Really, sunny sunshine is such a glorious thing! One of my favorite things (obviously **see blog name**). But it really can make a week or that day so much better! On Wednesday, it was a lovely 70 degree, sunny, not a cloud in the sky. I had to just step outside for a moment and take it all in. I just laid down in the grass and stared up at the sky for a few minutes. Random moments of bliss are totally worth it!
Our first week of November is now coming to a close. Really strange! 2015 just flew and I still feel like it's May. All though I am obsessivly watching the Hallmark channel 24/7 and reveling in the Christmas movie madness! I digress, at least it's Friday and the weekend is upon us as well! Grab a mug of something warm and soothing (perhaps energizing!) and take your time browsing the Friday Finisher! xoxo
Monday: Warm Sorghum Salad with Kohlrabi, Apple, & Fennel
Tuesday: 7 Gems Of Gluten-Free Wisdom
Wednesday: Pumpkin Spice Roasted Chickpeas
Blog Posts and Links I loved this week:
Life, Mind, Body, Spirit:
+ 5 Reasons It's So Important To Stay Positive
We should all at least try!
+ Just Because You Can't See It, Doesn't Mean It's Not Real
Sometimes the most real things are forever "invisible".
+ How To Fake Being More Confident When You're Just Not Feeling It
Fake it till you make it!
+ This Is The No. 1 Ritual You Need To Do Every Day
Couldn't agree more!
The things we should loosen our grip on.
+ How To Apply Success From One Area Of Your Life To Another (That Needs It)
Take a minute and do this!
+ It Is Impossible To Stop Comparing Yourself To Your Peers
Comparison is both good and bad; but it will happen.
+ A Golden Rule To Simplify Decision Making
That is what it comes down to.
+ Why Do We Avoid Feeling Fear?
Fear lets us grow.
+ Things I Didn't Say // Cropping Out Reality On Social Media
This lovely girl is wise beyond her years.
+ 10 Ways To Change Your Story On Purpose
If you WANT something different than what you're settling for.
I really didn't even know that was a trend...
Such an elegant post on such a horrific event.
+ It Would Be Easier To Tell Half-Truths
Colleen never fails to write an awesome post on such topics!
+ Why We Feel Emotional On The Yoga Mat
You know I'm all about this topic!
+ Resuming Workouts Post Marathon
When you're no longer training.
+ #FitFam: 11 Reasons Why The Fitness Culture On Instagram, Needs To Stop
Really, you just look like a dork if you're using hastags like that in the first place 😛 Let alone your "pictures".
+ The Truth About Being A Personal Trainer
The good and the bad.
+ What You Need To Know About Hands-On Adjustments In Yoga Class
I'm all for it.
+ What Not To Do When Returning To Running After An Injury
Great, great advice!
If you can take any coffee, you are a true lover 🙂
+ Look Inside A New Photography Book That Recreates 50 Iconic Meals From Literature
Well I want this on my Christmas list!
+ Why You Might Want To Step Away From The Kale Chips
Sorry to burst your packaged kale chip bubble 😛
+ Vegan Yogurt Reviews + Buying Guide
I love when Kathy does these reviews!
+ The Best Gluten-Free Pancake Mixes
Basically an everything pancake info post!
+ At 13 I Was Given 3 Months To Life - Here's Why I Never Gave Up
Our struggles make us stronger. We were not meant to give up.
Just a quick run down on the gut!
+ Why I Stopped Worrying About Blood Sugar "Rules": A Nutrition Expert Explains
Makes so much sense!
+ Your Whole Body Guide To Natural Remedies
If you don't like medicine, like me!
Celiac Disease & Food Allergies:
+ Will Everyone Please Eat Gluten? Because You Are Literally Killing Me, Kind Of
Amen from a fellow Celiac!
To follow that up, this is probably your problem, not gluten (seriously).
Blogging, Social Media, Tech & Photography:
+ You Can't Pay Your Rent With "The Unique Platform And Reach Our Site Provides"
Bahahaha! Yes! Delete and no reply from me!
+ Your Complete Guide To Editing Photos (Without Photoshop)
I'm cheap 😛 I got no money for things I can do for free!
+ 7 Reasons I've Stopped Coming To Your Link Party
Amen to that! Some people just suck and "hosting". Many even have "dead" hosts, but they haven't posted in months and you don't know which cohosts' blog to go to.
+ 4 Questions To Ask Yourself When You Have So Much To Do You Just Can't Handle It
Sit down and take a breather!
+ 30 Days Of Writing Prompts For November
Post, post, post!
