Hello Friday! This week was a slow and uneventful one. So ready for the weekend! How about you? I am just craving those weekend mornings of mine. Slow easy mornings of some nice core work, pancakes, blogging, and just relaxing in my bed for as long as possible. And again, I plan on getting non-school work done. I had a pretty easy week in school with a lot of down time so all that work is over and done with, but now I need time to focus on the other things! Although I do have to take 10 conceptual photographs and 20 photos of my concentration for my AP photography class. Not fun...At least I have tons of food photos to use for my concentration, but conceptual...I have now idea. Eh, whatever, I always end up figuring something out 😉
This week wasn't all boring though. I got in some really good eats. Things I am loving lately?
Avocado coated protiens! I can not get enough! I am serious, just mash up an avocado and rub it all over your chicken or some white fish! Bake it and taste the amazing creamy baked goodness. The flavor of the avocado just is an explosion! With the chicken I also add smoked paprika, crushed red pepper, onion powder, and parsley. It browns on top and becomes heaven. For the Tilapia I added a Cajan seasoning. So good! Must try! Then we have some lovely Cranberry Orange Pecan Granola. I think this maybe my new favorite flavor 😉 And let's not forget this beauty on the end. There was a sale on Pompeian vinegars at the grocery the other week. I love Pompeian so I scanned the shelves. Then this baby popped out! Roasted Garlic Red Wine Vinegar! The best! I use it every day now on my veggies and salads. It is so good!
One last thing I almost forgot!
Nomato! Yes, that is right. Tomato-free ketchup! It is made for anyone with acid reflux, tomato allergies, on chemotherapy, or have arthritis (you can't have tomatoes with you have arthritis?). Anyway, this stuff is awesome! Check out the awesome ingredients: Organic Carrots, Water, Beets, Organic Onions, Cider Vinegar, Organic Brown Rice Syrup, Cane Sugar, Kosher Salt, Ginger, and Cinnamon. It is awesome and tastes exactly like tomatoes! They also make a "Nomato" Sauce and BBQ Sauce!
And here is my 11th link-up to FTSF (Finish The Sentence Friday)! FTSF is that you are given a sentence each week and you finish it however you want, long or short. This week’s sentence was, “I'm done with school, but..."
Monday: Power Monday #37 Power Greens
Tuesday: An Interview With My Yoga Inspiration: Fiji McAlpine
Wednesday: Cheezy Roasted Vegetable Quinoa
Thursday: Creamy Chocolate Coconut Buckwheat Cereal
Blog Posts I loved this week:
Just a little info and my favorite style <3
+ You Don't Have To Count Calories
All those numbers will just clutter and stress you out! Listen to your body instead 🙂
+ 9 Things You Don't Need To Teach Yoga
Yoga is simple; keep it that way.
+ 10 Ways To Stop Overeating Today
Being a little more mindful and in tune with your eating habits.
+ I'm Okay With Not Being Perfect
Love your flaws' they make you you!
+ 5 Cleanest Sources Of Plant-Based Calcium
Ditch the dairy! Try these powerhouses!
+ Obesity & Body Shaming: There Is A Difference
A total must read!
+ 9 Everyday Stretches For A Healthy Body
Stretch, stretch, stretch! It's one of my favorite activities and I do it everyday for at least 20 minutes 🙂
+ Am I Hungry?
Do you know your true hunger cues or do you eat by the clock?
+ How To Move Abroad For A Year
8 things you need to know and do!
+ New Blogging Rules
A great take on "No-Rules" blogging.
All about using small plates, bowls, and utensils!
Looking to start food prepping? Follow this girl 🙂
Please read this! This may be the most important thing you read this week <3
+ It's Just A Blog...Right?
Is you blog just a blog? If it is, what's the point in blogging then?!
I love reading the lessons other seasoned bloggers have learned! Always so insightful 🙂
+ The Ultimate Running Comeback Plan
How to get back into it after an injury or illness!
+ 5 Tips To Becoming More Photogenic
I think I need to start taking more selfies 😉 You guys never get to see me on the blog!
+ Why I Hate Isagenix & Dr. Oz
There is no magic fix. If there was, there would only have to be one.
+ Blogging On A Budget: The Domain Name
A helpful post on choosing a domain name and host.
