As you read this I am either A) waiting to pounce on my registration for classes at 8am when it opens, B) frantically trying to input my class selection, praying I can get my classes, or C) completely exhausted from inputting my classes and hitting submit. But really I hope that D) happened, meaning everything went smoothly and I am officially registered for my first semester freshman year classes. It just keeps getting more real. I'm keeping myself from actually counting down how many days I have left. I want to know, but I don't. If I did count I think I would just stress myself out and feel like I had to rush and do everything right this moment. Just take it slow, each day at a time.
All of this "blog design" stuff is getting to me though. I keep waffling back and forth between 2 designers and keep sending them sporadic emails. But then I start thinking that I really don't have the money and I should just move to self-hosting and figure out a minimal design myself. But then I'm worried I'll mess something up. And then I keep seeing that my "media" usage on this here blog is at 70% and has a big glaring red X by it, warning me my time is almost up! What happens when I run out of space? Will I not be able to post anymore besides just words? Ugh! I need to get this figured out ASAP! I do know though that I want to get hosted with Host Gater and not Bluehost. Bluehost always seems like it goes down so I think the Gater is better 😉 Anyway...I think I need to talk to my dad now about helping me pay for this all...
Monday: Power Monday #52 What Is Strength?
Tuesday: Happy New Yoga Clothes From Tasc Performance
Wednesday: Sunflower Asian Eggplant
Thursday: I'm A CocoNUT!
Blog Posts and Links I loved this week:
Life, Mind, Body, Spirit:
+ 10 Things Introverts Can Do To Survive When Surrounded By Strangers
O wow, look at #6. I started just in time 😉
Exactly. "Normal" is relative to each one of us. We define our own "Normal".
What are you trying to soak up right now?
+ Why You Should Pay Attention To Your Dreams
It's up to you to lead yourself in the right direction.
+ 8 Habits That Rob You Of Happiness
Love these!
+ 4 Tips For Taking Criticism Without Falling Apart
Responding the right way.
+ 5 Easy Steps To Make Any Dream Come True
I think #1 is most important!
+ What Missing A Goal Has Taught Me
"Keep on keepin' on!"
+ 9 Ways Women Can Become Better Women
Do/learn these things!
THIS woman is awesome!
+ How To Make The Most Of Your Life Transitions
Got lots of transitions coming my way 😛
Love her! 😉
+ Yoga On Instagram Vs. Yoga In Reality
Haha, just a little funniness 😉
Brittany is so fearless and such a great role model!
+ Ask A Yogini: What Is Drishti?
I love that word 😛 I actually I always say it during my practice!
+ 6 Ways To Calm Pre-Race Nerves
Having a plan, staying organized, and not comparing are the best!
+ Is There A Method To Your Strength Training Madness
What's you favorite method?
+ How To Clean Your Cycling Shoes In The Dishwasher
Well look at that!
+ The Women's Guide To Increasing Strength Without Increasing Bulk
Different forms of training will have different results.
+ Has High Intensity Exercise Gotten Out Of Hand?
Are we compromising quality and risking injury?
+ 10 Ways Running Improves Your Life
Needing some motivation?
+ 10 Questions To NEVER Ask A Runner one is ever to old to do anything!
+ How I Stopped Loving Foods That Don't Love Me: Adopting A Plant Based Lifestyle
Way to go Nicky!
+ Is The New Stevia Sweetened Coke Healthier Than Diet?
O man...why can't they just ban soda all together?
+ False Advertising With Blogger Recipes
Haha, o yes, this is so true!
+ The Ultimate Guide To Measuring
To be a baker or not be a baker...
+ Enough With The Gluten-Free Haters!
Wow...that's all I have to say about this.
+ 5 Easy Ways To Boost Metabolism
Nothing new here!
+ Balancing Traveling & Nutrition
Staying healthy while being away from home.
+ Under The Banner Of Veganism. Deprivation Diets, Eating Disorders and Orthorexia
I hate how being "vegan" is being abused by some as something to hide behind, thus giving it a bad rep.
Interesting read!
Blogging & Social Media:
+ 8 Resources To Build Your Freelance Writing Career
Great list to get you started!
Heather wrote a great guest post on Nicole's blog this week! Must read!
+ How To Stick To A Consistent Blogging And Commenting Schedule
Since I have time right now, I have been trying different things and trying to be really active online.
+ 8 Simple Tips To Get More People To Read Your Blog Posts
Hook 'em and keep them coming back!
I need to try Windows Live Writer!
+ Survey of 1000+ Bloggers: How To Be In The Top 5%
Carla shared this on Facebook yesterday and I thought it was pretty interesting!
I think I've finally gotten over this. I'll talk about my blog loud and proud now, because it is me, my space, my love!
