It's almost D-Day. Meaning tomorrow it's back to "the real world". Am I ready? No, not at all. I need to pack up my few things today. basically all the clothes I brought, but didn't even wear. I've been trying to reflect on this break, but I'm still pretty damn lost. It was nice to be home and just zone-out most days though, doing the things I love. So I'm just going to give it my best shot again. That's all we can ever do with these situations. And when we have the time, we should relax and read some good stuff on the internet 😉
Monday: The Stains On My Yoga Mat
Tuesday: I Understand The "Runner's High"
Wednesday: Cinnamon Pear Oat Pancakes
Blog Posts and Links I loved this week:
Life, Mind, Body, Spirit:
+ 21 Inspirational Quotes For Every Occasion
Literally every situation 😉
+ Seeing Progress Isn't Always Easy
There are mistakes, struggles, and hard work along the way.
+ When I Am Weak, Then I Am Strong
A beautiful post!
+ Giving Yourself Permission To Grow
How have you grown from last year?
+ 15 Ways To Live A Year With No Regrets
The worst thing is regretting something!
+ 2 Life Happiness Hacks For 2015
These two things may make your year better!
+ What To Do About Fleeting Passion
Stick with it for awhile and find out if it's right for you.
Life is not like the pictures.
+ No More Absolutes
It doesn't have to be all or nothing!
It's life and you just have to enjoy it!
+ Why Life Isn't Fair And What To Do About It
Keep everything in perspective.
+ The Value Behind Words Matters
You have to mean it!
+ 5 Things About Life I've Realized This Year
This is just really awesome!
+ 10+ Reasons I Love My Ugly Body
DO NOT judge a book by its cover!
+ 5 Tips To Get Started With Fitness
Because this is many peoples goal right now!
+ What Is Ashtanga Yoga Anyway?
I would love to learn some of the Primary Series!
+ Biggest Workout Mistake Most Women Make
You have to give it all!
+ Early Morning Running Safety
So important! Please stay safe!
+ Why You Should Start A Running Habit (Even If You Think You'll Hate It)
+ 22 Really Weird And Annoying Things Runners Do
+ 14 Modern Fitness Myths Busted
Well this was a great read!
+ Clean Eating Recipes + Guides
All you need to start eating clean and whole!
+ 13 Things That Should Be On Your Grocery List In January
Stock up on all the goods!
+ 7 Gut-Cleansing Foods To Add To Your Diet
Foods for a happy tummy!
+ Meal Planing Tips For A Healthy Vegan Diet
If you need help, look at this post!
So good! Read it!
+ Four Reasons NOT To Detox This New Year
Yes! Detoxing isn't real anyway! So stop saying it!
+ Protein Found In Humans A Possible Treatment For Celiac Disease
Blogging, Social Media, Tech & Photography:
+ 5 Lies You May Have Been Told About Blogging
A very good read on what to keep in perspective.
+ Confessions Of A Blogger: Spreading Bloggie Social Media Love
Commenting is kind of a no-gain/not beneficial practice anymore.
+ 10 Things We've Learned About Social Media In 2014
Good stuff here!
+ What Is The Ideal Blog Post Length? How To Keep Your Readers On Your Site
I'm make my posts a tad shorter!
+ An Easy Way To Set Up "Rich Pins" On Pinterest
In the process of doing this right now!
+ Write On: January Blog Prompts
10 great quality ideas!
I just love the SITS girls!
+ Nice Different Ways To Define Blogging Success
We all have different goals and reasons.
+ Just Write: It's Time To Start A Journal
+ 10 Do's & Don'ts To Keep You ON Track This Year
How to effectively tackle those goals!
+ 6 Things To Do This Year
I love these ideas! They all require you to be present and enjoy life!
+ Don't Quit Your Day Job
It may not be the best idea to drop it all and go when you first start!
I LOVED this! Use what you are given! You were given it out of love and it's meant to be used!
Favorite Pins:
(Follow me on Pinterest – RebeccaGF666)
Ayurvrdic Detox Bowl {Khichari}. I just love a nourishing bowl of plant-based goodness
Spicy Sweet Potato and Green Rice Burrito Bowl. I'd marry this if I could 😉
Spicy Sweet Potato Chip + Avocado Sammie. Holy yum. I have no words for this one!
Beet & Tahini Soup with Pine Nut Za'atar. Beets and tahini really are the perfect match!
Inspiring Spaces - Bright Living Room. Now this is a beautiful space!
Chewy Almond Butter Bars. O yummy!
A few things I loved about my week or am grateful for:
+ It snowed this week! Just a little, but there is something kinda comforting about the first actual lasting snow!
+ My run last Sunday 😉
+ Also completely marking off 2 things on my wish list this year. The 10K and a media kit (which by the way is pretty bangin'!
+ I read two books this break! "Tell Me You're Sorry" and "Everything But The Posts".
So tell me:
+ Do you like the snow? (I'm talking snow, not cold temperatures.)
+ What's on the weekend plans?
See you next week! Wish me luck! XOXO (P.S. Do you still have you tree up? We do!)
