Happy Friday! So the weather has finally been pretty lovely and I had the most productive day on Wednesday! It was great: a killer workout, spent some hours in Starbucks in the city, walked around the city in the sun, bought bread, carrots, and potatoes at Whole Foods, cooked (baked) 2 new recipes, blog and social media stuff, other things, yea, it was good and busy. Now I've just got one week left! I have 2 finals. One on Tuesday (30 multiple choice and a quick easy essay for comparative politics) and one on Thursday (60 multiple choice for biology). Needless to say, I haven't started "studying", but will go other things this weekend. I'm not worried at all. Like...at all. I guess I lucked out there. I hear some kids have 5 finals in pretty hard classes. Not me 😉
Some of the things I'm really looking forward to now - showering without having to bring my whole shower caddy and wear flip-flops, drinking real water...out of a plastic water bottles, being able to sleep in a room that has a consistent working thermostat, not being locked out of your own bathroom at 2am when you're about to pee in your pants, people not slamming doors for no reason, cooking/natural light/not eating out of cardboard, a microwave that's a normal height, not having the intense fear that you're going to lock yourself out of your room, bedroom, or building, and having sinks that actually have water flow coming out and don't get clogged. There's a lot, but those are just some good ones 😉
Okay, I'm done rambling and you have a ton of reading and pinning to do, so get to it! Have a beautiful sunny weekend dear friends! XOXO
Monday: Black & White Pancakes
Tuesday: The Struggle Of Forgiveness
Wednesday: Crunchy Cinnamon "Sugar" Chickpeas
Blog Posts and Links I loved this week:
Life, Mind, Body, Spirit:
+ Your Predisposition Is Not Your Future
From these we can choose to grow and change.
What does it look like to actually be working hard?
+ No Respect For Full-Figured Woman In Bathing Suit
I was nodding along to this post!
+ 8 Tips To Help Reach Your Goals
You can do it!
+ Stop Living On Autopilot: 5 Ways To Live An Amazing Life
You've got one short life! Make it amazing!
+ 5 Ways To Fall Head Over Heels In Love With Life
Yes! Love life!
+ 10 Things Children Will Always Remember
This...this is so true!
+ Why It's Best Not To Fake It
Don't stretch the truth. Just be who you are!
+ You Are Not Average, You Are Beautiful
Why would you ever think of yourself as average!
+ Acknowledge How Far You've Come
Every day, you're making steps and growing! You are better than the last, remember that!
+ 5 Ways To Stop Worrying About What Everyone Thinks Of You
Why let others dictate your life? You have control and only what you think or you matters!
+ 9 Ways We Can Improve Body Image For Men Too
I think people forget this. Body image knows no gender, race, age, etc.
+ Try Harder Or Walk Away: The Decision
Wow. This is real.
+ Why I Ran A Marathon, Qualified For Boston, And May Never Race Again
Sometime racing, marathons, etc., just isn't for all of us.
This is me! 100%!
+ 5 Reasons To Always Make Time For Savasana
Still working on that one.
+ 10 Common Running Myths - True Or False?
Love this post! Gotta know!
+ 6 Benefits Of Walking For Your Mind And Body
Remember...feel the ground!
Tried and true ones that won't flop!
+ Big Vegan Cheese Guide + Reviews
If you're going to buy processed, know which to splurge on!
+ Is Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity A Real Thing?
Not really. It's probably something else, unless you truly are that .06%. Read this please before ruining the "realness" of true Celiac needs.
+ 5 Nutrition Concepts You Shouldn't Take At Face Value
Golden! Nothing is ever so clear cut or a fact.
Blogging, Social Media, Tech & Photography:
+ How To Create An Editorial Calendar
I think having one would be more of a hassle for me, but I've always loved the concept!
+ Things To Remember When Blogging
These are good! Read these every day or when you need a moral boost!
+ No, I Won't Write For Free Anymore. (And I'm Sorry I Did For So Long.)
So good! Getting "expose" may seem good, but you are worth more.
When we were told to "brainstorm" before writing in school, I never would...and I got A's so....
+ 7 Things You Must Learn To Love To Stay Motivated In Business (And Life)
To keep that flame and spark going through this crazy journey!
