Happy Friday! Another week down, another week closer to graduation! I can taste it, but it is still so far away. This week seemed super long and I think the next 3 weeks will drag too. At least we have a long weekend this week right 😉 Eh, I feel like when I have days off or half days in school, the week seems longer (like this week), it is nice on that day, but overall, I'm not sure how I feel about it.
I don't have anything special planned for this weekend. Put I do want to do some major cooking of new recipes I have forming in my head. On involves the grill, one involves the blender, and one involves breakfast (what's new!). Besides that, I still need to memorize those damn Latin lines to recite next week. I have the first 5ish but that leaves 6 more... I also think I may just have to stop at the library this weekend and pick up a book. I haven't read anything on my Goodreads list in months and I am craving a book! I think I can find the time now to fit in some good ole' reading...I need it! My mom's birthday is on Wednesday, so I should plan some sort of dessert to make her this time.
And I have loved reading some of you updates and instagrams of the Gluten-Free Challenge! You have two days left! Go out with a bang and try a new dish or ingredient this weekend! Never had millet? I've got you covered. How about some classic zucchini buckwheat pancakes or cheezy quinoa? Remember to get your recap posts reading for the link-up this coming Monday! I can't wait to read them. I will leave the link-up open for a few days as I know some of you will be busy with Memorial Day celebrations, so no worries!
No Finish The Sentence this week :/ They are off for Memorial Day.
Monday: Power Monday #45 8 Steps To Success When Eating Out Gluten-Free
Tuesday: Gluten-Free Myths...Debunked!
Wednesday: Robust Smokey Grilled Chicken + Fresh Spring Millet Salad With Watercress & Lemon
Thursday: Recipe Redux #7 Chocolate Matcha Pancakes
Blog Posts and Links I loved this week:
Life, Mind, Body, Spirit:
+ First, Lasts, & In-Betweens
Wow, beautiful. Something I really need to think about this Summer.
+ The One-Sentence Secret To Overcoming Your Body Image Issues
It's time to stop focusing so much on your physical appearance.
+ Motivation Mondays: Courage
I want the courage to start running. The DC pavement is just waiting for me!
+ Would I Do It All Over Again Or Skip The Hard Part
From the hard stuff we learn and grow and truly start to find ourselves.
+ A Letter To My 15 Year Old Self
Beautifully written. I love how our perspectives change when we look back at former years.
+ Get Out Of The Comparison Trap
Be who you naturally are!
+ Ask.
It is okay to ask for help!
Great read! It can be difficult to accept that we are worthy enough and we deserve health and happiness.
+ Focus. Breathe. Keep It Going. Push Through.
Beautiful words to live by!
I think i struggle the most with #3. I know what I want, but I need to just push myself to make that initial step and let go!
Have you been struggling with your practice?
+ Exercising After An Eating Disorder - How To Trust Yourself
Interesting and powerful read.
+ Why You Should Foam Roll (And A Video To Show You How)
I haven't broke out my roller in months! I should get on that...
+ Best Kettlebell Ab Exercises & The 5 Core Rules Of Core Workouts
My favorite part of the body to work! I love core with a passion!
+ 26 Things I Learned From Running 26(.2) Miles
When training for something so big and for so long, you will learn a lot along the way!
Sweat is not an indicator of a better workout. I don't really sweat much, even if I get in the most intense workout.
+ It's Not Okay To Grab Me: Safety Tips For Female Runners
Wow, this is scary. As women, we really need to stay alert and vigilant. Don't let anything go un-reported!
+ How To Use A Gymboss Interval Timer
Well, now I know how t use it...just need to get me one 😉
+ Body Recomposition: Losing Fat, Gaining Muscle
Understanding muscle gain.
+ An Open Letter To My Yoga Teacher
I know that I have learned so much through my "online" teachers. They give me the inspiration and motivation to further my practice everyday.
