Well, today is the day. I am 6574 days old. Which means that I am legally an adult (whatever that means). My 18th birthday. It seems a bit surreal. I have dreamt about being this old since I was a little girl. How cool it would be, how much I would know and have experienced. But not really. I do not feel like I am 18, not at all. I feel the same as I felt when I was 13. However, I have changed so much over the years, so much. But then I have also stayed the same. This is one strange day, but one I look forward to every year. June 6th is my favorite. It means summer, sunshine, happiness, end of school, my birthday, all the good things (Strength and Sunshine's birthday is also coming up at the end of the month!). What will I be doing to celebrate this monumentous milestone? Well, nothing. Today is also my senior prom, but I am not going (I am still not sure how I feel about this). I am skipping school though 😉 I think I will just take it easy, read my new book (see below for more details on that!), make some birthday pancakes of course, work on some GW stuff (Fun...). We also get out housing assignments today at 12pm...God help me. Really, I am just going to try and enjoy this day and take it easy. One thing I am excited about though is...I can vote! Woohoo! To bad I missed the primaries earlier this week....Did you know it is also D-Day and National Doughnut Day? June 6th is a busy day huh 😉
Well, enough of that, I am excited about this Friday Finisher! It is really super long, but it's my birthday so I'll do what I want 😉 Have a happy time reading!
No FTSF this week. It will run every other week during the summer now!
Monday: Power Monday #47 The Gluten-Free Community
Tuesday: Almond Joy Quinoa Flakes
Wednesday: Artichoke Spinach Chicken Burgers & Fennel Beet Parsnip Puree
Thursday: Blog Reviews: Lets Be Honest
(I was scared to post this one. I thought I hadn't written it well enough to effectively get my point across, but I was blown away by your response! They you so much for the discussion and chiming in. Head on over and read it if you haven't yet! Thanks guys, I honestly love you all 😉
Blog Posts and Links I loved this week:
Life, Mind, Body, Spirit:
+ 12 Profound Life Lessons From A Box Of Crayons
You can learn valuable lessons with the most unexpected things!
Stop the bashing, everyone is different and no way works for everyone.
This may help you out in your search!
+ Why You Should Throw Away Your Scale
How many posts have to be written about this for people to understand?!
+ How I Replied...
Really great read on body image and fitness
From one strong woman to another 🙂
+ You Are Not Your Stuff (& Letting Go)
It is okay to let go. Material possessions are only what we make them. Beautiful read!
Wow, this is really great. We should be focusing on "wholeness" not happiness. It just isn't the most effective thing to dwell on.
+ 15 Reasons Yoga Is Better Than The Gym
Yea. I have to agree here. You trumps all 😉
+ Ask A Yogini: What is Pranayama?
It's all about the breath.
+ Secrets Of Success: 8 Reasons You Should Take A Break After Racing
Take time to recover, refocus, and recharge!
+ Rest Day Mental Mind Game
You may hate it, but it is all part of a healthy fitness routine.
+ Essential Oils To Improve Athletic Performance
Interesting. Do you use essential oils? I think I should try Peppermint.
+ 4 Ways Your Mat Can Be Your Mirror
Ah, the eyes of the yogi soul 😉
+ 6 Natural Food Remedies For Allergies
Suffer from seasonal allergies? Start eating these foods!
+ Is Fasting During Workouts Necessary? (And Smart?)
It is not necessary for getting lean, but it can be beneficial when done on occasion.
+ Healthy Eating: A Shared Responsibility
We all need to work together to make healthy eating education and choices a reality!
Three cheers for hemp seeds!
Are you a carb addict? Learn what may be driving your craving and addiction.
+ What Is Healthy Living Anyway?
The question is, what is healthy living to you?
+ 6 Health Lessons Everyone Can Learn From Introverts
Sounds exactly like me 🙂
+ Sensitive To Gluten? A Carb In Wheat May Be The Culprit
Interesting. If it's not Celiac, it might be this.
+ Gluten-Free Haters Have It All Wrong
The media just has to stop.
Jokes about Celiac and Gluten-Intolerance are not funny and not okay.
+ Are You Addicted To Adrenaline?
Time to evaluate. Are you addicted to stress?
+ Why Calories In vs. Calories Out Is Outdated
There are a lot of factors, but simply, just eat real quality food. Period.
+ Supplements: All My Questions Answered By A Registered Dietitian!
Great great quality info here! Must read!