+ How To Make $204 This Month Selling Your Writing
If you need some extra cash 😛
+ Play Your Strength For A Natural Advantage
Exactly! That's what makes you stand-out!
+ Live And Write As The Younger You
That's some golden advice.
+ The Dark Side Of The Social Media Popularity Contest
Our society is so messed up and it's rather sad and pathetic.
+ 5 Ways To Make Customized Social Media Icons For You Blog In Photoshop
But if you do have Photoshop, this could be fun 🙂
+ 7 Rules Of Personal Productivity
These are some great points!
+ 18 Things You Still Don't Understand About College
Hahahaha! Yes, yes, yes!
+ What Will Humanity Look Like In 1000 Years?
Glad I won't be alive then...creepy :O
+ 9 Creative Ways To Find Books That Will Make You A Genius
A new approach to finding your next book!
+ 25 Books That Will Blow Your Mind
Some great classics in there!
+ 3-D Lashes, Jamberry, & Other Ways To Lose Facebook Friends
Bahahahahaha (I'll add essential oils and Shakology too!
Favorite Pins:
(Follow me on Pinterest – RebeccaGF666)
Slow Cooker Pumpkin Risotto. Couldn't make it easier!
Apple Cinnamon Roll Porridge with Coconut Butter Drizzle. My heart stops :O
Pumpkin Black Bean Brownies. Imagine the chewy soft goodness!
Curry Simmered Brussels Sprouts. Just making them even more delicious!
Creamy Whole Oats with Cardamom Roasted Pears. You couldn't celebrate the season more!
Beetroot Falafel. Why not make some lovely pink falafel!
Easy Korean Sticky Chicken. I could eat this for dinner every day!
Sichuan Chicken with Spicy Sesame Sauce. Okay, and this chicken dish too! Swoon!
Curried Pumpkin Patch Patties with Tahini Dressing. That is one perfect meal!
A few things I loved about my week or am grateful for:
+ My new camera lens, cast iron, and jackfruit came! Let's just say I had some cooking fun this week 😉
+ Feeling pretty good about another 3 chapter bio exam I took yesterday. I love leaving confident!
So tell me:
+ Do you ever just take random moments outside to just pause? (or am I totally weird...)
+ Random: For those of you who watch the Walking Dead, are you feeling a bit "eh" and lackluster about the season so far? I'm still just terribly confused and bored.
+ And finally, what are your weekend plans?
Stay connected: Facebook: Strength and Sunshine Twitter: @RebeccaGF666 Instagram: rebeccagf666 Pinterest: RebeccaGF666 Bloglovin’: Strength and Sunshine
Mary, Living a Sunshine Life
I love coming here and finding such an amazing collection of links every week.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Lisa B.
All of the food looks so good. I love risotto so I will have to try the pumpkin risotto.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
I haven't had risotto in so long!
Great links! I can't believe November is almost half over now. Crazy!
I haven't had a chance to start watching holiday videos, but I plan to start soon =)
Hope you are managing to stay warm!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
I'm just loving that it doesn't feel like November! Yay crazy weather!
It's been pouring for all of today and my interviewers were super dejected because they'd been hoping to show us some really gorgeous views of the lake nearby when they were driving us around. (Apparently, it's going to be up in the 70's for the rest of this week, hahaha.)
I love your picks, as always, but the "11 things I didn't say" was an especially interesting read!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Rain, rain go away! It's supposed to be rainy this week 🙁
Loved Wil Wheaton's post. Love the guy, now, but seriously disliked Wesley Crusher haha. I get these requests a lot too, albeit not from HuffPo. Still from companies that easily could pay just as HuffPo could. Often it's not even garanteed exposure, but just "the best articles will be featured on our social channels". Yeah, I'm totally going to write an article for you. And promote it.
If the weather is great, I'll totally go outside for a bit to read. Or just chill in the sun.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Seriously, it's gotten ridiculous. But I'm even learning my worth and turning down paid opps to. I know what I should be getting paid and these companies and PR agencies are so low-balling.
Steph @ The Grateful Grazer
I think I'll be reading all of this with a cup or three of coffee today! So many great links - thanks for including my digestion run-down!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Or four 😉 Hahaha! Have a lovely Sunday Steph!
Harriet Emily
Love this list Rebecca! I'm so glad you had such a great week 😀 - I also love going outside just for a pause, it's the perfect way to unwind!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
That it is! Thanks dear! xoxo
Linda @ Veganosity
LOVED the gluten-free articles. I always feel like I need to jump on that train and create GF recipes because that's what people want. Then I remember that that's not how I roll, so people can like my recipes or not, I'm not going to change what I cook to be popular. Have a great weekend!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Exactly! God bless you! Haha! And anyone who truly must eat gluten-free, will know how to swap and adapt!
