Busy bees! How was your week? Again, mine zoomed by and I am more than ready for the weekend! After I figure out this lab report....then maybe I'll relax a bit! Probably not, but I'll try 😛 What I won't be doing this weekend is watching the Super Bowl. I would probably only watch if say, the Jets were playing, otherwise, zero interest! Haha! No, I don't find halftime or the commercials interesting at all. But if I did have to choose, the 2 sports events I would watch if forced are football and hockey. 3 I could never watch, soccer, golf, and racing (like cars). Never! Haha! I'm really just to antsy to watch anything on TV, but that's just another problem 😉
I digress, if you are watching I suggest major hummus and spiralized fry action for healthy noshing! If you get bored like me, you can always save the Finisher till then and browse these links and drool-worthy pins! Have a wonderful weekend, friends!
Monday: Vegan Rice Stuffed Dolmades
Tuesday: 23 Gluten-Free Valentine's Day Recipes To Woo Your Favorite Celiac
Wednesday: Cassava Crusted Chicken with Sweet & Sour Sauce
Blog Posts and Links I loved this week:
Life, Mind, Body, Spirit:
And start DOING!
+ 6 Ways To Communicate Confidence Even When You're Nervous
Fake it 'til you make it!
+ How Visiting India Makes You Feel Alive
Ah! My dream! (Turmeric land!)
+ A Toolkit For Unhooking From Criticism
Because, damn, it can hurt.
+ 5 Five-Minute Habits To Try Today
I love these! #1 is pretty awesome!
This was so beautiful and honest!
+ Being Present: Creating A Memory
A lovely technique for being present!
+ Bike Intervals Could Make You A Better Runner
Cross-train! Biking is my savoir!
+ 36 Pictures To See Which Muscles You're Stretching
Ah! This is so cool!
+ The Best Gluten-Free Hot Spots To Take Your Date
If you're in NYC for V-Day and you've got a celiac lover...
+ Why You Shouldn't Peel (Most) Of Your Vegetables
Long live the peel! I never bother! Unless it's a yucca...
+ 18 More Ways To Bring More Sandwiches Into Your Life
Sandwiches are the best lunch...hands down!
+ Chick-Fil-A's Superfood Salad - A Brutally Honest Product Review
+ In Defense Of Instagramming Your Food
Eh, I don't know. Still not my thing.
+ Top 10 Tricks To Get The Most Our Of Your Caffeine Hit
Coffee and tea galore!
You mean cooking with the greatest invention ever! And dispelling all the silly myths!
+ How To Make Your Own Sriracha
Our lives just got better!
+ The Problems With Food Media That No One Wants To Talk About
Wow, this was such an interesting (long) read!
+ How To Make Coconut Cream And Butter
My life!
Health, Celiac Disease & Food Allergies:
+ A Safe Haven For Gluten-Free Students
I need to start this at school!
+ The State Of Gluten-Free Advocacy
This woman...I couldn't agree more and completely admire her honesty and bravery with this post!
+ 3 Things We Can Learn About Celiac Disease From Italians
The food SHOULD and CAN and DOES taste good! This blog proves that!
+ Celiacs Aren't Fraudsters - So Stop Treating Them Like They Are
Arhghrgh! This goes back to advocacy!
+ Food Allergy vs. Food Intolerance
Because it still isn't understood.
I'd be totally interested in getting the MRT test results.
+ Relatives Of Celiac Disease Patients Face Increased Risk Of Autoimmune Diseases
Yes! Autoimmune disease are linked and linked through families!
Blogging, Social Media, Tech & Photography:
+ How To Stay Focused On Your Blog Content
Gotta get things done!
+ The Useless Agony Of Going Offline
It depends on the person. It may just make your life, not worse, but, not good.
+ 6 Career-Boosting Podcasts You're Going To Love Listening To
I would be embarrassed to tell you how many podcasts I have in my podcast folder on my browser...