+ Stress + Weight
Stress is no good. But it is so hard to reduce...
Blogging & Social Media:
+ If Online Media Is Decaying, Is Facebook To Blame?
Very interesting rant from a Facebook executive and Josh Wolford's response to it.
+ What I've Learned In My First Six Months Of Blogging
Great lessons in a rather short amount of time. I need to start thinking of the lessons I learned from one year!
Great resource!
+ Food Photography Tip #13: Your Clothing And Surroundings Cast Colors!
Ever wonder why you picture comes out a bit pink?
+ 5 Things To Watch In Your Blog Analytics
Things to keep your eye on to help improve your blog.
+ How To Be A Good Blog Commenter
I love comments! But lets make them quality comments.
+ Social Media For Newbie Bloggers {Part 2}
Great tips to get your social media going! (And yes, please, make easily visible icons...please!)
+ Blogging & Biz - How To Sell Yourself To A Client
Think of yourself as a brand and that everyone you come in contact with could be a potential client.
Fashion & Beauty:
+ Even Supermodels Have Armpit Fat
O man, it's really mostly just how our women bodies are made.
+ No Sunglasses vs. Cheap Sunglasses: When It Comes To UV Protection, What's Best For Your Eyes
Really interesting. You might be better off with none!
Favorite Pins:
(Follow me on Pinterest – RebeccaGF666)
Fruit Kabobs with Almond Milk Whipped Cream. So cute! Finally a vegan whipped cream that doesn't use canned coconut milk!
Gluten-Free Vegan Blueberry Bagels. Okay so I did some bagel baking last weekend. I finally got some to work, but damn, I with I had this recipe sooner!
Cherry Berry Smoothie. Fruity goodness! So bright and pink <3
Chili Lime Vegan Burgers (Gluten-Free). She uses water chestnuts in there too! Awesome!
A few things I loved about my week or am grateful for:
+ It's a given, but I am grateful it's my birthday...obviously! However I do wish o so much that I could be in Utah right now with all the Blends 🙁 Major bummer. (That was my one birthday wish...damn you plane tickets!) What should I do today and this weekend to make up for it? Hmm...
+ That this push-pin project I complained about for my photo class in done. Here is my 12in by 12in block and here is the full finished product. It is a portrait of our principal...yea weird...was not my idea. My block is in the second row from the bottom and the second one in on the right.
+ Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday are final days so they are a bit shorter and we get out at 12 something. The Thursday is the last day for everyone besides seniors (I'm skipping). The Friday we go in for graduation practice all day, go home, get ready, go back...and GRADUATE! Is this real life? I thought the end would never come..ever.
+ I have a new food obsession as of yesterday. I haven't had corn on the cob in so long! But last weekend I bought just one stalk and planned on cooking it some how some way. Since we have no gas for our grill (still), I choose to risk burning the house down by cooking it in the oven. My brother and I were just waiting to start smelling smoke, haha! But...all you do is trim any of the hanging off husks and strings, leave it wrapped in the tight husks though, place it directly in the oven on the rack at 350°F and roast for 30-35 minutes. The husks steam the corn and wow. It is just so amazing! It was really easy to eat too and didn't get stuck in my teeth! I am in love! Yay corn!
+ I started reading a new book! I devoured it yesterday and read 100 pages already! It is called Packing Light, by: Allison Vesterfelt. I plan on doing a review when I am done. It is so fabulous! I can't wait to start having time to escape in to beautiful books again...starting now!
So tell me:
+ What fun things do you have planned this weekend? Nothing, nothing at all. I might get up enough motivation to quickly study some math for finals, but I'm not to sure about that. (I may just get outside for some new yoga selfies!)
+ What book are you reading right now?
+ Have you ever roasted corn on the cob in the oven? Do it!
I wish this post was more profound, but I think I need some time to let my birthday sink in. Maybe next week you will get some of my thoughts on life, ey? Anyway, Happy weekend my beautiful friends! Get out in the sun and live a little!
*****O yea, and I guest posted over at Sara's blog yesterday about 8 Tips For A Home Yoga Practice. So go check it out y'all!*****
Stay connected: Facebook: Strength and Sunshine Twitter: @RebeccaGF666 Instagram: rebeccagf666 Pinterest: RebeccaGF666 Bloglovin’: Strength and Sunshine
sounds like such a great way to add more nutrients into my day
Strength and Sunshine
I think you ment this comment for the Sloop giveaway?
