We are almost there! 12 days until Christmas has finally set in. Just one more work week to get though. This week though was sooooo long. Even though I had a delayed opening on Monday, no school Tuesday, and a half day on Wednesday, the week just dragged. I am so worried this coming week is going to be even worse. Let's hope not...keep the positive holiday spirit going please! But it is hard to enjoy it because it stays in the 20s everyday and is absolutely freezing outside. But most of us are dealing with it so I know I am not alone here in Jersey.
So this weekend I am planning on getting some studying done and some work that won;t really need to be done until after break, but why not get a head start. I also need to run to Micheal's (or maybe the dollar store) to pick up my supplies for Christmas presents. I think I am making the same thing for my mom, dad, and brother, but I can't say what as I am pretty sure they will see this post 😉 You will see eventually. Besides that I have some recipe development to work on and hopefully I can get some reading in. I am almost finished with this book. It is so good, but I am still majorly slacking in my reading and feel so guilty about it. Anyway I hope you have a lovely Friday and get some productivity in before the weekend 😉
Monday: Power Monday #23 Holidays Should NOT Correlate With Guilt
Tuesday: Holiday Gift Guide: For the Fitness Fanatic
Wednesday: Macrobiotic Sushi Bowl
Thursday: Holiday Gift Guide: For the Foodie
Blog Posts I loved this week:
Love these, especially #3!
Beautiful 🙂
+ This Has Made Me Love My Body More
The endless gifts of strength training. Confidence, self-love, happiness!
Let yourself truly find happiness. Don't let a number get in the way of your health!
+ Best and Worst Health Trends of 2013
Do you agree? I agree with #4 of the Best 😉 Vegans!
Haha, #10! Having the bedtime of a senior...that's me 🙂 8:30pm lights out!
+ What Are You Filling Your Container With?
Love this idea! Treat yourself as a container you want to fill with positives and the things that bring happiness.
+ How the Media Failed Women in 2013
Women definitely are not treated well in the media, but how do you feel about this topic?
+ I'm Not Your Hero and Do We Ever Get Passed 80%
Beautiful post by Heater! She may not be perfect, but she sure is inspirational 🙂
A beautiful story of find passion, purpose and inspiration. Do what you love!
+ Crying is Roadmap to Clarity
It is okay to let yourself cry and get your emotions out. It can be the most beneficial thing.
+ Grass-fed or Grass-finished????
If you are going to eat meat, know the difference on all those labels!
+ The Flowers in Your Windowsill
Absolutely beautiful 🙂
+ How to Live a More Meaningful Life in 7 Day
Good reminders to life by every day!
Favorite Pins:
(Follow me on Pinterest – RebeccaGF666)
Sprouted Lentil Bread. I am pretty sure I found my soul-mate recipe! Where have you been all my life?
Gingerbread Vegan Meatballs. A festive spiced vegan main?
Sriracha Quinoa Millet Cranberry Orange Granola. Wow this is just crazy creative! I still have never tried Sriracha...I know, a blogger sin!
Vegan Taco Salad Bowl with Smokey Cashew Cream. This...looks...so...good!
50 Circuit Workouts. You will never be without workout inspiration again!
Gluten-Free Chocolate Chip Cookies. Healthy, vegan, and delicious 🙂
A few things I loved about my week or am grateful for:
+ 179 days I had a major slip up last weekend. It was bad and continued into the week. I took it out on my eye lashes and now my bottom lids are very sparse and so are the top lids. I just couldn't seem to help myself once I started. I was fully aware of what I was doing and just kept doing it because it felt good. I don;t know why it started again because I am not more stressed than I was a few weeks ago, at least I don't think so. The last two days have been good though so I think I am getting back on track, but until then I am not adding more days to my trich-free count. 🙁 I am so disappointed in myself, I had been doing so well. I need to do some yoga and inner-reflection to truly figure out the cause. It is so frustrating.
+ I did some great lower body strength training this week. I used to love dead-squats, but then got sick of them and reverted back to normal dead-lifts. But I started doing heavy dead-squats again this week and man! My butt and hamstrings are sore, but it feels so good 🙂
+ I am grateful that I have a warm house to come home to in these freezing temps. I could never imagine what it would be like to not have this luxury and am grateful everyday for shelter.
So tell me:
What are you plans for the weekend?
Have you gotten all your Christmas shopping done or do you still need these precious last 12 days?
Favorite holiday cookie...go! I could go for a good gingerbread man. When I was not gluten-free and not vegan, my grandma always has these amazing soft gingerbread men on Christmas Eve. Sadly, I can no longer have them, but I have been searching the web and see some men that might just fit my needs 😉
I always enjoy your roundups! 🙂
As for Christmas shopping... I have a little more to do still! Ekk!
Don't feel bad, I was supposed to go to the store this weekend, but couldn't because of the snow. Now I have absolutely nothing, haha, only 9 more days to get to it now! 😛
Arman @ thebigmansworld
You, my friend, are a pinning machine on Pinterest- I love it.
I told Holly (eatgreatbegreat) how worried I am about having my account like....blow up. I really do wonder though if there will ever be a pin limit on accounts....hmmm :/
Heather McClees
Thank you for sharing! I had no idea you read my blog!!!:) !:)
I am so happy I found it! I find all of your posts so inspiring and beautiful! You are such a wonderful blogger, women, and friend. I admire your strength and courage to write the way you do 🙂
Nut Butter Runner (@NutButterRunner)
Aw thank you so much for sharing!! Those are some great links! I love those pins from Pinterest, too!
I loved your post 🙂
Anna-Marie @BeautyandtheBeets
I am reading "How to Have a More Meaningful Life in 7 days"- loving it!! Thanks for sharing the link
I found it insightful too 🙂
Laura Dembowski (@piesandplots)
This is a really great post - so much useful information and links! I've never had sriracha either, but I have a bottle in my pantry waiting to be used.
Me too! I have an old open bottle my dad used in the fridge and an unopened one in the cabinet. I also heard the business could be stopping production for awhile due to a law-suit...hmmm....
The Cookie ChRUNicles
Thanks for sharing my link! I am glad so many people can relate and understand how important it can be to step away from that scale.
I have been so much happier not knowing the number!