So their out! The wisdom teeth that is. The procedure was super quick (only 30 minutes), but coming out of the anesthesia and "laughing gas" took awhile. I started crying while I was like half-awake half-asleep. I could hear what everyone was saying though as I was recovering. But I was so tired! I did not want to open my eyes or try to move. My jaw/chin and tongue we numb for hours afterwards. This lead to some major problems in talking, eating, and drinking. My mom got me an iced coffee on the way home and after I took the gauze out of my mouth and tried to was rather difficult! Since I felt like I had no tongue, swallowing was non-existent, haha! I was so frustrated. But then I was so hungry by this point too that I microwaved some homemade power muffins, smashed them up with a fork, and slathered on some PB. I slowly aimed the fork into my mouth and kind of just swallowed somehow without chewing. I couldn't even taste which was a major bummer. I had to get food in me though so I could take my antibiotic, Advil, and anti-swelling meds. Yes, I have gone against my values/beliefs, and am taking Advil and antibiotics.
For dinner I totally mashed and microwaved a dinner bowl of goodness that included: sardines, hummus, nutritional yeast, tomato paste, zucchini, greens, mushrooms, fresh basil, broccoli, smoked paprika, gallons of turmeric (my natural anti-inflammatory!), sauerkraut, and probably some other stuff I'm forgetting. I also got in my sweet potato fix (since my name is Rebecca and I am a sweet potato addict). I microwaved a normal orange, chopped it up, put it in a food processor with cinnamon (skin on), and blended it up! It was perfect! Eating "burned" my mouth and I swallowed everything whole, but it was not impossible. We will just wait and see how today goes. The pain is always worse the next day right? :/ (Update: I successfully ate an apple with gallons of nut butter for a bedtime snack! It was a "semi-painful" success! Happy girl!)
Monday: Power Monday #54 Sun Protection 101
Tuesday: Recipe ReDux #9 Vanilla Pear Quinoa Granola
Wednesday: Vanilla Latte Millet Protein Pancakes
Thursday: My Happy Sleep Routine
Blog Posts and Links I loved this week:
Life, Mind, Body, Spirit:
+ 10 Reasons Why Stress Is The Most Dangerous Toxin In Your Body
Bad, bad, bad. But so hard to handle at times...
+ What You Probably Need To Hear The Most Right Now
I seriously loved this post so much. I shared it with my mom right after I read it to brighten her day too!
Do you find yourself comparing and getting jealous of what you don't have?
+ What Happens When We Listen To Ourselves
It can be a great thing when we stop and realize we need to be present with our selves and out own needs.
+ Love Your Self(ie)
Take some selfies sometime. Appreciate yourself and your look. It's you!
+ 5 Ways To Add Peace To Your Day
For when you feel like your going crazy.
+ Why I No Longer Strive For Balance
Sometimes it's just not what we need to be happy.
+ It's Ok.
It is OKAY!
+ No Makeup is Cool, But Is It Realistic?
Interesting how it can effect your success, but I feel good without make-up. I go "naked" in the summer. It's so much easier and I don't care to show off my natural real least when I'm just running to the store.
+ Does The Term Power Yoga Really Mean Anything?
I think it does, but I agree that all yoga is powerful in some aspect, so it depends on how you look at it.
+ 10 Natural Ways To Aid Muscle Recovery After A Tough Workout
Pretty much the common sense basics, but #2 sounds pretty interesting!
+ Why It's Okay To Say NO To Extreme Fitness
You don't have to be a "badass" in fitness. You can do what you love safely and healthfully while being happy and content!
+ 23 Yoga Styles Every Yoga Lover Should Know
A style for is for everyone!
You don't need to excuse yourself to anyone about your fitness or training!
+ The Pornographication Of Fitness Needs To Stop
This is so true!
+ 5 Signs You Need A Home Yoga Practice
#1 and #4 for sure! Plus a yoga studio is non-existent around here!
+ Embarrassing Gym Issue: Have You Ever Tooted During A Workout?
Hahaha, we all know this happens!
+ Can You Really Use A Pillow Case To Dry Lettuce?
My mom and I have been trying to find the best way to dry our greens. Well I think this may be the answer!
+ Put It On Everything: Study Finds Olive Oil Benefits Include Protection From GMOs
Another reason to get on the healthy oil bandwagon (like coconut oil!)
Great round-up! Check out #28!
+ Vegans Drink Almond Milk Because It's Cruelty-Free - Not Because It's Hip
I love almond milk and I don't do it to be trendy. The horrors of the dairy industry are incredible and of course our bodies were not even designed to be ingesting another animals milk. Gross!