Thank you so much for sharing my post! I love the posts you've shared - such a great list!! Can't wait to check some of these out!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Sure thing dear! Xoxo
Christa Brown
Wow! So many lovely things to look at on your Friday Finisher! I love this post!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Angela @ Happy Fit Mama
So many good links as usual! The carrot ginger tart sounds so good. I'm actually loving The Walking Dead this season. The cliffhanger 2 weeks ago was one of the best in many seasons.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
I don't know how I feel about that. My mom thinks it's not real. I'm not sure. But yea, last week....ugh annoying "break"!
Lisa @ Lisa the Vegetarian
I agree with you on the link party thing! It can be so frustrating to look around for link ups and find that they haven't been updated in ages.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
For some reason it seems like the bloggers that start link-ups are the ones that go MIA the most 😛
Kristin @Brokepedia
Hey Rebecca! Beautiful blog. Thank you for including my post at Lifehacker. Have a great weekend!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thanks dear! You're so welcome!
So many good links! I know what I'll be doing this after noon 🙂 And all that food looks so delicious!
Clothes & Quotes
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Perfect afternoon recharge 😉
Tara | Treble in the Kitchen
I LOVE Christmas movie marathons (especially while baking cookies!) But I don't let myself turn them on until the day after Thanksgiving 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
What!? You are missing out on an entire month of happiness!!!
Ellen @ My Uncommon Everyday
The weather has been beautiful lately - I've definitely been just stopping to soak it all in! Have a fabulous weekend!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
While it lasts, soak it all up!!! You too dear <3
Natalie | Feasting on Fruit
Bahahaha I loved the 18 things you still don't understand about college 😀 Spot on...especially the last on! And your definitely not weird in the random outdoor moments, sometimes nature just strikes me in a way that makes me linger. In fact one of my favorite ways to just be present outside is swinging. It's fun, it's childlike, it's just so peaceful to me <3
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
I know....some things in life we will never ever understand...especially the things we experience in this age range 😛
I did that in the summer! I went out to our old old old swing set and just sat on the tiny sing and swung! (it was all rusty and so old and I was kinda big for it so it didn't last long, but still. Really nostalgic!)
Melanie @ Nutritious Eats
Great, great reads! I don't know how you find ALL the good stuff every week!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
There's so much out these! I want to include it all!
Bianca @ ElephantasticVegan
Oh Rebecca, you've included so many great links this week! I just spent about half an hour reading through all of these 😀
Ah, that FODMAP thing again.. I know I should follow it but it's just so hard because lentils, chickpeas, avocado, mushrooms, artichokes, onions and garlic 🙁 It's really hard to leave those out even if it's just for a couple of weeks.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine really don't work when it cuts out everything else you eat. I would be left with...water? Hahaha!
Anna-Marie @BeautyAndTheBeets
You had me at Brussels Sprouts. <3 And this weekend I am running a half marathon in Savannah!!!!!! And it will be 80 degrees. Boo.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
I can't get enough!!!
Omg! Good luck!!! I guess those are the times the heat isn't so welcome 😛
Christine @ Love, Life, Surf
I totally take random moments to pause outside too! So many great things to read here - you always have me covered! Have a great weekend!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
I think they're the best 😉
Thanks dear, you too!
Michele @ paleorunningmomma
I wish I could tell everyone about FODMAPS - gluten sensitive or not, I think FODMAPS probably bother a lot of people! Love your Friday posts and I actually have a little time to read today 🙂 And seriously this weather - it's unreal!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
I have a horrible inkling they are causing me major problems too...but I'm not giving up apples, mushrooms, potatoes and what not :/
Isn't it!? Yay NJ! For once! Hahaha! Happy Friday reading! xoxo
Michele @ paleorunningmomma
Mushrooms make me miserable, seriously! Didn't realize it for a long time. Potatoes are good though!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
My big thing is the apples...I have a feeling they bother me..but I really could not give them up....
Susie @ SuzLyfe
Can we get an amen that even though some places have out Xmas decor for sale that we didn't totally neglect the season (yet). I'm pretty excited about twinkle lights. Now I need some cheapo editing software to help me edit the pictures 😀
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
If it were up to me, I'd make Christmas season year round! (Just with warm weather 😉 )
ipiccy and pic monkey are all I need!
Tiffany @ The Chi-Athlete
This is the best list of my life, haha! HAPPY FRIDAY, friend!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Hahaha! I'm glad 😉 Happy Friday!