Stay connected: Facebook: Strength and Sunshine Twitter: @RebeccaGF666 Instagram: rebeccagf666 Pinterest: RebeccaGF666 Bloglovin’: Strength and Sunshine
I lovelovelove that clean eating article! So many awesome recipes rounded up into one awesome and informative post! <3
The post on commenting made me kinda sad! While I definitely appreciate and love shares on my posts, I love the thoughtful comments on my blog just as much; it makes me happy to connect with other awesome bloggers! (I guess that the fact that I'm not venturing into making an fb page for my blog may contribute to this, har har. 😛 ) I wish commenting on mobile wasn't such a pain though. x_x
I know I'm definitely way too verbose for my own good in my posts, haha. (You can uh, probably tell this just from my commenting. 😡 ) I gotta work on that!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Hahahaha Farrah 😉 Commenting is weird, but again if you don't even have comment-reply enabled on your blog, you should really not care!
Linda @ Veganosity
Great links as usual! I'm specifically excited about applying for rich pins on Pinterest! I've been trying to figure that out for weeks!!! Thank you!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
I know! I never even knew what it meant!
Sonali- The Foodie Physician
Thanks for another week of great links! I always find the blogging/social media links so useful 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Enjoy Sonali!
Lauren @ Eating with a Purpose
I don't know where to start- these links all look fantastic. Thanks for sharing some great reading material for this cold, cozy weekend!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thanks Lauren! Happy COZY weekend!
Amy @ The Little Honey Bee
Thanks very much for sharing!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
There's always a few clothing items I never end up wearing when I travel, some day I will learn! ALL of these links and recipes are awesome. I'll be in the kitchen this weekend. Best of luck to you!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
It was just workout clothes and lounge clothes all break!
Being in the Kitchen is the BEST way to spend the weekend 😉
Thank you Alanna!
Nikki Vergakes
Good luck back at school!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thank you Nikki!
Lisa @ RunWiki
My twins are home sick today, so I am juggling many things, but I could sit down and read at least a dozen of the articles you've posted. I love your taste in reading! Happy Friday and weekend!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
O no! I hope they feel better! XOXO
Yes, if you get some down time! Read away! 😉 Happy Friday!
Jen @ Pretty Little Grub
I always love your Friday Finisher! So much for me to read over the weekend. Thanks for including me as well, much appreciated!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thank you Jen! XOXO
clare @ fitting it all in
Hope this semester is great! xoxo
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thank you Clare!
That salmon looks AMAZING. It looks like you had a busy week.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
It does! Haha, not this week was not busy at all! Next week will be!
jess meddows
Great link round up, as always Rebecca! I've got the blogging ones saved this time. Usually I read the fitness ones, but I'm on a blogging clean up rampage this week. 😉
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Me too! I can't get enough of the blogging posts and tips and help and EVERYTHING!
Natalie @ Feasting on Fruit
Does it not usually snow in NJ? It's pretty chilly there, so I'm a little surprised, but I guess that makes this white Christmas break even more exciting 🙂
Getting back into school's been tough this semester, but reading good things on the internet definitely helps me too so thanks for all the links!
Good luck!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
What? No, it snows! It just hasn't, haha, until this week!
SO many awesome links and pins. Definitely going to check out your blogging links- I am in the process of updating my design and need some ideas!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
This time of year is the time to take the blogging to the next level!
Christine @ Love, Life, Surf
So many great links here! Can't wait to read them. And good luck with the new semester!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thank you Christine!
Kara @ The Foodie Dietitian
Those recipe pins!! All over that sweet potato chip & avocado sandwich! Happy Friday!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
That sandwich is INSANE! Really, it's genius!
Shashi @ runninsrilankan
I have been back to the daily grind this week and I am so off my game - I hope you forget the "Real world" and enjoy this weekend at home!
No - I don't enjoy the snow - but I CONGRATS on your bangin media kit! 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Nope! I don't have the weekend left! I just tried to enjoy this week...and today, but there is too much to get done today!
Snow is so pretty! But there has to be a lot. An untainted yard of freshly fallen snow with the sun shining is one of my favorite things!
Hey! Hope you're doing amazing. Love reading these. (Thanks for the share)!!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Hope you're doing awesome too my yogi friend!
Michele @ paleorunningmomma
I should start buying salmon again, that recipe looks so good! I stopped because of the high cost of wold caught but it's so delicious and healthy, a couple of times a week would be worth it.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
My mom won't buy it right now either. It's not in season and way to expensive otherwise!
Michele @ paleorunningmomma
Lol how did I miss my article here? Thanks for including it in your awesome roundup! Have a great weekend xoxo
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
There's just so many 😉 Haha! XOXO
Emily @My Healthyish Life
Thinking about you! We just took our tree down on Tuesday and I was so sad to see it go.
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
I've been camping out in the living room with the tree all week! If it wasn't there, I'd cry! Haha!
XOXOXO Good luck this weekend in your half!
totally pinned a lot of these already, we think alike! now, enjoy your last weekend at home. zone out more, it's needed before spring craziness!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
We're all in the same community so I assume most bloggers HAVE seen these, haha!
Nope! This is my last day! No weekend!
Athletic Avocado
Thanks again for posting! Checking out all of these awesome posts out now! 🙂
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Woohoo! 😉
Susie @ SuzLyfe
Good Luck! I was wondering the same thing about the trees, haha. Great round up, as always, and thanks for some colorful pics--I'll I've got over here is white white white
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Keep them up forever! Hahaha!
I did this tabata workout this week after I saw it posted on PBF. It's a good one!
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
It looks great!
Heather @ Housewife Glamour
I like snow if I don't have to drive in it! As in... maybe on a snow day? 😉 Enjoy the last day or so you have at home and best of luck going back to school! Just keep breathing. <3
Rebecca @ Strength and Sunshine
Thank you Heather 🙂 XOXO