This post is going up in the morning obviously, but please cross you fingers and pray to the nature gods that it will not rain today! I go in to school normal time today for a "pre-grad" breakfast, getting our gowns, and then the long grueling graduation practice. We will practice outside once and then practice once inside in case there is rain tonight. But if it rains during the day, we won't even be able to practice outside to begin with. I am pretty sure this bad luck is stemming from the fact that it's Friday the 13th. O the ironies. But we have to stay positive right? The only plus o having it inside is that I won't trip and fall walking down the huge hill to my seat. And everything goes a bit quicker. But if it is inside, there are limited seats and only my Mom, Dad, and Jimmy can come. My grandparents won't, which they were planning on doing.
After grad practice, we go home and then have to come back I around 5:30 I think since the ceremony starts at 7. I just hope I don't fall asleep before I get my diploma! I have been going to bed at 8:30 the last few nights, and it has been glorious! 😉 I just can't wait for tonight though! I will officially be a grad by 9 o'clock tonight! This day is going to be so surreal. I really do not feel like I should be graduating? Wasn't I just a freshman?!
Now moving on to my 20th FTSF! FTSF(Finish The Sentence Friday) is that you are given a sentence each week and you finish it however you want, long or short. This week’s sentence was, “Dear Dad..."
Dear Dad, I don't get to see you much anymore, we don't talk much either. Even though our relationship isn't as great as it could be, that will never change the fact that you are my dad and will always be my dad. I will always love you and always be there for you. You are my big teddy bear when I need a hug. You are my protection with you strength. You always make me laugh even when you annoy me 😉 You carry me when I break my toe on the beach. You go on a cray 19 mile bike ride in the heat of June with me. You go on random car rides with me to take photos for school. You drive 16 hours to a dance competition and then back the next day all by yourself. You've held me in your arms and cried. You will one day walk me down the aisle, our arms linked, a symbol that we will always be there for each other. I love you daddy. I hope you are proud of me and that I can always be your little girl.
Monday: Power Monday #48 The Do's And Don't To Having A Great Birthday
Tuesday: Kushyfoot And Skoop Superfood {Giveaway}
Wednesday: Vegan Pepperoni White Bean Pizza
Thursday: The Tumultuous Journey
Blog Posts and Links I loved this week:
Life, Mind, Body, Spirit:
Worrying all the time is simple just not worth it.
+ Why "I Am Beautiful" Is A Problematic Statement For My 3-Year-Old
A great lesson learned from the perspective of the young innocent mind.
Really great post! What defines a "real woman"?
+ A Thank You To Our Bodies
Embrace what you do have!
+ Lessons To Learn From Children
They have the right idea 😉 Why can't we all keep this care-free attitude? We had it one time, so let's channel it again.
+ 32 (Or The Long Overdue Life Update)
Where Gina is right now and her post-bacc years.
+ When Your Hobby Becomes Your Career
I think this was my favorite post all week. It was really thought-provoking for me and got me thinking about that yoga training...
+ Why The Dying Patients Are My Favorite
Wow. Would you be able to do this?
+ Size 14 Women Are The Happiest
Very interesting on how culture and our own self-esteem can dictate this and what "happiness" means.
I want to see real too!
+ 5 Tips On Living A Happier And More Positive Life!
Katie always knows how to make herself glow!
+ In-Person Vs. Online Relationships
Wow, wow, wow! Must read!
Are you the mom you want to be? Are you present in your child's life?
For somethings more is better than less!
On taking that leap of faith in the real adult world.
+ How To More Past Resistance + Make Things Happen
Ever find yourself resisting and delaying getting things done?
Expanding your practice one on one with a teacher.
+ 11 Easy Ways To Break Into The Yoga World Once You've Been Certified
A little help for the newly certified.
+ Crossfit Transforms More Than The Physical
An amazing story!
+ How To Buy New Running Shoes
In the market for a new pair of kicks? This can help!
+ 4 Advantages Of Dumbbell Exercises And Why You Should Use Them (And 3 Disadvantages)
Are you a dumbbell junkie? Yes. But I also use my barbell and only really use my kettlebell for swings.
+ Stop Comparing Your Food Choices To Other People's
You should only be focused on what works for you and what your body needs. You don't truly know how anyone else eats all the time either.
+ 10 Food Rules For A Leaner Body & Glowing Skin
These are some great "rules" to implement! Don't worry, no diets and restriction here!
+ How To Meal Plan Without Losing Your Mind
Gabby breaks it down so you won't break down!
+ Eating For Freedom: Why I'm No Longer Vegan
Why the choice was just no longer working for Heather.
+ 7 Foods You've Likely Never Thought To Add To A Smoothie
Lentils? Hm, I'm game!
+ 17 Incredible Things You Didn't Know About Whole Foods
My future palace! We will be together again, very very soon!
+ You Get Stronger
Ditching the shoulds and getting real about wellness.
Blogging & Social Media:
A letter to a new blogger after 5 successful years of blogging.
+ I'm Not A "Perfect Blogger" And That's Okay!
We don't need to be perfect. We are normal people too, just like you. With real lives, feelings, and everyday struggles.
+ Blogger Confession: Why I Work For Free
Okay, so this might be my other top favorite post this week! Read it!
Fashion & Beauty:
+ What To Try: LUSH Fresh Handmade Cosmetics
Some of these look really great! I've never tried LUSH, but I may just have to!