Did you know I love vinegar! Like Katie I have a whole shelf dedicated to the stuff! I use it everyday!
+ 6 Crazy Cashew Facts Your Probably Never Knew About
My favorite nut is so damn cool!
Breakfast and nuts? I've got those covered!
Some answers as to where your cravings may come from.
+ Tired Of Nutrition Nonsense? 7 Food Rules Anyone Can Live By
Let's keep it real here!
+ Chart Shows You Where And Why Emotional Pain Becomes Physical Discomfort
Specific body parts are linked to specific emotions...interesting.
+ 14 Fad Diets You Should Absolutely Never Try
The 5 Bite Diet? The Tapeworm Diet? What the hell!? No wonder people struggle with dieting. Their so gullible!
+ Confession: I Put Myself In Danger
Wow! Do you know about rhabdomyolysis?
Blogging & Social Media:
+ How To Rebrand Your Blog
It's not has hard as you may think.
+ You vs. You: Keeping Blogging Statistics In Perspective
I've been thinking a lot about mine and I know I need to stop. It can make you feel bad and it can make you feel good. It all depends.
+ 3 Ways Facebook Insights Can help You Boost Page Engagement
I'm not giving up on Facebook just yet!
+ How To Identify Spammers Posing As Guest Posters/Advertisers
O man. This happens all the time! I usually just delete the emails now sine they all look the same really 😛
+ Don't Let Your [Blog's] Size Define You
"Don't make yourself smaller than you are!" I love that!
+ Do's And Don'ts Of Pinterest
Be a better pinner!
Other Stuff:
+ The 10 States Where Happiness Is Most Expensive
Well I'm living in #5 and will be moving to #2 in just a few weeks. Yay me! 😛
+ 5 Secrets To Perk Up Your Peepers
Have tired looking eyes? These products and tips and help!
+ I Gave My Daughter a Cupcake
About raising a vegan child.
Yea...this still wouldn't work with my hair, it's just to thin and long and blah!
Favorite Pins:
(Follow me on Pinterest – RebeccaGF666)
Muddy Buckwheaties. Omg, please check out Natalie's blog! It is so amazing and I pinned everything on there! She also is a yogi 😉
Autoimmune Protocol (AIP) Pizza. Free of allergens, vegan, paleo, without the cauliflower crust!
Cheezy Kale & Quinoa Crackers. Yummy! These look and sound so good! The perfect healthy homemade snack!
Sugar-Free Double Chocolate Vegan Ice Cream. I'm pretty sure this would soothe my post-op mouth 😉
Shortbread Gluten-Free Cereal. We'll save this for when I can crunch crunch away!
A few things I loved about my week or am grateful for:
+ Some new fun food reviews will be coming your way soon! I love reaching out to small companies to see if they would like to work with me. And hey, it always pays off and then I'm able to share healthy, allergy friendly goodies with you guys! A win-win for everyone!
+ It's been a pretty blah week so I'm not really loving it, but I'm glad my teeth are out and now I can just focus on recovering and getting past this!
+ I got some awesome new cookbooks I won in giveaways! Sweet Debbie's Organic Allergy-Free Treats and Gina's new Choosing Raw cookbook! O I am in foodie heaven!
So tell me:
+ What are your weekend plans?
+ What are your favorite cookbooks lately? Do you actually cook from them or just read them for inspiration like me?
+ What are your go-to foods that always make you feel better?
Have a lovely weekend friends! I'll see you back her on Monday for another #PowerMonday! XOXO
Stay connected: Facebook: Strength and Sunshine Twitter: @RebeccaGF666 Instagram: rebeccagf666 Pinterest: RebeccaGF666 Bloglovin’: Strength and Sunshine
Sam @ Better With Sprinkles
Thanks so much for including my post Rebecca!
Strength and Sunshine
Of course my friend! XOXO
Aw the dreaded wisdom teeth! I got one of mine out a few years back and spent a nearly a week on painkillers! Best of luck with full recovery - at least it's another great excuse to eat all the ice cream!
Strength and Sunshine
Good news is I am doing great! I think I just have a really awesome pain tolerance 😉
Kaylin @ Enticing Healthy Eating
Good use of the turmeric! I was about to say, that would definitely help with the inflammation I'm sure. Glad to hear your wisdom teeth extraction went okay. I got mine out years ago, but I had a heck of a time recovering due to some teeth with deep roots I was told...haha. Hang in there and feel better!
Strength and Sunshine
I've been doseing everything with Turmeric!