+ 29 Writing Prompts For February
Aw, you get an extra this month!
Da, da, daaaaaa. Sounds like an impending apocalypse!
+ How To Choose The Best Keywords For Your Post
It's kinda fun to look up certain trending terms! (I did this Saturday morning at 6am while eating pancakes and beginning this post).
+ 26 Blogging Mistakes That Are Costing You Time, Money, And Credibility
So don't make them!
+ Food Photography Lighting - Easy Artificial Side Lighting
Because lightly sucks in the winter!
+ 8 Ways To Deal With Social Media Trolls
Hey there!
+ How To Find Your Lens' Sweet Spot
Just like people, everything has a sweet spot!
+ 5 Reasons I Am Not Your #girlboss
Ugh yes! I hate that "movement". Same with "side hustle" ARG!
Wow, these were stunning to look at!
+ 8 Secrets Of People Who Don't Have Clutter
They don't have what they don't like!
+ The 9 Things That Are Wrong With The College Application Process
I can't even express how much I agree with this!
+ 29 Of The Most Real College Experiences That Are Way Too Relatable
Omg! So spot on!
+ It's Not You, I Don't Have A Dream Job Either
It's okay!!!
Favorite Pins:
(Follow me on Pinterest – RebeccaGF666)
Paprika Chicken. A simple, yet perfect chicken recipe!
Asian Marinated Mahi Mahi with Beet Red Kraut. All the good things!
Forbidden Rice Breakfast Porridge. I love love love black rice!
Sauteed Chicken with Bok Choy. More perfect Asian chicken dinners!
Baked Buffalo Chickpea and Artichoke Vegan Taquitos. These are utter perfection!
Spicy Ethiopian Red Lentils (Misr Wat). I have been going through red lentils like a mad woman!
A few things I loved about my week or am grateful for:
+ Nothing really amazing this week :/ I'm drawing a blank.
So tell me:
+ Are you watching "The Bowl"? Who are you routing for?
+ Favorite party appetizer?
Stay connected: Facebook: Strength and Sunshine Twitter: @RebeccaGF666 Instagram: rebeccagf666 Pinterest: RebeccaGF666 Bloglovin’: Strength and Sunshine
I'm definitely going to have to check out that communicating confidence even when nervous one!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Girl, you're already showing the confidence!
so many great links to check out and the food pictures look fabulous.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thanks Leanna! Enjoy!
I just love your weekly roundups! I seriously look forward to them every weekend 🙂 I'm going to a super bowl party with my boyfriend today, rooting for Carolina!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Yay! I'm so happy to hear that Sarah! Have a wonderful time! I just learned Peyton Manning was playing, so I'll be routing for Denver 😉 Hahaha!
So glad to hear I won't be the only one watching the Super Bowl! Haha!! Hope you're able to relax a bit this weekend! And OMG! I need to make my own Sriracha!!! xoxo
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
That's what we should do while everyone's watching! Make our own sriracha!!!
Chrissa - Physical Kitchness
Those polenta pancakes!!!!!! SWOON. I love corn. I know, so weird right? But it's just kinda my thing. Making those asap!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
No weird! Corn is the greatest! Polenta, cornmeal, popcorn, CORN...gah! I miss fresh summer corn on the cob!
Your blog has become one of my favorites over the last month. Please keep up the Friday Finisher, I love all the great stuff I come across.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
O that makes me so happy Kareema! Don't worry, these posts aren't going anywhere!
genevieve @ gratitude & greens
Thank you so much for including my pancakes!! I had my eye on Sarah from Snixy Kitchen's adzuki bean tofu, too. So gorgeous! I'm not watching the bowl BUT I think I am rooting for the Panthers. Also, do I think blogs will survive 2016? I think I do 😉 Happy Friday!! <3
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Your pancakes are just soooo lovely!!! <3
She is a genius with that tofu!
Haha, I don't even know what teams are playing 😛 So bad!
