So I really was going into this week optimistically, but that all went down hill slowly starting on Tuesday and the massive crash was on Wednesday. One of those days where everything that could go wrong did. It was bad...I cried basically the whole day. The one highlight was working out and lifting heavy weights. Working out makes me feel so much better. I feel like a new person afterwards. So I made sure I kept that going strong the rest of the week with some awesome sweat sessions (I may even share a workout with you on Monday! It has been MONTHS since I last did!).
Anyway, I am slowly starting to iron things out. The dining hall (I must have jinxed) because there was some major miscommunication with the staff that lead to some major mess-ups. Starbucks isn't taking GWorld right now. When I tried to pay and they denied me, I said forget it, but some kind government official looking woman told the cashier she would pay for my drink. Seriously, so embarrassing, but that lady was so kind. Some people are awesome. I can't handle a language. Spanish is horrible (the teacher only speaks Spanish) and the book I ordered online didn't come with the access code I need to sign up for the online portal for homework (thus I was so so so far behind, with no way to catch up). So I am now in the process of dropping that class and simply taking a health and wellness class (most likely something called Functional Fitness, just so I can get enough credits to be a full-time student). So now that I am not going to ever take a language, I have to switch from the Elliott School to the Colombian School of Arts and Sciences and change my major to (hopefully) Political Science and Public Policy. I think this will be much better for me and I will be meeting with advisers from that school later today to find out if this transfer can be made for the Spring semester.
I am just a bundle of nerves, emotions, sadness, and homesickness right now. I am trying to hard and that is all I can do. I'll let you know how everything turns out on Monday...until then...Happy Friday!
Monday: Power Monday #59 Running Free
Tuesday: How To Find Your Creative Mind
Wednesday: Chocolate Buckwheat Mug Cake
Blog Posts and Links I loved this week:
Life, Mind, Body, Spirit:
+ 17 Steps To Becoming Mentally Stronger
Very good list! Do these for sure!
Don't leave anything to regret later.
+ 10 Ways to Boost Your Motivation And Crush Your Goals
You can do it!
+ How To Maintain Balance In Your Busy Life
I am in some serious need of balance right now.
+ But Really It Looks Awful
I do accept compliments, but in my head I always feel like the person is just making fun.
+ Why Smart, Creative People Underestimate Themselves And How To Quit
Stop thinking you can't do can!
+ 10 Must-Know Savasana Variations
Maybe these can get me to actually take savasana 😉
+ Do You Feel Guilty For Working Out?
Do you feel guilty for taking a shower? No...and working out is just as important.
+ 10 Reasons To Do Your Yoga Teacher Training
You will learn so much more than you think!
+ What Is A Yogi? The 5 Biggest Misconceptions
Again...Yoga Is For EVERYONE!
+ Top 3 Reasons Yoga & Your Body Deserve Each Other are the best!
+ 5 Reasons To Workout In The Morning {Even If You're Not A Morning Person}
I'm so glad I can keep my workouts mostly in the mornings like I did all summer!
+ 16 Tips For Packing A Healthier Lunch
Packing lunch is the best!
+ Can't Vs. Don't Vs. Won't
Every type of eater still deserves respect.
+ The Essential Guide To Herbs
The lovely little gems of the Earth!
+ How To Make A Protein Smoothie Without Protein Powder
God forbid you ever run out!
I haven't tried any, but in case your interested 😉
+ 10 [Not-So-Healthy] "Health" Foods
Yes! Don't be so gullible!
+ Raw Sugar: Whole Food Or Hoax?
Sugar is sugar no matter what. But I'm still sticking with stevia.
+ Reality Check: Dining Out Gluten-Free
Some great tips on eating out!
+ 10 Foods To Stay Energized & Naturally Slim Down
Fun foods! Except for the eggs....that's disgusting.
+ September: In-Season Produce
Time to buy these goodies!
+ 12 Essential Guidelines For Eating A Plant-Perfect Diet
Plants make my body happy 🙂
+ 40 Desserts You Won't Feel Guilty About Eating
Thanks for including me girls!
+ 10 Tips To Get Great Sleep Tonight
I have no idea why I am so tired! I'm going to bed earlier than ever...
