Happy December, guys! What a year! Soon we'll me waving 2016 goodbye and welcoming 2017 with open arms and a great sense of curiosity, excitement, maybe trepidation? I'm not sure what 2017 will bring (and I'm still just trying to get through the last month of 2016!) It's only ever one day and one step at a time for me.
Without delay, we still have more Friday Finishers to browse leading up to the new year, so have at it! Wishing you a wonderful December weekend!
Saturday: 5 Ways To Crush Your Mornings
Monday: Cranberry Sauce Quick Bread
Wednesday: Chocolate Chip Teff Biscotti
Thursday: 24 Gifts For The Breakfast Lover
Blog Posts and Links I loved this week:
Life, Mind, Body, Spirit:
+ 7 Daily Rituals To Improve Your Mental Health
Little things you can start doing today!
+ 14 Awesome Life Milestones People Don't Celebrate, But Should
Yes! Celebrate small wins!
+ 11 Productive Things To Do When You Have Free Time
Good things to do that still keep you relaxed!
+ What Skills Take Less Than 5 Minutes To Learn?
Start doing these!
+ 13 Questions That Will Change Your Life
Are you ready to ask yourself?
+ Do You Ask Yourself This Question?
Another biggie that you've probably questioned!
+ Fear Illusions: How Your Brain Gets Hacked Every Day
Fear? Anxiety? Do you know?
+ 21 Pictures Of Food That Will Make You Slightly Uncomfortable
Bahahaha! That peach!
+ Fast-Food Loving Ivy League Professor On How To Eat Better
I definitely get what he saying...
+ Stevia Conversion Calculator
I hope this helps you all with my recipes!
+ 15 Hipster Foods Trends That Need To Die In 2017
+ Good Karma Launches Flax Milk Yogurt Line
I am DIEING!!!!
+ The Extravagant 500-Hour Gingerbread House
Can I live here?
+ The 50 Best Gluten-Free Foods & Snacks Of 2016
I beg to differ...and some of these are not from 2016 :/ I need to "re-do" this!
Health, Celiac Disease, & Food Allergies:
+ Taking Care Of Your Mental Health & 5 Things That Feel Kind On Your Mind
Give this one a read if you're struggling.
+ More Science Backs Omegas To Fight Depression
More research proving the importance of Omega Fatty Acids!
+ Is Nutritious Food Really Pricier, And, If So, Is That Really The Problem?
There are so many factors that deter healthy eating.
+ Stephen Hawking's PSA About Obesity
This is powerful.
Blogging, Social Media, Tech & Photography:
+ This Is Your Life In Social Media
And that just sounds horrible.
+ The Irrational User Cognitive Bias In Design & Software
This is interesting too!
Such a great read for all of us!
+ 15 Tasks To Get Your Blog Ready For 2017
Ready, set, go!
+ 15 Tools To Manage Your Editorial Calander
ALERT! I finally got my butt in gear and created the ULTIMATE editorial calendar for 2017! I'm so excited to finally have one all customized for me! It feels so good to finally have one!
+ 4 Things I Learned As A Blogger Working At An Influencer Marketing Platform
Great insight!
+ 4 Unique Traits Of Sharable Content
You want these in your content!
+ 3 Smart Resources That Help With Influencer Marketing
To help with the 3 big changes we face.
+ How To Increase Content Discovery On Facebook, Instagram, And Twitter
We all want our work to be seen!
Career, Business, & Success:
+ History Is Written By The Losers
That's interesting to think about!
+ 4 Simple Steps Tp Get Better At Small Talk
I like FORE!
+ 5 Things I Learned As A Designer At LEGO
Anyone else blown away but that MailChimp thing?
It should not be forced.
+ 6 Secrets To Planning Your Day Like A Millionaire
Create your own success!
+ 32 Things Everyone Has Done But Will Never, Ever Admit
Bahaha! Guilty!