Favorite Pins:
(Follow me on Pinterest – RebeccaGF666)
Sprouted Saffron & Basil Hummus. Now this is some fancy bean spread 😉
Millet and Carrot Veggie Burger. Yummy! Full of goodness and perfect for Summer cook-outs!
Vegan Caprese Sandwiches with Garlic Cashew Cheese. All you need now is some gluten-free bread and your good to go!
PB&J Medjool Date Smoothie. Really simple, but this is really calling me to make it!
Take It Anywhere Tabata Workout. And a fun workout to balance it all out 😉
A few things I loved about my week or am grateful for:
+ I can't end this post with out a another tribute to my Daddy. Father's Day is on Sunday and since I won't be posting again until Monday, this only seems fitting. My mom found this picture last week on my birthday and I absolutely fell in love with it. I am only a few days old here. Already bonding with my daddy 18 years ago, forever his little girl. I love you Daddy <3 XOXO
+ Summer has officially begun. Really. Now it is time to make the most out of every single day until I leave for DC!
+ With Summer now in full swing, that means I don't have to pre-write all my blog posts a week in advance! I can to same day blogging and actually talk about my life! Woohoo! I have so many ideas, recipes, things, and stories to share with you! Thanks to my handy multiple notebooks and Google Docs, I can remember all this stuff to share!
+ I think I may have found a yoga studio to do training at this fall down in DC! I am going to contact them this weekend and them maybe set up a meeting when I go down for my college orientation at the end of June! I will keep you updated!
So tell me:
+ Was your graduation inside or outside? Was it due to rain? My brother's was outside and it was good (and so hot! I got sunburn of course!) But I was able to get a video with my camera of him receiving his diploma! Last year the kids had graduation inside due to rain. It looked really cramped in the main gym. A sea of people. They also set up the auditorium with a live-stream for the extra family member who can't fit in the gym bleachers.
+ Doing anything special for Father's Day?
+ What are you most looking forward to this Summer? Outdoor yoga practices, reading time, cooking time, savoring my last few weeks in NJ with my family! O and hopefully good warm weather...
See you Monday with a graduation recap...hopefully! XOXO Have a great weekend!
Stay connected: Facebook: Strength and Sunshine Twitter: @RebeccaGF666 Instagram: rebeccagf666 Pinterest: RebeccaGF666 Bloglovin’: Strength and Sunshine
Thank you for sharing my post! And WOW - what a collection of great posts on so many topics! Checking out the veggie tortillas among other links! 🙂
Strength and Sunshine
Your welcome Bonnie! And I hope you find some good new reads!
Erin @ The Grass Skirt
Thank you so much for including me! Have a great weekend. 🙂
The Grass Skirt
Strength and Sunshine
You too Erin!
Olive To Run (@Olivetorun)
You always have a great round up! Thanks for including mine with so many other fantastic articles.
Strength and Sunshine
Thanks Cori and your welcome! XOXO
Michelle Grewe
My high school graduation was in a stuffy gym. Loved reading about your father.
Strength and Sunshine
Haha, mine will be too! But now it is sunny out....ugh this weather!
Erin (@girlgoneveggie)
My highschool graduation was outside on our football field. My college graduation was inside in a beautiful historic theater. I really enjoyed them both.
I'm thinking no rain thoughts for you!! Thanks so much for all the great links!
Strength and Sunshine
Thanks Erin! It's inside 🙁 But at least it will go a bit quicker! Think of the positives 😉
Brittany (@batrentham)
great round up here girl!! I miss A LOT!
Strength and Sunshine
Well I've always gottcha covered then 😉
sobbing right now...what a great letter to your beautiful. love the pic
Strength and Sunshine
Aw thank you Karen! Your so sweet 🙂 XOXO
Annie Brees
Thank picture of you and your dad is just awesome and I agree- the “why I blog for free” post was great! I hope you have a rain free day lady!
Strength and Sunshine
Thank you Annie 🙂 I loved that post!
Katrina Elle
Delish looking burger!
Strength and Sunshine
I know right!
Happy graduation day girly!! And what a lovely letter to your dad<3 I really enjoyed reading it and thank you for sharing! Also a big thanks for including my post link today!
Strength and Sunshine
Thank you my beautiful friend! I loved that post Nicole 😉
Thanks so much for sharing my workout!!! Hope you have a great weekend 🙂
Strength and Sunshine
Your welcome love! Same to you 🙂
Angela @ Eat Spin Run Repeat
Congratulations on your grad! It's raining here but I'm sending lots of sunshiney vibes your way. Thanks so much for linking up to my 'how to buy running shoes' guide, and I am so excited to check out some of these recipes!
Strength and Sunshine
Thanks Angela! Its raining here and we are officially inside 🙁 Bummer but its still a good day 😉
Great links as always 🙂 Hooray for Friday!
Strength and Sunshine
Yes! This weekend is going to rock 😉
Janine Huldie
First off, huge congrats on graduation tonight and I am praying that the rain doesn't come now. Here in NY, we have had rain off and on all week from Monday. Seriously, I, too, am so done with it. By the way, it rained on my high school graduation many years ago, too and we had to have it inside with no air conditioning in the hot, humid June air (never forget that). Also, loved your letter to your dad and wishing you only the best tonight and from here on out 🙂
Strength and Sunshine
Thank you so much Janine! It is pouring right now so I'm about 99.9% sure it will be inside 😛 We will just have to make the best of it though! Getting your diploma is all that matters anyway right?! Haha 😉
Great links and the food porn is making my stomach growl! Thanks for the link love 🙂
Strength and Sunshine
Haha! Thanks Jill. There were tons of good eats around the web this week!