I'm really happy I'm not really in pain! Just some jaw soreness and a scary looking blown up "chipmonk" face 😉 Otherwise all is good, haha! Thank you!!! XOXO
Kaylin @ Enticing Healthy Eating
Good news indeed! I thought the chipmunk face was kinda cute. Looking at the positive I guess...ha! Oooh, more cherries and cherry juice might help with inflammation too. 🙂
Michelle @ Vitamin Sunshine
Thanks for including my coffee! Love your links- I have about 12 tabs open now that I need to read through 🙂
Strength and Sunshine
It looks sooooo good! 😉
And I love hearing that, haha!
Erin (@herheartland)
Thanks for all the great links! Happy Friday!
Strength and Sunshine
You too Erin!
Wishing you a speedy recovery! Not much is happening this weekend, just catching up on some work and reading, and meeting up with a college friend on Sunday at a local vegan restaurant 🙂 She's in town for the weekend, and I'm super excited to see her!
I just bought Terry Hope Romero's Salad Samurai on Saturday, and it's fantastic! Lots of really great dressing recipes 🙂
Have a wonderful Friday! xoxo
Strength and Sunshine
Thank you Kris! XOXO
That sounds like a fun relaxing weekend!
O I just saw that cookbook in a giveaway a few days ago! It looked great 😉
Amanda @ Diary of a Semi-Health Nut
So much link love! I don't even know where to begin, but I will say thank you for sharing my post about blogging stats! Stop the obsession because you are awesome no matter what girlie!! <3
Hopefully you can crunch on some things soon!!
Strength and Sunshine
Your so welcome Amanda! You are one awesome blogger 🙂 XOXO
O, I am not letting this surgery stop me! I need my food favorite foods and so far I don't have much pain! Yay!
Megan @ Meg Go Run
Good luck on your wisdom teeth recovery! I had mine out a couple years ago and it wasn't fun! But you are young so you will prob heal more quickly. I was 27 when I had mine out and the dr told me that was actually "old" in wisdom teeth world haha.
Strength and Sunshine
Thank you Megan!
That is late! He told me it was best to get them out now even though I could have "waited", but the younger the better!
my goodness, so many great links here! i remember getting my wisdom teeth out - i got sick from the pain killers BEFORE i had the procedure and then i was sick after. your experience sounds much better than mine. and that mash you made sounds good - going to have to try it.
Strength and Sunshine
O no! Well they gave me a few Vicadin (sp?) to take home with me, but I will not be taking them. The Advil is just fine for me and I don't really have much pain! Hallelujah!
Haha, it's just a mashed up sweet potato with cinnamon 😛
Tina Muir
Lots of good links to read here! Thanks for that! Glad the wisdom teeth surgery went well! Now you can enjoy all the ice cream you want with no guilt 🙂 I love reading recipe books for good combinations of flavor, that I can adapt into something else!
Strength and Sunshine
To bad I'm really not a sweets person, haha!
But I do have plans for making some frozen protein pops later today!
Yes! Books and recipes are so fun to look at, but much more fun when you go all out with how you want it!
Thanks for these links - esp the stuff about blogging and rebranding - always an interesting topic 🙂
My weekend plans are totally out of sync with the norm - once a month a bunch of us (who just happen to be female) get together to do something wacky, and tomorrow we're going to get a professional make-up artist show us how to apply stuff and what to choose and what not. It's cruetly free make-up and is probably something solid to learn for a tomboy like myself 🙂 We're all bringing treats and a friend has even made vegan cupcakes for me! 😀
I never cook from cookbooks - I drool a lot, then go onto the internet and print out recipes :p I've only got 1 vegan cookbook though, which might explain it.
Strength and Sunshine
I love all the blogging posts! I always am looking to learn something new too 😉
Haha, that sounds like so much fun! What a great weekend kick-off 😉 Have a blast!
I just feel weird cooking someone else's recipe. I have to make it my own and only take inspiration from others dishes!
I agree about the weirdness! I never stick 100% to a recipe and end up scribbling all over it with mods, which is another reason I don't buy pretty cookbooks - I'd be too tempted to accidentally deface them with my awful penmanship. :p
Learning is definitely the best part of all this - it never ends, and one can always be surprised by what random info comes in handy later on.
Taylor Ryan (@femininemuscle)
A great list! Glad the procedure was fast! Coming out of it is always the hardest part!
Strength and Sunshine
Thanks Taylor!
Yea, I was pretty beat for the rest of the day, but I feel pretty go today! Just swelling and soreness!