+ Why Google+ Failed, According To Google Insiders
Because it tried to be a copy-cat and if really just...sucked. We didn't need yet another similar platform.
+ How To Make Money With Affiliate Marketing
So far I haven't had success with it.
+ Make It Happen Episode Two: With Mariah Coz Of Femtrepreneur
This was just so so so great! (I loved what she said in the middle about "balance", haha!)
+ Stop Playing The Numbers Game With Your Blog
It's about content, just like the podcast above said.
+ 10 Tips For Increasing Your Amazon Affiliate Revenue
Great tips! I may have to really implement some of these!
+ 21 Horrifying And Terrifying Disney Cake Fails
Omg! Hahahahahahahaha!
Bravo! This is why "getting your name out there" gets old.
+ 13 Reasons Why New Jersey Is The East Coast's Best-Kept Secret
One more week!
+ The Ridiculously Thorough Guide To Decluttering Your Home
This is happening this Summer!
+ 10 Things You Didn't Know About Golden Eye N64
The best damn video game ever!
Sometimes success can be defined by our everyday habits.
+ 5 Best Lessons I Had On Becoming More Creative
I never though I was creative for so long!
+ The Most Expensive House For Sale In Every State
Um wow. Money does buy some happiness 😛
Favorite Pins:
(Follow me on Pinterest – RebeccaGF666)
Saffron Vegetable Soup With Quinoa. I adore saffron! It's Turmeric's expensive cousin ;
Shredded Chicken Curry. This is one fabulous curry recipe!
Cookie Dough Protein Smoothie. This just sounds so yummy, creamy, good!
Chocolate Beet Cake with Dark & White Chocolate Frosting. And it's allergy-friendly! Perfection!
Avocado Pesto Chickpea Salad Sandwiches. Can I please have this for lunch...everyday?
Creamy Polenta with Crispy Beets + Dill Pistachio Pesto. This would make such a beautiful Mother's Day dinner!
Homemade Papadums. These are one of my favorite snacks! I'd love to make them homemade!
Maple Coconut Pistachios with Hemp Seeds. Now that is a yummy snack!
Black Sesame and Coconut Chocolate Cherry Bars. How can you get better than that!?
Cauliflower Pizza Crust. The most perfect gluten-free vegan pizza!
A few things I loved about my week or am grateful for:
+ My good day Wednesday!
+ Starbucks. Always be grateful for Starbucks.
+ O, it's May! That means great things like Celiac Disease Awareness Month! Stay tuned and get pumped!
So tell me:
+ What were some of the things you looked forward to (or still do) about going home for Summer break?
+ Did you get stressed about mid-terms or finals? No....
Stay connected: Facebook: Strength and Sunshine Twitter: @RebeccaGF666 Instagram: rebeccagf666 Pinterest: RebeccaGF666 Bloglovin’: Strength and Sunshine
Holy productivity Batman! Sounds like an awesome sauce Wednesday =) I LOVE productive days, they are my fav.
I missed the boat on your finals - I'd say good luck, but they are now past and you probably didn't need luck anyway ;p
I'm guessing you'll be moving home for the summer - yay! Glad you'll have the use of a great kitchen again =)
Great Friday links!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
They do make you feel good!
Haha, thank you friend!
Harriet Emily
What a great, inspirational post, Rebecca! Really loving those food links - they're making me so hungry!! So many great articles for me to read now over the weekend 😀
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Have fun reading and getting inspired! XOXO
Michele @ paleorunningmomma
Haha! Yes so many things to look forward to at home! Although you'll look back on all the first year college "quirks" and laugh at some point 😉 glad you aren't nervous for finals and can just chill them next few days. Going to read a few of the blogging articles, I'm in need of advice as usual!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Haha...o I imagine years from now looking back 😛
Thank you! And o...I can never get enough blog advice either!
Okay, I laughed at the Goldeneye N64 game. My sister-in-law was OBSESSED with that game, lol. =)
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
My brother and I would play for hours! Sooooo good!
Wow! Another great link up filled with yummy recipes and links to check out. THanks! 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thank you dear!
Linda @ Veganosity
Haha-those cakes! Too funny! And those houses! I'm sorry, what a waste of resources. Gluttony at its worst.
Great links my friend! Have a great weekend and a safe trip back home. 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
I died with the cakes! So funny!
Thanks dear!