+ My Health Journey: The Beginning
I encourage you to follow along with Meg's new series. So inspiring and beautiful 🙂
+ I AM Somebody
Such a powerful post! I read this dark bright and early at 4:30am the other morning and it was a great read to start the day off good 🙂
+ Are Your Doing Your Blog A Disservice?
How do you feel about link-ups? I really don't ever make posts for a specific link-up, instead I just link up my own posts to link-ups that fit the posts (i.e. recipe shares, etc.)
+ Guest RD: Rev Your Metabolism
Inadequate calories will kill your metabolism, even if you are trying to lose weight.
+ In Defense Of Inconvenience (And Why I Ditched My Smart Phone)
Certain choices may seem like an inconvenience to others, but when you are doing it for the right reasons and love how they make you feel, they just turn into a lifestyle, simple as that (i.e. a vegan diet!).
+ Ten Ways To Boost Your Body Confidence
I see yoga in this list 😉
What does healthy mean to you?
+ There's Always Someone With Bigger Problems Than Yours
It is so hard, but we have to remain positive and move on.
+ 10 Benefits Of Bodyweight Exercises
Simple, effective, and you can do them anywhere!
+ 51 Rules To Become Your Own (S)hero
For living an awesome, happy, healthy life!
+ Two Steps To A Bathing Suit Body!
Couldn't be any simpler!
+ Food Styling Tips For Food Bloggers
It is still a work in progress over here 😉
Favorite Pins:
(Follow me on Pinterest – RebeccaGF666)
Mushroom Matar. Indian cuisine at it's finest!
Vegan Oats & Flax Crisps with Coconut. A perfect healthy sweet snack!
Maca-Cinnamon Blueberry Muffins. Guess what they are made of...Buckwheat!
How-to Make Homemade Nut Butters. Your official tutorial to success!
Yellow Cotton Jacket. It is still coat weather and will be for awhile. This is so cute!
Toasted Oatmeal with Strawberry Chai Jam and Coconut Whipped Cream. O my god! Yum! Breakfast heaven?
Cherry Coconut Granola. Mmm granola flavor heaven 🙂
Coconut Latte Smoothie. More coconut, more yum!
A few things I loved about my week or am grateful for:
+ Spring! Although I am not one of those "O my god, I love Spring" people. Spring is such a tease. It is still to chilly to actually be warm outside and it rains a lot. I just want Summer really.
+ Since I have increased my fats over the last few weeks, I have started to feel really energized! It is awesome <3
+ I just want to thank Fiji again for the amazing interview on Tuesday! Definitely my favorite post this week!
+ That being said, I had some really awesome yoga practices this week! Ah, I just can't get enough. I <3 Yoga! 🙂
So Tell Me:
What foodie products are you loving lately?
Do you regret the path you took in college or your post high school education?
Tell me, tell me you weekend plans!
P.S. Check out my feature on Angelena's Feature Friday at On Fire Fitness! 🙂 Thanks for having me on Angelena! XOXO
P.S.S. Make sure you stop by tomorrow for my March Recipe ReDux! It is a good one, and involves something purple 😉
Stay connected: Facebook: Strength and Sunshine Twitter: @RebeccaGF666 Instagram: rebeccagf666 Pinterest: RebeccaGF666 Bloglovin’: Strength and Sunshine
Melissa @ Freeing Imperfections
Great list of links! I can always use some fresh blog reading material 🙂 Thanks for featuring me!
That nomato stuff looks interesting. I can get kind of addicted to ketchup, but I do have a sensitivity to it (acid issues). I find that if I get organic ketchup it doesn't bother me as much? But I still can't really do BBQ sauce. Thanks for pointing it out!
Strength and Sunshine
You should totally give this stuff a try! It is crazy how it tastes like tomato ketchup, but has non in sight, haha!
Kristy @ Southern In-Law
That coconut latte smoothie looks SO good!
I definitely don't regret my post high school plans, I jumped straight into my own business (actually before I finished high school) and learnt to be flexible and to listen to my heart.
Our weekend is jam packed as we have a church challenge weekend - so I'm about to jump in the shower, get dressed, make lunch and head out the door!
Strength and Sunshine
I always feel like I am in the future when I am talking to you haha! It is still Friday here 😛
You should be so proud of what you have accomplished post-school! It is amazing that you started your own business, and the best part is that you love it!
