Well, I have to start this post out by wishing my big brother an early HUGE happy birthday for tomorrow! He is turning the big 21! I wish I could give him a big hug, but that will have to wait 2 more weeks until we are both done with school! (I did however give him some awesome chocolate bars the night I left back for DC when Spring Break ended, haha!) But, I am so lucky to have him as my brother. He means so much to me, treats me so well, and is such a strong individual. He amazes me with his resilience, calmness, composure, and his capable and bright mind. He is so loyal and has such unbreakable love for his family. He makes me proud <3
With that said, the real countdown is one! Just 2 weeks left! And boy are they moving slow. It's so weird thinking back to that first night I slept in my dorm. It feels like years ago, but also just yesterday. I just have so many feelings about this year, hopefully once I have some time and more time to reflect and gather these thoughts, I'll be able to right a post about my experience sometime this summer. Until that, just go ahead and find some links to click and food to pin! Happy Weekend! XOXO
Monday: Orange Chocolate Chia Buckwheat Cereal
Tuesday: What To Avoid With A Corn Allergy
Wednesday: Recipe ReDux #18 Blueberry Vanilla Flax Granola
Blog Posts and Links I loved this week:
Life, Mind, Body, Spirit:
Lift each other up instead of putting each other down!
You know, because we are all so different! Really!
+ 4 Things Girls Learn From Their Mom
Totally true!
+ The Keys To Keep Going When You Don't Feel Like It
It gets hard, but it will be worth it!
+ How To Stay Motivated When Your Down
When you're already down, it's hard to get the motivation to get back up!
+ 7 Reasons Knowing Your Unique Purpose Will Change Your Life
Because then you'll be happy and alive!
+ Baggage
The physical and the non-physical! We autoimmunies sure have a lot of both!
Yes! Strong is strong...end of discussion!
+ Why You Don't Need To Suffer To Get What You Really Want In Life
There are going to be struggles, it's life, but it doesn't have to cause everyday suffering.
+ Why Am I Angry? How To Deal With Irritability
Ugh, yea, I should work on this 😛
+ An Introvert Outside Her Comfort Zone
Totally can relate to this!
Really! Stop making every thing, every thought, every judgement about the body!
+ The One Question That Can Also Be An Answer
I Love this story and how true it can be!
+ Why I Don't Push Through Pain
You really need to know when to back off.
+ The Shoulder Stinger 6 Minute Challenge
This is awesome! Don't put those arms down!
Why does America have to make everything into a "body issue"? Really...Get over it!
+ 10 Attributes Of Great Yoga Teachers
These! I'm a bit disheartened by just any (even occasional) practicer thinks they can teach someone yoga. It's one thing to get training for expanding your own practice, but not ever joe-shmoe should teach (i.e. every fitness blogger).
There is a difference!
I'd rather practice is a comfortable temperature. There's no real benefit to the heat anyway.
+ Half Marathon Training Link Love
An awesome compilation of every type of ½ marathon post you'd need!
+ The Slow Death Of Gyms & Fitness: We Were Warned
These are the types of intelligent people we need. Spot on post!
+ Practice Make Perfect: Being A "Difficult" Eater
The struggle of eating out with a restricted or special diet.
+ 10 Gluten-Free And Vegan Ice Cream Recipes
It's getting to be that time of year when the weather is perfect for a bowl and a spoon!
+ 10 Ways Food Advertising Tricks Are Misleading You
Just stay away from flashy labels, claims, and processed foods...
An awesome round-up of vegan strawberry recipes!
Ah! I never buy this guy! I need too! So good!
All vegan and all delicious!
+ Read The Labels: Hidden Animal By-Products
Processed foods can be very scary...and gross!
+ The Ultimate Guide To Beet Recipes
This post is my life!
+ How To Let Go Of Recipes & Become A Better Cook
Exactly why I don't ever actually use other's recipes (but my own that I create).
+ The Best Fake Packaged Cheeses, Ranked
The overly processed ones to stay away from and the "better" ones. I'd say, just use some nooch!
+ Emotional Intelligence: The Social Skills You Weren't Taught In School
I think now-a-days as well, social skills are majorly lacking and it's not good.
+ The One Thing You Should Be Doing For A Bloat-Free Belly
Makes sense...chew you food and help that belly out! (I need to work on this!)
+ A Dietitians Top Tips For Stopping Food And Body Shaming
I love the 3 "why" reasons! So spot on!
+ Vaccines Don't Cause Autism, Even In Kids At Higher Risk
Get vaccinated!
Almost everything leads back to the damn digestive system.
+ The Seductive Allure Of The Cult Of Fitness & The Case Of Belle Gibson
Everyone needs to stop taking any "internet celeb" as the guide to their life and health.
Blogging, Social Media, Tech & Photography:
+ The Anatomy Of A Perfect Facebook Post
I still can't get on-board with all of these, but I still love Facebook.
+ What Bloggers MUST Do To Follow FTC Disclosure Laws
This was kinda scary. She's very direct with this, but it is true.
+ 7 Tips For Successful Blogging
#6 and #7 are most important!