+ 10 Natural Ways To Settle Your Stomach
I'm a believer in peppermint tea!
+ 10 Things I Tell Anyone Who Wants To Fight Inflammation
Blogging, Social Media, Technology:
This is really awesome!
+ It's Okay To Change With Your Blog
Blogs can evolve and grow just like we do.
+ 5 Steps To Optimize Your Post Titles
That first line is the most important so make it count!
+ 30 {Different} Blog Post Ideas
Just in case you need some ideas.
In short, it's keywords...but it is so much more complicated.
+ 5 Important Lessons I Learned My First Year Of Blogging
It's always interesting to see what other bloggers have learned. Many are the same, but some are different.
+ All The Comments On Every Recipe Blog
Hahahahahahaha! This is SO sadly true! Why are people so weird? I never know how to respond to some of this stuff!
+ Little Words With Absolutely Huge Meaning -- Use Them
So true, so true!
+ Making Every Day More Like A Vacation
Make your days a little more chill!
+ 10 Tips For Managing Your Time
I hope I can be successful this year with school, blogging, work, fitness, my health, etc.
+ The Face: Why You Should Exfoliate & What To Use
Get that glowing skin!
+ 5 Reasons Why You Should Travel The World
One day...
Favorite Pins:
(Follow me on Pinterest – RebeccaGF666)
Single Serving Pumpkin Muffin. Let the pumpkin begin!
Spaghetti Squash with Roasted Sage, Hazelnut & Cauliflower Sauce. So elegant and so delicious!
Vegan Mushroom Lentil Burger. That plate just looks perfect. I miss my kitchen :'(
Sticky Sesame Salmon with Orange Sauce. I'm sad again because I miss making my own fish 🙁
Maple-Orange Roasted Chickpeas & Carrots (& Brown Rice Bowl). Perfect dinner bowl indeed!
Pumpkin, Apple, and Pecan Pie Waffles. Mommy, please send me my waffle maker 😉
Chickpea Scramble with Sweet Potato Salsa & Garlicky Kale. SWEET POTATO SALSA!?
A few things I loved about my week or am grateful for:
+ That wonderful day I had on Sunday.
+ The fact that it is National Breakfast AND National Potato Month.
+ A very special phone call on Tuesday that could possible change my life...I'll let you know if it pans out 😉
So tell me:
+ What do you do when you have those days where everything goes wrong?
+ What was your best workout of the week? Of the one you enjoyed the most? I think lifting this week was much more enjoyable than yoga for some reason. But that's okay! Our bodies always need something different!
**P.S. Re-follow my NEW blog on Bloglovin’ since the domain has changed! Don’t want to miss any updates **
Stay connected: Facebook: Strength and Sunshine Twitter: @RebeccaGF666 Instagram: rebeccagf666 Pinterest: RebeccaGF666 Bloglovin’: Strength and Sunshine
Michelle @ Vitamin Sunshine
Wish I could buy spaghetti squash over here in Asia! That "pasta" with hazelnuts looks incredible. I love cauli sauce 🙂 Great links, as always. My browser bar is full!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
I'll have to ship you some squash! That's so sad :O
Ugh girl, I am sending so much love and happiness your way! My week wasn't great either, so we're in the same boat! Keep your chin up. Remember that you're the bee's knees, and that your track record for making it through bad weeks is currently 100%. I've got no time on my hands, yet I'm about to delve into this post and read all these links. One does not simply exit without visiting all these links! Thank you for such a lovely linkup. I'll keep you in my thoughts this week 🙂 xx
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thank you love!
It's hard to remember that you can get through those days and weeks when your in the thick of it, but it is so true that we can and we have before!
Blog reading is the best type of procrastination...I'm doing it right now 😉 XOXO
Brittany @ DulceVie
I'm sorry that you are having a bad week, we all get those 🙁 And that was very nice of the lady behind you at Starbucks. It is acts of kindness like that, that remind me of the good in the world.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
It was totally needed that day too! The one ray of sunshine 😉
jill conyers
Pumpkin love!