+ The Surprisingly Complex Principles Of A Successful Picture Book
And you thought they were easy to "write" 😉
Favorite Pins:
(Follow me on Pinterest – RebeccaGF666)
Dark Chocolate Espresso Cake Brownies. These are to die for!
Maple Ginger Chocolate Chip Cookie Dippers. So fun and dunkable!
Spiced Persimmon Roasted Apple Smoothie. Put those persimmons to use!
Passion Fruit Champagne. This is a beverage to serve up at those holiday parties!
Vegan Garlic & White Wine Pasta with Brussels Sprouts. This is killer!
Chocolate Pistachio Cups. Move over peanut butter!
Earl Grey Waffles with Sweet Lucuma Coconut Cream. Those most beautiful (and expensive!) waffles!
Lebkuchen (German Gingerbread). These are my new favorite!
A few things I loved about my week or am grateful for:
+ Cookie season! Haha! I have so many things I need to test and bake...this weekend will be busy!
+ The countdown is on for winter break and relaxation!
+ We passed 8000 likes on Facebook! 10000 by February??
So tell me:
+ Wishing 2016 goodbye or sad to see it go?
+ What are you baking up this weekend?
Stay connected: Facebook: Strength and Sunshine Twitter: @RebeccaGF666 Instagram: rebeccagf666 Pinterest: RebeccaGF666 Bloglovin’: Strength and Sunshine
Hubby's home and I'm off to grab my cup of tea so I can sit and read through these links! SO many delicious recipes to drool over, too! ?? I, for one, am anxious to welcome 2017...I'm ready for a new year! New beginnings ❤️ We baked cookies this weekend and now Willow is requesting cupcakes! Ha!! She loves her sweets ? Hope you had a great weekend, friend! XO
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Yay! Happy reading!
I baked cookies too (and doughnuts...and ornaments!!!)
Haha! xoxo
Kerri McGrail
OMG so much goodness in one post!! As 2016 comes to a close, I am just starting to reflect on the year. Lots of studying, school work, and lots of running. It is making me excited for the upcoming year and to make a new game plan for my blog!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
I always do love the excitement of the new year! Possibility!
Oh my gosh, those recipes! I don't know where to start! Thanks for sharing a great round up! x
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Happy browsing!
So excited to see you this weekend (if you're still free)! I just saw that life milestone post and it made me feel better about my life because I've actually achieved a lot of em' (score!)!
That peeled watermelon...I have no words, haha...and that mango seed was terrifying. Why!? The ginormous gingerbread house was pretty darn amazing though!!
There are so many things I want to do with my blog, but zero time right now to do anything (sigh). Someday! (Or so I tell myself!)
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
I'm scared one day my mango pit will look like that! (Since I eat the whole thing!
I feel exactly the same way! I just don't know where to start with it all!
P.S. Do you have a rolling pin? (I went ghetto yesterday and used a molasses bottle...but we'll have an easier time with a rolling pin 😛 )
Kristina @ Ms.Modify
15 Hipster Foods Trends That Need To Die In 2017! HA! ... Have a great weekend! 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Haha! You know it's the truth!!
Patricia @Sweet and Strong
As a teacher I am counting down to winter break too, kids are crazy this time of year, lol. And I didn't bake nearly as many cookies as I wanted to last year, so I'm starting my cookie baking early and making some white chocolate oatmeal cranberry ones this weekend 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Those sound fabulous!!! I think I'll be baking at least 2-3 new cookies and treats each week leading up!
rachel @ Athletic Avocado
I cannot wait until finals are over so I can bake my life away haha! Can we just skip over the next two weeks!?
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Girl, I have a final on the 23rd!!!! It is horrible!
Susie @ SuzLyfe
So many good reads, I can't wait to catch up! I am definitely going to be using up the rest of my chickpea flour and using my cranberries this weekend. Someone suggested cranberry oatmeal cookies, which sound good to me!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Any cookie is a good idea right now 😉 Bake every combo that comes to mind!