Fashion & Beauty:
+ The 11 Best Shopping Sites You've Never Heard Of
Let's go shopping!
Other Stuff:
+ 7 Unique Things Your Microwave Can Do
Ah! I've got to try the onion one!
+ Why We Should Stop Talking About Kendell Jones And Do These 5 Things For Animals
Am I the only one who just things this whole "Kendell Jones" thing is really...weird?
+ Top 30 Ways To Persuade As Many People To Go Vegan As Possible
Go get them!
+ I Taught My Daughter Some Things Are Okay To Hate
I loved this!
+ 5 Reasons Modern-Day Parenting Is In Crisis, According To A British Nanny
So much truth right here!
Favorite Pins:
(Follow me on Pinterest – RebeccaGF666)
Coconut Plantain "Rice" Pudding. Now, something to wake-up to!
Vegan, Oil-Free Mayonnaise. Only 13 calories a tablespoon? I'm so in!
Hummus Chicken Salad. I could eat this all day!
Beautiful Messy Bun. O how I wish...
Blueberry Chia Jam. Simply lovely! Perfect for all those summer blueberries 😉
Turnip Blueberry Muffins. This is awesome! Veggies and fruit all in a wonderful little muffin!
A few things I loved about my week or am grateful for:
+ Can I tell you about the best thing I tasted all week? Honey Cinnamon Nut Thins! O boy. These babies taste like French joke! Totally gluten-free, soy-free, and vegan (if your not strict with honey). These are brand new from Blue Diamond as part of their "Bee Cause We Care"
Campaign and I am in love! They also have a new Honey Mustard which I almost bought, but they will have to wait until my next grocery shopping 😉
+ This is random, but I can floss my front bottom teeth like a normal person again! I had a thin metal bar put on the back of my teeth after I got my braces off to keep my teeth extra secure from shifting (even though I wear a retainer at night). But I finally got that damn thing taken off this week since I will be getting my wisdom teeth out on the 24th! With the wisdom teeth out and still wearing my retainers at night, my teeth will hopefully be fine without that bar anymore! It was so annoying and kept breaking off in on spot. If I tried to floss, the floss would get stuck or I would rip the glue off.
+ You know what I'm really grateful for? That it's summer and it's sunny and warm. Really that's all I need. I just wish time would go a little slower and things would stay right in this place for awhile longer.
So tell me:
+ Should I just put up a theme myself and do my own "design", or spend $700 on a designer? Please help me! Know of any cheap but really good designers?
+ What will you be up to this weekend? I have no idea yet, but probably just more of the same. Relaxing and savoring the lazy days of summer.
+ What is once recipe you've been dieing to make? I have a bunch rolling around in my head right now 😉
Stay connected: Facebook: Strength and Sunshine Twitter: @RebeccaGF666 Instagram: rebeccagf666 Pinterest: RebeccaGF666 Bloglovin’: Strength and Sunshine
Thanks for linking up and sharing my guest post! You always have a great variety of post inspiration in your Friday Finishers. Good luck with all of the blog design stuff, it can certainly get tricky! I'm no expert, but my advice would be to go ahead and transfer over to self-hosting. If you're already thinking of a big change, it would be easier to do it now if you've been thinking about it. Also, I use GoDaddy to host. I don't know how it compares to the rest, but I figured I would put in my two cents. 🙂
Strength and Sunshine
Thank you Heather! I I really think I will have it all squared away by this week....fingers crossed! But I am the wosrt at making decisions, so this is all killing me! Haha!
Good luck getting registered for those classes, I hope you're resting in bed this Saturday morning 🙂 I love chia jam and Nut Thins...holy cow, I can finish off a box of those in no time!
Strength and Sunshine
Resting in bed writing blog posts...yes!
I need to make some homemade jam! Just another bucket list recipe to make!
And those Nut Thins...You'll be dreaming about them!
Rebecca, HOW EXCITING ABOUT REGISTERING FOR CLASSES! Ah, that seems like FOREVER AGO FOR ME, almost five years...and that makes me feel old 😛 I hope you get all the techy stuff of your blog figured out, that can be so frustrating! I use Weebly, and did it myself, if that helps 🙂
Strength and Sunshine
Haha, you are nowhere near all, haha!
I think by the end of next week I should be on my way to a new blog! I am in touch with really good potential designers (one is cheap, one is free!) and I am really excited now, ah!
Brittany Lesser
Congrats on registering for your first college classes, so exciting!! 😀 Thanks for the link love as usual girl. You are SO awesome!!! love ya!
Strength and Sunshine
Not congrats yet :/ It didn't go very well...
But you so welcome! XOXO Stay amazing!
Great post & that Coconut Plantain “Rice” Pudding looks amazing! I'll have to try it.
Strength and Sunshine
It totally does, right!?