Hello Darling! I'm a huge fan of your work which is why I've nominated you for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award! http://idyllwilddesignsblog.com/2014/06/inspiring-blogger-award/#comment-268 xoxo, Idyllwild
Strength and Sunshine
Aw, thank you, that is so sweet!
Happy birthday Rebecca! I found your blog via The Saturday Sharefest and I'm excited to read more of your posts.
Strength and Sunshine
Aw, thank you so much Pearl! I am glad you stopped by! Don't be a stranger 🙂 XOXO
Eat Pray Run, DC
happy birthday!
Strength and Sunshine
Thank you, thank you!
Cynthia @ You Signed Up For WHAT?!
Happy happy birthday!
Strength and Sunshine
Thank you Cynthia!
Rebecca happy wonderful 18th!! Such a fun journey ahead and yet still so much to learn about. Just enjoying your day in your own way is special. We have baseball games this weekend {our son}, we just had 8th grade graduation last night and I am looking forward to doing nothing all weekend but sit out on our back patio and relax, read, blog and enjoy the weather 🙂
Strength and Sunshine
Thank you love! And congrats to you son! He mus be so excited for next year 😉
And that wounds like a fabulously perfect weekend to me! I hope to do the same 🙂
happy birthday lovely!! 🙂
Strength and Sunshine
Thank you sweetheart!
Debi Smith
Happy birthday!
Strength and Sunshine
Thank you Debi!
Happy Birthday!!! And thank you for including me!
Strength and Sunshine
You welcome Christine! Love everything you have to say 🙂 And thank you so much!
Happy birthday!! Hope it's a great one 🙂 And I'll have to check that book out! I just started reading Necessary Lies by Diane Chamberlain. I've been binge reading ever since finals ended, and I've already made my way through six, haha. I just love reading!
Strength and Sunshine
Thank you! It is such a good book (and true story)! Reading rocks, I can't wait to start plowing through books this summer!
Whitney @ To Live & Diet in L.A.
Oh, and HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Enjoy your day off, and don't worry about prom, it's overrated. I hated mine haha.
Strength and Sunshine
Haha, thank you! I really just wanted to be able to wear a pretty dress XP
Whitney @ To Live & Diet in L.A.
Thanks for sharing my post! Can wait to read the rest of the great stuff on your list!
Strength and Sunshine
Your welcome love! Have fun!
First off, Happy Birthday!
Secondly, thank you for sharing a couple of my posts (Fruit Kabobs and the Chili Lime Veggie Burger.) It is great to see others enjoying my recipes 🙂
Strength and Sunshine
Thank you! Haha you my new food blogger friend 😉
Happy birthday to you! Go eat a bagel (thank you a ton for the shout out) now and put a candle on it. Xo, Cara
Strength and Sunshine
Haha I had pancakes this morning with candles! But a bagel will be in my future this weekend 😉 Thanks love!
Happiest of birthdays! Enjoy your "day off" from school! 😉
Strength and Sunshine
Hahaha, thank you love 😉
Lindsay L, RD (@LeanGrnBeanBlog)
so many great links. i just checked out a bunch. and now you've got me craving a blueberry bagel!
Strength and Sunshine
Haha, I am craving a blueberry bagel to! I really need to try making them!
Happy birthday Rebecca!!! Hope you have an awesome day!!! And, thanks for the link love!
Strength and Sunshine
Your welcome Holly, and thank you! XOXO
Brittany Lesser
Happppy birthday girl!!!! So exciting that you're finally 18 😀 It's my best friends birthday today, too. What a good day! haha Thanks for the link up! Hope you have an amazing day <3
Strength and Sunshine
Thank you Brittany! Yay for June 6th babies! 😉
Kristy @ Southern In-Law
Happy birthday sweet girl!!! Enjoy enjoy enjoy!
Strength and Sunshine
Thank you Kristy! XOXO
Laura @ Mommy Run Fast
Great links, Rebecca- thanks for sharing mine. Have a great weekend!
Strength and Sunshine
You too Laura! 🙂
Lots of goodies here today!
Strength and Sunshine
There sure are!
That's a long list of great reads! I'm reading 10% Happier. So far it's just ok. I keep waiting for the author to get to the reason I bought the book in the first place.
Strength and Sunshine
Hopefully it ends up being worth it! But the book I'm reading literally drew me in on the first sentence!