Challenge starts on Monday! Have you signed up? Will you join in and go 1 week totally G-Free? If you want to join in on the fun, comment on this post or shoot me an email at strengthandsunshine(at)gmail(dot)com! The on the following Monday, there will be a link up where you can link-up a recap to you week-long G-Free journey! And if you don't have a blog, you can still email me your thoughts! Use the hashtag #GFC14 is all you challenge musings! Lets spread the word on Celiac Awareness! Don't forget, I will also be picking one random participate to win a gluten-free goodie box!
Here is my 18th link-up to FTSF (Finish The Sentence Friday)! FTSF is that you are given a sentence each week and you finish it however you want, long or short. This week’s sentence was, “The nicest thing someone ever did for me was..."
The nicest thing someone ever did for me was love me. Yea, I am going a little cliché on this one, but I can't think of the nicest thing. I am sure there are tons, but when push comes to shove, it is hard to think of something! So I will go with my mom 🙂 Receiving love from someone is the best thing, the best feeling. No matter what I do, I know that she will always love me. What is going to be the hardest thing for me next year in college is not seeing and talking to her everyday. (But I will be sure to get a Skype so we can video chat!) However, I know that even though things will majorly change, she will always be there for me and I will be there for her. She is self-less when it comes to my brother and I. What is nicer and kinder than that? Nothing, that's what! (Man, it feels like another Mother's Day post, huh? Haha!)
Monday: Power Monday #44 Celiac Disease: A Medical Overview
Tuesday: What Does A Day Of Gluten-Free Meals Look Like?
Wednesday: The Ultimate Banana Pancakes
Thursday: Foodie Finds: You Win Some, You Lose Some
Blog Posts and Links I loved this week:
Life, Mind, Body, Spirit:
+ Realizing The Beauty Of Imperfection
Embrace the imperfections. Know that life is imperfect, but it is also beautiful.
+ A Fox Is A Cow Is A Cat: Why We Treat Animals Differently (And How To Change Our Ways)
I think this is one of the strongest vegan arguments. Why do we eat cows and pigs, but we would never think about eating a cat?
I think this was my favorite Mother's Day post from Sunday <3 I agree with Tornado. My Mom makes me feel comfy!
+ 10 Habits Of Emotionally Resilient People
How to get through those difficult situations.
+ Stop Attacking Looks, Start Attacking The Problem
We criticize people more for their looks than their actual actions. We need to address the real problem, not create more.
I like 2, 11, 24, 42, and 52 the best 😉
+ Get Ready For The Long Haul!
Ah, so the "21 Days" to make a habit is all a lie!
+ Mother's Day Is Hard For Some Women. That Doesn't Mean We Shouldn't Celebrate It Fully.
Amen. I was so annoyed seeing people post about how some women feel "left out" because they aren't mothers. Well just because you are not a mother, doesn't mean this little day of expressing love has to be stopped just to accommodate you. It is like saying I can't celebrate my own birthday because you weren't born on that day.
+ 10 Ways To Relax After The School Year
I plan on getting back into reading every day and continue doing #6 and #8!
You are you, right now, in this moment, not the past, and not someone else.
+ 30 Bucket List Musts For A Happy, Healthy Life
I'm about half-way there on these!
+ I Feel Sexy Naked And Fat In Clothes
Interesting how clothes can make us have a completely different feeling about our bodies.
+ 8 Habits To Stop When I'm A Mother To Daughter
Things to think about and keep in mind.
+ Why Freeze Tag Will Make You A Better Parent (And Athlete)
I always love Christine's beautiful writing. She can always find the best in every little situation in life.
8 ways to stop overthinking and start overcoming!
+ Healthy Starts On The Inside
It's what you want for yourself, what makes you happy.
+ The Unexpected Benefit Of Being Bad At Yoga
When you struggle, you realize what is truly important!
+ Everything You Need To Know About Long Runs!
Great post on 3 essential types of long runs.
+ The 5 Most Important Lifts To Master
I need to work on pull-ups and those damn side lunges! I hate side lunges with a passion!
Why do you practice? I practice because it is the only thing in the world that makes me feel more than the world.
+ 14 Must-Ask Questions It You Want To Be A Yoga Teacher
Things to consider before you take the next step.
+ 9 Habits Of People With A Healthy Relationship To Exercise
These are so great! Strive for these 100%
+ 14 Essential Tools That Should Be In Every Healthy Kitchen
I need better knives, a dutch oven, and most importantly, I need a damn cast iron skillet!