+ 40+ Awesome Networks You Can Join To Make More Money Blogging
I'm in the process of changing ad networks! Hoping it's a good decision.
+ Top 5 Blogs For Young Professionals
Ah! I've got some new blogs to stalk!
+ The Reading Chair: On Writing, Stephen King
He is the king for a reason!
+ 8 Tips For Keeping A Work/Life Balance
Because blogging is taking over right now!
+ How To Bring A Dying House Plant Back From The Brink
Safe those plants!
+ How To Stick With Good Habits Every Day By Using The "Paper Clip Strategy"
Get out those paper clips! Or any little object!
+ They Won't Remember The Clean Towels
No....we won't. <3
+ 25 Signs You're So Over This Semester
Yea...I am! These are so true! Haha! College!
+ Everyday Uses For Essential Oils
One day I will try them!
Favorite Pins:
(Follow me on Pinterest – RebeccaGF666)
Kabuli Pala. One fantastic Middle Eastern dish!
Honey Roasted Cauliflower. This is the best cauli-recipe yet! Yum!
Paleo Thin Pizza Crust. And it's vegan! The most perfect pizza!
Spicy Lentil Tahini Wrap. I'm really craving wraps right now!
Spicy Cauliflower Rice, Cinnamon-Paprika Sweet Potatoes & Avocado Mash. This seriously seems like something I make for dinner!
Spring Quinoa Salad. I love the fresh herbs and pistachios!
Risotto with Hops. A beautiful flavorful vegan risotto!
Pumpkin-Almond Butter Red Curry Noodles. Just look at the ingredients and all those flavors! Omg!
A few things I loved about my week or am grateful for:
+ The sun felt really good this week. I was super mindful walking outside and feeling the ground. Those few moments were lovely!
+ Really, I'm just grateful for my family and that we are in this journey of life together, no matter what.
So tell me:
+ Do you have any siblings? Older? Younger?
+ May is Celiac Awareness month, and I know I want to post a lot focusing on such. If you have any celiac/gluten-free requests for posts, let me know!
Stay connected: Facebook: Strength and Sunshine Twitter: @RebeccaGF666 Instagram: rebeccagf666 Pinterest: RebeccaGF666 Bloglovin’: Strength and Sunshine
So many delicious ideas here. I'm eyeing the Chocolate Crazy cake the most though. #MerryMondays
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Yes! Thanks Melissa!
Heather @ Cook It Up Paleo
What a wonderful roundup you've got here! Thanks for featuring my pizza recipe, too 🙂 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Sure thing! Thanks love!
The Vegan 8
Oh my goodness all that food looks so amazing!! Drooling over here and a big happy birthday to your brother! Wow, so young! I feel like an old fart seeing he's just 21, haha!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Aging gives us wisdom 😉
This food looks amazing!! YUM! ...and great links! That one on the politics of yoga pants... very interesting! ...also, I totally agree! Exercise and activity are different!!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Yes, yes, and yes!
Kristen @ The Endless Meal
I always love checking out all the links you post. I've already got a screen full of pages open and a coffee at my side. It's the perfect way to wake up on a Sunday!
Thank you for including my Ultimate Guide to Beet Recipes!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
It does sound like the perfect Sunday morning wake-up to me! Perfect!
I'm so glad so many people love these posts! I adore putting them together for you all and featuring so many amazing bloggers and creatives! XOXO
Happy birthday ti your brother 🙂
So many great links as always!
I found the facebook one quite interesting. This stuff you learn.
And I am interested in the media frenzy around Belle Gibson...
Thanks so much 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thank you!
I seriously had no idea who she even was! But I'm pretty glad about that! Haha!
Elsie @ Sharing Healthiness
Ahhh finally done reading your links! They were great as ALWAYS! I am glad you included a post about Belle Gibson, I was shocked to hear her confession. It is kinda scary to hear these things! Oi happy Bday to your brother! 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
I tried to tag you in my Tweet blasts yesterday since I featured you post, but I couldn't get on to your site or find you anywhere on twitter when I was scheduling them :/
And I don't even know who Belle Gibson is, but I liked what the post had to say about these fake "normal people turned blogger/social media celebs".
And thanks!
Elsie @ Sharing Healthiness
I was and am still having problems with the new wordpress update so that is why my site was down yesterday. #bloggerproblems Anywho thank you for featuring my post! 🙂
Ana Valentin
As always great finisher Rebecca! I'm actually the oldest of three siblings! Happy 21st to your brother! That's the game changing age (me next year yikes!). I really loved the article from Abbey's Kitchen. I admit that I struggle with "god" and "bad" food syndrome and a bit of food anxiety so it's hard for me to let go of the prconceived notion that a candy bar will start the proces of obesity for me (which I realize I'm far from at a size 0-2 in women's). Our society/ social media has brainwashed a large portion of the fitness and health concious faction that the best way to eat is "clean" and if not then you better be "fitting your macros". When in reality we should stop viewing food as the enemy and more for what it is: fuel and something to enjoy and nourish our bodies with. (With the occassional treat). Great articles!