Running and/or working out is the best way to deal with "those" days. I hope things get better soon!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
The power of fitness!
Thanks Jill 🙂
Megan @ Meg Go Run
Rebecca, all those feelings... I felt the same way in college. In fact, I feel like I was reading something I could have written 14 years ago. (Omg has it been that long!?) But anyway, I still remember the way I felt clear as day and I totally empathize with what you are dealing with right now. It DOES get easier. It isn't always easy, but it does get easier. Hang in there. You are a strong woman and you are going to kick some ass!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thank you Megan 😉 I do want to kick ass and show the world what I can do!
So many people get through it, I should be capable too!
Megan @ Meg Go Run
You will, just don't feel alone! We are here for you!
Kaylin @ Enticing Healthy Eating
Dang...Just know that you're not the only college student who has gone through lots of issues and problems like these. Whatever you do, just keep your head up because you're going places! My favorite saying for when I'm feeling down is "Chin up, buttercup!" 🙂 Thinking of you and hoping it only gets better from here for you! Plus, the health class will be fun. Sounds a lot more fun than a language class to a health nut like myself. 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Haha, thank you Kaylin 🙂 I just need to keep truckin' along while I give everything time.
The new class does seem more aligned with my personal interests, haha! Hopefully it will be the right and final choice now in my schedule!
Thank you so much for the shout out!! glad you liked my ideas 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Your welcome Helene 🙂 XOXO
Heather @ Housewife Glamour
Oh no, I'm sorry to hear about your crash! Hope you're feeling better. And don't worry about the Starbucks episode - we've all been there (well at least I have!) It's embarrassing, but it happens. Thanks for linking up - hope you enjoy the weekend! xo
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thanks Heather 🙂 I hope you have a good weekend too!
clare @ fitting it all in
prayin that things get easier for you girl!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thank you so much love 🙂 XOXO
Juhea Kim
Hey Rebecca, you've had a rough week...same here!!! I did the same thing with working out to cheer myself up. Literally had a near anxiety attack on Wednesday night and pulled myself up enough together to do a quick barre exercise in my room (gotta prepare for that Friday evening class). My heart goes out to you--I really hope you have a great, restorative, and somewhat self-indulgent weekend 😉
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thanks Juhea!
Never underestimate what moving you body can do! It relives the stress and sadness for at least a little while!
Brie @ Lean, Clean, & Brie
I had almost the same experience at Starbucks last year on my campus. I was embarrassed, but it is amazing the generosity of people that we do not even know!
Keep your head up and enjoy the weekend 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
It's a good reminder that there are SOME good people still out there willing to help you!
Thank Brie! You too! XOXO
you'll get there friend. try not to stress. Hope it all irons out for you soon. xxoo
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thanks Lindsay 🙂 XOXO
Katie @ running4cupcakes
awww man that sounds miserable.. . hope things turn around quickly for you. 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thanks Katie! 🙂
Mar @ Mar on the Run
aw, keep your head up! and let me know if there is anything I can ever do for you at GW!! I can even meet you for coffee (or a workout!) 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thanks love!
I think you should meet me for a run! I need it!
Mar @ Mar on the Run
that too!! 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Let me know when your free! Email me!
So sorry you had such a rough week Rebecca. My children (high school senior and third year of college) had a rough start to the new school year as well. You're right there's nothing like a good workout to change your mind set. I always feel better after a good workout. Stay positive and have a wonderful weekend!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thanks Nicole!
I just try to keep telling myself that it has only been 2 weeks. (Even though my college acts like it has been a few months and we should be adjusted!)
Emily @My Healthyish Life
Can't wait to hear about that phone call! Hope it all works out 🙂 Working out definitely helps me calm down, but I have to make sure I don't overdo it. I also love going to Barnes and Nobles and getting lost in a random book.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Working out is my saving grace. If I didn't have that...I have no idea how I would get through the days!
Bookstores and Libraries are the perfect places to wind down!
Larisa @0to26point2
Aw I remember the stresses of school. Just stay strong and I am sure you will get through it with no problems. Your food favorites look delicious. Thanks for posting so I can check them out.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thanks Larisa!
I am trying!