+ Top 10 Foods To Reduce Stress
Did any of your favorites make the list? I know a lot of mine did! Although they don't seem to help my stress...haha!
+ What Is A GMO? Genetically Modified Foods Continue To Confuse Consumers
Did you hear this! Vermont is the first state to pass GMO laws which happened 2 weeks ago! Woohoo! Read up on this article and start some action in your state!
I pretty much want all of this!
+ 7 Ways To Conquer Anxiety
Baby steps to easing your anxiety.
+ Overcoming Anorexia: Meg's Success Story
I love this women! She continually inspires her readers!
The importance of sleep and salt in recovery!
+ The Bottom Line On Calcium Supplements
Too much of a good thing can be bad.
+ 7th-Grader Organizes 5k To Benefit Celiac Disease
Well look at that! This kid is awesome! If you live in Illinois, you should go! It's on June 8th!
Blogging & Social Media:
Want to start a blog? You can!
+ Spring Clean You Blog In Ten Steps
I plan on doing a lot of overhaul and maintenance this summer! (i.e. self-hosted?!)
+ Blogger's Beginner Guide
More important things to keep in mind when starting a blog.
+ How To Create A Printable Media Kit For Your Blog Using Google Drive
I write down "media kit" on my to-do list every week...but it hasn't happened yet...
+ 5 Tips For Better Photos (Hint: Stop Saying "Cheese")
Great tips for capturing the real natural beauty of life.
+ How I've Increased My Blog Readership
Just a few easy steps you can implement to increase your reach!
+ 5 Reasons For Blog Slumps And How To Overcome Them
This is a really great read with practical answer!
Beauty & Fashion:
How to really find your true bra size and fit! P.S. Victoria's Secret measures you wrong!
Favorite Pins:
(Follow me on Pinterest – RebeccaGF666)
Crunchy Baked Rhubarb Oatmeal with Homemade Hazelnut Milk. This looks like a glorious breakfast!
A.L.C. Landon Jumpsuit. Okay, if this wasn't $387 (normally $645, but there is a discount), I would marry this look! So chic, I am in love!
Quick Pickled Beets. Yay, pickling with zero salt! My kind of pickle..or...beet in this case 😉
4-Ingredient Vegan Banana Pancakes. This girl knows how to do it! Simplicity at its best. I think she is my pancake soul sister 😉
Summer Maxi. I need this...so perfect 🙂
Sweet Potato and Black Bean Mexican Salad. Yea, this is a bowl of heaven 😉
A few things I loved about my week or am grateful for:
+ WATER! I have been drinking so much! I think it has to do with the warmer weather. I normally drink tons, but I am definitely exceeding my 100oz minimum now. I found it harder to drink during this long winter, but now I just can't stop. but that is okay! Water is so damn good and makes me feel really good!
+ Burt's Bees Lip Balm with Mango Butter! So good! I am obsessed with this one. I usually stuck with the original beeswax, but I got this mango one for Christmas and finally needed to open a new one. Well I love it and you should buy it if you are in need of some nourished lips 🙂
+ Warm weather. I think I will be grateful for this for awhile. Even though it is rainy and gloomy these next few days (my power even went out yesterday morning for a few minutes), I am still loving that it is warm! No more freezing to death in my car on my way to school 🙂
+ Going to bed before the sun is down! I have been going to lie down in bed by 8:39 the last few nights and even though it's a bit weird, I love that there is still some waning sunlight shining through 😉 Very peaceful!
So tell me:
+What are you Memorial Day plans, anything fun?
+ Have you ever burned yourself cooking? I mean really burned yourself? Well I did on Tuesday while I was taking out a tray of glorious roasted red baby potatoes. Instead of using an over mitt, I just used a pot holder and my wrist touched the upper rack. It didn't hurt at first and I ran it under cold water. But while I was eating dinner, it starting hurting a lot and the mark formed and then bubbled. I have never burned myself like that before! Yes I have touched hot things and burned the roof of my mouth (a lot), but never an actual oven burn. I have been putting Neosporen on it and am just hoping it will go away and not scar. My skin scars really easily though, so I am a bit scared...(at least it is only about ½ in. But it is bubbled...and burned...