P.s Totally agree with the Slow Death of Gyms
Ana Valentin
I got sad because I realized I couldn't edit all my typos haha so just skip over those!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thank you! And you've got an important job being the oldest 😉
Yea, we all just need to eat and exercise for us and stop following and comparing to other people. It's so simple, it's annoying. Frustrating and will never change. It won't, which is just the sad fact of human nature :/
I'm having system overload, I don't even know what to drool over or do first!!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Hahahaha, take it slow, one pin, one post at a time 😉
Florian @ContentednessCooking
Thank you so much for including my Strawberry Roundup and the Couscous Lentil Pilaf with Hazelnut Blood Orange Dip. You're a Star! 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
You are the star my friend!
Susie @ SuzLyfe
Everything does come back to gut health! And an entire post devoted to beets = LOOOOOVE
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
It does 😉
And yes! Beets every day!
genevieve @ gratitude and greens
Happy birthday to your brother! I have two beautiful sisters who are both younger than me. One of my sisters actually had her last official day of high school today, which is crazy because time goes by so quickly! I'm at work right now (being cheeky 😛 ) so I can't slowly click through and enjoy these links, but that's what I'll be doing tonight when I get home. Happy Friday!!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thank you!
And awww you're the big sister <3 (younger siblings do look up to the older, always!)
Hehe, cozy up and have a wonderful night then! XOXO
So many great reads and eats. Happy birthday to your brother! theres' nothing quite like a sibling bond.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thank you! Yes, I'm totally glad I'm not an only child!
Nikki Vergakes
I have two weeks left too! It flew by....
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Yea...it kinda did!
Felecia Efriann
A lot of those recipes look tasty! Thanks for sharing them, I may try making those vegan pop tarts fairly soon.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
I think I need to too!
Sam @ PancakeWarriors
Yay 2 more week for you! Cherish this time, you don't get summer breaks when you are working full time 🙂 I miss college, there is just a buzz in the air this time of year on campus, spurs change and development! Take hold of that feeling 🙂 Good luck on exams and Happy birthday to your brother!!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thanks for your encouragement Sam, haha! (I need it to get through!)
Michele @ paleorunningmomma
You always find the best of everything for these posts, big thanks for sharing because every Friday evening into Saturday I have great reading! Happy birthday to your brother, and with your summer break nearly here you'll be home to celebrate before you know it!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
I'm glad I can provide the entertainment 😉
Totally! Thanks Michele! XOXO
Kat | curlsnchard.com
Thank you so so much for including the pop tarts recipe from my page! <3 I feel honored to be included with all those other delicious dishes - definitely have to check out the honey roasted cauliflower and the pilaf and pretty much everything else. 😀
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
You're so welcome dear! The recipe is fabulous! I must make!
I have a younger sibling. She's my very best friend.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
That's so great!
Hannah @ CleanEatingVeggieGirl
Those vegan/GF pop tarts look caaraaaaazy good!! Yum 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
I know right!? Childhood healthy/allergy-ified <3
Hannah @ CleanEatingVeggieGirl
It can't get much better than that!!
I have one sibling, a brother, he's a web designer and he designed my latest blog layout! All those recipes look really delicious but my favorite has to be the honey roasted cauliflower! 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
I may have to hit up your brother 😉 I need some design help!
Right!? It's so simple, yet so perfect!
LOVE "Strong Just Is" and can't wait to check out the "4 Things Girls Learn from Their Moms". I can only hope my girls are picking up all my good qualities and not my bad 😉
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Strong is strong. Why change the definition? Haha!
O....I'm 100% certain your girls are growing to be beautiful strong women, just like you!
Rachel G
Our brothers are close in age--mine will be 21 on his next birthday! I've also been feeling a bit nostalgic about college recently and am considering writing a blog post about college memories...must be all the notifications about people graduating...
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Ah! Do write a blog post about them! I would love to read it! XOXO
Melanie Pickett, Flying Blonde
Oh my, so many great links to read! Thank you! And happy birthday to your brother and good luck for the rest of the semester!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thank you so much Melanie!
All those recipes look so good! I wish I weren't on a grocery ban, hahaha.
The FTC guideline thing was indeed kinda scary. 😡 I thought I'd been abiding by them but there are clearly things I need to fix up!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
A ban!? No! Why!? Never!
And yea....I've never heard anyone say all that though. Maybe she is being overkill? I don't know.
I'm trying to save money (yay student loans) and am moving yet again at the end of June, so if I don't have foodstuffs to drag along with me, it'll make life a little easier! 😮 (We'll see how long this lasts, hahaha.)
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
This month's ReDux was perfect for you Spring clean-out the pantry! I'm trying to do that too...with my dorm!
lindsay Cotter
every friday i drool over your pins. I need to learn not to read first thing in the morning pre breakfast! haha
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
That's why you should read DURING breakfast 😉
Christine @ Love, Life, Surf
Thank you for this post. I need it this week more than ever since my computer died! I need to catch-up. Happy birthday to your brother!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
I've always got you covered 😉 Probably gave you too much reading, but 😉 Hahahaha! And thanks!
Brie @ Lean, Clean, & Brie
Thanks so much for including my post! Hope you have a great weekend!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
You too friend!