+ 7 (Easy) Ways To Save On Groceries Every Month
Why is produce so expensive? With the amount I have to buy every week, it adds up so quickly and my mom gets mad. :/ (And I don't even buy all organic!)
+ The Top 7 Reasons Processed Foods Are Ruining Your Life
Ditch the processed and go with the clean!
+ 17 Cools Ways To Use Chocolate Chips
It was National Chocolate Chip Day yesterday! I am happy to say I did have chocolate...in the form of unsweetened cocoa powder in my buckwheat cereal yesterday 😉
+ Why I Changed My Mind About Mental Health Days
Have you ever taken a mental health day?
+ Are You A Perfectly Hidden Depressed Person?
Do you hide how your feeling by faking a happy outward appearance?
+ Balance Living Or Healthy Living?
Two different things. Which is better for your health?
+ The Vicious Cycle We Suffered From And You Might Be Too
All about digestion and how it affects EVERYTHING!
Blogging & Social Media:
Thinking of doing a major overhaul? This could come in handy!
+ Must Haves To A PR-Friendly & Make Money With Your Blog
Since I work with Plant Fusion, I have to seek out bloggers, and when I can't find an email address...it is the biggest pet-peeve/turn-off ever! Why be a blogger if people can't easily contact you!?
+ Finding Friends Through Social Media
Build your community and interact with all the amazing people out there! You never know what connections and "blends" you'll make.
Favorite Pins:
(Follow me on Pinterest – RebeccaGF666)
{Skinny} Thai Noodle Salad. Yum! I need to break out my chopsticks more often!
Raw Buckwheat Turmeric Porridge. This looks so interesting. I love Turmeric and you all know I love me some buckwheat!
Not Your Mamas {Vegan} Meatloaf. Vegan comfort food at its finest!
Kale, Mushroom & White Bean Pizza on an Oat & Almond Flour Crust. Yum, yum, PIZZA!
Chickpea Lentil Quinoa Spinach Stew. If you haven't been on Richa's blog, you are so missing out! She is one of my favorite vegan foodies. Plus All.The.Indian.Food!
Baby Kale & Quinoa Salad with Roasted Sweet Potatoes, Chicken & Cranberries. So many amazing tastes in one dish!
A few things I loved about my week or am grateful for:
+ For testing my body to see just how far it can go. I went 11 days without taking my prescription acid reflux meds and instead just took my OTC! Woohoo! But yesterday it went really bad and I felt so sick. Hello Pepto and Malox! Thus, today I had to take that damn pill again. So close...
+ I was one of the winner of Ancient Harvest's Great Ancient Grains Recipe Contest! Not just one of my recipes, but two were chosen! I will be featured in their new cookbook and some other things. The details are still coming to me, but I am so stoked! Yay Quinoa Flakes!
+ I have to put my AC on! Yes, Summer is here. I think! Although it has been rainy and gross the last two days. but I won't complain since it is still warm! And I just love how bright it is at 8 o'clock now! One night this week I went to bed at 8:20pm and it was still bright in my room! Haha, Summer, o how I love you 🙂
So Tell Me:
This pertains to why I am really hating school right now. But not once but now twice, a teacher has required the class to buy something for a grade. The first one was my AP Gov teacher would be giving us a pass/fail grade on if we bought this specific study guide for the AP test of not. Well I can tell you that right now my family does not have the means to be buying anything extra. My mom had to email the teacher and supervisor and get things cleared up (I can happily say he got reprimanded!) This next thing just happened yesterday, My AP photo teacher is requiring each kid (and giving a grade) to but 3 huge boxes of push pins for a big group project we are doing. Each box is about $10. So that is $30 for absolutely no benefit to me. She says she can't get the school to buy them because they are considers unsafe objects? I have not mentioned this one to my mom yet, but I will be dealing with my teacher myself today...wish me luck!
Anyway, do you think it is fair or even appropriate for a teacher to require students to buy something for a grade?
Lets shed some happiness on this blog and share 1 thing that someone has done nice for you this week!
Or Tell me something positive from your week! It might just be me, but the pins this week have been amazing! Haha, beautiful foods is always a positive. I had a really hard time picking which ones I wanted to share today!
Have a happy weekend guys! My brother came home from college on Wednesday...say good-bye to any sort of organization that was in this house. Hopefully I can get in the kitchen to cook. But with even one added person to the house, things get hectic....
Stay connected: Facebook: Strength and Sunshine Twitter: @RebeccaGF666 Instagram: rebeccagf666 Pinterest: RebeccaGF666 Bloglovin’: Strength and Sunshine
Hey! I made the vegan meatloaf and I am totally stoked about being featured. I am new to the blogging world and this is my first “feature” – you’ve provided me with a very special feeling. Just wanted to say thanks :).
