Can you say "Hello Spring!" The warmth, o the glorious warmth, how I missed you so. Summer is starting to feel like it might actually get here! The excitement is in the air. Everyone seems to be a bit happier with a little hop in their step this week, it's great! And I had a pretty good week myself. I am so siked for this weekend (hello even warmer temps!)! However I want today to get over as quick as possible, well at least school. I have two huge tests on Monday that I would be missing, but I rescheduled and was able to work them in today. I would not be able to handle the stress of knowing I had to make them up when I came back and the content wasn't fresh in my head. So here I come Psych and Pre-Calc tests! (Joy!). You know what else is cool? My two Old Navy dresses came yesterday and they actually fit! I didn't take pictures yet to show you, but I will the weekend and show you next week once my other ones arrive! Yay new clothes 😉 On the workout front I had a great week of yoga and strength. I got back into those Kettlebell swings and am loving them. So sore, but so good 😉 I've got nothing else to share right now except how excited I am for SC, and that I should probably start packing my carry let's move on shall we!?
Here is my 14th link-up to FTSF (Finish The Sentence Friday)! FTSF is that you are given a sentence each week and you finish it however you want, long or short. This week’s sentence was, “If I could go back in time..."
If I could go back in time there would be a lot of moments I would want to relive and others I would want to be able to change by doing something different or doing nothing at all. This is one of those questions that at first glance you think it is easy and have the best answer, but then when you actually take a moment and think about is not so easy. There are plenty of bad moments or actions that led to bad things happening that I wish I could have stopped from happening. I wish I had never met certain people, done certain things and all of this would have led to a lot less pain. But then I think about how those moments shaped me and how I would not have discovered certain things about myself that I know today. These moments still have a negative impact on my life though and I live with these consequences and pain everyday. But I also live with the other paths I have taken since then. And of course there are wonderful moments and experiences I wish I could relive again and again. Like the feeling I would get after performing on stage or at Madison Square Garden. When I was a little girl and my brother and I would play outside, making up whole story-lines and acting out "movies" using every resource around our property. Or most recently that initial moment of pure elation when I found out I was accepted at GW. My life is a journey and I want to embrace every moment of it, the good and the bad. The struggles and the strength. But I want to keep moving forward and experiences new wonderful moments and not dwell on the past. The past happened, but it is over now and there are new things I need to ready myself for on the horizon!
Monday: Power Monday #40 Standing Strong
Tuesday: Buckwheat English Muffin Buns
Wednesday: Lentil Sloppy Joes & Roasted Dill Fingerling Potatoes And Carrots
Thursday: A Crazy April & Thursday Finds
Blog Posts I loved this week:
+ Yoga 101
Great yoga guest post by Christine!
What listening to you body can do for you.
+ When Your Career Doesn't Define You
Taking life one step at a time.
+ Cookie Cutters Are For Cookies. Your Blog Is Not A Cookie.
Be open and be yourself. Don't worry about fitting in to a specific ideal or "type".
+ What If You Don't Eat Enough?
Yes, that is such a thing, even when you are trying to lose weight. You need to give your body the fuel it needs so you metabolism and biological processes can function properly for you!
+ What Should Food Bloggers Write About?
This is so prefect! A must read for when you are stuck on what to write about to go along with your recipes.
+ Tips For Talking To Strangers
I am getting better at this, but I know once college starts, I will be talking to new people left and right!
+ Guide To Plant-Based Protein Supplements
How do the popular protein sups stand? Well I say Plant Fusion got a pretty good review 😉
+ How To Speed Up Recovery And Get Fit Faster
Great tips! Remember your body needs time to heal and repair.
+ Turn Your Shitty Moments Into Shiny Moments
It takes time. Embrace the process and don't give-up!
+ Ask A Yogini: Why Practice Yoga Inversions?
O how I love inversions of all kinds 🙂 Forearm and Scorpion are my favorites!
+ 10 Things I've Learned From My First "Grown Up" Job
This is a great list! I can't wait till I have my first real job, haha!
+ Post-Workout Nutrition: What Do We Need And Why?
Nutrition is essential for proper recovery. This is a great read full of info!
+ When Is It Ok To Lie To Your Child?
Interesting. I think it is best to just say it and explain it. It is best to learn the hard topics form someone you trust. but if you are "lied" to then that trust can be broken.
It is no different then "normal" meal planning. Just sometimes it requires some more creativity, which is fun and gets you in the kitchen to cook!
+ Food For Thought: What I Want For Olivia's Relationship With Food
This is such a though provoking post! I loved it. But I think now in these last decades as different ways of eating have become more popular, establishing a good relationship with food and giving a child the choice to choose their food philosophy has gotten really distorted.
+ American Blogger
have you seen this?! A documentary will be coming out in a few months on bloggers from across the country. I can't wait!
+ What I would Tell My 18 Year Old Self
I wonder what I will be telling myself in 10 years...
+ 9 Ways To Create Awesome Blog Content
Need some help? Read this!
+ Gymtimidation - Ain't Nobody Got Time For That!
Don't be intimidated! Fitness is a journey, it is a process, embrace it from the start!
+ Get Fit For An Important Event
Just a few tips for looking your best!