+ Have you ever eaten a Quince? Well I bough one last weekend and it is still on my counter. I looked up how to know when it is ripe and found out that it is usually cooked before eating, not eaten raw unless it is really really ripe. It is still hard so I am going to wait a few more days before cutting it open. Any Quince ideas?
Stay connected: Facebook: Strength and Sunshine Twitter: @RebeccaGF666 Instagram: rebeccagf666 Pinterest: RebeccaGF666 Bloglovin’: Strength and Sunshine
Megan (The Lyons' Share)
Awesome links, and thanks for including mine!! Heading to read a bunch more :).
Strength and Sunshine
Your welcome Megan! Happy weekend reading 😉
Hey girl just wanted to say thanks for including my recipe in your friday post! Simple and quick pancakes (or even just food in general) is the way to go, am I right? c;
Strength and Sunshine
You so so welcome! And I saw youba new blogger so keep up the amazing work 🙂 Your kind of cooking is so like me, except your photos are brilliant 😉 Don't be q stranger!
Ahaha thanks! And no oh my gosh your pictures are absolutely gorgeous as well 😉
Great round-up! <: And thanks for the shoutout! <3
Strength and Sunshine
Thanks Angeline 🙂
wow! check out those links. I might be reading all day. and i loved your glutenfree tips this week!
Strength and Sunshine
Thanks Lindsay! Happy Reading 😉
Happy early birthday to your moma!! Lots of cooking sounds fun this weekend:) my hope for tonight is to make a recipe off of Pinterest for my family...we'll see how the day pans out! Love that maxi - need some in my life for spring/summer! Good luck with your Latin! And lastly, thank you SO much for including me in your Friday Finisher today! <3
Strength and Sunshine
O, what are you thinking of making? I have some newly sprouted lentils that are calling me tonight 😉
I bought a bunch of new maxis this year and can't wait to wear them!
And of course, thank YOU! XOXO
Heather @ Housewife Glamour
I've never tried Quince, but I definitely burn food all the time while cooking. 😉 Loving the looks of that maxi and I'm so happy graduation is just around the corner. Thanks for linking up, Happy Friday! 🙂
Strength and Sunshine
I don't burn food, haha just my hand 😛
And thank you! I'm so excited!
Amy @ Long Drive Journey
Omg that jumpsuit! That maxi dress! Haha. Thank you so much for including my links. I hope that you have a fabulous weekend!
Strength and Sunshine
I know, right!? And you had some amazing posts this week girl! XOXO
Kristy @ Southern In-Law
I burn myself ALL the time and it's ridiculous. I have a really high tolerance for heat but forget that I'm not superwoman and always end up with burns haha.
Hope you have a lovely weekend!
Strength and Sunshine
I'm usually really careful, but I didn't pull the oven rack out and just tried to do it fast with the pot holder :/ Bad idea!
Angela @ Eat Spin Run Repeat
Thanks so much for linking up to my foam rolling post, and for this awesome roundup! I clearly have plenty of reading material for tonight. Have a wonderful long weekend (I'm jealous - ours was this past weekend but I could do with another one!) 🙂
Strength and Sunshine
Haha, your welcome Angela! Well hey at least you got the break last week 🙂 Have fun reading!
Tina Muir
Ouchie! Sorry you burned yourself Rebecca, that does not sound fun. I have a few scars, but thankfully nothing too bad. I am excited for you to graduate and begin your planning for college! I have about 10 new tabs open on my browser now....lots of good reads! Thank you! Have a wonderful weekend!
Strength and Sunshine
Thanks Tina! Now the burn is just a really dark red mark, no more bubble, haha!
Happy reading and have a wonderful holiday weekend! XOXO