Heather @ The Soulful Spoon
Hey girl!:) GREAT list of finds! I always love Finisher because I know I'm in for some good links!:) Thanks for sharing! Some of these were favorites of my own:) Oh and I LOVE love, love that jacket- so cute! By the way, I love Vinyasa the best too- can you recommend a video by Fiji that's a great workout for a first timer to her style? I like yoga sessions that aren't too slow or boring- got any tips?:) THANKS !:)<3
Strength and Sunshine
Do I have any tips!? All her videos rock because they aren't slow and "boring" Try Power and Precision, Backbending from the Base (I do the advanced video), Twists and Foot Balances (Full Class version), Connections to Core, and Beautifully Bound. You can find all of these on her DoYogaWithMe.com page: http://www.doyogawithme.com/users/fiji-mcalpine
Amy @ Long Drive Journey
That yellow jacket is SO cute!! I can't wait for the weather to allow me to wear something like that! Soon! Thank you for the link love!
Strength and Sunshine
Haha, yes, hopefully soon! 🙂 Happy Friday girl XOXO
Thanks for sharing my recipe, Rebecca! There’s so many great articles that you have rounded up–weekend reading for me! Thanks again!
Strength and Sunshine
Your welcome Lisa! This week was another loaded one!
Heather @ Housewife Glamour
Wow, lots of great links here! Thanks for participating in Friday Favorites! Have a great weekend 🙂
Strength and Sunshine
Thanks, you too Heather 🙂
I hope college is exactly everything you want it to be and remember that it's about the learning and experience. In 20 years, your major won't really matter that much if you're doing something you love.
Strength and Sunshine
That is true! Learning is so much more then just textbooks.
Angelena Riggs
I don’t really regret what I studied in college or where I went, I have my bachelors in business, plus it’s where I met my husband. However, I wish I would’ve started in the fitness industry earlier! It took me a while to find my true passion, so it is great you know what you want to do. I think life takes you on the path you are meant to be on…so no regrets here!
Thanks again for sharing your story on my blog today! Love your blog, you have lots of great ideas, and I added you to my blog roll!
Have a great Friday!!
Strength and Sunshine
Businesses backgrounds are great to have, especially for fitness! But its good you took on you true passion once you found it!
Yay! Thanks for adding me blend 😉 XOXO
I am also obsessed with avocado right now, and peanut butter… always peanut butter.
Strength and Sunshine
Haha peanut butter is a given 😉
Athena @ Fitness & Feta
Thanks for the link love!
Strength and Sunshine
Janelle @ Run With No Regrets
I didn't know they had AP Photography...that sounds awesome! College is an amazing time. I had a lot of regrets looking back: I wish I enjoyed myself more while I was there and wish I pushed myself harder in the classroom. But thankfully everything worked out! So many links to check out...have a Happy Friday!
Strength and Sunshine
I want to make it the best time! There is so much potential!
Janine Huldie
I hope that your college years bring you everything you want and deserve. The world is really yours for the taking right now and to be honest (I know people say this a lot, but still), if I knew then what I know now I think I would have done a lot at that time of my life differently. So, truly wish you only the best and thank you for linking on this even though I know you still are in school 🙂
Strength and Sunshine
Thank you Janine 🙂 I know I am always hearing people wishing they had done more or something different, and I just don't want that to be me!
P.S. I will always link-up 😉 I love FTSF <3
thanks for the link love! i'm totally checking out that nut butter tutorial! and i don't regret high school or college... if i could change something, i would have gone somewhere warm for college (florida or california!) knowing i'd move back to st louis after!
Strength and Sunshine
Ah haha! I'm accepted at Miami and Wofford right now....the southern warmth is o so appealing!
Danielle (@itsaharleyylife)
Woohoo Happy Friday! Thank you for sharing my link! (:
Strength and Sunshine
Happy Friday Danielle! No Problem, loved the post 🙂
Thanks for sharing my post! 🙂
I am blown away by this Nomato Ketchup!
Strength and Sunshine
Your welcome Kate 🙂 XOXO
Haha, I know! I first saw it months ago and was so interested. Then I found it on Vitacost a few weeks ago and knew I had to buy it!
so ,many yummy foods there and I'm so hungry right now. I'll have to tell my mom about that nomato ketchup...interesting.
Good for you, never stop learning or taking classes. Knowledge is power.
Strength and Sunshine
Haha, Nomato is pretty cool! I ordered it through Vitacost and got a good deal!
Yes, knowledge is power 🙂