Colorado Gal
It may not seem like it now, but you'll fondly look back at your dorm days-- I know I still do, 13 years later!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
No...maybe the endless coffee I have access to..but that's about it 😉
I recognise your college dorm description. Down to the T. And I almost kinda miss it 🙂
The 'don't skip savasana' and the chickpea burger are myvfav this week.
Thanks for putting this list together 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
No...no you don't 😛 Haha!
XOXO have a beautiful weekend dear!
The Frugal Exerciser
Nice posts, I really want to read the "No Respect For Full-Figured Woman In Bathing Suit" article.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thanks! It's a great perspective!
Liv @ Healthy Liv
Did you hear this week at Starbucks is happy hour?! Half price frappuccinos, baby!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Considering I would never drink that and am dairy-free....hahaha!
Elsie @ Sharing Healthiness
"Not having the intense fear that you’re going to lock yourself out of your room, bedroom, or building". This brought back so many memories. Ha! Seriously I would get panic attacks knowing I got locked out and having to ask random people to sneak me in to avoid paying any fines.
I didn't get stressed either and people hated me for that but I guess I just kept good track along the course.
Have a great weekend! 😉
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
We have a scanning card and in my building a key to my little bedroom, so I have so much to keep track of!
Evolve with Mary
Oh wow! Your venting brought me back to college dorms day. As annoying as it is these are some of the best times of your life, so enjoy those clogging sinks! 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Not when they smell...and you're so desperate that you use a Q-tip to clean some of the gunck out....omg....bad idea!
Amelia @ Eating Made Easy
Those bean and veggie enchiladas look amazing! And I especially love the "falling in love with life" tips. I need to do #3 more often - playing is something that can be hard to remember to do when you're a "grown-up" 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
I feel you on that one and I'm not even that "grown-up" yet 😛
Angela | Great Body & Skin
Thank you for your mention my dear!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Your Friday Finisher posts always make me SO hungry lol. So many new recipes to make!!
Thanks so much for including me!! xoxox
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Hahaha, maybe TOO many 😉 Nah...that can never happen!
Alisa @ Go Dairy Free
Such an eclectic mix of articles this week Rebecca - I love it! Already read three and should probably get back to work!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Haha, eh work can wait 😉
Hannah @ CleanEatingVeggieGirl
Yay, yay, yay for Friday! Thanks for sharing my recipe! I hope you have a great weekend Rebecca 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
You to my foodie friend!
Jessica @ Nutritioulicious
Good luck on your finals! Your list of what you're looking forward to when school ends brought back memories! Enjoy the time at home! Thanks for all the great links - some wonderful articles I missed this week! Have a good weekend!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Haha, thank you Jessica!
Ana Valentin
I'm so envious of you and your two finals in comparison to my four. But once this is banged out, its finally summer break!! Woot Woot! I really loved your link on habits and the marathon training post. As always this post is a great way to start my fridays on the right foot. Rock those finals and return home to Jersey girl (hehe get it)
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Rock them too! And we must meet up this summer dear!
Love the ones you have on Mind, Body & Spirit this week! Can't wait to get to reading em' [after I'm finally done with this exam! :O ]!
I'm definitely making that cookie dough smoothie when I get home! *-*
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
That one was so full! It's always funny to see which category ends up with the most links!
Beast out your exam dear! XOXO <----- cookie dough smoothie = reward!
Vicky @ randomlittlefaves.com
What a great round up of posts! I just filled my browser window with tabs of things to read from here, so gonna dive in for a bit before going to work...thanks for sharing all of these. Good luck on your finals!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Have fun 😉 Thanks dear!
Jennifer F
ermagawd . . . the polenta with beets and pesto . . .yum
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
I know!!!
Well I cannot say I can relate to what you go through as a student, but I am looking forward to not having to wake up at 6 am to get the kids ready, 🙂 they will be with their grandparents which means time alone with the hubby and more time to blog, blog, blog! Thanks for sharing #bloglove
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Haha, always good to have time to blog!
Emily @My Healthyish Life
I don't get nervous for exams either. I'm more annoyed that I have to stick around for them and can't go home haha 😉 Hope your weekend is as good as your Wednesday!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
I know!!!! I just want to take them now and not wait a whole other week for 2 quick finals 😛