Happy Friday! Now I am going to be one of those TGIF people since school started! Haha! I am uploading this in the morning so I can't tell you how my second day went but I am assuming it will be good since we are still just learning about each class and each other. The fun will start Tuesday after our 3 day Labor Day weekend! But today I am looking forward to a killer strength workout after dinner. But I know I will have some homework to do over the weekend...fun! Let the games begin! Have a great weekend and have some fun with family and friends on Labor Day!
SS Posts from the week:
Monday: Power Monday #8 Eliminate Stress
Tuesday: Summer Bucket List Review
Wednesday: Vegan Stuffed Portobello Mushrooms and a Crunchy Sweet Treat
Thursday: Thursday Things 8/29/13
Blog Posts I loved this week:
+ Another trip and 100 wise words (not from me)
Kim posted a list of 100 wise words form a teacher. Almost all of them are so true!
Jen posted a beautiful reading on finding your true self.
+ 7 Reasons Why You Should Start a Blog
Blogging is so rewarding! It gets better each and everyday.
I have never tried juicing, but I am already not a fan of it...My dad brought home a juicer a few weeks ago and it is still sitting in our living room, unopened, and most likely will never be used. What a waste, haha!
+ 5 Things not to Stress about for Back-To-School
I needed to read 3, 4, and 5!
+ 10 Things I wish I knew Before I Went Vegan
Being Vegan isn't just a diet, but a lifestyle.
+ Why Skinny isn't the same as it Once Was
"Skinny" has morphed into a unhealthy extreme fantasy of so many girls and women.
+ 99 Ways to Increase Blog Traffic
Some great ideas!
+ The 5 Most Underrated Exercises in Fitness History and The 8 Most Overrated
I have always wanted to try the rowing machine! And I am so happy Pistol Squats are Overrated!
+ How to Reach Your Goals with Patience
If we didn't have to struggle and work hard for our goals, we wouldn't be rewarded nearly was much.
+ 9 Blogging Tips, Tricks, and/or Tidbits
Amanda celebrated her 1 year blogiversary this week and shared some advice she has learned along the way.
+ 7 Habits the Most Successful Power User on Pinterest All Follow
My dream is to be a Pinterest "Power User"!
Favorite Pins:
(Follow me on Pinterest – RebeccaGF666)
Green Vegan Pancakes. Everything is better green!
Kale, White Bean, and Tomatoes. Perfect body-warming stew for the Fall!
Brown Rice Microwave Bread. This is such a cute idea...must try!
Amaranth Eggplant Burgers with Sriracha Tahini Sauce. Sounds pretty good 🙂
Bombay Chicken Quinoa Salad. One word only...YUM!
A few things I loved about my week or am grateful for:
+ Actually loving my Senior Year Schedule and classes!
+ Being able to drive myself to school this year instead of the horrid bus! I have always had the worst driver, he was crazy and would fly at 80mph, veer off the highway, and he ever closed the door on my while I was getting off once. My mom called the bus head and my driver had to go to a driver re-training class!
+ 82 days (and going strong) of being (eyebrow and eyelash) trich free.
So Tell me:
Are you a juicer? I like to eat my fruit and veggies with their fiber and loveliness still intact, thank you very much!
Do you love wearing sweaters and scarves? That is the only thing I wear from October to April!
Thanks so much for the link back! Can't wait to check out the rest of these!
Glad I can share your posts with everyone!
Taylor Ryan (@femininemuscle)
Thanks for the shout out! The food looks amazing