+ Finding A Stress Busting Combination
I am still learning and trying to fin my combination. But stress is detrimental. Stress is good in certain doses, our body needs it. But when it gets out of takes control of your whole body and mind.
You know what you can do, believe in yourself and others will follow!
+ How To Get More Blog Traffic + Keep Your Readers Engaged
Great tips! Time to start putting some of these into practice.
+ When Yoga Stops Being About Kale Chips
Anyone can be a yogi. Don't worry about the stereotypes but out there, just get on your mat!
+ Photography Tutorial - Editing A Photo From Start To Finish
A wonderful video tutorial by the talented Lee!
+ It Doesn't Get Easier, But It Isn't Hard
Living healthy if not about perfection and people make it to hard, when it really is not.
No mom is perfect, but I know my mom will always be there. What is something you love about your mom?
+ How To Create Pinterest Images That People Love To Pin
O how I love Pinterest!...See below 😉
Favorite Pins:
(Follow me on Pinterest – RebeccaGF666)
Healthy Chocolate Mousse Smoothie. Is this real life?! Just look and admire...then devour!
Spicy Lentil & Quinoa Wraps with Spicy Tahini Sauce. What an awesome delicious lunch!
Black Bean & Carrot Brownies. Veggies in all.the.things!
Curried Chickpea Sandwich. I would eat this everyday! Plus I am absolutely loving fresh Jersey red tomatoes lately. This baby has it all 😉
Grain-Free & Vegan Tortillas. Hm, maybe I will test out my almond flour with this lovely recipe 😉
A few things I loved about my week or am grateful for:
+ A sunny wonderful 85 degree forecast for SC this weekend 🙂 But of course it is also going to be in the 70s here in Jersey for the first time...really?!
+ Did you know yesterday was National Sibling Day? Well it was apparently (another holiday I was unaware of) so I want to give a shout-out to my big brother! <3 Love him and I can;t believe he is turning TWENTY in just 2 weeks! Insane!
So Tell Me:
What are you excited about for this weekend?
Is there a moment you would like to relive or one you would like to change?
Do you have any siblings!?
Have a wonderful weekend and I will see you back here on Wednesday, but in my absence, I have two guest posts set up for you guys next week that you do not want to miss!
Stay connected: Facebook: Strength and Sunshine Twitter: @RebeccaGF666 Instagram: rebeccagf666 Pinterest: RebeccaGF666 Bloglovin’: Strength and Sunshine
What a large & awesome share of links. Thanks for sharing, girl! I really enjoyed reading a couple of them myself. However, i still have a few more to read in a little bit.
Yes I have a sibling - a twin brother actually.
Hope you have a lovely weekend!
Strength and Sunshine
Your so welcome for the links 😉 I always do my best when compiling the list, haha!
That's awesome that you have a twin! How unique. That is totally special 🙂
Amanda @ .running with spoons.
Thank ya for sharing my smoothie, lovely lady! I hope you have an awesome weekend! I'll be headed up to the mountains to do some snowboarding, and I seriously cannot wait -- it'll probably be the last chance I get this season!
Strength and Sunshine
Have fun! Haha, you will never ever find me "going up to the mountains to snowboard" willingly! The cold = my death! You are such a brave soul 😉
It FINALLY seems to be spring here, too, but jeez it's been a crazy long winter. Sigh. And happy birthday to your brother - adorable photo!
Strength and Sunshine
Its great!!!! Haha thanks 😉
Good luck on your tests!
Strength and Sunshine
Thanks Cassie! 1 down 1 more to go!
Tina Muir
So many great links here Rebecca, I do not know where to start......probably with reading my textbooks for class that I have not done yet.... 😛
By the way congrats on winning the giveaway, so jealous! I will be eager to hear how you get on with your new socks 🙂
My weekend plans are jumping in a small race tomorrow morning, followed by a workout, coaching in the evening at Bucknell University, and Dim Sum in China town on Sunday 🙂 All sounds pretty good to me 🙂
Strength and Sunshine
Damn those textbooks :/
Wait, what socks? What giveaway? Haha
That sound like an awesome weekend! Have fun at your race!!!
Angela @ Eat Spin Run Repeat
Thank you so much for the link love!! And for this awesome roundup - I've got heaps of reading material to keep me occupied now! 🙂
Strength and Sunshine
Thanks! Happy weekend reading 🙂
Janine Huldie
Enjoy your vacation and loved getting to see a photo of you and your brother here. Oh and I am with you on Spring, finally it is warming up here, too and summer seems like a distinct possibly versus thinking winter will never end! Happy Friday and thanks for linking with us!! 🙂
Strength and Sunshine
Thanks love! I know I really thought the winter would last forever. I hope next years winter is not like this...I can't take it again!
Amy @ The Little Honey Bee
I'm so glad you found the post-workout nutrition post helpful! Thanks so much for sharing it and hope you have a great weekend 🙂
Strength and Sunshine
It was a great resource I had to share! Have a lovely weekend too!
cute photo of you and your brother, I didn't know either...feel bad, but my sister probably didn't even care either way! Happy Friday
Strength and Sunshine
Thanks Karen, Happy Friday!