Strength and Sunshine
Aw, well welcome! The Friday Finisher is pretty prestigious 😉 It is a lovely recipe! Have a beautiful weekend! XOXO
April (@100LBC)
To be loved is a great feeling! There are many who don't have that feeling, so I know it's really nice.
Strength and Sunshine
It's what we all truly want right! 🙂
Kristy @ Southern In-Law
I always love these posts of yours!
I am totally agreeing with you on how unfair your teachers are being. Grades need to be based on YOUR work not purchases!
Strength and Sunshine
Thanks Kristy 🙂
Yes, it is complelty ridiculous. But thankfully when we go to administration things get cleared up and those teachers get in trouble.
Anna Fitfunner
Great pick: Moms do the nicest things for their kids! I hope that she sees your post; it will make her feel really great!
Strength and Sunshine
She reads everyone of my posts, haha 😉
Michelle Grewe
I actually love your FTSF answer. It’s not cliche. We all desire to be loved. Some of us go great lengths to chase a chance of feeling loved, so props to you for embracing the love you have.
Strength and Sunshine
Well thank you Michelle! XOXO I hope you have a beautiful weekend! Feel the love 😉
I feel so honored to have made Friday Finisher Ha! My week has been so stressful and how sad is it that something positive doesn't come quickly to mind. I know. My daughter tried out and was picked to be on All Star Cheerleading team that she has worked so hard for and wanted more than anything. She did the work and it paid off. So proud of her.
Strength and Sunshine
Jill, your awesome 😉
And that is wonderful! Tell her congratulations! How exciting! Definitely calls for being a proud mama! 🙂
ah reminds me of my grad school days. the second semester was so crazy i barely slept more than 4 hours per day most days.
thanks for including the chickpea stew!
Strength and Sunshine
O man, at least I am still getting my much needed sleep!
And you are so welcome love! XOXO
Aww I am so sorry senior is going so rough :(( You definietly should be feeling happy and excited!! It stinks though because it's also stressful at the same time. Just hang in there and try to make the mos of everything<3 June 13th will be here before you know it! - Thank you SO much for including me on your lists of reads!! *big grin here!*
Strength and Sunshine
Thanks Nichole, I've got to just keep truckin'. Luckily, this was our last FULL 5 day school week! WOOHOO!
You're a rockstar blogger! This is one long post with TONS of useful info. Good for you 🙂 Thanks for including me in the roundup.
Strength and Sunshine
Haha, thank you Ashley 🙂
I don’t know how you do it, to be honest! That’s a lot of reading and writing, on top of school! I periodically go Gluten Free and love it. Good luck with the challenge.
Strength and Sunshine
You should join the challenge then!
Amo amas amat amamos amanus amat. Suspect there are a few mistakes here however it’s been OH SO many years since I took Latin. Happy Friday!
Strength and Sunshine
One of the first verbs we learned 😉 But the first phrase we ever learned was Italia est insula! 😉
I’ve been wanting to try GFree for a while but I’m afraid I won’t be able to keep up with it. I’m going to try this week and see how it goes! Good luck with your challenge!
Strength and Sunshine
You can do it! There are so many options when you really try. (Its not a challenge for me, lol, I am gluten-free, its a challenge to raise awareness for Celiac!)
Ange @ Cowgirl Runs
Thank you so much for including my post! 🙂
Strength and Sunshine
Your welcome love 🙂
😀 Thanks so much for the kind words! I can't wait to settle back this weekend and go through all the shiny links on your list 🙂
Strength and Sunshine
Have fun reading them! 🙂
Oh man. You're bringing back all the memories for me from my Latin classes! Gah! Thanks so much for including my post and have a great weekend!
Strength and Sunshine
Woohoo, another Latin sufferer 😉 Font get me wrong, I loved the language, but after 4 years I am more than done!
Janine Huldie
Aww, love that you gave a shout-out to your mom here and will say a mother's love truly is unconditional. So, couldn't agree more with you and like you feel very lucky to have had this all my life, as well as try my best to give my girls the same from me. Happy Friday and hoping that you get to relax a bit this weekend 🙂
Strength and Sunshine
A mothers love is the best 🙂
And thank you! I hope I can too 😉 But have a lovely weekend yourself! Make it awesome for me!
Danielle (@itsaharleyylife)
Thank you for sharing! (:
Strength and Sunshine
Sure thing Danielle 🙂