Happy 2018! Who is ready to make this an AMAZING year? I need an amazing year after my 2017. It doesn't have to be amazing, but at least bearable. I've already kicked 2018 off to a good start I'd say (goal-wise, sadly, not health-wise, urgh!). I'm going to try something new this year and keep my goals secret, to just me, myself, and I (for now). You guys know I'm not into actual resolutions and dead set GOALS, but there are some directions I'd like to go in and 2 major "goals" that I actually started a week ago, before 2018 even started. I have a good (strangely optimistic) feeling about 2018, so I'm going to keep rolling with it and see how things go.
Obviously, I decided to keep the Friday Finisher around on Strength and Sunshine, at least for now. You guys made it clear you did enjoy it and would miss these posts. I would miss them too and where else would I be able to share all the interesting posts I read throughout the week? So for now...Friday Finisher lives on!
SS Posts from the week:
Wednesday: Gluten-Free Buffalo Pasta Salad (Vegan, Allergy-Free)
Blog Posts and Links I loved this week:
Life, Mind, Body, Spirit:
+ 6 Things Learned About Single People In 2017
Don't feel bad about it!
+ 9 Creative New Year's Resolutions
Inspired by TED Talks!
+ Why Scandinavians Are Happier
The know what's up with it comes to "balance".
+ The 1 Simple Lazy Activity For Creativity & Productivity
All about this!
+ 16 Food Facts Only Real Adults Can Handle
+ The Friendship Bread Project
Let's start a GF one!
WHY can't these all be G-Free?
Health, Celiac Disease, & Food Allergies:
+ The New Opiate Of The Masses
Take a wild guess.
+ 5 Ways You Can Help Parents With Kids With Food Allergies
It takes a village.
+ Sorry, Your Gluten Sensitivity Is Actually A Fructan Intolerance
Yes. Seriously. FODMAPs.
Blogging & Social Media:
+ 4 Ways To Create Your Best Social Media Post Ever
If you're going to add to the noise, make it good!
+ How To Be Happier On Social Media
As we enter a new year.
+ 5 Mistakes To Avoid With Free Stock Photos For Blogging
I'm not a fan of stock anyway (thankfully I'm a food blogger).
+ Set Yourself Up For Pinning Success
Straight from THE source.
+ 100 Trend Predictions For 2018
Focusing on....
Design, Tech, & Photography:
+ Do We Want To Live In Facebook's Utopia?
Not really, no.
Should we apologize?
+ Why The Paperless World Still Hasn't Happened
Tech vs. paper? What if tech came first, paper second?
+ How To Edit Photos Taken In Less Than Ideal Lighting
Save this one...forever.
A great industry to be in.
Career, Business, & Success:
What we will see happening this year.
+ What The Rich Do Differently
Well, most of the rich, eh?
No...I'm still confused.
+ How To Become The Best In The World At What You Do
The journey to success.
Podcasts & Audio:
+ 5 AM Miracle Podcast: High Performance Living
Here's some motivation for 2018!
+ Simple Families Podcast: Simple Fitness In Motherhood
I think this would be great for every woman to listen to.
+ Food Blogger Pro: 3 Ways To Set Smarter Goals
Bjork always provides great insight!
+ NHN: Successful Influencer/Brand Partnerships Panel
Great replay of the discussion!
+ How To Find Free Books And Movies
Free knowledge and entertainment!
+ The 100 Best Non-Fiction Books Of All Time
I do love a good non-fiction read!
Things To Eye & Buy:
+ Dying to have one of these cropped sweatshirts.
+ Not really my "style", but I still want one.
+ Cozy and my favorite color!
+ In LOVE with the black!
Yummy Recipes To Pin:
(Follow me on Pinterest – RebeccaGF666)
A perfect cold weather meal!
All hail the sprouts!
I've always wanted to try some broscht!
A few things I loved about my week or am grateful for:
+ I would LOVE it if you took the end-of-year reader survey if you still haven't!
+ I am SO excited for some awesome content coming your way this year. I've been planning and your won't be disappointed!
So tell me:
+ If Your Not Like Me: Spill The Deets Your Goals/Resolutions For 2018?
Stay connected: Facebook: Strength and Sunshine Twitter: @RebeccaGF666 Instagram: rebeccagf666 Pinterest: RebeccaGF666 Bloglovin’: Strength and Sunshine Google+: Rebecca Pytell
That happiness report is fascinating!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine