Well this felt like a whirl-wind week! Even though I had Monday off, I felt like I was go-go-go all week. I feel like I have a ton of things to get done so I am really glad I have this extra day on Friday to do just that! 2 weeks down...a lot more to go! At least I made it successfully through my first lab, recited that poem from memorization (it was nothing compared to reciting the first 2 pages of The Aeneid...in Latin), and did a random presentation in one of my classes. But this is only the beginning! Onward with more work!
And hasn't the weather been so wacky? Well it has in DC! It's cold, but not too cold, it even snowed for a few hours on Wednesday, but then warmed up to 50 the next day. They say it will be sunny today, snow tomorrow, and sunny and 50 again Sunday. I never know what to expect! Not complaining though! It is so much better then NJ if I were home! But one thing I could do without...wind. Wind is no good!
So Happy Friday! Rest, relax, move, eat well, and get ready to enjoy your last week of the New Year! XOXO
Monday: Why This Yogi Loves Inversions...And You Should Too!
Tuesday: Black Garlic Shishito Verde Chicken
Thursday: Recipe ReDux #15 Roasted Smoked Paprika Cinnamon Chickpeas
Blog Posts and Links I loved this week:
Life, Mind, Body, Spirit:
+ Passion
Beautiful! How do you define your passion?
+ 25 Ways To Stop Feeling Overworked And Overwhelmed
Really great post!
+ 5 Unexpected Ways To Break A Bad Habit
Very interesting!
+ I Don't Care About Your Diet Or Your Extra Five Pounds
This is a good one! I really don't want to hear it either.
This is absolutely beautiful!
+ The Problem Isn't That Life Is Unfair - It's Your Broken Idea Of Fairness
**Raise your hand if you think your life is unfair**
Do you find it hard to say you're sorry?
Beautifully written and understood!
Powerful and personal read.
+ 12 Ways Successful People Deal With Toxic People
Screw those negative trolls! They DO NOT deserve even a glance.
+ The Best Tip For New Runners
Just keep going! It only takes a step!
+ When Crying At The Gym Means You're Doing Something Right
You know how I feel about this! I'm not the only one! But it might take an advanced level of fitness first to get there! Don't be discouraged!
+ Race Day Etiquette - Do's And Don't
So one day...soon...I'll need this 😉
+ Why I Don't Want Six-Pack Abs
Damn good post! I totally agree!
+ 7 Workout Mistakes You're Likely Making If You're Trying To Gain Strength
I bet one of these applies to you too.
+ The Single Girl's Guide To Not Wasting Food
As a college student...I do not waste ANYTHING! I freeze it or I eat even almost rotting produce. No joke!
+ The Low Down On "Bars"
Hahaha, o you quest bar lovers, (SO GROSS!)
+ Why I Don't (And Won't) "Eat Clean"
Great open and honest REAL thoughts!
+ Why I Quit Being A Vegetarian
Very interesting.
+ A Case For Hunger & How To Deal With It
It's okay to let yourself feel hunger.
Because when you bake GF, you feel badass!
+ 8 Inspiring Ways To Replace Starch With Cauliflower
I am obsessed with yummy good cauli right now!
+ Joy Behar: An Absolute Gluten-Free Train Wreck
Omg! If I saw this live....o boy. I won't even day what I think...
This isn't one of those posts. It's just a reminder that it really is about nutrition.
+ A Guide To Fat: Healthy Fats vs. Unhealthy Fats
I think adding in a lot more healthy fats to my diet has really changed my health for the better over the past few years!
+ Dear Kate Moss [What Skinny Really Feels Like]
+ The Time I Almost Killed My Child
I almost starting crying reading this. Allergies are SO real. I had this happen to me when I was tested at the allergist actually...
+ Dieting & Nutrition: Don't Go Hard Or Go Home
I totally agree! Stop with the silly fad 30-day challenges/cleanses and all or nothing mind-sets!
Blogging, Social Media, Tech & Photography:
+ Top 10 Ways To Write An Engaging Blog Post
Because we want them to keep coming back!
+ How Did You Grow Your Blog?
Great authentic stories.
+ 10 Pinterest Boards You Should Follow For The Best Blogging Tips
Well I just pinned a bunch!
+ What 3 Years Of Blogging Has Taught Me
These really are some of my favorite types of posts!
+ How To Find Pageviews For A Specific Blog Post
So that's how it's done!
+ 50 Amazing Resources That Will Make You A Better Writer
Because we can always be better!
+ Five Questions To Ask Before Joining A Group Giveaway
Ever done one?
+ Five Blogging Fears (And How To Overcome Them)
We all have (or will) encounter these.
+ I've "Copied." And I Bet You Have Too
Creativity, ideas, blogging, writing, we will always have "similar" and the same ideas.
+ 7 Deadly Mistakes Which Can Ruin Your Blog
Make sure these do not apply to you!
+ What Every European Country Is Best At
Haha, this is super interesting! Way to go Poland!
+ 20 Paint Colors We Love In The Kitchen
This has me dreaming up my one-day dream kitchen!
+ The Brutal Secrets Behind 'The Biggest Loser'
If this is all true....it seriously makes me sick!
+ 20 Creative Ways To Repurpose An Old Yoga Mat
Resourceful...but I don't condone defacing your old yoga mat...it tells a story!
Favorite Pins:
(Follow me on Pinterest – RebeccaGF666)
Quinoa, Peas and Sriracha Roasted Fennel. There is no way you DON'T want to dig in
Asian Salmon and Spinach Rice Bowls. This could be my go-to dinner every night!
Liver-Loving, Sweet Squash & Shiitake Quinoa Pilaf. Just all of it...please!
Tuscan Cannellini Bean Stew with Sorghum. This is a comforting stew!
Chana Masala Stuffed Sweet Potatoes. Um....I think this may be the combo of my dreams!
Vegan Banana & Blueberry Bread. Hello warm delicious sweet bread!
Vegan and Gluten-Free Chocolate Chip Cookies. Well these look pretty perfect!
A few things I loved about my week or am grateful for:
+ My buissness cards arrived! I feel so badass now! AND my dad got Strength and Sunshine t-shirts made! So much SS love! My dad wants me to sell them on the blog, haha! Would you buy an SS shirt? 😉 (Yes, and I failed at finding time to snap pictures of the business cards and shirts...I'll show you next week!)
+ I ran in the rain last Sunday....and the soggy 6.40 miles were pretty awesome non-the-less!
- I won! OMG! I won a Blentec! I can't even handle it! But I won't be able to even see it until I'm back home :/
Stay connected: Facebook: Strength and Sunshine Twitter: @RebeccaGF666 Instagram: rebeccagf666 Pinterest: RebeccaGF666 Bloglovin’: Strength and Sunshine
Noelle @ Coconuts & Kettlebells
Holy AWESOME round-up! So appreciate you sharing my article, and so many others! So much good information here!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Haha you're so welcome!
SO MANY GOOD POSTS. You do the best link round-ups! I am so excited about the post on how to stop feeling overworked and stressed... need that right now! xo
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Haha, the self-proclaimed queen 😉
O gosh, you and me both girl!
Wow, such many great links! I'm currently drooling over all your food pins. The weather's been crazy here in NY, but after we had temps in the single digits for awhile, it's nice that 30 or even 25 doesn't feel so cold anymore 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thank you 😉
O gosh, yes! It's so funny how really cold temps feel warm compared to really REALLY cold temps, hahaha!
Linda @ Veganosity
Joy Behar, don't EVEN get me started! Talk about toxic.
Loved the good, bad fats article. But there is one flaw in it, avocado oil is a great oil to use for high heat.
I laughed at the copying article. There are no original ideas anymore, are there? Most ideas are inspired from something, it's how we interpret what we saw that matters. Full on copying, NOT ok.
We had t-shirts made and gave some away in giveaways at the beginning of last year. I've been thinking about selling them on our blog. I think you should go for it! Order a few in different sizes and see what happens. 🙂
Have a great weekend!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Hahahaha, I never liked her 😛
Really? I thought it was better as a finishing oil like sesame and truffle?
Exactly! You just need to put your unique spin on things. Obviously people are going to have the same ideas/recipes/whatever in their heads. They just need to make it THEIRS!
Haha yes! I have a nice athletic one I made last year, the ones my dad made are just like big t-shirts (too big, so I can only sleep in them, haha!)
genevieve @ gratitude & greens
I get what you mean by crazy weeks. I felt like that in school all the time- always checking things off my list! It was exhausting but I always felt so accomplished and efficient afterwards. It's a good feeling to have! I always love reading the life, mind, body, and spirit posts you share. There is a toxic person in my life right now, and it is just so draining, so I am off to go read that now! Hope you are a fabulous and restful weekend 🙂
Also. Those chana masala stuffed sweet potatoes. Whoever thought of that is GENIUS!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
I feel accomplished if I actually get everything on my list done 😉 Did not happen!
Happy good reading and weekend love!
O, I know! I mean I've had chana masala with a sweet potato, but stuffing it!? Perfection!
good for you for running in the rain...that is dedication. Love tha your dad got you blog tshirts...that is so cool! Happy Saturday Sharefest
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Haha, it was a "fun" experience 😛
Yup! So cute!
Its nice to read some of the linked blog posts here.Glad to see that you have included one of my posts too.Thanks for featuring.
Have a Great Day!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
You too Amila!
Michele @ paleorunningmomma
That is so cool and sweet that your dad made T-shirts for your blog! What an amazing dad you have 🙂 And business cards and a blendtec? I think this is majorly your week Rebecca! Have a great weekend and stay warm! As always what an incredible collections of articles that I will be reading tomorrow on my couch 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Hahaha, it's these kind of things that help get you through the long cold weeks!
I don't think I could've watched the entire segment with Joy Behar...ugh. ALL of those recipes are mouth-watering and now I need a snack. Have a great weekend!!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
I'm really sick of all this gluten-free "noise". It's getting ridiculous!
Hahaha, get cooking!
XOXO, you too!
Hilary @ For the Love of Basil
Thanks for the feature! The Asian Salmon and Spinach Rice Bowls is my favorite recipe of all time!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
It looks so amazingly delicious!
Always love your Friday Finisher posts! 🙂 (And I cannot BELIEVE Rafflecopter didn't pick you for the One Tribe Apparel harem pants; I thought you would be a shoe-in!)
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thank you!
And I know 🙁 I was really sad when I saw that this morning....I wanted those pants!!!!
kristin | W [H] A T C H
thanks so much for including my post! happy friday.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Happy Friday to you too!
Lacey @ Runs and Roses
Thanks for the mention girl! I very much look forward to your Friday posts because you post so many great and interesting articles! I always love all of your links, especially the blogging tips! <3
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
You're so welcome! Glad to hear it 🙂 XOXO
Shashi at runninsrilankan
OHHHHHEMMMGEEEEEEEEEEE - CONGRAAAATTTTTSSSS on winning that Blendtec!!! I am so stoked for you!
Cool set of links - am off to check off those pinterest boards for blogging tips - have a wonderful weekend!!!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Haha, yes! Thank you, I am too! (Obviously!)
I loved that post!
Katie @ running4cupcakes
I agree with you about the wind but oh man 50 degrees sounds pretty nice! Happy Friday - thanks for linking up!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
No matter what, this winter is 100000x better than last year!
Natalie @ Feasting on Fruit
Well you know that cauliflower post was right up my alley! And the fruit n' cream oat smoothie looked delicious, but what I really want is those awesome stainless steel straws with the colorful thingies on them 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Hahaha! I love my stainless steel straws! They just make drinking things extra awesome and COLD!
clare @ fitting it all in
Great great list per usual, girl! xoxo
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thanks 😉
Miranda @ Miranda Writes Blog
Great round up and enjoy your business cards! Have a good weekend! =)
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thanks Miranda, you too!
Not that I don't usually, but I especially love your Life, Mind, Body & Spirit collection this week. I needed that one on feeling overworked and overwhelmed! (That single girl's guide to not wasting food is very applicable to my life. I don't like to waste anything either, and...you're not alone on the eating almost-rotting produce. Those were hard-earned dollars at stake!)
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Yay! I'm happy I provide helpful uplifting material 😉
Haha! Yea, it's sad, but that brown celery and mushy lettuce is going to be used somehow!
Emily @My Healthyish Life
Congrats on winning the Blendtec! I've never won any kind of raffle so I'm impressed 😉 That Asian salmon though.... I need it!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Hehe 😉 Girl! Start entering on blogs! I enter everything and have a whole system set up to keep track! I do win....a lot 😛
And salmon <3
jess meddows
Rebecca, I got so engrossed reading these links I almost forgot to comment! hehe. Your Friday Finisher really is becoming a staple part of my Friday. 🙂
Interestingly, that kate Moss quote is almost always taken out of context. You know how she famously said "nothing tastes as good as skinny feels?" She was being interviewed and the interviewer was basically asking her for supermodel beauty tips, and she explained that she was just a normal woman, who had to work at maintaining her weight like any other woman, except her job depended on it. And whenever she felt tempted to eat a burger or whatever, she'd tell herself "nothing tastes as good as skinny feels"... and forever more was she quoted hehehe.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
That really means a lot that you enjoy them so much 🙂
I really don't know anything about it! Haha! I never even knew she said it. I just though the post was rather raw and powerful!
Lauren @ The Bikini Experiment
Congrats on winning a Blendtec! That is SO exciting. Congrats on the t-shirts and business cards. Go you! Thanks for all the great reads and enjoy your weekend!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thank you! Haha! I just can't wait to actually USE it now 😉
Rachel @ Athletic Avocado
excited to read all of these awesome posts! thanks again! 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Good to hear my foodie friend 🙂
Elizabeth @ Enjoy Every Bite
So many wonderful posts! Just read a few and can't wait to read more! Happy weekend 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thanks friend! Happy Weekend!!!
SOOO jealous - you won a Blendtec? No way - CONGRATS that is a huge win 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
I am SO excited, haha! All my entries finally payed off 😉