Well I hope a few blogs survive 😉 xoxo
Thanks for featuring my taquitos! What a lovely surprise!
And great idea about the celiac group. I wasn't plant based in college, but if I had been, I would have loved to have a group to reach out to!
And, OMG, that Chik-fil-A salad review...dying!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Of course!!! xo
I think it would be super fun and a great "getaway"!
Haha, isn't that great!?
Harriet Emily
I feel like each week is going by even quicker at the moment! I'm really loving these links. Can't wait to read them over the weekend 🙂 your rice stuffed dolmades look soooo delicious! <3
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thank you dear!! xoxo
Michele @ paleorunningmomma
I can't actually force myself to watch football, so no! I will be at a party though so I'll still have fun 🙂 I'm a podcast lover too so I'll have to check those out ASAP!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
You can hide in the corner listening to podcasts and eating all the good snacks 😉
Haha but the question is, are you going to watch the Puppy Bowl? My husband and I love to watch that - It's on earlier than the super bowl, but it's just puppies playing in a small football field shaped pen for hours. It's adorable!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
There's the horrid "kitten bowl" on the Hallmark channel too 😛
The puppy bowl and kitten bowl should just not even be aired....that's worse than the game 😛 Haha!
Natalie | Feasting on Fruit
I'm not really into the Super Bowl either, and no one in my family is too crazy about it, but somehow we almost always end up watching at least some of it. I do enjoy the commercial and half time, so I'm cool with it. The remote is never in my hand, so I just watch whatever is on 😀 Or shall I say "watch" while I'm actually buried behind my computer barely paying attention haha! And that adzuki bean tofu is really awesome! Exotic, like the black rice of the tofu world. I just love purple-ish foods 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Hahaha, same!!! Even when I "watch" something I want to watch....it's only really listening to it..kinda...but computer stuff is more engaging 😛
Purple life!!! I really want to try that though! So cool!
I just saved 99% of these links to read today- THANK YOU!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
😉 Happy reading!
I LOVE the decore8 post <3. I've been feeling these things for a while, and she puts it so well. And I'm the same way with the sports I choose to watch. I love football and hockey, and pretty much only football and hockey! But I'm usually down to try new ones if a good time is promised 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Haha, I'm just not a sports person. Complete opposite of my sport OBSESSED brother. That's all he lives and breaths!
Linda @ Veganosity
Why You Should Just Stop Trying is one of the best motivational posts I've read in a long time. So true.
Yes, you should start a Celiac group at school. Great for you, great for others, and great for your resume.
Have a great weekend!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Yes!!! Just DO no more "try". Try just sounds whiny 😛
I would be great!
It's funny. I have 2 Instagram accounts , and I follow completely different accounts. One is almost all food. The others are my friends and landscape Instagrams. 🙂 It seems like it's a manner of determining our niche.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
I just will never "like" instagram. It's a mean place 😛
Those posts were so neat. I really like the one about how to fake confidence when nervous. I'm always freaking nervous. lol Also, those recipes look delicious!!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Haha! I think we all have to fake confidence sometimes!
Vicky C
Such a great round up (as always!!)...your Friday Finisher always introduces me to so many other blogs! I need an entire Friday morning to pour over your links, lol. Thanks for featuring my Creating a Memory post! And that paprika chicken..so going on my list to make. I've been wanting a new chicken recipe, so thank you!!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Glad 😉 That chicken looks perfect! So simple!
Emily @ My Healthyish Life
You should start that GF program at your school! I wish I had thought of that. Well, I am a huge football fan so I'm looking forward to the game 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Yea, it would be great for celiacs to have a community and safe space!
I only watch super bowl for the halftime and commercials 😉 I've never been able to get into football!
Gonna check out some of those links you shared, the recipes look delish!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Reading these links is much more interesting 😉
Angela @ Happy Fit Mama
Another great week! The salmon kale and quinoa salad has my name written all over it.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
It looks so fresh and perfect to brighten up winter!