Hey look it's Friday! This week went by so fast! July is more then half over, how can it be! I never told you guys how the new release at Group Power went, so I'll tell you now. I think I have mixed feelings about this release. We do use out body weight plus plates for a lot of the moves which is a nice changed but the tracks seem so short. They aren't since the class is still 1 hour but the tracks fly by! That might be a good thing but I don't know. I can say I don't like the shoulder track. I feel like it is more of a upper back track, but maybe it is just because we do completely new moves, working different parts of the back of the shoulder. I think I have to see how it goes again next week. O but the ab track is nice. We do tons of leg raises lying on the step, but when we do V-ups I'm scared I will fall off my step...my spine makes me roll more than others...haha! Anyway, here is the Friday Finisher, Enjoy!
SS Posts from the week:
Monday: Power Monday #2 Upper Body Variety
Tuesday: Artichoke Basil Lentils
Wednesday: Yoga: A Home Practice
Thursday: My Kind of "Candy"
Blog Posts I loved this week:
This is such a great idea! 1 year, 12 things you love about your self.
+ How to Cook and Freeze Beans
Great post if you want to get started making beans from scratch and not the can!
+ Wellness Wire: Do Even Active Women Sit Too Much?
How much do you sit? Interesting read.
+ What's the Point of Negativity?
Really, what is the point?
Why do you lift? To feel strong and confident!
+ 5 Ways to Find Your Happy
No need to let you self continue having a bad day!
+ 10 Ways to Reduce Rigidness, Decrease Anxiety, Increase Flexibility, and Have More Fun
Great read for tips on overcoming strict control over yourself!
+ How to do Headstands & Handstands
I am still working on my goal of holding an unassisted handstand!
+ What to do When Old Fears Come Up
Don't let fear control your life.
+ Validation From Others: How Dangerous can it Be?
Does social media dictate how you feel about yourself?
+ Strength Training for Runners
Great exercises...not only for runners!
A few things I loved about my week or am grateful for:
+ A Great Week of Workouts
+ READING! Planning on Finishing a Third Book this week
+ 40 days (and going strong) of being (eyebrow and eyelash) trich free
+ Seeing my Grandparents this Weekend
+ Having access to clean fresh water in these days of extreme heat
Come across any fun reads or pins this week?
What do you have planned for the weekend?
that carrot cake, omg i die. what are you reading?? also, way to go on being thankful to your access to water during this heat wave. people keep complaining about it but i mean, they can just go into ac or pick up a bottle of water. plenty of people in extreme heat literally cannot escape it.
i just did the new group power last weekend! i like the ab track! i like the bicep song but i have not met a single other person who does haha.
Exactly, I don’t want to take my situation for granted since so many are so much worse off! Biceps was Okay, but it is always my weakest track so I never actually LOVE it haha! I do always look forward to learning the new ab tacks since sometimes they are super easy and other times I actually feel like its beneficial! I remember a many releases ago they had an ab tack where we used plates, I loved that one! O and right now I am about to finish The Orphan Sister by: Gwendolen Gross (it is actual a really fast and good read, not something I usually pick up, I am more into crime/FBI/Government/thrillers haha).