Happy Friday! Yay, the weekend is only hours away and much needed. I have had some big tests this week, in precalc, psychology, and government. I am so glad this week is over. But next week I have a huge Latin test on lines 1-109 of the Aeniad...I don't even know how to react. I am just hoping I can get in some quality relaxing time this weekend and decompress a bit because boy am I tired! But I still have tons to get done over the weekend like always. Homework, studying, blogging, volunteer work, emails to write, college apps to work on, o and a new recipe I am really excited to create (stay tuned and I will hopefully be posting it on Wednesday! It's going to be a good one!). Well here's to the Friday Finisher!
Monday: Power Monday #11 HIIT It!
Tuesday: A Trichy Situation
Wednesday: A Typical Lunch and My First Sprouted Black Beans
Thursday: Just Popping In
Blog Posts I loved this week:
+ Goals: Perception, Pressure, & Doing Your Own Damn Thing
You absolutely must read Gabby's post! I think this was my favorite of the whole week. "We define what we think the best versions of ourselves should be that based on what we perceive as the best possible of version of everyone else." - Gabby
+ Foto Friday: Shooting in Manual
Perfect quick reminders and tips on shooting. Take your DSLR of auto and get your money's worth!
This was form last week, but I just found it over the weekend. Why are women's clothes defined by numbers like 0, 1, 2, etc.?
+ New Inquiries into Eating Disorders and Obesity
Interesting and much needed study.
+ What Food Allergies are Costing Families -- and the Economy
Allergies and special diets are definitely costly, ($6 for a loaf of GF bread!) so will new research and treatments lower costs?
+ Hip Stability Exercises to prevent ITBS and Runner’s Knee
Don't forget or neglect the hips! They need to be strong to support your activity and prevent injury.
+ What is Living FearLESSly?
Love Heather's tips to live fearlessly.
+ 41 Reasons Why Pugs are the Most Majestic Creatures on Earth
Tina shared this on her blog the other day and it was just so cute. I love Pugs, they are my favorite dog, even though I don;t have one and don't really like pets in general Pugs still have my heart.
+ 20 DIY Fall Wreath Tutorials
I love making home-made wreaths! I made one for my mom last Christmas. Even though it took forever and very frustrating at times, it payed off and looked beautiful! I had originally gotten the idea from Gina's blog.
+ What You Need to Know: Kettlebell Training
Do you like using Kettlebells? I usually just use them from Plie Squats and Swings.
+ When Healthy Living Becomes Obsessive
Do you feel stressed about living your healthy life and keeping with your healthy living guidelines?
+ How I Let Go of Calorie Counting
I don't calorie count, but this is a great read if you are struggling with letting go of counting. Let yourself be free and focus on nutrients and quality of food not numbers!
Favorite Pins:
(Follow me on Pinterest – RebeccaGF666)
Moroccan Quinoa Stuffed Red Peppers. I love stuffed peppers but haven't made them in awhile since I haven't wanted to kill me stomach.
Roasted Acorn Squash Quinoa. Perfect Fall dish!
Healthy No Mayo Sweet Potato Tuna Salad. Another great bowl meal! I am totally making this weekend!
Tex Mex Spaghetti Squash with Black Bean Guacamole. Looks so good! Even with my love/hate relationship with S. Squash.
Skillet-Popped Lentils. O man, this is amazing! A new way to fulfill my love of the little legume.
Crock Pot Butternut Squash and Parsnip Soup. I have never made a pureed veggie soup, but I may just have to try one soon!
A few things I loved about my week or am grateful for:
+ 103 days (and going strong) of being (eyebrow and eyelash) trich free!
+ I got through my first FULL 5 day week of school...now just like 30 something more haha!
+ Apples! The Grocery finally had some really good ones. Yay Apple season!
+ I am about 90% done with my main Common App essay! Hallelujah!
So Tell me:
What do you have planned for the weekend?
Kettlebells? Yay or Nay?
Ever make a pureed veggie soup? They just have always looked so filling to me, but I guess I just need to give it a try.
Lisa @ Lisa the Vegetarian
Great round-up of links and that stuffed pepper recipe looks delicious. I'll have to go check it out!
Thanks for stopping by Lisa. And they do, that one is definetly in my to-make list!
Charlotte @ Commitness to Fitness
Thanks for the link love!! cant wait to take a look at these other ones!
Your welcome Charlotte! There are some good posts this week!
Thanks so much for the shout out!
No Problem, Caroline!