Thanks for sharing my posts!! And good luck with the blog redesign. I remember being very stressed when I made the move and changed my blog design but it all works out 🙂
Strength and Sunshine
I know it will be so worth it in the end! This little blog deserves some pampering 😉
Debbie Woodruff
Self hosting is definitely worth it. I did it on my own a few years ago and I'm happy I did. I even updated my theme myself this year. And I'm not any super-techno bloggy person either. Though I did have a few moments of panic from time to time during the process :-).
So many great links to check out! I may just as well leave work early because nothing is going to get done any way! Thanks for including my running questions post.
Strength and Sunshine
I think I am going to have to take that leap myself too! I can usually figure things out and I have been gathering some great tutorials on design!
Haha, it's Friday you can do mindless reading! 😉
Oh no! I'm sorry about the registration difficulties--I hope you are able to get them resolved! Just remember that most freshman get the short end of the stick in terms of classes, you're not the only one 😉 I'm not sure how it works at GW, but if I need to get into a class at Vassar, I send an e-mail to the professor explaining the circumstances, and he or she is typically very accommodating and willing to add me in. Best of luck! (Which classes are you hoping to take, by the way? Any pre-req's/general core classes?)
A severe heat watch is in effect for Seattle this weekend, so I'll be hiding inside with a book and in front of a blaring fan, haha. I wanted to do some workouts on the spin bike, but my sports medicine doctor told me no biking until my back heals up, so that's out of the picture 🙁 Maybe I'll just head down to the lake to chill for a bit in the water!
Gosh, I have so many recipes I want to make that I can't even choose one. I'd like to make another attempt at vegan tamales, so maybe that will be what I do first!
Strength and Sunshine
I have a done of required ones for my school for freshman year and the only way it will work with next semester and having enough credits now that I couldn't get into one of my classes is if I can get into this other class (but it won't open until full registration on 7/15!)
I never associate Seattle with severe heat, haha! But hey, if you need to give it a rest, the lake sounds perfect!
I have been wanting to try my hand at some vegan enchiladas! But, yea, my to-make recipe idea list is overflowing!
Thanks for sharing my blueberry chia jam! And actually.. I'd be happy to create a blog design on a self-hosted WordPress app for you! I'm a web designer and am hoping to start working more with bloggers, but I don't have any in my portfolio! Let me know if you'd be interested. On the hizzouse. Yeah, I said hizzouse. 😀
Strength and Sunshine
The jam looks so yummy!
Hey, shoot me an email, and maybe we can discuss some things, even if it is just tips! I need all the help I can get!
Erin (@girlgoneveggie)
I love all your links! I hope you got into all the classes you wanted to!
Strength and Sunshine
Haha, thank you Erin! XOXO
Great great links! Several are now open in a new window waiting for me to read. I highly recommend My Cute Lobster Designs She is very reasonable and awesome to work with.
Strength and Sunshine
Thanks Jill! I will check her out! I have so many things I just need to organize, write out, and see just what I need/want/ and can afford!
Dannii @ Hungry Healthy Happy
That hummus chicken salad looks so good. I have been eating so much hummus at the moment.
I've watched both of my kids try and register for classes they wanted and become unsuccessful in that pursuit. It doesn't make sense that schools don't add more classes of the popular ones. Extremely frustrating.
On the blog design, I just had mine redone recently for only $100. I'd be happy to share her information with you, if needed. She also will host your blog for $30-$35/year.
Strength and Sunshine
They broke the freshman registration into 3 days of 4 hour time periods. I'm on the second day, but I have a ton of required classes I need to get done my freshman year. It seriously is one of the most stressful things now that I am up in the air with it all!
Send me an email with her name! I would love to check her out 🙂 Thank you!
Michelle @ Vitamin Sunshine
Thanks for the link! You've been really busy reading this week.
Good luck with your classes. I remember those days, waiting by the computer to register asap to get the classes I wanted!
Strength and Sunshine
I did not have such good luck...right now I am waiting to get answer answer back from one of the departments since Ia m in a bit of trouble right fun!
Amy Stafford
What a great list. I bit the bullet paid a designer to move me over to self hosted, and I couldn't be more pleased. I use the Thesis theme- it is pretty darn easy to use. Maybe someone could help with the move, but then you could design the theme to your liking.
Strength and Sunshine
Haha, no, the move is easy, the design...not so much. But I think I could do most of it myself. I'm thinking either the Genesis theme or the one you have. They are pretty similar though, right?
Tara Newman
Thanks for including me on your list! When I first went self hosted I just bought a theme from Theme Foundry for $70. I later had the theme customized. Or you can just have dad make the investment 🙂
Strength and Sunshine
I talked to him yesterday and I think I know what I'm going to do! Just a few more emails with a designer (for minimal work) and I think I can get it all done for less than $300 😉